The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 35 Drink medicine if you are afraid

At this time, Yan Ji remembered that the dose of her antidote needed to be controlled, otherwise it would be worse.

"No, I have to go and have a look..." Yan Ji hurried to chase Bian Yifei.

Si Kou Xunxiang saw that Yan Ji looked a little wrong and followed her out together.

"Mother, mother..." Duoduo saw that her mother had just come back and ran out again. This time, she couldn't let her leave herself here for so long, so she also ran out.

When she walked into Bian Yifei's house and entered the room where the princess was lying, Bian Yifei was just about to feed the princess an antidote.

"Wait, the concentration of your debugging is too high!" Yan Ji hurriedly stopped it.

As soon as Bian Yifei saw that Yan Ji's face began to look embarrassed again, but his hand stopped.

Yan Ji grabbed the medicine bowl, picked up the pot, and added some water to it.

I was about to feed the princess, but I found that the princess was staring at herself with her eyes open!

There was a look in his eyes that wanted to extinguish his anger.

This princess is really angry. If she hadn't come to look for trouble, could she have poisoned herself?

She still hates herself.

"Princess, this is an antidote. If you don't drink it, I'm afraid you will starve to death in less than three days! If you want to die like this, you don't have to be so troublesome. Let me finish it for you directly!"

Yan Ji doesn't like her. She really thinks she is a princess, and I'm still a fairy! Look, I won't clean you up!

Yan Ji pulled out the sword he carried with him from Bian Yifei and put it directly on the princess's neck.

"Jier, wait..." At this time, Duoduo and Si Kou Xunxiang also arrived. Si Kou Xunxiang saw such a situation and hurriedly stopped it.

"Mother, you are so bloody!" Duoduo covered his eyes with his hand, leaving only a crack.

Bian Yifei, who was standing on a plate, was also stunned. He didn't expect Yan Ji to come like this.

But suddenly I found that Yan Ji had winky to him and understood everything.

Yan Ji took back the sword again, with a look of disdain in her eyes.

"Princess, I'm afraid that my hands are not strong enough to make you die with a sword, so that you will be in pain. If you can't move your whole body, you have to endure the pain of being cut open, but you haven't died yet." Yan Ji obviously saw a trace of fear in the princess's eyes.

In fact, she didn't expect to say such a vicious word. In fact, she scolded herself much worse than this. This is called treating her in her own way!

The princess's eyes were even more resentful when she looked at Yan Ji, and she almost wanted to swallow her alive.

"Let me give you a sword to seal your throat! Die happily!" Yan Ji said that sooner or later, she picked up the sword and stabbed it.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Si Kou Xunxiang was just about to stop him, but he didn't expect that Bian Yifei blocked his way and waved to him.

When the sword passed, the princess was so scared that she quickly closed her eyes and her whole body trembled. She was really afraid of nonsense. Who can be afraid? The key point is that she is more painful at this time. She can't shout or escape. She can only watch herself being killed by this woman, so she can only close her eyes, blind, and be better.

"Haha..." Yan Ji finally couldn't help laughing when she saw that the princess was so scared.

She is really teased today. She was Bian Yifei just now, and now she is the princess again.

She was so happy to see the princess trembling.

At this time, Si Kou Xunxiang and Duoduo also understood that Yan Ji was deliberately teasing the princess!

The princess opened her eyes when she heard the laughter and saw Yan Ji covering her stomach and laughing non-stop until she realized that she was fooled!

Humph, if you have the ability to kill me, kill me, wait for me if you don't kill me, I will never forgive you!

"Princess, it turns out that you are afraid. I thought you were not afraid of death! If you are afraid of death, drink the antidote!" Yan Ji stopped laughing and deliberately pretended to be serious and said to the woman lying in ** staring at her.

Bian Yifei picked up the medicine again and walked to the princess.

