God's Deacon

Chapter 6 Lions Gate

Zhong Cheng continued to take the previous steps. After walking for a long time, Zhong Cheng came to a door made of metal.

This gate can be completely integrated with darkness, because it is completely dark. In the middle of the gate is carved a powerful lion with a big mouth. The lion is carved vividly and has the ability to fake it, as if it is really going to jump out of the door and eat Zhong Cheng.

With brown hair, the height of the lion's face is estimated to be about 1.7 meters. The lion's two nostrils, that is, the two door rings of the gate, and the door rings on the two doors are also made of lion heads.

"There is such a thing in this place!" With the light of the flashlight, Zhong Cheng took a door ring and checked the man carefully. He found that the material of this door was very strange. It is neither copper nor iron. It can be said that it looks like iron but not iron.

Its black - pure black, not a little scum black. If it is only made of black iron, it is impossible to create such a shocking visual effect.

"This should not be - the legendary Xuantie!" Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng was surprised and happy. He never dreamed that he was lucky enough to see the metal in this rumor.

Put down the door ring in his hand, and Zhong Cheng began to measure the door, which was just high enough to cap. And there is no other decoration on the surface of the gate except the lifelike lion's head.

A single lion's head is carved on the door, which makes people feel somewhat abrupt. Although Zhong Cheng is not an artist, he also feels that such a design is a failure. He feels that no matter what, he has to put some lace around the door to be beautiful. The Xuantie door in front of him is too monotonous. There are only three lion heads, and the whole thing is like a lion gate.

"What a pity! The lion's head sculpture is so powerful, but other accessories seem unqualified. Zhong Cheng couldn't help but feel sorry for the door in front of him.

But Zhong Cheng knows very well that he can't sigh here, and he has to continue to move forward. Zhong Cheng sighed a few times and took a few steps forward when he was about to push the door hard. Suddenly, there was an extremely strange smile in the originally silent darkness.

"he..." I'm not sure where the sound source is, but from the perspective of the analysis of the sound. Zhong Cheng dares to conclude that the sound source is definitely near him!

Zhong Cheng was very surprised, but he was not scared. He calmly and quickly took out the pistol around his waist, quickly turned around and turned his back to the door. He guarded against the darkness in front of him and took a few steps back until he leaned his back against the door.

This is the best position. Because the back is the gate, Zhong Cheng doesn't have to worry about being attacked behind. He just needs to be on guard.

Of course, all this is based on the sounding guy who is a human, not an unknown creature.

"Who!" Zhong Cheng shouted loudly to the darkness. The sound ran through, and the loud roar lingered back and forth in the closed underground corridor.

"Ha ha..." It's this strange cry again. Zhong Cheng made a clear distinction this time, and the strange sound was coming from his face to face. He tightened the gun in his hand, his face was black, and he was ready to fire.

"You! I don't care who you are! Stop pretending to be a ghost in front of me, come out quickly!" Zhong Cheng roared.

"Hey, what an interesting child!" Zhong Cheng can not only distinguish the voice from face to face this time, but also dares to conclude that it is definitely a woman who made the sound. How can a man's voice be so sharp! Unless the other party is undefeated in the East!

Although Zhong Cheng didn't want to admit it, he had to say that although the voice was strange, it was very sweet. I'm afraid that the owner of the voice is still a rare beauty in the world!

But no matter how beautiful the beauty is, it's not right to hide here for no reason. Therefore, once he sees the figure, Zhong Cheng will definitely pull the trigger without hesitation!

"Ha ha," the voice came towards me again, "Do you want to see me like this? Men - they are all the same! But now, you'd better save your life! Be careful of being eaten by lions. After saying that, the voice giggled. And the laughter faded away until it completely disappeared.

"Uh!" Zhong Cheng's face is difficult to see the extreme. From the current situation, the possibility that the other party is human can be said to be low. The voice is erratic, and people come and go without a trace. It is very close to the little Qian in the "A Chinese Ghost Story".

"Thank God I didn't come out!" Zhong Cheng muttered. However, his face turned pale in an instant. He felt that his back seemed to move. Suddenly, he quickly thought of the last sentence of the voice just now - "Be careful of being eaten by the lion." As usual, Zhong Cheng will never believe this nonsense. But this scene, this atmosphere, especially the changes behind me. Zhong Cheng had to believe it.

Without thinking much, Zhong Cheng has jumped forward. After rolling on the ground quickly, he quickly aimed at the gate with a gun.

The flashlight shines over. I really don't know if I don't see it. I was shocked. Zhong Cheng will never forget what he saw in his lifetime.

In front of him, the lion originally carved above the gate was shaking its mane-filled neck and staring at Zhong Cheng.

