First-class immortal

Chapter 26: Can't be suppressed

"Taiyimen Zhenzongjian Array?"

Feng Kui exclaimed for the first time, because whenever Taiyi Gate is mentioned, it reminds people of the huge thing in Zhongzhou, with the terrible strength that has ordered Kyushu's cultivation world. The existence of Taishan Beidou is ancient and mysterious. In the past thousands of years, many amazing geniuses have all come out of Taiyi Gate.

This sect is even more rumored to be guarded by real immortal predecessors.

A huge thing, coupled with a super hard*, so in terms of resources and talents, it is beyond other sects.

Feng Kui was surprised that Zhang Ji could actually point out a sword array in Taiyimen Town with the iron pen in his hand. He could imagine that he must have a great relationship with Taiyimen. He was shocked by this. The flying sword he saw in his eyes was vivid, and the sword was awe-boding. He was forming a sword array, and then cooperated, like a torrent of swords. Like a wild beast, it rolled towards the chief wind kui with the power to destroy everything.

Feng Kui's head was shocked. In front of the magnificent sword array, Feng Kui's head was as small as a floating dust. Everyone on the empty sea was speechless and had been scared by the battle in front of him. Who would have thought that this old guy who had been living on the island of no matchless island was so fierce, and the means he used was far beyond His cultivation in the realm of golden immortals has almost increased his potential several times, which is unbelievable.

"Now it's not too late to nod and promise! Otherwise, hanging you will just kill you in vain, and I will still hold the empty door in my hand. Hand it over..."

Zhang Ji seemed to speak kindly and made a strong statement to Feng Kui. In fact, a sense of indifference came out, and he did not seem to urge the sword array to strangle Feng Kui's head. Such a large sword array was used. If it was just to strangle Feng Kui Shou, it would be of little use. Zhang Ji had been beingware of something before he spoke and persuaded Feng Kui.

Feng Kui smiled coldly and looked down to see that the sea under his feet was being impacted by the sharp sword spirit. The huge waves surged up and were immediately smashed by the sword spirit, becoming a white layer of water mist. However, a group of black sharks in the water shuttled from time to time and sometimes jumped out of the sea and cleverly avoided the sword spirit. It's very weird.

"If you have the ability, drive the flying sword to hang it. See if I'm afraid or not! Seeing that you have the ability to grab the empty door and walk out of the sea! Come here, old man!"

Feng Kui's face was cold, and the intention of killing rose. He was ready to break the kettle and sink the boat. A black air above his head had been slowly pressed down like a dark cloud, stirring the surrounding magic, like a natural disaster that was about to come.

The evil dragon wave turned into a dark evil dragon, gathering the spirit of disaster, shuttled between the sea and the sky, swimming around the wind and the head, until the nearby sky became as dark as ink, and the spirit of disaster completely covered the wind head. Zhang Ji finally couldn't stand it, and a suspicious look appeared on his face and sneered: "What a ghost trick!"

Zhang Ji waved the iron pen in his hand and commanded 99 flying swords to converge into three talents. When he was strangled, he wanted to explore first and find out.

Feng Kui's head creates a magical atmosphere, and the scene of natural disasters does make Zhang Ji have a trace of fear.

After all, one of his heads was still in Feng Kui's hand, wrapped in masculine fire, almost extinguishing all perceptions, as if he had broken contact, which was the source of his uneasiness.

I think this is the first time he has "borrowed" something. He has encountered such a big obstacle, and there are some faint signs of overturning in the ditch.

The wind's head is shrouded in the constantly converging atmosphere of disaster miasma, operating the disaster method, with the incomparable absorption of the evil dragon wave, like a mad demon, crazily gathering the spirit of disaster miasma, making this sea become a demon realm, evolving countless disaster scenes, which are also terrible.

On one side, the spirit of the disaster gathered, the purple light flashed in Feng Kui's eyes, and the evil yin and yang eyes were stimulated, and the two flames burned in his eyes. He lifted Zhang Ji's head and opened his eyes, beating the heart into it fiercely.

In the distance, Zhang Ji only felt a roar in his mind, and his face was bitter. He shouted angrily. Ninety-nine flying swords came through the air and strangled him in the miasma.

The demon spirit went straight into Zhang Ji's anger, and Feng Kui's mind clung to it and entered desperately to spy on what Zhang Ji remembered in his mind and steal his secrets.

"Little thief, if you dare to do so, I must kill you!"

Zhang Ji immediately realized what Feng Kui was going to do first. He shouted with a murderous face, broke the space and killed him.

As soon as the ninety-nine flying swords entered the miasma, suddenly a huge black dragon, ferocious and horrible, opened its mouth and swallowed it, let out a hollow roar and disappeared.

"It turned out to be a tiger made of paper, which is not comparable to the authentic Zhenzong sword array of Taiyimen. It's very strange!"

Feng Kui immediately noticed that Zhang Ji's sword array was not worthy of its reputation. He sneered and did not live in Zhang Ji's skull to search.

Soon, a evil smile appeared on Feng Kui's head, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He couldn't help muttering, "Old man, it seems that it's you who don't know the depth! How dare you give your head to me? You think I will cooperate obediently. How can you know that the young master sees through all your flaws and simply throws himself into the net! No wonder I destroyed your so-called "wisdom" and then made your broken book useless! This group of beasts look down on the young master and slaughter him as a fat sheep. It is impossible for me not to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. This is my opportunity!"