I was just going to give medicine to the princess, but she still didn't want to drink it. After all, she lost face. How could she bow her head so quickly? Today, this woman made her so ashamed. She definitely can't drink it easily. They must be afraid that if they die, the marquis's mansion will sweep them away, so they are afraid. Now if she doesn't drink medicine, they can't stand it and may beg for themselves!

"It's over, this is also a stubborn master, Miss Yan, you made a big deal!" Bian Yifei looked disappointed and helpless.

Yan Ji didn't care at all. She just wanted to show the princess a little color and let her dare to be so arrogant.

Then I saw Yan Ji crawling into Bian Yifei's ear and whispered.

Then Bian Yifei's face turned pale and flushed again.

Yan Ji pulled Duoduo and Si Kou Xunxiang out of the room.

"Jier, what should I do if this princess refuses to take medicine?" Si Kou Xunxiang looked worried.

Yan Ji shook her head and smiled as brightly as peach blossoms.

"Don't worry, she will definitely drink it! I dare to guarantee it!" Yan Ji's face is full of confidence.

Duoduo raised his little head and was confused: "Mom, what did you say in Uncle Bian's ear just now? I saw that his face changed after you finished speaking!"

Yan Ji smiled proudly.

Duoduo and Si Kou Xunxiang looked at her and didn't know what to do.

"Actually, I just told Bian Yifei that he would continue to feed the princess with his mouth, and she must have drunk it!" Only then did Yan Ji tell the truth.

No wonder Yan Ji pulled them out in a hurry. So that's it.

"My mother is really smart!" Duoduo couldn't help admiring his mother.

No wonder my mother can give birth to such a smart Duoduo. She is already so smart. Can her son not be smart!

Duoduo is also happy to bloom!

I just returned to the house, but I didn't expect someone to report it.

"Master, King Chang'an is visiting!" The housekeeper said respectfully.

"Where is the king of Chang'an?" Si Kou Xunxiang looked puzzled.

"I originally led him to the hall, but when I didn't pay attention, I saw him disappearing, as if he was enjoying the scenery in the house!" The housekeeper was a little difficult to explain. After all, he didn't care about the king of Chang'an and let him run around.

It's too much! This king of Chang'an really takes this as his own home.

Si Kou Xunxiang frowned.

Why did he come? I have never had much contact with him. I actually visited him today. Is there anything important?

And when Yan Ji heard the three words of Chang'an Wang, her heart suddenly thumped.

Oh, my God, how did he find this place? He was really entangled. Did he have a grudge against him in his last life? How could he be seen everywhere?

As soon as the three people entered the house, Duoduo ran to the garden to play.

And Yan Ji didn't want to see that man. Anyway, she vaguely felt that there was nothing good for him to appear, and she was about to go back to her room.

But unexpectedly, the king of Chang'an suddenly emerged. It's over, he saw it, and he couldn't avoid it!

So Yan Ji just stood there with her head down, hoping that he didn't recognize herself.

"I don't know that the king of Chang'an is coming, and he will not be welcomed from afar!" Si Kou Xunxiang hurriedly greeted him.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Lingze looked at him and went straight to Yan Ji's side and stared straight at Yan Ji.

Obviously, don't you pay attention to the national teacher?

Si Kou Xunxiang is a top figure in the Flame Kingdom. What all people want, even today's emperor has given him three points, but Zhan Lingze is not a bird of him.

So Si Kou Xunxiang's face was blue, and it was very unpleasant to be ignored.

But Zhan Lingze actually became more and more serious.

"Is the banquet girl all right?" Suddenly, such a sentence came, so the master continued to be ignored.

Yan Ji knew that she had no place to hide, so she didn't care and looked up.

"King Chang'an, the people's daughter is very good. Thank you very much for your thought!" She smiled slightly and pretended to be a lady.

Who can't pretend to be a lady? Just smile implicitly and talk less.

At this time, Zhan Lingze seemed to realize that he had neglected the national teacher and slowly said, "You are welcome, the national teacher!" But her eyes have been looking at Yan Ji.

Yan Ji lowered her head and was uncomfortable to be seen by her. She really wanted to punch him.