"Roar!" A strong lion roar was really deafening, and the lion at the door opened his mouth and roared at the bell. The lion's head made by Xuantie swayed left and right, as if it wanted to break through the shackles.

The sudden change made Zhong Cheng not know what to do. This completely beyond common sense caused his brain to temporarily stop working. He did nothing but fear.

Boom! Suddenly, above the gate, under the lion's head, a wide lion's claw appeared, and the front leg made of black iron suddenly stepped on the ground. It made a deafening sound. The voice is as loud as the roar of a lion.

Thanks to this loud sound, Zhong Cheng was pulled back from the world of fear. Looking around again, he found that the situation was already very dangerous, and it can be said that he was not far from the Hall of the King of the Wild.

"You can't sit back and wait to death. You must get rid of the monster before it comes out!" Zhong Cheng, who calmed down, turned his mind quickly and came to a conclusion quickly. He quickly called his backpack and took out a white, hands-sized box from it. There are six bullets lying quietly in the box. These bullets are different from ordinary bullets. Although the appearance has not changed much, all these bullets have sharp warheads and slender bodies.

Zhong Cheng took out one from inside and stuffed it directly from the head of the pistol. Zhong Cheng's pistol is different from Ma Qiang. Ma Qiang's is only an ordinary domestic pistol, and Zhong Cheng's pistol is on this basis. In fact, Zhong Cheng is holding a "domestic PE all-round pistol" under development. The beauty of this pistol is that it can not only fire ordinary bullets, but also powerful armor-piercing bullets and explosive bullets.

Among these two kinds of ammunition, regardless of the burst bomb, armor-piercing shells are the first time to be used in pistols! In military history, this study can be said to be of great significance. Moreover, due to the structure of the "domestic PE all-round pistol" itself, it is not difficult to use armor-piercing bullets. You just need to put the armor-piercing bullet into the muzzle and confirm that it has reached the end of the pistol. Naturally, the power of armor-piercing bullets is not something that ordinary bullets can match. With it, it may be able to penetrate this mysterious iron gate!

Of course, only one can be sent at a time. However, the target is so big that Zhong Cheng has no reason to shoot astray.

After completing all the movements, Zhong Cheng quickly raised his pistol and aimed at the eyebrows of the Xuantie lion's head and pulled the trigger.

Bum! A beautiful firelight appeared from the head of the gun, and a meteor-like armor-piercing bullet accurately hit the lion's eyebrows, making a dull sound.

Zhong Cheng shot this part based on his feelings. As for the reason... Zhong Cheng thought so: the lion turned from a dead object to a living thing at this moment and still opened his teeth and claws at himself, so he dealt with it by means of dealing with living things.

Although it was such an untenable reason, the goddess of luck seemed to favor Zhong Cheng. After the Xuantie lion's head on the door was attacked by armor-piercing bullets, she actually lowered her head with a sad cry. And the big lion's claw next to the lion's head did not move.

Zhong Cheng knows very well that this scientifically unexplained creature cannot be smoothed with a single armor-piercing bullet. Even if it comes again, it will not help. Zhong Cheng's intuition seemed to say that the faint lion was about to wake up and must evacuate quickly.

The same is true. The low lion's head began to move slowly in a flash.

"Ha!" Zhong Cheng can't let this guy open his teeth and claws anymore. He shouted loudly, picked up his backpack and rushed forward. After several big steps, Zhong Cheng bullied the lion's head. Maybe it's a psychological effect. When it's close, Zhong Cheng can even smell the fishy smell from the lion's head.

Zhong Cheng frowned and his face darkened. Suddenly, he raised his foot and kicked the lion's head on the gate. The heavy ancient gate creaked under Zhong Cheng's hard blow, opening a small opening. Zhong Cheng seized the opportunity and rushed in the moment the door opened.

At the same time, there was a change outside the gate, and the lion's head, which had fainted, regained its senses after Zhong Cheng kicked in front of him. There was a shocking roar, and after Zhong Cheng kicked the door, the black iron lion, who had just struggled to break free from the door, suddenly jumped out of the door. But at this time, it is turning its back to Zhong Cheng!

There is still a chance! As soon as Zhong Cheng came in, he noticed a rectangular column with a door sluice on the side of the gate. Zhong Cheng didn't dare to hesitate. Before the Xuantie Lion could turn around, Zhong Cheng had already kicked the door back.

With a bang, the door closed. Zhong Cheng got up and quickly picked up the three-meter-long crossbar weighing more than 100 catties, and put it on the buckle on both sides of the door. Just as soon as it was put on, the door made a loud noise. The powerful anti-shock force on the door forced Zhong Cheng to fly backwards, and then fell to the ground. The fall made him look like a star.

It seems that the black iron lion has begun to hit the door!

If it is half a second at night, the consequences will be unimaginable!