First-class immortal

Chapter 27: Helpless

"Is it arrogant enough?"

Feng Kui sneered for the first time. Seeing that Zhang Jiqian's donkey was exhausted, he had no choice but to destroy a virtual flying sword that had not been shattered. Under the mask of robbery, a pair of eyes were full of destruction. Two flames rose up, and a purple light that touched the demon king shot out. He hit Zhang Ji directly, beat him like a wooden chicken, and stood on the spot, making the sword formation dangerously self-destructive.

With a scream, Zhang Ji quickly recovered with the overwhelming advantage in this realm, touched the corners of his mouth and found that his palm was covered with blood, his face became very ugly, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

"Old man, my stuff is not something you can plot. Now I know the consequences. Now it's my turn to give you a way to live, give me your other head, let me break it, and then spare your life. Otherwise, I will completely erase you today!"

Feng Kui's face behind the mask was chilling, his tone was extremely indifferent, and his fear of Zhang Ji had completely disappeared. At this moment, it seems that Zhang Ji, an old man, has nothing to do with Taiyimen. This set of shallow sword array is a fake that evolved from the sword array of Taiyimen Town, but it came from his master. At that time, he stepped on the wheel of grinding wheel under his feet, which was also a simulated name | instrument grinding wheel, but drawing a tiger is not an anti-dog. I have to say that Zhang Ji is talented and practiced the speed of stealing the heaven and stealing method, but the Taoism has never kept up. Therefore, although he was born, he has been hiding in the island, hiding his light and biding his time, and honing day and night. This time, he really couldn't resist the ** of the empty door. When he took the lead in taking action, he felt that the realm of Feng Kui's head was low. He looked up. Relying on his cultivation, he did not go against the superior way of "borrowing the world" and sent his own brain out. He didn't want to hit the thorn. He didn't know that he couldn't look good. Now, only I know the pain in my heart. An old face is full of fierce history. In any case, you have to teach Feng Kui a lesson and relieve the evil spirit in his heart. Otherwise, you will not be happy and you will not be able to breed demons, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, when Feng Kui Shou's cruel words came out, Zhang Ji had the greatest cruel heart in his life. Even if the jade was burned, he would give Feng Kui Shou a heavy blow.

The monk's desire to get away from ordinary people's money and beauty sometimes competes desperately, but it's just a breath.

"Crazy junior, let's see how arrogant you are!"

Zhang Ji's face was fierce, and the wrinkles on his old face were tightly squeezed together, and his true air surged all over his body, causing the stagnant sword array to suddenly change. Unexpectedly, he began to reorganize, arrange directions, and combine one after another. The speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge Qi sword, integrating Zhang Ji's own true spirit. , which once again changed Feng Kui's face.

Pointed to by the huge sword, Feng Kui's head finally felt a trace of piercing chill, and his whole body was uncomfortable. He shook the doomsday black rope in his hand and carried the atmosphere of disaster, making the doomsday black rope grow like a vine. The inverted thorn on it became particularly sharp, beating in the air, cracking, stirring the clouds in the sky and could not fly. Turn and immediately turn black.

Zhang Ji gave a shout, and the huge air sword has rumbled through the air.

Feng Kui's doomsday black rope also changed to the limit, beating away against the air sword.

The two came into contact in the air. One was as white as crystal, and the other was as dark as thick ink. Immediately, black air burst into the air. The air was subjected to a strong impulse and suddenly exploded around, forming a huge ripple, pushing the sea water, and immediately set off huge tsunamis, rowing mountains and seas. Generally, it sweeps in all directions.

Feng Kui's head trembled all over. Under this sudden contact, he finally knew the power of this air sword. One arm seemed to be suddenly broken, and it was no longer possible to exert force by the violent impact.

Zhang Ji was also uncomfortable. After losing a head, he spit out a mouthful of blood. Suddenly, his body was really flowing and he couldn't help trembling all over.

"Zhang Ji's realm has been repulsed. What's going on?"

"Who on earth is that boy, and the realm of Taoism can have such combat power?"

"I have little hope!"

"Zhang Ji is not a paper tiger."


There are many comments about watching the battle, all of which are particularly shocked by Zhang Ji's beating realm. Only a few people who know Zhang Ji's details know what a disaster it is for Zhang Ji to lose a head. Some secretly sneer and some regret Zhang Ji, which are different.

Feng Kui had no time to take care of him. A huge sword in front of him was still cut over. His doomsday black rope was actually beaten back. Feng Kui hit 18 black fingerprints in a row, and he still couldn't shake the trend of killing with this flying sword. Finally, he understood that Zhang Ji had killed him and left no way for himself at all. The killer has a strong intention to break the net.

The man was angry and splashed five steps of blood, and he was an old man with a high level!

Feng Kui looked up to the sky and roared. The doomsday black rope in his hand punched out again, tightly wrapped around the giant sword, and then grabbed the end of the black rope with both hands and suddenly shook his body back and retreated out. With this backward momentum, he suddenly launched a dragon attack, and then he ate the huge sword and shot back like a bullet. Go and sprinkle some blood in the air.

After annihilating the stroke, the sword was eroded by the doomsday black rope and the corruption dissipated, but the wind was really hurt. I only felt the violent shock of the internal organs shifted, and the heart was like a big stone blocked. As long as one mouth, it would bleed.

Moreover, the bloodline has been broken a lot, and the breath is disordered and embarrassed.

However, with this amazing blow, Feng Kui's head quickly disappeared from the sight of a group of spectators, which made those who had not given up their heart angry and chased them quickly.

