God's Deacon

Chapter 8 Blood Pool

After rushing in, Zhong Cheng immediately closed the iron door, then leaned his back against the iron door and gasped heavily. Zhong Cheng's nerves are a little numb. He can hardly remember how many times he has experienced such a crisis of life and death today. His physical strength and mental strength were in an extremely tired situation at this time. Zhong Cheng, who was exhausted and his limbs were weak, and his legs were weak, and his whole body collapsed in front of the iron gate.

"It should be very dangerous if those monsters break in at this time! I have to get out of this damn place quickly. Zhong Cheng reminded himself to hold the wall with his hand and stumbled up. Just now, he didn't care about the scene in front of him at all. This time, when he took a closer look, he found that he had entered such a trembling place.

"I... let me come to such a place!" Zhong Cheng originally wanted to curse, but his own physical energy was really not much. Shout loudly would further lose the energy that was not much energy in his body. Zhong Cheng had to shrug his shoulders helplessly and frowned and pinched his nose.

The place where Zhong Cheng is located is still a hall, but this hall is square. The hall is estimated to be at least more than 1,000 square meters, and the stone walls around it are extremely smooth and not rough. Moreover, there were no candlesticks around the hall, and there was no lighting equipment, but it was strange that the hall was red. The reason comes from the big pool full of blood-red ** about ten steps in front of Zhong Cheng!

There is a slightly protruding small stand in the center of the pool. There is a delicate red bead suspended on the stand. The beads are only about the size of marbles, indicating that they are soft, smooth and beautiful. And this strange little red bead is emitting strange and mysterious red light around. The blood-red ** seems to be affected by the little red beads and is also releasing strange red light around. It is the red light that fills the hall that makes the whole hall bright red, and the place in the hall must be red. This mysterious and mysterious red light also shone on Zhong Cheng's face at this moment, making his face look as bright red and dazzling as if he had makeup. With this strange red light, Zhong Cheng can still see an iron door standing on the other side. This iron gate is undoubtedly the exit of this hall.

It's not a few doors that make Zhong Cheng breathe a sigh of relief. Zhong Cheng doesn't like the choice question based on luck. And Zhong Cheng also understood why there was a water wave pattern on the gate just now, because the room inside the gate did have such a pool. Unfortunately, this is not a pool, but a blood pool. It's not a water wave on that door, but a blood wave!

This pool is indeed very big, and the small pool outside can't be compared with it at all! The width of the pool directly crosses the left and right ends of the hall, which is estimated to be 100 meters. The length of the pool can almost be said to be the front and back of the hall, with only about a dozen steps of land left.

If the pool is loaded with clear water like the small pool outside, Zhong Cheng will not feel any discomfort; even if it is red and unknown**, Zhong Cheng can still endure it. But the fishy smell that came to his face made Zhong Cheng not jump, and his stomach rolled and even nauseated. This familiar smell told Zhong Cheng a solid fact that the red ** in this pool is blood! Real blood, even hot blood!

The blood here is not frozen! Is it the fresh blood that has just been poured in? Zhong Cheng's brain exploded with a buzz, which was so chilling! I have only seen this situation on TV, and now I have not only seen it with my own eyes, but even asked about it! Zhong Cheng really hopes that he has never seen such a thing that makes his scalp numb and his vest cold.

The strong impact made Zhong Cheng, who was stunned, unable to say a word for a long time. It was disgusting and shocking. Zhong Cheng will never forget what happened today and everything he saw in his lifetime!

Taking blood as a pool, this is a means of extermination of humanity that perverted guys can imagine. Even if the blood in this pool is not human blood, such a heinous thing is enough to make Zhong Cheng can't help but raise an impulse to kill the person who made the pool.

After all, Zhong Cheng quickly forced himself to cheer up. He knows how difficult his situation is, and a little more hesitation may bury himself here. Although there are monsters behind the blood pool, Zhong Cheng has decided that he must escape, although the long road is long and dangerous.

