First-class immortal

Chapter 20: Shake Hands and Smile

A desolate wind blew untimely, messing up Zhao Lingyue's hair. There was a miserable howling in the wind, and there was a faint fishy smell. The expected thunderous blow did not come. The change occurs in Zhao Lingyue's eyes. There was a shocking scene in her sight. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she might never have believed it. She saw a sudden chaos in the vacuum demon, and a roar and roar came from time to time. The originally dense vacuum demon quickly dodged in all directions, and at the same time, the heartbreaking screams began to sound. A mass of blood mist and limbs were thrown away, which looked extremely dazzling. It was not until the vacuum demons distanced themselves that Zhao Lingyue could see the situation clearly. In her sight, a blood shadow appeared, with strange and enchanting blood-colored roses surging all over her body, each of which was the size of a bowl, constantly flying up and down around the red shadow. The murderous spirit around this red shadow is really frightening. There is no weapon in his hand, but it just rampage in the vacuum demon. However, all the vacuum demons he encounter is fiercely caught by him and then torn apart. Due to layers of murderous isolation, Zhao Lingyue can't see the red shadow itself at all. Her eyes only have shocking pictures that make people nervous, bloody and brutal.

She didn't know how powerful the red shadow was, but she found that where the red shadow passed, the vacuum demon looked extremely messy, but did not dare to resist and escape. Even the demon king was no exception, and she looked particularly frightened. She just watched the same kind being torn apart one by one. The power of the red shadow seems to be endless, and it is like a non-stop killing machine, constantly passing by one vacuum demon, and then tearing it in half. The action is terrible and fast, and it does not stop, as if it is immersed in incomparable happiness. More than once fighting with the vacuum demons in the depths of the star domain made Zhao Lingyue deeply know that the overall strength of the vacuum demons here is much more powerful than the vacuum demons they usually hunt on the outskirts of the star domain, and powerful magics and magic weapons emerge one after another, and the body is more tenacious. It is difficult to rely on the strength of the body alone. The tearing, not to mention such a high frequency, is beyond imagination. Zhao Lingyue was even more shocked to see that the red shadow caught one of the demon kings and tore it open without hesitation. The action did not stop, just like tearing a page of paper.

Seeing this, Zhao Lingyue's heart has already sunk to the bottom. From the moment she saw that the red shadow began to slaughter vacuum demons, she had the idea of escaping, because she firmly believed that no matter who met such a group of vacuum demons, it would be a tricky thing and would never distract him. This is her opportunity. But she didn't expect such a scene, pure unilateral killing, beyond imagination and unexpected. She suddenly found that her situation was very bad. She couldn't imagine herself being torn in half. Her heart has been cold, because she has found that her most fierce death blow can't help the monster hidden in the shadow of blood. And her end - in her eyes, she has seen the same end as the vacuum demon.

A sense of powerlessness mixed with unprecedented despair came to my mind.

Zhao Lingyue, who was confused, did not find out that at some point, the unconscious Binglan had woken up and looked at the red shadow with tears on her face. Binglan cried silently and couldn't take her eyes off the shadow of blood. She didn't know whether she was crying or laughing, and her fingers were twisted together one by one.


Binglan's muttering voice finally woke up Zhao Lingyue. Zhao Lingyue had heard Binglan's slight muttering, and her face changed dramatically. When she looked at the red shadow, her eyes were already full of complexity and sighed, "Is this your revenge?" We already know who the red shadow is. She fully believes in Binglan's judgment. She said bitterly, her whole body had relaxed, and even the golden elixir was slowly put away. She was ready for what would happen next, giving up resistance and waiting for the killing. At this moment, a feeling suddenly came to her mind that she owed the wind, and it was time to repay.

It didn't take much time, and the vacuum demons have been slaughtered. When the red shadow tore open the last vacuum demon, the red eyes after the bloody rose had already looked at Zhao Lingyue and Binglan. The cold, cruel and desperate eyes made Zhao Lingyue and Binglan shudder and paler.

Is that still Feng Kui's head?

This big question appeared in their minds at the same time. They feel that the reality is too cruel to accept, but they can't escape.

A red shadow flashed, bringing a gust of fishy wind, which has reached three feet away from Zhao Lingyue and Binglan. Zhao Lingyue took a few steps down, and her pace seemed a little difficult. Without saying a word, she quietly helped Binglan up from the ground. Throughout, the red shadow did not move, but the murderous atmosphere all over his body and the bloody roses that kept blooming in the murderous atmosphere revealed the breath of killing and death all the time, which made people despairing breath of death. In those bloody eyes, the same bloody roses appeared, shining with shining blood, staring closely at Zhao Lingyue and Binglan, which was constant and terrible, and the blood rays seemed to penetrate their bodies.

"Brother Feng, is that you... I knew you weren't dead!"

A gentle and happy smile appeared on Binglan's haggard face, fixedly looked into the eyes of the red shadow, walked forward step by step, and approached little by little. At this moment, she felt the breath of happiness very clearly, and her heart was full of determination.

"He has become a demon, Sister Binglan, come back!"

Zhao Lingyue is undoubtedly calm. She understands what a huge danger she is facing at this moment and shouts anxiously to stop Binglan's movements, but it doesn't work.