Zhang Ji was unable to fight again. Not to mention the heavy losses, he also became another stepping stone. He fell weakly into the sea, waved an iron pen in his hand, and drove away the besieged black shark, which was even more embarrassed.

People who are good at escape quickly chased far away and scrambled to go. But one person is different, but it is an exception. At the end without delay, there is a smile on his face, which is both good and evil, which makes people unable to see through, but the temperament in his chest is extremely obvious. This man is a white-hearted thief, and the strong man around him has disappeared. At this moment, he is left behind alone, like the yellow finch behind the mantis, with a full smell.

Suddenly, Bai Buchian's eyes condensed, and he only saw a sudden black whirlwind blowing above the sea in front of him, and even screams.

"What a strong murderous spirit, what's the point of this boy! It seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact, the edge is hidden. It's a genius who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger! I haven't seen such a wonderful young man for a long time. Unfortunately, I can't bear to give up that mouthful of fat meat, and I can't say that I'm going to erase a new star in Kyushu's Xiuzhen world!"

Bai Buchian sighed and sighed and saw a bloody color in front of him. A corpse was wrapped up by a dark chain. With the shaking, it made a crackling explosion and was strangled to pieces. I don't know how many people have died.

"Desire, the single-plank bridge in the abyss, if you dare to step on it, you must have the awareness of being swallowed up by the abyss!"

Bai Buxian carried his hands on his back, as if he were walking leisurely.

At this moment, Feng Kui's head is being besieged by more than ten people. His eyes under the mask of robbery are full of blood red. The doomsday black rope does not know how many people have been hanged, but a shadowy illusion has appeared in front of Feng Kui's head. He really doesn't have much strength to fight any more. What he is doing now is just to do. The last madness before.

In his current state, he has been unable to open the door of Longevity. Zhang Ji's last blow hurt him so much that it was beyond the worst expectation of Feng Kui's head and destroyed his last fantasy.

This scene is just like when I was a mountain thief in Tianmao Mountain, there was no way to survive. But at that time, at least Liu Xizi saved him in the autumn of life and death.

Feng Kui tasted madness at the end of despair. What he was afraid of was death. If he could not die, he firmly believed that he could get everything he wanted.

So he rushed and did the most cruel bombardment, beating these robbers into a pool of blood and meat again and again, and were beaten and spitting blood again and again.

The tragedy of death in the battlefield is nothing more than that.

Death is not slow at all!

But at this time, on the distant sea, a huge sea ship was coming through the waves. In the distance, a clear flag had been raised and was extremely majestic.

The Royal Flag of the Great Rui Kingdom!

Wanthage boat!

Qin Sijing finally took action at this time.

At the top of the Wanhua boat, Mengmei, Meng He and Menglan quietly hung in the air, with lightning and thunder above his head, and the electric light danced dangerously beside him.

"Who dares to hurt the royal family of Darui, let's kill it!"

Qin Sijing's cold voice sounded, followed by a shocking thunderbolt, which hit the group of robbers who besieged the head of Feng Kui back repeatedly and his face was black.

One by one, the red-eyed pirates wanted to rush up again and immediately solved the precarious wind. They grabbed the empty door and left, but they felt a huge pressure coming. Three rich and beautiful women stepped on their feet and thundered from the sky, like electric mothers. They waved their hands and the lightning forced them back.

Then he heard an angry voice and said, "The elder of Lei Yunzong is here. If you dare to take another step forward, you will definitely kill you, and the divine form will not remain!"

The words were like the law, and immediately shouted like a headbang. A dry island was full of unwillingness, so I had to retreat to one side.

May I ask, who are the two most invlable existences in Leizhou? That is a royal family of Lei Yunzong, but if he is angry, he will die. Now the two have gathered together to save one person. Who dares to take a step forward is to dislike the long life.

At this moment, even the most confident white face has a layer of fierceness, which is very annoying.

But Dufeng Kui's heart knows best that the people who come are not to save him at all, but still a group of robbers, a group of tough-line thieves.

But what else can he do at this moment?!

Wisely protect yourself, and then move forward, the so-called shame and then bravery is nothing more than this!

So Feng Kui glanced at the folding fan on the side of the ship and smiled. Seeing that she made a gesture of invitation and the expressionless face on her side, he looked up to the sky and smiled: "It's really time to come!"

Dragging his extremely tired and scarred body, Feng Kui finally couldn't support the manifestation of the five phases of the disaster. The air of the miasma dispersed, and the five phases returned to his mind.

Touching the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Feng Kui grinned: "It's really fate! We meet again!" In the tone, there is a trace of ridicule and self-deprecating.

Qin Sijing raised her eyebrows and came over gently holding Feng Kui's head beside him and whispered softly, "You have promised me to help me get back the thing on Wuxiang Island. A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with. Don't Mr. Feng remember? So, this is called causal connection. The cause you planted has not yet come out, so we met to end this cause and effect. I'm looking forward to Mr. Feng recovering from his injury and helping me pick up things! Well, I even brought the fox Ali for you. Do you think I've done enough?

Feng Kui laughed and said, "How can it be said that it is thoughtful! It's perfectly seamless." After this smile, it is full of depression, full of the embarrassment of the end of the road!

Qin Sijing smiled proudly, let go of Feng Kui's head, and commanded the fox Ali to come and help Feng Kui's head.

Ahu Ali's face was full of sadness, holding Feng Kui's head and said softly, "Sir, we don't want to be such a person!" As if crying.

The endless helpless sadness made Feng Kui's face tense and speechless.