God's Deacon

Chapter 5 There is no way back

Zhong Cheng stared at the guy who looked exactly like him, looking at him smiling at him at the other end of the computer. He felt that his back was cold and touched it with his hand. He didn't know when his back had been soaked by sweat.

This originally gloomy and horrible environment has now added a strange atmosphere. Zhong Cheng's heart beat quickly, and a sense of suffocation came head-on.

"Uh...who are you?" Zhong Cheng tried and asked cautiously, "Why do you... look the same as me? Are you a human or a ghost? Zhong Cheng swore that he had never wanted to be so nervous in his life. Although the man in front of him was smiling, the momentum emanating from the man made Zhong Chengqing feel awe. The man in front of him seems to be the king who is proud of the world and can dominate the world, the absolute king!

"The same? Of course, it will be the same. If it is different, it will be strange. As for whether I am a human or a ghost, I can tell you: I am neither a human nor a ghost!" The man in the computer smiled deeply and still stared at Zhong Cheng.

"It's not a human or a ghost, so what are you! Also, why is it the same? Why is it the same? Tell me clearly!" Zhong Cheng suppressed his awe and roared loudly. He looks heroic like this, but in fact, Zhong Cheng is trying to embolden himself.

"I'm me! Besides, you are also me." The man's smile disappeared and said blankly. His tone was even a little cold.

"I'm you too? What do you mean! You mean, I'm you, you're me! How could it be! How can I be you! How could you be me! Tell me clearly!" Zhong Cheng couldn't understand what the other party meant, so he could only repeatedly expand his voice to overwhelm the other party.

"Oh," the man raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled coldly, "You're wrong. You are me, but I'm not you."

"You guy! What a riddle! I think you are a psychopath with ancient costume fetish!" The other party's high posture finally angered Zhong Cheng. He threw away his inner awe and roared loudly.

"C costume? Mental illness?" The man was stunned and then laughed, "Zhong Cheng, which world did you go to? These words are really fresh and interesting!"

"Bastard!" Zhong Cheng roared again, "Don't pretend to be a ghost on the opposite side!" You sent that letter, didn't you? Come on, what's the purpose of bringing me here? Where is this place?"

"The letter?" The man seemed to recall something and smiled again, "Yes, we sent that letter. As for why I found you, you will know if you keep going. Finally, where is this and I don't know how to answer you. Let's call this the underworld." The man was not angry because of Zhong Cheng's roar. On the contrary, his self-restraint seemed to be extremely good, and he didn't care about Zhong Cheng's tone at all.

"Why should I listen to you, you misspoken guy, what reason do I have to obey your orders? If you want me to continue walking, I have to turn around and walk back!" Zhong Cheng roared angrily at the computer screen.

"Huh!" The man's face suddenly became gloomy and ugly, and a shocking anger burst out of his body. Even across the computer screen, Zhong Cheng was still shocked by the violent rage, and an inexplicable fear quickly expanded from the bottom of his heart.

"People who come to this tomb will never return! You have no way out!" The man said coldly, "If you want to live, move forward!" No matter what you encounter, move on! Otherwise, you can leave your body and soul here as sacrifices!" After saying that, the computer screen turned off with a sound.

Zhong Cheng did not turn on the computer to contact again. He knew very well that the other party took the initiative to disconnect. There will never be a result if you take the initiative to contact. Moreover, Zhong Cheng doesn't know how to contact that person at all. Although the handheld computer has the ability to search for the geographical location of contacts, Zhong Cheng just noticed that when the other party came over, the line showing the geographical location on the computer screen was blank.

The man disappeared, and the long-standing pressure suddenly dissipated. Zhong Cheng felt weak all over, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his body involuntarily fell to the ground.

Zhong Cheng can't guess who he is, but he dares to conclude that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person, or that the other party is not a human at all.

"Ha...ha..." Zhong Cheng picked up the kettle behind his belt and took a sip of water and breathed his breath. His brain is spinning rapidly, and he needs to make a decision whether to continue forward or turn back.

