God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 97 The Big Sale Affecting the National Movement

Such a giant sword is extremely rare, and its weight is amazing. Without super strength, it can't run like the wind at all. Looking at Ben's magnificent figure, Mo Bai knew that this was not a problem.

The huge sword was pulled out of its scabbard, and a sword-like sword face made flames emerge in Mobai's eyes.

"Super alloy, is this a super alloy that is difficult for refiners to refine successfully? Oh, my God!" The man's eyesight were extremely high. He looked carefully at the huge sword and casually stabbed the flower stone slab laid on the ground. It sounded like cutting butter with a knife. The huge sword was straight to the handle, sharp and scared the fool.

The sharpness of this alloy is comparable to the strength of the flying sword without sealing the elemental energy. You can imagine how amazing the quality will be after refining the flying sword with this alloy.

"Sir, do you mean... do you mean this super alloy or selling finished weapons?"

Mobo is worthy of being an old fox, and one sentence is the key point.

"Mo Qichang, to tell you the truth, it took nearly a hundred years for teachers to study this alloy refining method. At this time, it can already be produced in large quantities, but our family is enough to supply raw materials for high-end monks to refine flying swords.

In terms of quality, I dare not say that it is stronger than this sword, but it will never be worse. One or two is not uncommon, but do you think it is a shocking event for the country to supply this alloy in large quantities?

"Yes, absolutely, the strength of this alloy is most suitable for refining flying swords. Generally speaking, the refiners may not be able to extract several pounds of weight after three or four years. It can really be produced in large quantities. Needless to say, it can definitely make the strength of large merchants and countries be raised. Dare to ask, which refinery master is your master? Also, how much alloy of this strength can you take out in a month?

There is a comparison of the output of several catties of the refinery master for several years. This so-called mass production can only be handed in several catties of alloys in a month. It is estimated that Mo Bai will laugh.

When this matter is completed, the anger generated by the Great Shang Shenghuang because of the battleship Canyon will inevitably be resolved. In this way, the life of the emperor's scale guard can also be better, and Mo Bai himself can take this opportunity to reach a higher level in the officialdom.

Bansu secretly thought that this matter would change the national strength. He did not dare to make too much at once. If a big merchant made a leap forward in weapons, he would definitely fight a war of aggression against the demon country and neighboring countries. At that time, it would be the people who would suffer, and the loss of merit must be huge, and he would not dare to take risks.

"Master, he doesn't want to have an entanglement with the world. Our two brothers are fully responsible for this matter. As for his name, I won't talk about it. Please forgive me. Is there a production problem? It can produce up to 10 catties of super alloys a month and 120 catties a year. Is this mass production?

"Calculation, calculation. 120 catties of super alloy, the refiners in the imperial capital must be crazy! A flying sword, um, can be forged with two alloys with other metals.

After the finished product, the quality of the flying sword will be several times higher than that of this giant sword. God, how sharp will it be? Needless to do so, as long as decades, the number of excellent weapons accumulated by merchants will far exceed that of other countries. At that time, merchants will become the hegemon of the world! It's a night stay, right? You said that as long as the price you want is reasonable, the big business can accept it.

Mumber is afraid to open his mouth and declares that the price should be reasonable.

"This is natural. Isn't it expensive to exchange one gram of super alloy for ten grams of gold? In this way, if you exchange this price for large-denoed commercial currency gold tickets, the transaction will be completed.

However, first of all, the Dashang royal family is a sole agent. The agency time is ten years. Ten years later, let's see how the cooperation between the two sides is and negotiate again. However, we always take big merchants as the first agent. As long as big merchants abide by the trade agreement, we will not break the contract. There are three main conditions attached by us.

First, we will never hand over the refining method of this thing, and big merchants should not interfere with the autonomy of our products. Second, we cannot be monitored. Once we default, the transaction will fail. Third, Banben and I are both civilians. This status is a little low, and we need to become a nominal nobleman. The title is marquis. These three points are achieved, and we will start business again.

Talk about it and put out the agreed conditions.

The half-year appointment with Baiguo is coming soon. Bansu doesn't want to meet Baiguo as a civilian and get the title of aristocratic title. Naturally, he is worthy of a rich lady. As for money, as long as the business is negotiated, it is not a problem for money to roll in.

When Mo Bai heard this, he frowned. He pulled out the huge sword and inserted it back into the scabbard and sent it back to his hands. As soon as he arrived, he had been waiting impatiently to take Xiongba back. He was afraid of being robbed and sent it to the universe bag. Then he was relieved and continued to eat.

"Sir, your conditions are too harsh. This thing can change the national strength. How can the merchant royal family let you have autonomy? Proper monitoring must be available. Otherwise, if this item is sold to other countries, it will pose a fatal threat to merchants in the future. In contrast, it is easy to have a secret recipe for refining and get a noble title.

"Mo Qichang, this thing is very important, and I naturally know it. Didn't I say that once the transaction is successful, we will only supply to large merchants for at least ten years, and then we want to renew the contract and continue to negotiate. But autonomy must be retained.

On the other hand, if we secretly sell this thing to the crown building or foreign organizations, we will make a greater profit. It's enough to see that we are only willing to do business with big businessmen, right?

I think you'd better ask for instructions to see what it says. After all, the imperial scale guard is only the arm of the holy emperor; the ears and eyes should be his old man.

"What you said is reasonable. In this way, please wait here for a moment, and I will contact the emperor immediately. It is better for the Holy Emperor to make a decision on this matter."

Morberry understood that the other party came to find him just to have a relationship with the Holy Emperor. The Holy Emperor decided whether to do this business or not.

"It's natural. Sorry to bother you. Our brothers are waiting here."

Naturally, there is no objection. Autonomy must be negotiated. Bansu doesn't like to live a tied life. The businessman is strict, but he doesn't want to let the strictness fall on him.

He has a desire for freedom.


An hour later, the imperial guard giant Gong Qian, who flew from the imperial capital, secretly met with Bansu.

After some bargaining negotiations, trade cooperation was finally negotiated in accordance with the principle of friendship and mutual benefit.

Bansu handed over the ten catties of super alloy he had prepared for Gong Qian, exchanged a contract from Gong Qian, and a large number of commercial gold tickets.

has changed, and he has become a relatively rich person of the same age. As two marquis appointments with the seal of jade were handed over to Bansu and Banben, the two suddenly changed from civilians to nobles.

At this time, Bansu used his true face to do business with Huang Lingwei. During the assessment of Yinxu College, he must also use his true appearance. Therefore, he asked Huang Lingwei not to interfere in his assessment and let nature take its course. In addition, today's matter should be completely confidential. Every month, Bansu will secretly contact Mobai and hand over the alloy to him.

For Bansu, who wants to participate in the assessment of Yinxu College, the imperial guard giant Gong Qian is naturally happy. The closer such a young man is to the big business, the better.

The imperial scale guard really didn't send people to monitor.

With great harvest, Bansu hugged Banmei and left Yangcheng with Ban Ben.
