First-class immortal

Chapter 113: Awakening

Time flies, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye. In these three months, Xiaogan's cultivation has reached the realm of immortals, and all methods have returned to the original. Compared with the past, it is a difference between clouds and mud, leaping from grass and becoming kings. For a month, the ancient totem stonehenge was still running, and outsiders could no longer see the situation inside. Only occasionally there was a violent roar, which made the whole Shilinfeng shake uncontrollably, so that everyone knew that Feng Kui was in it and had not yet died.

Three months has been beyond everyone's expectations. No one expected that Feng Kui could persist in the Stonehenge for so long and still not die.

Tianhu escaped the battle with Feng Kui, but failed to escape the challenge of Bai Xiaoyi. In that battle, Bai Xiao also completely regarded Tianhu as a venting box and the object of **, venting the anxiety and worries in his chest for a long time. The starry sky and time dragged down the heavenly tiger, exhausting its strength, and finally being trampled under Bai Xiaoyi's feet and beaten severely. At the beginning of the duel, Tianhu did not pay attention to this opponent, until he was shrouded by Bai Xiaoyi's eyes and fell into the mud of time sluggishness. He finally felt the threat, burst out of powerful power, rushed out of the shackles and attacked Bai Xiaoyi. However, he had lost the opportunity. Instead, he was cut by Bai Xiaoyi's knife of the years. Then Bai Xiaoyi suddenly became powerful. Under the pressure of the galaxy, the stars fell. He was completely pushed into the abyss of failure. He had extremely powerful power and exquisite moves, but he could not exert it and fell into a huge passive. He was suppressed by Bai Xiaoyi for three days, and finally suffered bruises all over his body, and his flesh and blood were blurred. He lowered his head and finally admitted defeat. In fact, if Bai Xiaoyi used time to crush him, he would lose faster and more thoroughly, but Bai Xiaoyi chose this long way, because only by devoting herself to the battle can she temporarily forget the wind and calm down.

Unbeatable, among the young generation of the ancient totem clan, one of the most powerful beings, was defeated at Bai Xiaoyi's feet, bowed his head and admitted defeat, and lost his temper at all. This is a result that no one has thought of, including Tianhu itself, which has never thought of from the beginning. He became Bai Xiaoyi's first slave and became her servant.

In addition to shame, Tianhu couldn't raise his head and was full of resentment, but he did not regret it. Even his family just watched it coldly and did not want to change his fate at all.

There is an old saying in the ancient totem: fate is in your own hands. Tianhu chooses or has to choose such a road, which is where his fate lies. All causes and effects depend on himself. What they regard as the only thing they regard is strength. Simple and direct, better than anything else.

After that war, Bai Xiao was also happy, and his realm was improved again. He also reached the realm of the immortal king, survived the disaster of returning to the yuan, and envied others.

Every day, Xiaoang will come outside Stonehenge for a period of time, quietly observe, experience the essence, and then fight with his father, constantly prove and improve himself. Bai Xiaoyi and Feng Caier have completely calmed down and are no longer anxious and boring waiting. Because more than three months have passed, they have confidence in Feng Kui's first life, and they are no longer afraid of this stone array that has killed the giant Tianzun. They believe it, so they feel at ease.

And every part of the body in the stone array, bones, muscles, skin, internal organs, blood, and even hair, all give birth to holy light, crystal clear, like a holy country. His body is like a world, full of divine power, and his body is also like the incarnation of three thousand avenues. The stone array is like a melting pot, completely blending his body with the essence of the power of the road, regardless of each other, as if it were natural. Feng Kui's body is perfect and can be called the body of a fairy god. When he raised his hand, the power movement was to break the void and cause a space explosion. And more potential of his body was stimulated, and the divine blood began to wake up. In his heart, he felt countless causal cycles, and in the depths of his thoughts, there were some vague things, as if he wanted to see the sun and return to the sun. He knew that he was about to wake up and touch the cause and effect of his previous life. This is what Huarong wants and what Sister Yi expects. Suddenly, deep in his thoughts, there seemed to be a sound of fragmentation between the emptiness of reincarnation. Many memory fragments emerged. Countless fragments of the world appeared in his mind, many things, and the dusty memories of his previous life were unraveled and he saw them. Among these fragments, he saw the sea god woman in the closed deep sea, the flower face imprisoned in the garden, and the sister locked in the divine mountain. His face was sometimes pale, sometimes blood red, and sometimes iron blue.

The cultivation of the previous life is gone, but the memory of the previous life has awakened. One old friend after another, one enemy after another, beautiful, cruel, everything came to his mind. All the unfinished things and regrets of his previous life are placed on himself in this life. He finally knew that in another world, someone was waiting for him and needed him to save him, and he also realized how powerful his potential enemies were. Tianzun? In the eyes of the gods who often tear up a world, Tianzun is like a trivial dust, not even a dust.