At that moment, Zhang Ji had rushed into the atmosphere of disaster, held a book in his hand, rushed over, stepped on a huge grinding wheel under his feet, and the traces rumbled over.

Feng Kui suddenly opened his eyes, held Zhang Ji's head, showed a light smile, and said calmly, "You're done!" Caught out of thin air, there was an extra dark chain in his hand, gently threw Zhang Ji's head up, and suddenly shook his arm. The chain stirred the strong atmosphere of disaster, suddenly pulled Zhang Ji's head, rolled it up one of them down, and then threw it back, and was immediately smashed, and there was no residue left.

Zhang Ji screamed in the distance. On the ancient book in his hand, many text pictures fell and disappeared. The grinding wheel under his feet swayed and fell into the sea. It turned out to be empty. He spit out a mouthful of blood and shouted manicly, "I want you to know the disadvantages of dealing with me, thief, you are done!"

Where did Feng Kui pay attention to him? Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, he suddenly turned into a Tianlong. He spit out the Tianlong real air cannon in his mouth. Taking advantage of the disorder of Zhang Ji's air machine, he suddenly rushed out. The dragon's tail threw it upside down and spit out and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The people outside were all surprised and could hardly believe their eyes. They first saw Zhang Ji show their power, sketched a huge sword array, and then rushed into the miasma, and heard a scream. Now they see it flying backwards out, and there are ten stunned people*.

Zhang Ji must be in shape, and he is already angry. He doesn't want to stay, so he waved his sword array and crushes over. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine flying swords, which are like a rainbow, are simply omnipotent. Like a storm, he wants to hang and kill him!

Feng Kui's head is not a person who is waiting to be killed. At that time, after investigation, he already knew that Zhang Ji had three heads in total, one of which was smashed by his doomsday black rope, only two. The symbol of his cultivation is the brain, which records all the "wisdom" he stole, and then simulates it with one book. In depth, there are nine heads, and one head contains more things than everything in a world. With an iron pen, any Taoism, any treasure can be faked. The simulation makes people unable to distinguish between true and false, and its power is not inferior to authentic, which is called a domineering and anti-sky!

Unfortunately, Zhang Ji is still 18,000 miles away from that level. The brain was smashed, and one-third of his strength was lost. It can't be said that the cultivation will be regressed, and the realm will decline.

So he was so angry that he wanted to hang Feng Kui's head without waiting for anything. If you can't get this empty door, you will lose your blood!

Knowing this, Feng Kui has a plan, and even if he takes risks, he will not hesitate. If he really can't escape this disaster, he has decided to open the door of immortality and hide in it by himself. I don't think these monks can break it.

It is with such a back road that Feng Kui dares to let go.

Zhang Ji's sword array came very fast. Wherever he passed, the sound was also appalling, directly breaking through the sea below, causing a huge abyss above the sea, which was impacted by the sword spirit of the sword array.

Fengkui felt that the oppression was getting stronger and stronger. He had turned into a human body, and the expression on his face became calmer and calmer, as if he was happy to die. Suddenly, he let out a roar, and the endless disaster also blew a tornado, wrapping the wind and head.

Feng Kui did his best to promote the disaster Taoist sect. The immortal and demon gossip operated ten times, and the Taoist fruit gradually expanded. The five phases of disaster suddenly fell off from the fruit of Taoism, and the nihilism began to stretch and lengthen.

The five phases of the full disaster began to manifest on the head of the wind, wrapping them all.

The endless miasma spirit rotates and clings to the five phases of disaster.

Wearing a mask, holding a black rope in his hand, wearing a black robe and ferocious boots.

As the miasma dissipated, the whole picture of the wind was shown again.

Like the arrival of the demon king, like the embodiment of disaster.

It makes people take a cold breath.

Facing the top-like sword array of Mount Tai, Feng Kui slowly raised his arms, his hands were completely wrapped by the hands of bad luck, holding the black rope of the doomsday, and suddenly shook it, and then knocked out without hesitation. The place where he passed was like the end of the coming, and everything he touched was destroyed. The other hand of Feng Kui also waved and hit a Dark fingerprints, captured in the air, and beat Zhang Ji's sword to pieces.

Not only that, the wind has not retreated, and the feet of disaster have embarked on a smooth road in the air, as if walking on the road from destruction to rebirth, unwavering.

The devil-like wind head stood proudly in the torrent of the sword array, as if it were unbreakable, making Zhang Ji's face suddenly change.

Zhang Ji's weakness could not be better known. If his master took action and killed him with a single flying sword, he could hang Feng Kui's head ten times and eight times. However, even if he used a huge sword array, he could not help the windy head at this time, and he smashed many air swords by him. All this is because the stealing method he has cultivated has to reach a very high level to show its power. Although he can achieve extraordinary escape methods, come and go without a trace, and can shape his own head. His memory is countless times more information than ordinary people, but the enemy war is weak in succession. Although the means emerge one after another, most of them are Flashy, imposing and powerless, can't stand beating.

Therefore, Feng Kui made a strange move, which immediately caught Zhang Ji off guard and had to control the sword array to hang him. Even though his cultivation level is much higher than Feng Kui Shou, but the way is different, and he can't suppress Feng Kui Shou.