If you continue to move forward, the unknown environment ahead may have an exit from here. However, judging from the communication just now. The guy who looks exactly like himself is probably in front of him. He is an extremely dangerous person. If possible, it is better to stay away from him. Moreover, he also said, "Go forward no matter what you encounter", that is to say, the way forward may be dangerous.

Go back, of course you won't see that guy. But there is no exit on the way back, and there are only upward exits. The distance from the surface here is not clear, and it is very dangerous to climb up blindly.

"It's annoying!" Zhong Cheng irritatedly scratched his long-soaked hair. This damn problem made his head bigger. Whether it was before or after, the risk was great, and the chance of survival was negligible. At this moment, Zhong Cheng has long ignored the footsteps that have been bothering it from the beginning, and his mind is full of advances and retreats.

In the end, Zhong Cheng decided to go back and see the situation first. But when he turned around and was ready to leave, he was completely dumbfounded. The path that should have existed after the original itself has disappeared out of thin air! In front of Zhong Cheng's eyes was a huge stone slab. The dark stone slab stood straight in front of him, blocking his way to death.

The height of the slate is immeasurable. In short, it is insurmountable by Zhong Cheng. And what surprised Zhong Cheng most was that there were several blood-red, face-sized characters engraved on the slate - "no way back"!

"There is no way back, no way back, no way back..." Zhong Cheng repeatedly chewed these four seemingly simple characters, but in fact, with extraordinary charm, and his face gradually became cold. His body trembled with anger, and his eyes trembled with anger.

"Ah!" Zhong Cheng, who couldn't help it any longer, was angry but had nowhere to vent, finally couldn't stand it and let out a earth-shocking roar. His fist suddenly hit the slate.

The loud sound stretched repeatedly in the dark corridor under the ground, stirring up echoes. And Zhong Cheng's fist on the slate also oozed bright red blood.

"Ha...ha...ha..." Zhong Cheng fiercely pushed the stone slab in front of him, and the sharp pain from his left hand stimulated his brain, "Bastard! I don't care who you are! How dare you play with me like this? Even if I try my best, I have to make you less meat!" Zhong Cheng is a bloody man. When he is angry, he is not afraid of anyone. This time, a series of strange events completely angered Zhong Cheng. Fear was as thin as a piece of rice paper at this moment. At this time, Zhong Cheng completely forgot what it was like.

Then, Zhong Cheng calmly took out the wild first aid kit from his backpack, took out a bottle of external medicine, applied it to the wound, and then wrapped a bandage. The pain in the heart from the left hand suddenly eased a lot.

Although Zhong Cheng was angry, he did not lose his mind. He rationally vented his anger with his left hand. His right hand should be used for shooting, so he knows very well that his right hand must not be easily injured. Otherwise, the already difficult road ahead will be even more difficult.

He looked at the stone slab in front of him and suddenly remembered what the man had just said, "The person who came to the underworld will never return."

"Can't you ever go back?" Zhong Cheng stared at the stone slab in front of him and inexplicably felt a cold sadness in his heart. His thoughts were a little confused and his mind became a little blurred.

"Damn it! Now is not the time to think about this!" Zhong Cheng pinched his thigh fiercely to wake up his brain.

Now, continuing to move forward is the most important thing to do.

Zhong Cheng quickly packed his things back into his backpack, stood up straight, looked at the darkness in front of him, and said coldly, "Since you want me to go forward, I'll go first!" Wait, I will definitely find you out and tell you the purpose of sending the letter.

Zhong Cheng carried his backpack and stepped forward again. At the same time, the footsteps of the discordant second man also sounded, but Zhong Cheng was no longer on guard against it. Zhong Cheng has analyzed it. With the other party's unconscious tracking ability, he is afraid that it is easy to take his own life. Since the other party has not taken action for so long, it proves that the other party has no intention of hurting himself at all.

So, Zhong Cheng was focused on the darkness in front of him. He clenched the pistol that opened the safety in his right hand and was always on guard against the raid in the dark.

Go on, and the dangerous road ahead is waiting for him!