"So you two know each other?" Si Kou Xunxiang is dedicated to breaking the deadlock. Now he is in his own house. Of course, the right to speak is still in his own hands.

When did Ji'er actually know Yan Ji?

"Miss Yan Qingxia solved the case intelligently in front of the emperor in the palace yesterday, and everyone in the palace knows it! It must have spread all over the capital today!" Before Yan Ji opened her mouth, Zhan Luze took the lead.

Zhan Lingze is really annoying. Why is he so awkward to listen to his words? It seems that he is jealous of himself!

So Yan Ji stared at him fiercely.

And he is still pretending, with cold eyes and infinite cold air, as if everyone owes him.

It's really flat!

Only then did Si Kou Xunxiang realize that they were still outside, which was not polite, so he hurriedly asked them to sit in the hall.

At the same time, he ordered his subordinates to soak in the good dragon well.

"I don't know what the prince came here today?" The national teacher is indeed a national teacher. He comes straight to the point and doesn't go around much.

Zhan Lingze flicked the dust on his body, and then said without changing his face, "Today, the national master didn't go to court, but he didn't know that the emperor ordered you!"

In fact, there is no dust on him, and he is pretentious.

Si Kou Xunxiang was not surprised to hear this.

The emperor gave him a special case. Except for important days, he must go to the court, and other times are freely allocated, which can be said to be free to come and go.

This is also because of his special situation. In addition to important state affairs, he often does something for the people. Sometimes he travels around the world to do some major legal affairs and subdue strange mythical beasts.

So if he didn't go to court and the emperor had something to do, he wrote the imperial edict to give him an order.

"I don't know what's going on, but the emperor ordered the prince to inform me in person?" Si Kou Xunxiang was a little puzzled.

At this time, Zhan Lingze stood up and took out the bright imperial edict.

Si Kou Xunxiang hurriedly knelt down.

"According to heaven's transportation, the emperor's edict said that the world would be celebrated together. After 20 years, the six princes were lost and recovered, which was also the blessing of my Flaming Kingdom. He ordered the national master to pray for the Flame Kingdom at Baiju Temple on May 9 to thank God's kindness!"

"Thank you for receiving the order, long live my emperor!" Sikou Xunxiang knelt on the ground and kowtowed devoutly.

Chapter 40 Spiritual Beads of the Mythical Beast

Yan Ji didn't understand. Isn't it just a way? She made it so grand and wrote an imperial edict. The key is to let King Chang'an read it to him! This emperor is really strange!

After both of them sat down again, Si Kou Xunxiang asked: "The emperor recognized the prince. This is indeed the blessing of my flaming country, and the practice of praying for blessings is also appropriate. I must try my best! But the prince came in person today, do you have any deep meaning?

This looks like a smart person. He said his loyalty first, asked Zhan Lingze about the deep meaning, and made him satisfied from a better understanding of the emperor's heart. This is the general quality of an official.

"The national teacher didn't know anything about it. I came here in person today precisely because the emperor ordered us to complete this this time! There is still a month left on this day of blessing. Doesn't the national teacher think it's a little strange? Zhan Luze slowly said the original part.

In fact, of course, Si Kou Xunxiang just realized that it was just the time mentioned by the emperor. Who dares to question it?

"Oh? Lord, please say, I'll listen to you!" Si Kou Xunxiang became interested.

"Hey, is it inappropriate for you two to discuss big things here?"

Yan Ji suddenly felt that she was a little redundant here. She was not interested in what the two of them said. It was so boring.

At this time, the two noticed Yan Ji, and it turned out that they had forgotten her. Damn it!

"It doesn't matter. If the banquet girl is her own person, there is no need to restrain her!" Zhan Luze said this.

Actually, Yan Ji didn't mean that. She wants to leave. Oh, forget it. It seems a little strange to walk like this. Listen to them. Maybe there will be something interesting later.

