First-class immortal

Chapter 19: If you can

"She gave me happiness!" Feng Kui's mind circled this idea and looked at the faint golden light in his heart, like a small flower growing in a barren land, cute, warm and precious. Feng Kui felt that he suddenly had an inexplicable power. The look in his eyes had calmed down, and in the blood color like precipitation, suddenly a clear and firm light, a unique light of hope. He felt a sweet spring flowing in his heart and felt that everything was changing. He also felt that he had experienced the madness of killing, and his heart immersed in endless murder began to retreat from the cruel and cold cocoon shell and gradually restore the truth. His heart finally calmed down completely. At this moment, his consciousness was finally liberated and freed from the invisible shackles left by the killing. So the blood in Feng Kui's eyes began to retreat little by little, and the sharp light and the pain on his face subsided little by little, the ice and snow were released, and finally there was no trace left. At this moment, in his eyes, his deep pupils were full of gentle colors, and a light smile appeared on his face. The wind and clouds were light, as if he were experiencing a comfortable thing.

Can face everything peacefully. His mood has improved again. Peace has surpassed calmness, because there is more breadth in it.

In Feng Kui's mind, the shadow of Binglan flashed, and then his eyes became deep, like a bottomless cold pool, on the edge of freezing, clear and cold, deep and pure. The eyes represent the heart, and so does his heart.

The counterattack of the son of Dao has been fully launched, and other killing spirits in its field have been almost completely slaughtered by it, but its power has not been increased as expected, and the host's control has not yet been fully grasped. As the king of the spirit of killing, the son of killing is the master of the star domain. Although its spirituality is not as profound as its realm, such a threat is enough to attract its attention and kill. After all, killing is the essence of killing the son of Taoism.

Feng Kui Shou is also ready to fight back.

The blooming bloody roses continue to emerge, impacting the essence of the son of the killing, and his consciousness is no longer sticking to the sea of knowledge. Now it has been impacted out, integrating with the trapped soul and starting a strong and powerful counterattack. His counterattack is neither crazy nor irritable, but it is everywhere, looking very calm and orderly, as if it has changed from a group of mountain thieves to a team of well-trained regular troops, advancing and retreating well and cooperating meticulously, making the victorious sky tilted again.

This kind of competition looks boring and boring. In fact, there are many crises and there is no need to make mistakes. Moreover, Feng Kui's reckless murderous spirit of devouring the son of Taoism undoubtedly buried a dangerous hidden danger for himself.

Time keeps passing, no matter how fast or slow it is, it is a cruel process for Binglan. In a blink of an eye, 20 days passed, and these short 20 days left extremely heavy and clear traces on her body. Binglan's anxiety, eagerness and expectation appeared on her face all the time, just like the haggard and paleness on her face, which could not be more obvious. She doesn't remember how many stars they have traveled and how far they have advanced in the star domain. Binglan firmly believes that as long as Feng Kui's head is still alive, she will be able to feel the ray of happiness she placed in Feng Kui's heart. Only when Feng Kui's head dies will the wisp of breath dissipate.

But the fact that there is no sense has undoubtedly pushed the reality to the extremely cruel side. Sometimes in her mind, the idea that Fengkui's head is dead emerges uncontrollably, and even she desperately suppresses it and has no way not to produce it. Every moment, her tears can't help flowing down. In her life, there are not many people who really treat her well, and all of them have died without exception.

"You said that my obscurity will not affect you, you said..." Bing Lan couldn't help muttering, and she held the wisp of thought in her heart that Feng Kui was still alive. Persistence is scary and awe-inspiring. She firmly believed that Feng Kui could survive. She would never admit that it was a miracle, because the miracle was too slim, and she just thought so simply and firmly. Zhao Lingyue's face was also very ugly, pale and cold. The two people were covered with blood, and they were no longer detached and calm, and looked embarrassed. The blood has their own, there are vacuum demons, and even most of them are demon kings. The danger in the depths of the star domain is frightening. She doesn't know how long such a aimless search will last and how long she can last. Zhao Lingyue is calm and rational. Her limit is only ten days. Ten days later, she can no longer guarantee that she can retreat from the hands of a demon king. At that time, she will retreat, but she really can't bear to extinguish Binglan's hope. She has already touched her. From her, Zhao Lingyue seemed to see the light spot of Feng Kui's head, and the face that was always unbridled and hatred in her eyes became blurred little by little. She suddenly found that she couldn't remember the appearance of Fengqi, so she gently said to herself, "I'm waiting for your revenge..." Her voice was very soft, without any coldness and pride, but only she could hear it, but it was very charming.

