God's Deacon

Chapter 7 Fish Monster

Zhong Cheng fell to the ground fiercely, and the pain made him scream. The black iron lion outside the door was not at ease at all, and still struggled to hit the iron door, making a thick and harsh muffled sound. Looking at the battle of the Xuantie Lion and the poor door sluice bending little by little, Zhong Cheng had no doubt that the monster could knock the iron door open.

Time was very tight, and regardless of the pain from his buttocks, Zhong Cheng stumbled up and began to observe the situation around him.

He found that he was in a round hall, which was very wide, and it was estimated that the area would be about 500 square meters. There are no objects around the hall. The only thing may be rows of pictures and characters engraved on the walls of the hall that Zhong Cheng can't understand. But one thing is gratifying. Every ten steps on the surrounding walls, there is a candlelight, and sporadic candlelight spreads around the hall, making it completely different from the outside. It was dark outside, and it had to rely on the wolf-eye flashlight to barely illuminate; and it can be said that the lights here are bright compared to the outside. Although the flame of the candlelight is not very bright, it is no problem to basically illuminate the hall. With this brightness, Zhong Cheng could see that there were four two-meter-high iron gates quietly standing in front of him, that is, on the edge of the hall. There seem to be some strange pictures engraved on the iron gate, but due to the distance and insufficient light, Zhong Cheng can't tell what it is for the time being.

However, Zhong Cheng is most concerned about a square pool more than 100 meters away from him. There is no guardrail around the pool, just like chiseling a large square hole in the ground. The reason why it is said to be a pool is that Zhong Cheng standing here can faintly see the stagnant water in the pool. As for the depth of the pool, it is difficult to estimate.

This place actually has such a pool, which aroused Zhong Cheng's interest. He temporarily forgot the black iron lion that hit the door and went straight to the pool. Now, Zhong Cheng can be said to be stunned. The appearance of a pool in such a place surprised him. Now, Zhong Cheng, who is close to the pool, can see clearly. The pool is very shallow, only about 0.5 meters deep, and the pool water is very clear and incredibly clear. Zhong Cheng was so clear that he could clearly see the four strange-shaped fish swimming in the pool.

It's normal to say that these fish are strangely shaped. If you see a guy whose head is dark black and triangular, his body is green without scales, and his whole body is the size of a palm, do you think it's not weird? The fish's head is about as long as its body, but it is wider. Zhong Cheng personally thinks that this fish head should be as hard as iron.

Zhong Cheng swore that he had never seen this thing in his life. Look at the big black head of the triangle and the turquoise skin. The little monster in front of you is too incongruous. Don't mention that although this kind of thing is small, Zhong Cheng really dares not touch it. Just kidding, if this thing is poisonous, you will be "happy" to death.

Zhong Cheng sighed for a moment and listened to the sound of hitting the door again and again. Zhong Cheng did not dare to stay longer. He quickly left the pool and walked forward to the four iron gates. His judgment is correct. The upper part of the four iron gates is indeed engraved with four patterns. The shape of the pattern is quite simple, from left to right: sky, human head, moon, skeleton.

Zhong Cheng looked at these four patterns carefully, touched his mouth and thought, "It's really annoying. What a multiple choice question! What should I do now..." He glanced at the four patterns. Zhong Cheng's eyes fell on the head and thought, "It's reasonable that I'm a human. I should go through this door, but will it be so simple? Could it be that simple? Is there any mechanism?" He looked at the last door with a skeleton pattern again and thought, "If you think about it according to common sense, that door should be the most impossible. But..."

"Damn it! What annoying! Which bastard built this place? If you let me know, I will kill him!"

This is indeed a problem that can plague Zhong Cheng, because it is not about analysis or insight, but gambling on luck. It's like a gambler gambling. Zhong Cheng has always been very lucky, and being attacked by Ma Qiang is the best example.

A few beeps suddenly sounded from the backpack behind Zhong Cheng. Zhong Cheng remembered that it was a prompt sound that the handheld computer would make when he was contacted.

But - Zhong Cheng clearly remembers that he turned off the sound! How can it be now?

