First-class immortal

Chapter 114: Breaking out

A year has passed. Kyushu Xiuzhen, the war of immortals and demons led by Taiyimen broke out in an all-round way. The whole Kyushu cultivation world is in turmoil, and demons and ghosts have become the objects of competition between immortals and demons. The magic road has been dormant for ten thousand years, lying on the salary and tasting the courage. The foundation is already extremely thick. It is comparable to the major sects in the Kyushu Xiuzhen world. The two sides fought, and there are countless casualties. In today's situation, the power of both demons and ghosts has become the key to the war situation in a sense. For a while, the secret orders and humanitarian edicts spread all over the Kyushu Xiuzhen world, lobbying ghosts and demons, inviting power, all trying to get the help of the two demons and ghosts, fighting open and secretly, and terrible things are happening all the time. A large number of talents appeared one after another in this troubled world, like bamboo shoots after the rain. It is true that heroes come out in troubled times. The more troubled times, the more volatile the Qi number is. Many geniuses seized the opportunity and soared to the sky. Of course, there are many geniuses buried in troubled times. This is the real big wave of sand washing, starting with real gold.

On this day, in early spring, everything revived, and the whole ancient mountains began with new green and was full of vitality. In this troubled times, there is only such a remote place, and there is still a quiet and peaceful place.

Suddenly, three white shadows turned into a line of streamers and fell from the sky to the hinterland where the ancient totem clan was located, before the ten thousand high cliff. These three figures come and go extremely fast, tearing the space and shuttling around. I came to the depths of the ancient mountains and the place where the ancient totem family lived. The three stood proudly in the spring breeze, magnificent, one by one in white, engraved with the symbol of Taiyimen on the Taoist robe. A young man, led by a shining charm in his hand, was the supreme edict personally issued by the supreme head of Taiyimen.

When his eyes turned, the young man cleared his throat and made a round voice. He was neither humble nor arrogant: "Wang Zhiyuan, a true disciple of the younger Taiyimen, came to visit with the order of the supreme teaching. I implore the head of the ancient Totem clan to come out to receive the imperial edict..." Wang Zhiyuan's last words, the sound was endless, and anyone could hear it.

But at this moment, no one responded to him. He only felt that the whole high cliff cave was empty, and the ancient totem family seemed to have left. After not responding for a long time, he was even more aware of the strangeness, and an unhappy annoyance appeared on his face. Next to him, a disciple of Taiyimen immediately snorted coldly and said angrily, "The ancient totem family is peaceful and wants to escape responsibility. Have they forgotten the mission of their family? Unexpectedly, he didn't come to receive the edict. What is Taiyi Men? It's simply not..."

Wang Zhiyuan glanced sideways at the younger brother beside him, frowned gently, and said, "I'm afraid there is something wrong with it!" Brother Zhang Yang, you can't make a judgment. Such ancient races will not easily lose their trust, and we still wait patiently for a period of time. After all, I'm just a messenger who is responsible for sending the supreme edict. Even if it's over, nothing else we can intervene in.

Zhang Yang hummed and couldn't hear his brother's words, but he also closed his mouth.

At this time, on a mountain in the distance, an extremely horrible breath suddenly rose out, and a figure suddenly flew to the sky. Wherever passed, the space was collapsing, completely destroyed, and the void was completely exposed and could not heal for a long time. The figure actually stopped in the endless void, and his body stood upright, like a benchmark, unaffected at all. With this figure, dozens of horrible breaths also rose, and they joined hands to repair and close the broken space. Otherwise, the void would be swallowed up and the whole ancient mountains would be swept away.

Wang Zhiyuan and the three looked at the peak and couldn't help exclaiming and said, "The ancient totem family actually gathered on that peak. What on earth are they doing?! Let's go and have a look and hand over the Fu Zhao to their patriarch by the way.

The three people flashed and came to the side of this mountain, stood in the air and looked over.

But when I saw the figure at the highest point in the air, my whole body flashed with beautiful holy light, and my eyes were as deep as a miniature of reincarnation. Between his slight movement, there is a mysterious depth, which gives people a feeling of the birth of a god, noble and sacred, which makes people want to worship.

The figure stands in the air for a long time.

Everyone held their breath and watched below, trying not to miss any detail. Everyone's heart is extremely worried.

For a long time, the figure finally moved.

He gently took a step from the air, pieces of brilliance, and formed snow-white steps for him. From the sky to the ground, he walked down step by step in full view of the public, like the emperor looking down on his courtiers, like a god staring at all sentient beings.

Above the sky, colorful clouds and auspicious gas turned into auspicious beasts and changed into white flowers, like dreams.

At that moment, his eyes emanated, and no one could look at him, and no one could be proud in front of him. Because that look alone is incomparable.

The corners of Xiaogan, Bai Xiaoyi and Feng Caier's eyes unconsciously slid down tears and cried with joy.