In a blink of an eye, eight days passed. Binglan and Zhao Lingyue sat on a high ground of a snow-white star, pale and embarrassed, and the shocking blood red and thick fishy smell on their bodies were a little unbelievable. They met the devil again, not one head or two, but a group. It is really the greatest luck to be able to escape from the chase. Zhao Lingyue and Binglan were seriously injured, almost fatally. In particular, Binglan, the palm of the demon king, almost completely shattered her weak shoulders. Her internal organs and countless meridians have been completely displaced and broken, and they are almost dying. However, she only exclaimed in pain at first, and finally on the way to escape desperately, she didn't even frown, but looked more haggard, which made Zhao Lingyue a little moved, and her heart was full of intolerance.

At this moment, they were finally able to take a breath. Binglan's injury broke out little by little, and her will began to break down and entered the edge of collapse. She, who was overwhelmed, had fallen into a brink of coma. Zhao Lingyue gently hugged Binglan and put her head on her leg. The elixir used to heal and recover has long been exhausted, and they have run out of food, and every corner of the depths of the star field is full of unpredictable dangers, extremely unsafe, and overly powerful vacuum demons may appear at any time. They can't stay in one place for too long, which is too short to recover much qi. Two living people stayed in one place for too long in the depths of the star domain, and the final result was only one, that is, the siege of a terrible number of vacuum demons. Binglan still maintained the last trace of sobriety. Her eyelids moved slightly, which was extremely difficult. She glanced at Zhao Lingyue with dim eyes, and her tone was full of sadness and hope, "Will he never come back?"

Looking at Binglan now, Zhao Lingyue's heart is very confused. Her injury is no lighter than Binglan. She couldn't answer Binglan, but she had to answer. Zhao Lingyue smiled rarely, and the smile bloomed on her tired face, which was beautiful and amazing. Then she whispered, "You will see him again!"

Binglan smiled and seemed to be very satisfied. Her smile was very sweet, and then whispered, "There is no one in the world who is always lonely!" Binglan slowly closed her eyes as if she were asleep, but between her eyebrows, she would move gently from time to time, as if smiling. Binglan was finally overwhelmed and fainted. Zhao Lingyue looked around and saw nothing but a vast expanse of white, except the gently undulating ground and a layer of milky sand on the ground.

However, her face became unnatural little by little, and a trace of blood slid down the corners of her mouth, and then dripped. However, she was completely indifferent, and her eyes became cold, and her breath rose little by little, full of vigilance.

The great danger is approaching.

Zhao Lingyue gently put the ice orchid on the ground, then slowly stood up, walked to the top of the hill, and looked forward. She knew that the vacuum demon was coming. A trace of despair appeared on her face, and the pale color became more obvious. On her peerless beauty, a layer of weakness rose.

Hundreds of vacuum demons, led by three-headed demon kings, have smelled their breath and are approaching at a very fast speed.

Binglan, who is in a coma, is dreaming of a beautiful dream. She dreams of a fateful country in her own fantasy, beautiful and real. However, she didn't know who lived in such a beautiful country, and she didn't see anyone! The country of fate is beautiful and lonely.

Zhao Lingyue is laughing. She didn't expect that her life would end in this way. If she had foreseen the way and reason for her death, she would never have considered the current situation and reason.

Fate is always difficult to imagin.

Zhao Lingyue is ready to die together. If she becomes Yuanying, she may still have hope to escape, but unfortunately she is still so short of the front line, so now she has no better way out except to choose to pull a few vacuum demons and die together. In the current situation, running away is childish like a low-level joke. For the proud Zhao Lingyue, it is extremely humiliating to be pierced in the back.

Zhao Lingyue has sacrificed her own destiny and is ready to die together. However, she suddenly stopped, because the large vacuum demon suddenly condensed in her sight, which looked extremely stiff and motion-moving. At this time, she felt a stronger, cold and cruel breath that was unimaginable. Feeling the existence of such a breath, Zhao Lingyue's heart was completely cold, and the tragic smile on her face became more and more obvious, and finally made a sound. The voice of despair.

From the moment this breath appeared, she knew that her fate had been doomed, and the original plan to die together had come to nothing. She looked at her own golden elixir, and an idea suddenly came to her mind: "The vacuum devil will eat people!" The cold thoughts solidified her laughter. Then she took a look at Binglan, who had been unconscious, and saw a confused and sometimes charming smile on her face. Her face gradually became determined and whispered, "I have regret in this life, and I will continue in the next life!" I, Zhao Lingyue, will not die in obscurity... If I can, I will take away a world... Bury me!"

Her words are full of desolation and madness, but they are not doubtful.