An inexplicable sense of fear extends from Zhong Cheng's back to his scalp. He opened his backpack with trembling hands, took out the handheld computer inside, and thought for a long time before pressing the receiving button.

A man immediately appeared on the computer screen. The man at the other end of the computer has red pupils and looks exactly like Zhong Cheng! Zhong Cheng has seen this person - the guy who claims to be his!

"Why are you again!" Zhong Cheng lowered his voice.

"Don't you just want to see me?" The man's mouth still had a smile that made Zhong Cheng difficult to understand, saying some words that Zhong Cheng couldn't figure out.

"Uh..." Zhong Cheng was speechless for a moment and did not deny that he was really eager to see the mysterious guy in front of him. As for the reason, Zhong Cheng himself is not clear.

"Okay," the man suddenly put away his smile and his face became serious. "This is the only time I can help you. If you want to live, listen to me."

"I..." Zhong Cheng originally wanted to say something, but the sound of installing the door again made him understand the seriousness of the situation. Now it seems that he has to listen to what the guy in front of him wants to say first.

"After a while, you retreat to the pool to eat a mouthful of fish, and then open the second door on the right and leave from there!" Then you take the red beads in the center of the room and leave. As for the future, you have to go by yourself. By the way, you can't take the fish out when eating fish. You have to bite off the fish in the water! As for which part to eat, I don't need to say more. All right, time is urgent, move quickly! Your door is about to be knocked open by the 'Guardian Lion'. Although he was reminding Zhong Cheng to move quickly, the man did not show much nervousness.

"Hey, wait! You want me to eat the ugly in the water! And eat it in the water! Are you out of your mind? I..." Zhong Cheng immediately protested loudly, but the computer had jumped into a black screen.

That guy's selfish behavior was so angry that Zhong Cheng thought about scolding his mother. But the harsh sound of hitting the door made Zhong Cheng have no choice but to run to the pool. I don't know anything about this place, and now it seems that I have to believe the ghostly guy.

came to the water's edge, looked at the ugly guy underneath, and then looked at the disgusting green fish body. Zhong Cheng didn't want to eat this kind of thing raw. But now it is obviously important to save his life. Zhong Cheng has fully exerted the excellent quality of special forces who dare to fight without fear of hardships at this moment. He suddenly reached into the water and grabbed the iron head of a strange fish. Unexpectedly, the strong and strong strange fish did not have any resistance, or the resistance of the strange fish was so small that Zhong Cheng could not feel it at all. However, no matter what, small resistance is definitely a good thing for Zhong Cheng.

Looking at the blue-green skin of the strange fish in his hand that glowed slightly in the dark lights, Zhong Cheng was dizzy with nausea again. The sound of hitting the door in his ear calmed him in panic. After praying to God that this exit must be fine, he resolutely put his head into the pool and bit off a mouthful of fish in his hand. The strange fish felt pain, the resistance became stronger, and its body also twisted rapidly at this time. But that little resistance really can't stop Zhong Cheng's action. Zhong Cheng loosened his mouth, and there was a touch of turquoise blood left on the corners of his mouth. The water in the pool was also stained by the turquoise blood overflowing from the wound of the strange fish. At this time, Zhong Cheng was not in the mood to pay attention to the strange fish and directly released his hand. As soon as the fish was free, it quickly swied away from Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng also immediately raised his head from the water. The fish tasted disgusting. Zhong Cheng felt as if he had eaten rotten oranges, and his mouth was full of sour smell. Zhong Cheng didn't dare to chew slowly and swallowed the fish directly into his stomach. But even so, the disgusting smell also made Zhong Cheng almost unstable.

Zhong Cheng forced himself to cheer up, but after a little relaxation, he immediately wiped his mouth and kept running to the second iron door on the right.

People, that's the life.

Zhong Cheng has just stepped forward. I heard a shocking muffled sound. There was nothing to say, the door was knocked off. Zhong Cheng didn't dare to look back, just accelerated his pace and ran forward. But an unknown object suddenly appeared in front of him blocked his way. Even if Zhong Cheng is in a hurry to evacuate, he has to see who is in the way at this moment.

