The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 68 There is another danger

Yan Ji is right. That's two living lives. How can it be so cruel? How can it be...

"I'll go with you..." Zhan Lingze hurriedly caught up with Yan Ji's footsteps.

Yan Ji looked at Zhan Lingze beside her and suddenly felt warm. It turned out that he still knew her.

The two looked at each other and suddenly became tacit.

Duoduo looked up at Yan Ji and Zhan Lingze, smiling secretly in his heart.

It seems that his mother is still interested in Uncle Zhan, and his mother's every move can't deceive his eyes.

And Si Kou Xunxiang and Bian Yifei reacted and hurriedly stopped Duoduo who were ready to go with Zhan Lingze and Yan Ji.

"Uncle Guoshi, why are you pulling me? I'm going to find my mother!" Duoduo is a little unhappy.

Si Xunxiang shook his head and then said, "Duoduo, you can't follow me. The place your mother went to is very dangerous!"

Of course, Si Kou Xunxiang knows what they are going to witness today. Duoduo is just a child. How can he let him see these cruel pictures? And he knows that Yan Ji will definitely save the woman. At that time, the scene will definitely be chaotic, and Duoduo will not be safe there.

So he gave Duoduo to his trusted coachman.

"You must take care of many masters. Previously, you went to find the nearest inn..." Si Kou Xunxiang explained.

"Master, don't worry..." With that, he pulled Duoduo to another direction.

Although Duoduo kept resisting, the coachman had some skills and picked up Duoduo, and he couldn't escape any way.

"Brother, no matter what happens, you must protect Ji'er..."

Si Kou Xunxiang said to Bian Yifei beside him.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart. Yan Ji was so impulsive that she would definitely cause trouble.

The people in this town are so hurried that almost all of them rushed to the ancestral hall. It seems that the people are very united, and they are just outsiders. It is estimated that if they cause trouble, it may be a little dangerous.

"Don't worry, brother, we have so many people, it's okay..."

Bian Yifei comforted.

So the two also walked towards Yan Ji's back.

Yan Ji and others finally followed the crowd to a shrine. The ancestral hall is very elegant, tall and fragrant. Although it looks like it has been more than hundreds of years, it has been refreshed and rearranged everywhere. It seems that the people in this town attach great importance to this ancestral hall.

As soon as I walked into the ancestral hall, I saw a high torture rack. A beautiful woman about 15 or 16 years old was tied in the middle, and there were dry wood branches around. The woman's two lines of tears and looked into the distance, as if waiting for a person to appear, but so far, he has not appeared.

"Burning...burning...burning her to death!"

Some people in front of her looked at her fiercely, as if the little girl had a deep blood grudge against them.

Such a little girl is going to be burned alive today. Her eyes are simple and clear. It is the time of the flower season, and there is no time to bloom. Why are the people here so ruthless?

Are they not raised by their parents and have no feelings? How can such a beautiful woman bear it... Yan Ji really can't understand.

He just wanted to rush out to stop these people's crazy behavior, but he was pulled by Zhan Lingze.

"These people have been brainwashed. If you are in the limelight, I'm afraid you will be the next one to burn..." Zhan Lingze said coldly.

Yan Ji stared at Zhan Lingze and struggled for a while, but how could Zhan Lingze's strength be offset by her?

"I don't believe it. They are all flesh and blood!"

Yan Ji's eyes have turned red. If this girl is still a minor in the 21st century, she will have special protection laws. There are her umbrellas everywhere in society. No one dares to hurt her at will, and no one can violate her right to live.

Zhan Lingze still held her arm and did not let go.

Yan Ji finally bit Zhan Lingze's arm angrily, and the instant pain hit Zhan Lingze, but he was still standing still as steady as Mount Tai.

Zhan Lingze just said that she would come with herself, but she didn't expect to see the momentum of those people, but she shrank again, which made her very disappointed.

At this time, Si Kou Xunxiang and Bian Yi flew over and motioned Zhan Lingze to let go of the banquet, and Zhan Lingze slowly released.

Then whispered to Yan Ji, "Jier... I know you want to save that woman. Just look at the situation first. We don't want the tragedy to happen. If you really need it, we will definitely help you... Don't be impulsive!"

Si Kou Xunxiang looked at Yan Ji with a sincere face.

Yan Ji's flashing eyes became more moist, and she suddenly felt that the man like the big brother in front of her gave her infinite sense of security and warmth.

Zhan Lingze was dissatisfied. Si Kou Xunxiang and Yan Ji looked at each other affectionately, which made him very uncomfortable. Yan Ji is his woman and will always be! Just now, he was also thinking about Yan Ji's safety, but he didn't use the right words, but now Si Kou Xunxiang is pretending to be a good person. Zhan Lunze clenched his fist and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. If he broke out now, I'm afraid Yan Ji will hate herself more.