Binglan was as enchanted. She turned a deaf ear to Zhao Lingyue's words and approached little by little. Bloody roses have become more enchanting and gorgeous, the frequency of blooming and withering has been accelerating, and the dangerous breath has increased to the same extent. The feeling of despair of death almost makes people's heart beat. Only those eyes are as constant and unchanged as ever. Binglan firmly and slowly kept approaching the red shadow. When she walked straight to the distance of three feet, she could no longer move forward. Her body swayed and was under terrible pressure. Her smile was still gentle and happy, and she looked at the red shadow and said, "You are still alive, right? If it's not right, kill me..." Her mind has never changed since Feng Kui regarded her as a trusted friend.

A slight fluctuation suddenly appeared in the constant blood eyes, and a trace of struggle finally flashed in the blood light, but it flashed away. This little change failed to escape Zhao Lingyue's eyes. Zhao Lingyue suddenly stepped forward and shouted, "Feng Kui Shou, if you still have a trace of reason, don't forget your enemies, they are still alive... Don't you want revenge?"

Red Shadow's eyes suddenly became fierce and shaky, and suddenly shook. It had arrived in front of Zhao Lingyue. A powerful palm had clamped her throat and kept making a sound of bone joints. Zhao Lingyue's face was full of pain, but her eyes gradually showed indifference and pride. She stared at those bloody eyes, becoming more and more fierce and arrogant. Her eyes were full of disdain and sarcasm, which made the big hand grip tighter, harder, sharper nails, and even into her skin.

She has never given in, and her eyes have never changed.

Zhao Lingyue didn't know how long she could hold on. She looked at each other and found that her blood was getting cold, and the feeling of crazy killing kept emerging in her mind, and the desperate darkness. Maybe she will die in this hand the next moment, but at this moment, she did not retreat.

Binglan's smile has turned into crying, unconscious crying, but very sad, desolate and sobbing silently.

Red Shadow let go of his hand and suddenly fell to the ground. Zhao Lingyue finally breathed a sigh of relief and said in shock, "His will is too strong!" She couldn't care about her terrible situation. She took a few steps to Binglan's side and held the crumbling Binglan. Her tone was full of the meaning of the rest of her life after the disaster. She said happily, "Feng Kui Shou, I'm coming back!" Binglan, who was about to collapse, looked at Zhao Lingyue in a daze and didn't seem to understand what Zhao Lingyue said. After a long time, she turned her head and looked at Feng Kui's head. After a long time, a smile appeared again and she was full of surprise and said, "He is really coming back..." Then, Binglan fainted again.

The murderous spirit around the red shadow converge little by little, revealing the bloody wind head inside. When he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and bloodless. He immediately found himself not far away, and his eyes were staring at him attentively. It's Zhao Lingyue's eyes. Feng Kui immediately knew, and then looked away. Seeing the coma Binglan beside Zhao Lingyue, there was an indescribable uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Zhao Lingyue and Binglan were extremely seriously injured, and Feng Kui, who woke up, found it at a glance. But he couldn't say a word, but felt a bitterness in his throat, as if there was a lot of sand stuck.

After a long time, Feng Kui finally asked, "How long has it been?"

Zhao Lingyue's expression was very plain, with a gentle atmosphere of a woman, and she said softly, "29 days!"

Feng Kui was shocked and relieved when he thought about it. A trace of surprise appeared on his stiff face and said, "Are you looking for me?" In fact, without asking, he already knows the answer. In his heart, there was a warm current, a long-lost familiar feeling.

Zhao Lingyue glanced at the unconscious Binglan and said softly, "Binglan has always believed that you are still alive... Welcome back!" Unexpectedly, Zhao Lingyue stretched out her hand and looked at Feng Kui's head seriously, showing her sincerity. It was a hand full of scars. Looking at this hand, Feng Kui was stunned, and his heart seemed to have been stabbed fiercely. He never thought that such a hand would be Zhao Lingyue. He didn't dare to associate too much, but he already knew how much they had suffered and how much danger they had experienced in order to find him. He gently held this hand, a warm and soft hand. Feng Kui's thumb gently rubbed the scars on the back of his hand without saying a word, and the pain in his heart continued to increase.

This is the second time Feng Kui held her hand. For the first time, it seemed to be a long time ago. At that time, he didn't even seem to touch her skin. This time it's completely different. After a long time, Feng Kui let go of his hand and lowered his head slightly and said, "Zhao Lingyue, I owe you..."

The silent smile on Zhao Lingyue's face bloomed, relaxed and natural. The corner of Feng Kui's eyes was inadvertently swept away, and he was so surprised that his heart jumped wildly and almost rushed out of his heart.

He has never seen the epiphre, but Feng Kui has remembered the epiphreanse smile. Every detail is clear and he can no longer forget the beauty that makes people unable to breathe. Feng Kui thought that even if he spent his whole life, it would be difficult to forget.

[The battle of immortals and demons is about to begin, which requires a large number of dragon sets, blood magic, Shura, bone magic, idle cultivation, and disciples of various sects, etc. If you are willing, you can leave a book review message, and I will take it seriously!]