At first glance, although Zhong Cheng, who had a strong psychological quality, was still scared. Although the black iron lion on the door just now is fierce, it is still powerful. The guy who appears in front of him now has nothing to do with power.

I saw a humanoid monster as tall as an adult standing in front of him. His head was a standard triangular fish head, and a fish mouth full of steel teeth appeared in the raised front. The fishman's body is green, with sharp fins on his back and sharp hook-like claws on his fingers. And this fish monster's lower abdomen is green and bloody, which is obviously caused by Zhong Cheng's bite just now.

Revenge is coming! Look at this fish monster as tall as yourself, and then look at the bright claws on the palms and feet. Zhong Cheng had no doubt that the fish monster could tear his body with his damn claws.

"Roar!" The fish monster showed off its claws, released its anger, and grinned and roared in front of Zhong Cheng. Zhong Cheng's heart beat faster and subconsciously took a step back. At the same time, he quickly reached out to the pistol around his waist, pulled out the gun and shot at the fish monster.

With a crashing gunshot, a bullet flew out quickly, directly hit the dark fish head of the fish monster, and made a crisp impact, but the bullet did not hurt the fish monster at all, but was directly shot out!

"Damn it!" Zhong Cheng cursed and immediately withdrew a few steps to distance himself. Zhong Cheng was not so surprised that the bullet was bounced off. Zhong Cheng had already noticed that the monsters in this place were abnormal. If one shot succeeded, it would be strange.

As soon as he retreated, Zhong Cheng clearly heard a loud lion roar and a few sneer from behind him. Even though the situation is urgent now, curiosity still forced Zhong Cheng to look back. At a glance, Zhong Cheng knew why the other four fish monsters and the fierce black iron lion did not chase him. Dare they were not in the same group. They saw that the black iron lion was surrounded by four grinning fish monsters, and they were going to fight each other. Looking at the sink, there seems to be a dark black object sinking. Zhong Cheng remembered that it was part of the latch used to lock the door behind the door.

The current situation is very clear. Xuantie Lion's angry collision finally broke the Xuantie door and broke the doorl on the door. The huge impact caused one of the fragmented slash to fall into the pool. The huge impulse and the weight contained in the iron itself splashed the water in the pool that was not deep. With this power, the strange fish in the pool escaped from the pool.

Finally, once these strange fish leave the pool and come to the ground, they turn into one adult-sized fish monster after another. Looking at the sharp claws and rough voice, coupled with fearless courage, it is not difficult to imagine how terrible the strength of these fish monsters is.

But fortunately, the four fish monsters are now fighting with the doorkeeper, and there is no time to worry about Zhong Cheng. So what Zhong Cheng has to face is the fish monster injured by himself in front of him!

"I can meet it like this. I'm really lucky!" Zhong Cheng sighed at his bad luck and suddenly felt a strong wind blowing in front of him. He** sensed that the strange fish was rushing towards him, and Zhong Cheng quickly rolled on the ground and dodged the catch of the fish monster. Although he was so panicked, Zhong Cheng still forced himself to calm down. He immediately restored his semi-squat position to stand, and then quickly went to the second iron gate on the right in the gap where the fish monster turned around. And at the same time, he quietly took out a burst bomb from his bag and put it into the pistol.

Although the turning speed of the fish monster is not as fast as Zhong Cheng, the straight speed is undoubtedly better than that of Zhong Cheng. The fish monster who turned around immediately rushed to Zhong Cheng at an unimaginable speed.

Zhong Cheng frowned and looked back while running. The fish monster was about two meters behind him. It opened its mouth wide and felt that its claws were ready to make blood splash on Zhong Cheng's back. Zhong Cheng lifted the gun very calmly and then released a burst bomb at the fish monster!

With a roar, the bullet hit the fish monster that did not dodge at all and exploded! The huge momentum failed to shock the flying fish monster, but it successfully blocked the fish monster from moving forward. Taking advantage of this moment of lightning, Zhong Cheng has opened the iron door with a water wave pattern and plunged into it.

Then I only heard a bang - the iron gate more than two meters high was closed! The dull echo echoed in the hall for a long time.