"National master, in fact, in recent days, there have been five mythical beasts near the suburbs of Huohai City, but the mythical beasts have killed each other and competed for territory, and there are also many innocent people nearby. It is said that this time the mythical beast is more fierce than the two Tianshan male and female mythical beasts three years ago. How many heroes and heroes have been defeated and even eaten by them... The emperor wants you and me to subdue those mythical beasts. At that time, at the blessing ceremony, we will use the head of the mythical beast as a sacrifice to the sky and be grateful to the vastness of God. Isn't it my lucky country?" Zhan Luze told the truth, but there was no fear when he mentioned the mythical beast.

As soon as she heard the word mythical beast, Yan Ji was interested. She hasn't seen what the mythical beast looks like since she has grown up. It is said that there are many mythical beasts in the world, which are strange and have all kinds of skills. Anyway, it is very magical! Listen to Zhan Lingze say that the mythical beast is quite powerful, and I want to see it more.

"Oh? Then why didn't the emperor write it on that edict? Si Kou Xunxiang is obviously still a little vigilant.

He has been a national teacher for so many years, and he must be cautious from time to time, especially for the emperor. How can it be so easy? If he can't do it well, it's a crime to kill the head!

"The emperor told me about the mythical beast alone later and did not mention it in the court. It seems that the emperor doesn't want too many people to ask for credit and favor for this matter. He just believes in the ability of the two of us, so let me send a word by the way!"

This emperor is really eventful. Isn't he just surrendering to a mythical beast? He has so many worries. Hey, if it's not the emperor, he will think about everything all day long and plan carefully. It's really tiring!

Yan Ji didn't feel bored at this time. She drank tea leisurely and listened to the two of them talk about the mythical beast.

"Mother, mother, I just found a red-capped mountain herb in the garden..."

Suddenly, Duoduo ran in excitedly.

Zhan Lingze was shocked when he saw the little boy in front of him.

Why are those eyebrows and looks so similar to him? He also called Miss Yan as his mother. Is he... his own child?

This idea appeared in Zhan Lingze's heart in an instant.

Yes, it must be, otherwise it can't be so similar! It's simply carved out by a mold!

Zhan Lingze has made up his mind.

"Woo-woo..." Duoduo didn't expect to be captured by the strange man in front of him. He pinched his shoulder and was about to die.

Zhan Lingze looked straight at Duoduo and didn't notice the strength of his hand at all.

"What are you doing... bullying my son!" Yan Ji was furious and wanted to beat Zhan Luze.

But he slapped him on the back, but he didn't respond. Still like a stone, hold on to Duoduo.

"Rel free, let him go..." Yan Ji roared and tore him away from Duoduo.

No one can bully his son or make him cry! But can this little hand strength be torn apart?

At this time, Zhan Lingze reacted and noticed that he was rude.

So he quickly let go of his hand.

Duoduo was so scared that he hid in Yan Ji's arms and looked back at the strange uncle in front of him from time to time. In fact, this uncle is a little familiar. Have you seen him somewhere? But I can't remember it for a long time.

"Are you all right?" Yan Ji asked a lot of questions.

Duoduo shook his head, but the panic in his eyes had not dissipated.

"If you dare to bully my son again, you will die!" Yan Ji was really angry.

She left the hall with Duoduo after leaving this cold words.

Si Kou Xunxiang didn't know what was going on. He didn't understand what was going on in front of him. What's going on? What is the relationship between Yan Ji and King Chang'an?

"Your Majesty, this..." I just opened my mouth to ask,

Unexpectedly, Zhan Lingze waved his hand as if he didn't want to tell him.

Si Kou Xunxiang has long known that this king of Chang'an is cold and rude, and today he has been taught.

So I don't want to please that, but the businessman is handsome.

"National teacher, I have something to do. Let's go first! Come back to the meeting another day!" Zhan Luze stared at the sight of Yan Ji and Duoduo and found that he said coldly.

"Okay, if the national teacher still wants to come to discuss the blessing, I will welcome you at any time!" The national teacher politely sent Zhan Luze out of the house.