Finally, five elderly-like men came out of the inner hall of the ancestral hall and dressed properly. At first glance, they were the highly valued people in the town. The middle old man's beard is white, which seems to have passed the ancient years. Others are younger.

The old man in the middle stroked his beard, looked into the distance, and asked the people next to him meaningfully, "Li Tingchang, why hasn't Wang Ting come yet?" In the past, what happened in the ancestral hall? He would be the first to come, but why today?

Li Tingchang next to him replied truthfully, "Pear patriarch, Wang Ting sent someone to spread the news. Suddenly, he felt cold. I'm afraid he can't attend today, so let's not wait for him..."

"That's all, let's get started!"

So Li Ting took a few steps forward and read it loudly: "Today, there is a daughter of the Li family, more than 16 years old. She has not left the cabinet, but she is shameless to have an affair with others. Now she is pregnant with Liujia. According to the ethnic rules, she should be burned at the ground to set an example!"

At this time, the people around began to shout together again: "Burn...Burn...Burn..."

The patriarch slowly came forward and waved his hand, and the scene calmed down in an instant.

"I, Qingfeng Town, was once a famous general who retired here. Most of the people in the town have strict laws and regulations. In the past, everyone was harmonious and stable, and everyone was self-disciplined and polite, but today such a humiliating thing happened to the family. As the patriarch, I am also very sad! I hope everyone can be strict with themselves and love themselves in the future..."

I don't know who raised his head and repeated the old man's last sentence: "Be strict with yourself, clean and love yourself..."

Then everyone echoed and repeated in unison.

Although this elder is old, he has clear thinking and has the ability to control the overall situation. More importantly, he has a high reputation.

The scene is more difficult to control than Yan Ji and others think. Obviously, the people in this town are very cohesive, and the patriarch is a powerful character.

"Okay... execution..." The patriarch's eyes suddenly dim and slowly said this sentence.

How can he actually bear it in his heart? However, as the head of the family, he must perform his duties. This is the stipulation of the clan rules, and he has no choice.

"Yan'er...don't...don't hurt Yan'er..."

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman suddenly came into the ancestral hall, followed by an old man.

Everyone whispered.

I saw two people squeeze into the crowd and kneel in front of several elders.

"Please, pavilion chiefs and elders, don't kill my daughter... My daughter will never do anything that will shame my family..." The woman lay on the ground and cried into tears.

"Yes, elders, I have an old daughter, and there is only this daughter in my family. If she goes here, my wife and I will not survive..."

The old man was also in the year of his armor. He knelt on the ground and seemed to be a little cold. He didn't know whether he was in good health or too sad, and coughed tragically.

Parents work hard to raise their eldest daughter, which is the flesh of their hearts. How can they not be sad? White-haired people send black-haired people to the most painful and heartbreaking.

"Mom, Dad, go back quickly, your daughter is unfilial..."

Yan'er, the woman on the torture tool, was already as dead, quietly waiting for death, but now her parents came and knelt on the ground and begged for these ruthless people.

She really can't bear to see her parents suffer like this for herself. She has broken them, but at this time, they still have the last illusion of saving their precious daughter.

How can such a touching picture not be touching? Who can be ruthless without vegetation?

"Yan'er, tell the patriarch that you were actually raped. You are not voluntary... Who raped you? Tell the patriarch that the patriarch will make the decision for you!"

Although the woman is already hoarse, she still does not give up any chance to save her daughter.

The patriarch sighed and asked him to end such a young and beautiful life in person, but his heart was full of intolerance.

"Well, if you say that person and prove that you are not willing, then we will spare you to die!"

When the middle-aged woman and the old man heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, as if the dead grass had met water, full of joy and hope.

"Yan'er, tell the truth quickly!"

Everyone turned their eyes to the woman, but the woman was indeed full of pain. When she saw her parents like this, she really couldn't bear to make them sad for herself, but... how could she do such a thing to betray him?

Thinking this, she is indeed in a dilemma between the two sides. Who can know the pain in her heart? Let herself bear the mistakes she made.

Finally, his eyes were indifferent and his tone was firm: "No one raped me, I am voluntary..."

When the middle-aged woman and the old man heard this, they were full of panic. They pleaded hard to give the patriarch a chance, but their daughter was like this...

"Daughter, say it quickly, and you will be saved if you say it..."

But they still didn't give up and persuaded their stubborn daughter.

"Father, mother, forgive me. My daughter will still have time to do filial piety in her life. She will definitely repay you in the afterlife, but I can't confess him. I am really voluntary. If I say him, his future will be ruined!"