The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 34 Sacrifice the First Kiss

National Normal University.

"Uncle, did you lie to me? Didn't you say that your mother would come back in three days? Today is the fourth day!"

Duo actually got up early in the morning and knocked on Si Kou Xunxiang's door desperately.

Si Kou Xunxiang got up as soon as he heard the noise.

Opening the door, a little man stood in front of him, pouted and crossed his waist, as if he wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Duoduo, why did you get up so early today?" Si Kou Xunxiang frowned. In fact, he is not as good at coaxing children as his younger brother. As soon as he sees this momentum, he has no way. He doesn't need so many skills here.

Duoduo stared at Si Kou Xunxiang and gasped for breath.

"Well, uncle, you are not a good person. You lied a lot. Why hasn't your mother come back yet!"

Si Kou Xunxiang is worried. What should he do now? This little guy actually plead guilty here.

"Uncle didn't lie to you, but your mother sent someone to come back with a message, and may come back today! Isn't it just three days by today?"

Si Kou Xunxiang can only coax him in the most conventional way, which is true.

However, Duoduo made such a scene, and he felt a little uneasy. Although it was said that Yan Ji and Mr. Luan were together, it was indeed time to come back.

After all, there is still a kid at home! Yan Ji usually spoils such a child so much, how can she bear to miss her alone?

"Duoduo, just wait a little longer. Your mother will be back soon. Didn't she tell you to identify the poison? Has Duoduo finished it in the past few days?"

Originally, I didn't like this national teacher very much. Originally, my mother and Luan Yuchun came together and killed him halfway. Humph, he likes Uncle Luan. The national teacher is not good at all.

Now he is still allowed to identify the poison. In addition to his mother, how can he be commanded by others?

But I really miss my mother. Does my mother really want me?

I was so sad to think of this.

Wow, wow, I cried again.

It's over, it's over, why did he cry again? Oh, my God, it's so painful to have a child at home!

Si Kou Xunxiang became worried.

"Don't cry much, be good, uncle will send someone to find your mother." There was nothing he could do. The kid cried so loudly that he could only try to surrender in front of him.

Duoduo ignored him and continued to cry.

Yan Ji, who had just walked to the National Normal University, suddenly heard the crying of a child and immediately recognized it. Isn't this Duoduo's voice?

Is something wrong? Mother is here to save you!

She quickly ran into the inner courtyard of the National Normal University.

But when he saw Duoduo crying there, Si Kou Xunxiang squatted beside him helplessly persuading and coaxing him, but it seemed useless.

"Duoduo...what's wrong with you?" Looking at Duoduo's pitiful appearance, Yan Ji was heartbroken.

Duoduo was originally pear blossoms with rain, but suddenly heard Yan Ji's voice and immediately turned around and saw her mother.

rushed to Yanji's arms like a flash of lightning, and tears and nose were still hanging on her face, blurring.

"Mom, you finally came back. Duoduo thought you didn't want me..." He should have been happy, but the stupid child cried more vigorously.

Maybe crying with joy, seeing his mother very happy.

Yan Ji's nose is also sore.

In the past few days, let her baby son be here alone. I guess he will be bored to death.

Fortunately, he has come back safely now, otherwise he would have been so sad.

That is, in order to do more, you have to fight for yourself, live a good life, and don't let yourself get into trouble.

Hey, this child, it's so sad to look at people.

Well, now everything is done, and you can finally come back to reunite with him!

Si Kou Xunxiang stood next to him and was also a little moved by them.

For so many years, their mother and son must have suffered a lot, and a woman alone with her child doesn't know how many hardships and tears there are.

Ji'er is really a strong woman who can bear it alone.

So he was even more determined to be good to their mother and son.

"Jier, you are finally back. You are so anxious these days. I wonder how Mr. Luan's mother is? Why don't you see others?" Si Kou Xunxiang suddenly found that Luan Yuchun was not there, but Yan Ji came back alone.

Yan Ji hesitated for a moment and decided to tell him the truth. After all, Luan Yuchun has been immediately crowned as a prince, and there is nothing to hide. Let him see that the national teacher has taken care of Duoduo in the past few days.

"In fact, his mother is the current queen. He is still in the palace, but the queen's condition has stabilized, and I have been treating her. It won't take long..."

As soon as the national teacher heard it, his eyes gathered. Although it was such a coincidence, he was not surprised.

From the first sight of that man, he felt that he was extraordinary.

The thoughts were instantly pulled back to 20 years ago.

So he is the sixth prince rescued by the former national teacher?

20 years... Isn't it exactly 20 years now?

It turned out that he came back to recognize the emperor and the queen because he was almost exhausted.

From the perspective of speech and demeanor, Luan Yuchun is actually a young talent, with demeanor and king appearance. Oh, it's a pity that his life is thin.