Feng Kui muttered to himself: "In this life, this life is like a previous life. My fate is beyond reincarnation and has never changed. The people I love and the people I wait for, and the enemies, I finally came back. One day, you will face me again, either happy or desperate. I haven't changed, but I must surprise you. Don't worry, I won't let anyone down. Because I am the head of the wind. The tenth son of the dragon, outside the reincarnation of the heavens..."

At that moment, his ideas were broken one by one, divided into two, and then divided again, and each one grew at an incomparable rate. His sea of knowledge was expanding and his ideas were sublimating. His thoughts set off a spiritual storm, and the unstoppable combinations formed a crystal country, tall and sacred, able to tolerate everything, like the royal palace, like the divine palace, like the habitat of domination. The god-destroying arm, which was constantly honed by him, clicked, and the idea was integrated into it. The magic lines, charms, arrays, and unstopable circulation appeared to be deeper and deeper, with an impeccable taste. The giant sword was even more refreshed. There was always a layer of holy flame burning on the sword body, and the blade was directed to cut everything.

The crystal kingdom in his mind has stabilized. In all directions, there are four huge divine swords, breaking the true sword, the ascending innocent sword, the vertical and horizontal true sword, and the Wuji true sword are all the feelings of his previous life. At that moment, his realm perception, I don't know how high he has reached, and he has been raised countless levels. All he wants is to interpret them, master them, and then accumulate strength. The immortal Tianzun is not his end, but just the beginning.

He suppressed the storm in his mind and calmed down. He wants to try his best to crack this array, go out, and then know Huarong's message from Feng Caier. He is eager to know. Now, his thoughts have become more powerful. The cultivation experience of his previous life has been enlightened by him, and the crystal divine kingdom has turned. His thoughts have turned and he can see the profound innerness of every stone statue. Shock appeared on his face, which absorbed the memory of his previous life and was also full of shock. Unable to fight?! In the Stonehenge, there is actually the highest method of warfare of the ancient totem clan, which is impossible to fight. Don't say that Tianzun is trapped in it. Even if it is a real immortal, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of it!" Feng Kui made a shocked sound first, and a smile appeared on his face. Immediately, his smile became mysterious, the power flow of his whole body changed, and all his vitality was changing into a force, which was essentially changing. He actually sublimated the power of the road into a more mysterious force, which is many times stronger than vitality and so on. Alas, the realm is too low, and it can only be transformed into the power of Daoyuan, which is the limit!" Feng Kui sighed softly. The so-called power of Daoyuan is the power of the practitioner to cultivate the road and sublimate his vitality into the power of Daoyuan. The difference lies in the degree and variety of the power of the road, as well as the subtlety of melting. Anyway, there are all kinds of calculations, which is a powerful force that can only be understood and used by the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

After Feng Kui sighed, the flower face imprisoned in the garden came to his mind, and a wry smile appeared on his face and said, "Yong Er, everything you have done for me will not be in vain. Dayi classics, I will definitely cultivate to the extreme and complete the changes in it... Easy, easy to the world, ever-changing!" Originally, by himself, he could not crack the Stonehenge and fully understood [unable to fight], but because of the classic, he could do it. It is because of the classics of Dayi that the flower appearance is imprisoned. This is the price that Hua Rong gave him.

At this moment, a waking giant is breaking the array.

The wind has changed, but it hasn't changed. His fate is consistent, that is to say, his past and present life can be regarded as one and there is no difference. In this way, there is no obstacle in Feng Kui's heart, which can accept all the causes and effects of his previous life. Of course, the memory presented now is not complete, and there are many mysteries in it that need to be uncovered little by little in the future.

He knows that all this should be based on the cornerstone of strength.

In the experience of his previous life, many feelings were integrated by him. The most intuitive advantage is that the four true swords, the huge divine swords float around the crystal kingdom, slowly rotate, connect with each other, and are the supreme guardians. The immortal and demon gossip of Fengkui is in the deepest part of the Kingdom of God, in the center, and can't help rotating. Yuanying sits at the top of the Kingdom of God, overlooking everything and forming a hub. The whole body is densely full of the original charms of the road, swallowing the power of Daoyuan. Another advantage is to completely refine the immortality gate, make the immortality tower manifest, communicate with the immortality world, and make his strength continuous and inexhaustible. This is simply the treatment that only real immortals can enjoy. The immortal world is a fairy world, which is larger, more advanced and smaller than a world.

Now, he has begun to understand the [inability to fight] in the stone array. Once the supreme combat method of the ancient totem beast is fully understood, it breaks through the array and comes out. Who else can eat his fist in the Kyushu Xiuzhen world?!