He is a guest. Of course, he has to be polite, and he has to subdue the mythical beast together, which is equivalent to being a comrade-in-arms. Of course, he has to be polite.

It's just that he feels that today's things are a little messy and his head hurts a little, and he needs to go back to his room to rest.

In the morning, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and everywhere was comfortable. Yan Ji woke up from her sleep.

Finally, I slept well. I've been tossing around these days. I've never slept so comfortably, and I haven't even had a dream.

It seems that the palace is uncomfortable! It's okay. I'm free from today.

Even Yanji didn't expect to get up so early. Maybe she slept well at night, so she didn't lack sleep. It's good for Yan Ji to go to the garden to stretch her muscles and bones and breathe fresh air.

Suddenly walked to the door of Si Kou Xunxiang's room, but felt some movement inside, so she broke the layer of paper on the window.

Si Xunxiang is sitting cross-legged **, with his eyes closed and some sweat stains on his forehead. There was a small shining fireball in front of him, which was said to be a ball, but it was actually a bead, but the bead was surrounded by the blazing fire. Yan Ji's eyes were bright, and it was true that there was a white halo around the fireball, like a protective film.

I saw the fireball floating in the air, which was very bright.

Wow, it's amazing. I've never seen such a magical thing.

"Who..." Si Kou Xunxiang was shocked and actually swallowed the fireball.

Yan Ji hasn't reacted yet, and Si Kou Xunxiang has opened the door and appeared in front of him.

"Ji'er... why is it you?" Si Kou Xunxiang is a little curious.

Yan Ji smiled awkwardly and looked shamelessly.

"I just accidentally walked here and heard something in your room. What are you doing when you get up so early? I just saw you swallow a bead. What is that?" Yan Ji is a little curious. She is still quite curious about this kind of strange thing.

"That's a fire spirit pearl. It was obtained from a mythical beast many years ago. Its power is infinite. If you use it to practice your skills, you can double your power!"

Si Kou Xunxiang answered without hesitation, but he had no defense against Yan Ji.

"Wow, it's so amazing. Can you lend me to play?" Yan Ji looked envious.

However, Si Kou Xunxiang was stunned and said after a long time ago, "Jier, it's not that I don't want to borrow it from you, but this fire spirit bead has been integrated into my body for three years in my body. My skills are improved by it, and it also absorbs my ability and cycles back and forth! If I borrow it from you, it will hurt you!"

is the same as the real thing. Is it so exaggerated? You really recognize you as the master in your body, hum.

Yan Ji is a little unconvinced, and she also wants such a magical baby.

"I'm afraid there are few spiritual beads in the world, right?" Yan Ji pouted.

"In fact, King Chang'an also has one, but his one is a water bead! At the beginning, the two of us were ordered to subdue foreign beasts, and there were two male and male Tianshan mythical beasts, so we got this bead!" Si Kou Xunxiang said it one by one.

Zhan Lingze? He, so he is so powerful! By the way, didn't they still discuss surrendering the mythical beast today? Does Si Kou Xunxiang mean that the mythical beast has this thing? If she can subdue the five-headed mythical beast with them this time, maybe she can get this treasure. Even if she doesn't use it, she can sell it. Anyway, she is bored, so she might as well go with them.

"So as long as the mythical beast has it?" Yan Ji was a little excited.

Si Kou Xunxiang shook his head, "That's not the case. Only a very spiritual beast can have this spiritual pearl. For so many years, only the two mythical beasts have been found three years ago. Because this spiritual bead is the essence of the mythical beast. Only by extracting the essence of the sun and the moon can it be found in the mythical beast that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

"However, the mythical beasts to surrender this time also seem to be unusual. It is said that there are also eight-level mythical beasts, unicorn mythical beasts and other very fierce... These mythical beasts may also have..."

Si Kou Xunxiang told Yan Ji all his guesses. He obviously felt that Yan Ji was particularly concerned about the mythical beast, but it was good to make her happy.