Because Feng Kui finally came out of the stone array and flew to the sky, like experiencing tens of millions of nirvana, which made him reborn and become a god.

The character on that step is the head of the wind that broke through the array. He fully understood the essence of [unable to fight], killed it from the stone array, and honed the [heart of battle]. For all the potential dangers, there is an extremely keen perception and the strongest fighting instinct.

It was not until Feng Kui walked down the steps, came to the ground, made an extremely pleasant laugh, and hugged Xiaoang several people, and everyone came back in a trance and there was a disturbance.

Many years have passed, and today, someone can crack the Stonehenge and get the supreme inheritance of ancient totem. This is a blessing of the ancient totem family. The only shortcoming is that the breaker is not a member of the ancient totem family, but a Taoist monk. In the discussion and cheering, an old man came out of the restless crowd step by step. He seemed ordinary, but when he walked through a place, the fanatical people calmed down and looked at the old man with incomparable respect. The old man walked slowly to Feng Kui's head, and all the ancient totem people calmed down. The old man smiled kindly and looked at Feng Kui's head. Feng Kui separated from the three, and also looked at the old man. He bowed slightly and said, "The younger generation Feng Kui visited the patriarch."

The old man brushed his sleeves and said, "What a courtesy. An old bone can't stand it. You are a person recognized by your ancestors. Compared with your status, you are more detached than me among my ancient totem family. Alas, our talents have withered. Unexpectedly, they have been a humanitarian cultivation for thousands of years and have been recognized by our ancestors. It's really unpredictable. Destiny! Here, Shanwei, I beg you to promise something. How about entrusting the rise and fall of our clan to you? The old man Shanwei said the last sentence, and his tone seemed extremely solemn.

Feng Kui was stunned, and everyone was stunned. Feng Kui shook his head repeatedly and said, "Senior Shanwei, this can't be used. I also hit it by mistake. Fortunately, I was able to escape from the stone array, but I can't bear the rise and fall of the ancient totem family. However, the so-called drinking water thinking source, I have gained great benefits from this stone array, and I will not be ungrateful. I will record the essence of this stonehenge one by one and give it to you. With these essences, it must be much easier to enter Stonehenge and accept inheritance in the future. However, I can't express the most critical link in any way. The supreme inheritance of ancient totem is [unable to fight], which needs to be trained [heart of fighting]. During this period, he not only resisted the infinite pressure of Stonehenge, but also was under the pressure of the ancient totem. He almost died and was still in danger of his life. However, with all the essences in Stonehenge, it is believed that the ancient totem family has flourished from then on. This is my reward, my reward for you. My ambition is not here. I hope the senior Shanwei will forgive me. I forgive the younger generation for not being able to agree. However, I promise that I will always regard the ancient totem family as friends. As long as you don't betray, I will try my best to help you, especially in terms of your inheritance. How about it?!"

Shanwei seemed to be unexpected. For a moment, he was in a trance. Feng Kui's promise was not precious. More importantly, he refused the request to be the patriarch, which was clearly pointed out in the ancestral teachings. He is also a shrewd and cultivation giant. Feng Kui's first sentence is that my ambition is not here. He already knows how high Feng Kui's spirit is, and Fang smiled and said, "People before the New Year are grateful. It's not bad! The old man replaced our clan first and thanked his little friend Feng Kui for his kindness. I am very grateful..."

Feng Kui's first idea moved, and a crystal completely condensed by the power of Daoyuan appeared in his hands. He engraved the essence of the inability to fight in it and handed it over to Shanwei in front of everyone. He did not hide at all, and the inability to engrave the war in this crystal. Shan Wei was stunned and overjoyed. He put it into his hand and felt the idea, and a surprise appeared on his face. Immediately, he put it away cautiously and said, "Thank you, the hope of our family is finally no longer vague..." He also felt that the essence of the [unable to fight] recorded by Feng Kui Shou lacked the most important link, just like the finishing touch, which really needs to withstand the test of the distant ancestor Yingling and cultivate [Heart of Fighting] can it be sublimated and completely transformed. However, after all, this is a big step. In the future, when the clan enters the Stonehenge, they will not take less detours. Moreover, this set of tactics is already extremely exquisite. It is the art of immortals and gods. It is also an extremely precious existence and can become the inheritance treasure of the ancient totem family. It has been passed down from generation to generation.

This side finally came to an end. Feng Kui won the respect of all the ancient totem people, and the younger generation worshipped it as an idol. Looking at him, his eyes were extremely hot.

The three messenger disciples of Taiyimen finally had a chance to appear and came to Shanwei and handed over the edict. Only now did they understand why all the ancient totem people left the cliff cave and appeared here. Everything was because the young man named Feng Kui Shou got the inheritance of the ancient totem family and the distant ancestors.

They are not only shocked, but also curious, jealous, resentful, and complex. Originally, it should be them who have become the focus of the two, proud and energetic. But now, almost no one is looking at them. They come from the first sect of Kyushu's cultivation world, and they really don't feel the same.