The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 69 is touching and pitiful

Yan'er apologized to her parents. She really couldn't get through this hurdle in her heart. She loved him, and she didn't want him to be affected by it, although he didn't come to see her off for the last trip today.

When Yan's parents heard this, they were heartbroken, but they still cried and persuaded their daughter and begged the patriarch at the same time. It's not easy for them to raise her and take good care of her. They just hope that she can have a good home, but they don't expect it, but now they want to send white-haired people to black-haired people.

Yan Ji saw that tears had unconsciously wet her clothes.

That woman is so strong that she has no fear of death. She misses the person she loves deeply, afraid of affecting his future. She just endures pain alone and has no regrets. However, if she is right, she is so ruthless to her parents. The two parents knelt on the ground and begged each other in public and persuaded herself. But it didn't soften her heart.

But Yan Ji saw that she had no regrets in her heart.

Does it have to pay such a heavy price for making mistakes? Two white-haired people sent black-haired men, and she herself died in the bitter death of the blazing fire. This is the price of a moment of greed.

"Use punishment..." The patriarch reissued the order.

A man lit a torch and slowly walked to the dry wood under the woman's torture tool.

Yan Ji can't continue to calm down, no, she must be saved... Otherwise, she will always leave regret and pain in her heart.

Yan Ji took a look at Zhan Lingze next to him, but Zhan Lingze frowned sadly.

So she looked at Si Kou Xunxiang again, but Si Kou Xunxiang's eyes were just opposite her.

Yan Ji whispered: "Please..."

Si Kou Xunxiang nodded. He had just looked at it for so long, but in fact, his heart was also extremely heavy. Why did he sympathize with this woman?

So a man above the crowd, dressed in purple, rose into the air and jumped to the woman on the frame with a dazzling gold and silver gun in his hand.

The lightning was too fast to cover its ears, and everyone didn't have time to react. The rope on the woman's body was released, and he flew down with the woman in his arms.

Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone hurriedly surrounded Si Kou Xunxiang and the woman.

"What do you want to do?" Yan Ji shouted.

Who made her the protective animal among them, and of course the others are flower protectors.

The patriarch and several old men came over and looked at Yan Ji with a confused face.

"Who are you? How dare you make trouble in my ancestral hall? The patriarch's words all exuded a majestic momentum.

Yan Ji didn't think so.

"Didn't you see that we are here to save people? Why do you torture a weak woman who has no power to bind chickens or torture her?"

Yan Ji was not scared by the momentum of the patriarch at all, and there was a reason to travel all over the world. They did so to deprive people of their right to survive at will.

The patriarch looked up and down at Yan Ji, and then looked at Yan Ji's group of people.

I'm even more puzzled.

He has never seen such a strong woman. His torture in the ancestral hall is also based on ethnic rules. For hundreds of years, no one can question him.

The patriarch is also very curious about Zhan Lingze, and he has never seen these two such powerful young people today. It seems that you can't underestimate them!

"Can you let her finish her words!"

Zhan Lingze's voice was cold, his eyes were fierce, and he was instantly breathtaking.

Yan Ji was also shocked by Zhan Lingze at this time.

He sometimes feels that he is very indifferent, but suddenly he comes like this, which makes people's heart even a little unacceptable.

The patriarch knew that today's situation was a little unusual, so he might as well promise them first to see what they want to do.

replied indifferently, "Girl, please tell me, almost all the important people of my clan are here. If there is any problem with the ethnic rules, you can raise them. I would like to hear the girl's opinion! Presumably others also want to hear it!"

This patriarch's move is really smart. On the one hand, he is demonstrating for Yan Ji. This is his territory. These are all his people. Yan Ji must be careful when speaking. On the other hand, he also reminds the clan to listen carefully to Yan Ji's opinions. Their clan rules that have lasted for hundreds of years are not what ordinary people dare to question. She is just a young woman. How many reasonable words can she say?

"Say...Say...Say..." Everyone began to shout in unison again.

Their hearts are really together. Such a shout made Yan Ji's only trace of confidence disappear. It is undeniable that it is very necessary to beat drums to boost morale during the war. In this, Yan Ji lost.

No matter, she can only bravely. Anyway, she is also from the 21st century, and her vision is much wider than those who have stayed in this town all their lives.

Yan Ji paused, wiped the sweat on her forehead, eased her mood and brushed her thoughts by the way.

Si Kou Xunxiang is full of concern for Yan Ji. There is no doubt that everyone's focus is on her now. It is also very dangerous for her to say anything wrong.

Zhan Lingze was not too worried. He had experienced Yan Ji's spicy and clever nature. Of course, he also knew that she often said some incredible words. Although some words were bold and unique, they were also very reasonable.

In fact, he appreciates her more and more now.

"The patriarch... I said that I shouldn't question the rules of your clan, but the girl Yan'er is really pitiful. You might as well think about it, in fact, she is the biggest victim..."

Yan Ji looked at the expressions of everyone and then looked at Yan'er. Yan's mother and father were already by her side, hugging her, but the three cried bitterly.

"But these are all caused by her... You can't blame others..." The patriarch shook his head.

If you had known why now, you would have to pay for the mistakes you made.

Yan Ji continued: "Yes, she naturally can't escape the responsibility of all this, but is it too cruel to give a precious life because of this mistake? Maybe she was just impulsive at that time, but why did she think of such an ending at that time? As a woman, who didn't want to marry the man she likes, have children for him, and accompany him from then on... But today she watched her old father and mother begging hard for herself, white-haired people to send black-haired people, thinking It must be the most painful thing in her heart... She is not unfilial, but she is still thinking about the man she loves deeply... she would rather let herself bear this charge... to protect him! What's more, the fetus in the womb has not yet come to the world, but it will end since..."

Yan'er looked at Yan Ji, and her eyes were full of gratitude. Her heart was naturally guessed by Yan Ji, but she didn't ask for anything. Although Yan Ji saved her, she knew that she would not escape the disaster. Nevertheless, she was also very grateful to these strange young people. People.

Yan Ji looked at the people around her who had a little sympathy for Yaner, but this sympathy was extremely subtle. Compared with the slightest sympathy and majesty and clan rules, it seemed insignificant.