"But it's strange. Why doesn't the fish monster hit the door like a lion?" Zhong Cheng felt that something was wrong. He turned his head to confirm the situation. It didn't matter. At first glance, Zhong Cheng had to drag his chin again. Looking back, Zhong Cheng was surprised to find that the iron gate painted with water waves that had stood quietly behind him had disappeared! There is only a smooth wall in front of me. The wall glowed strangely in the red light of the blood pool and small red beads, as if laughing at Zhong Cheng.

"..." Zhong Cheng was silent for a while, and a sentence suddenly flashed in his mind - "There is no way back." Zhong Cheng still remembers the four bean-sized blood-red characters engraved on the stone wall.

"Alas!" Zhong Cheng sighed helplessly and said to himself, "It seems that this place really can't go back!" But that's good. The monsters behind can't catch up. Zhong Cheng comforted himself and turned his eyes back to the bloody pool in front of him.

He took a few steps close to the blood pool and carefully shot the pool full of red** in front of him on the shore. Looking closer, Zhong Cheng felt that he was really sorry for his nose, and the damn fishy smell became stronger because of the shortening of the distance. Fortunately, Zhong Cheng was still an excellent special soldier. At this time, he decisively threw away his pretentiousness and cleaned up and focused on observing the situation of the blood pool.

"Remember to let me take that bead!" This time, his attention fell on the floating little red bead in the middle of the blood pool, which was ordered by the mysterious guy to take away. Therefore, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be a little curious about the wonderful little red bead. Of course, he knew that the bead was by no means ordinary, but he didn't know what the bead was for. But since the guy wants to take it himself, he should take it first. Now Zhong Cheng is not familiar with the environment here. Zhong Cheng here is like a headless fly. Since there are "people" pointing out at this time, Zhong Cheng, who has no direction, can only choose to believe it. This is also a passive and helpless move. If Zhong Cheng has a clue, even a little clue, Zhong Cheng will never listen to a word of that guy.

Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng has no clue.

Since you want to get the beads, you have to leave from the iron gate on the other side. Zhong Cheng had no boat or plane, so he could only swim in the most primitive way. Thinking that his body was going to be soaked in this disgusting blood pool, Zhong Cheng couldn't help shrinking his stomach sac, and the stomach acid almost burst out of his mouth. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and forcibly suppressed the impulse.

"Now think about the guy who asked me to eat the fish in the pool just now, it should have something to do with the blood pool in front of me." Zhong Cheng thought, "It's not because the blood here is poisonous..." Zhong Cheng had a chill and secretly scolded himself for being imaginative. This is the reason why he usually read too many novels.

He doesn't want to think so much anymore. When he sees the mysterious guy who is exactly like him, the puzzles together will be revealed. Now, let's swim vigorously to the other side!

Zhong Cheng tied the strap on his backpack tightly to his body and observed the blood pool again. After confirming that the blood in the blood pool had not solidified, Zhong Cheng was ready to jump down. He doesn't know how deep the blood pool is here, so preparation is very important. If he accidentally cramps, he will not be killed in the battle.

At this time of preparation, Zhong Cheng, who had nothing to do, looked at the bright red blood pool again. After staying here for a long time, the pungent smell no longer makes Zhong Cheng so disgusted. Suddenly, Zhong Cheng stopped moving and dilated his pupils and stared at the blood pool in front of him. His expression was very strange and even very nervous.

With Zhong Cheng's close observation, he finally waited for the change of the blood pool and saw a scene that he had just happened to notice, a scene that he had never noticed. The surface of the originally calm blood pool suddenly gently scratched a shallow ripple. The ripples are very slight, and you won't find them if you don't look carefully. If it hadn't been for this preparation, Zhong Cheng would have ignored this occasional small ripple.

But now, he noticed, so his heart immediately became alert. The reason is very simple. This is a closed blood pool without circulation, and this room does not feel a trace of breeze, so the blood in the blood pool is absolutely unreasonable to produce such an unusual ripple. And it occurs more than once, so accidental situations can also be ruled out.

Impossible ripples have arisen now, and occasionally need to be excluded, so there is only one answer that can be used as an explanation:

There are some dangerous guys hidden in the blood pool. That guy may be the same as the stone lion and fish monster he just saw, and he is an unknown creature that Zhong Cheng has never seen before.