"That's good, I hope everything is fine..." Si Kou Xunxiang sighed, but actually sighed for Luan Yuchun's bitter life.

Yan Ji was a little strange. The national teacher did not feel a trace of surprise when he heard that Luan Yuchun was the prince. Has he heard him long ago?

It's really boring. I was going to surprise him and praise him for having a prince friend!

And I have experienced so many things and done a big thing, and I haven't had a chance to publicize it.

"Aren't you curious about what I met in the palace?"

Yan Ji finally couldn't help it. Since Si Kou Xunxiang didn't ask, it's not bad for her to start the topic herself.

Si Kou Xunxiang came to his senses and saw Yan Ji with a doubtful face in front of him, and his expression softened.

"Jie'er... can you get used to these days in the palace? This palace is not freer than outside..." His eyes glowed as he asked.

Duoduo looked aside and felt that there was something wrong with the way the national teacher looked at her mother, so he quickly disrupted the two of them.

"Mom, mother, can you tell me about the fun of the palace..." Duoduo pulled Yan Ji to the side in an instant.

Yan Ji hasn't reacted yet, this dead child.

Si Kou Xunxiang looked at Yan Ji, which was still as warm as the spring breeze.

"There is nothing interesting in the palace. Duoduo, don't go to the palace when you grow up..." Yan Ji mentioned that she didn't have a good impression of the palace.

After staying for three days, she got tired of it. It was just a big cage.

A bright step came to them.

"Miss Yan, you are finally back. Has the antidote been developed? I can't stand it anymore. If it goes on like this, I'm going to die..."

It turned out to be Bian Yifei. As soon as Bian Yifei saw Yan Ji's appearance as the savior.

I haven't seen him in the past few days, but he has lost some weight.

Yan Ji looked at his eager appearance and wanted to play tricks on him, so she frowned and cried sadly.

"I'm really incompetent and haven't developed an antidote. You've been taking care of the princess for a few days. If you think she's been starving to death, won't both of you be relieved?" Yan Ji's serious appearance of saying this makes people really believe it.

I only saw Bian Yifei sighing bitterly.

"That princess, if I hadn't fed her every time, she wouldn't eat at all, and I would have sacrificed for her..." But this suddenly stopped.

Yan Ji, Si Kou Xunxiang and Duoduo stared at Bian Yifei and waited for him to finish this sentence.

But he suddenly stopped, isn't it appetizing?

"What did you sacrifice?" Yan Ji is too curious.

Although curiosity killed the cat, it doesn't matter that she is not a cat. It's fun to watch this Bian Yifei. What happened to him by the princess?

Bian Yifei hesitated and refused to say anything, but he obviously had exposed himself, his face was flushed and his embarrassed expression was distorted.

"What's the matter? Say it, say it quickly... How can we know you're poor if you don't say it?" Yan Ji is indomitable.

Si Kou Xunxiang also felt that his younger brother was a little wrong today, and also forced Bian Yifei.

"Brother, you took care of the princess, but you proposed it yourself. What's going on?" Si Kou Xunxiang actually became serious.

Looking at this situation, Duoduo is also making a lot of coax.

"Say it, say it, say it quickly..."

Bian Yifei looked at all three of them being so curious and finally said, "Ah, I sacrificed my first kiss..."

After saying this, his face turned even more blush, but this time there was a little anger.

It became quiet in an instant, as if time had stopped.


All three laughed.

"You..." Bian Yifei stamped his feet angrily.

"Hahahaha... Is it possible that you feed the princess food with your mouth?" Yan Ji guessed it directly.

Bian Yifei was dejected, as if he had been hurt a lot.

"Mom, he is so disgusting..." Duoduo looked contemptuously.

"There's nothing she can do. She won't eat, or she will starve to death! If she starves to death, can the people of the marquis spare me? Bian Yifei shouted anxiously.

It's really humiliating to think that his handsome and handsome prince was laughed at by the three of them in such a broad day!

"Actually, I have developed an antidote, hahahaha..." Yan Ji smiled and had a stomachache.

Only then did Bian Yifei realize that he had been teased and gritted his teeth.

"Yan girl, you..."

"Haha... Mother is so awesome, mother, mother is invincible!"

Duoduo also became complacent and stretched out his palm and slapped his mother to show victory.

Si Kou Xunxiang couldn't help laughing and shook his head helplessly.

His Ji'er is now very different from before.

"Brother, it's a good thing to say so. Hurry up and take the antidote to save the princess..." Finally, Si Kou Xunxiang eased the situation.

Bian Yifei looked unconvinced, but what can he do now? The most important thing now is to save the princess, otherwise he would have suffered from this!

Yan Ji took out the developed antidote and deliberately shook it in front of Bian Yifei.

Bian Yifei grabbed it and ran directly to the palace.

Duoduo made a face at his departing back.