God's Deacon

Chapter 10 Blood Beads

"Oh!!!!!" This scream has nothing to do with Zhong Cheng. Being bound by the snake's body, it is extremely difficult for him to breathe. How could he have the ability to make such a breath-consuming roar? And except for Zhong Cheng, there is only the blood python here, so it screams ferocious blood python.

The screaming blood python loosened its bondage to Zhong Cheng, and its body began to twist extremely unnaturally. Zhong Cheng, who was loosened by the blood python, immediately began to breathe the air contained in the blood pool and took a quick breath. The disaster did not die, and Zhong Cheng was also a little bolder. He forgot the fear in his heart just now and was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he observed the movement of the blood python in the blood pool.

I saw the blood python rolling back and forth, roaring and screaming heartbreakingly, looking extremely painful. The blood in the blood pool also surged because of the angry rolling of the blood python. Zhong Cheng is in the blood pool, and his body can't help flowing with the blood flow. Zhong Cheng put away his mind and tried to control his body.

"How could this be? I'm dazzled..." Zhong Cheng observed the extremely abnormal movement of the blood python and suddenly noticed a very strange place. He found that the body of the blood python seemed to be slowly shrinking, as if the blood in his body had been sucked. It is still struggling painfully in the blood, as if it were fighting against something.

Observing again, Zhong Cheng was convinced of his idea that the body of the blood python was indeed shrinking rapidly. From the fluctuation of blood flow, it can also be felt that today's blood flow is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

"Is that why it gave up its attack on me?" Zhong Cheng thought about this question, "Oh!" Zhong Cheng felt the heat in the palm of his left hand and couldn't help shouting to let go of his hand. Zhong Cheng was sad at this call. Zhong Cheng, who opened his mouth wide, immediately poured a mouthful of red with fishy ** into his stomach. He actually drank blood!

Zhong Cheng's scalp was numb, his eyes were wide open, and his stomach was full of pain. His legs couldn't wait to leave this damn blood pool immediately! But wait, he looked at the empty left hand and suddenly remembered the little red bead. I just let go of my hand because the palm of my hand was hot. What about that little bead? I'm afraid it has fallen into the depths of the blood pool. I don't know how deep this blood pool is!

Zhong Cheng, who was anxious, could not take care of his stomach. He turned around and prepared to swim to the blood pool, trying to retrieve the bead. However, as soon as Zhong Cheng turned around, he saw a bright red ball slowly flying up below him.

What's the situation? Zhong Cheng was stunned and forgot what he should do. Then, a small bead with a fierce red light slowly floated up in front of Zhong Cheng's eyes.

Dare to worship that huge ball of light is all thanks to that little red bead! Zhong Cheng also chased after him. Unexpectedly, the little red bead suddenly accelerated and quickly rushed out of the blood pool. Zhong Cheng was speechless and had a feeling of being teased, but he didn't think much about it and immediately rushed out of the surface of the blood pool.

Zhong Cheng's upper body left the blood pool and saw the blood-red beads in the center of the hall glowing with a mysterious red light. What's more strange is that a blood pool is flowing towards the red beads, forming a beautiful red blood column in mid-air.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Cheng was dizzy, forgot the fact that he had just drunk blood, and stared at the rare strange scene in front of him. At this time, the surface of the bleeding blood pool suddenly exploded. A blood-red blood python suddenly rushed out of the blood pool and opened his big mouth full of fishy breath and rushed to the red beads in mid-air. The column of blood in mid-air clearly came from it.

But this huge blood python is no longer as ferocious as it was at the beginning, at least it looks like this. The big python, which was a little thicker than the bucket just now, is now as thin as a wire, but even so, the big snake still flew to the little red bead in mid-air with a big mouth full of fishy blood basin.

"My beads!" Zhong Cheng was afraid that the blood python would swallow his little red bead and quickly put his hand outside the waist bag containing the pistol. The pistol was steadily taken back into his pocket just before Zhong Cheng fell into the water, and the quality of the pistol was so good that he couldn't help resisting pressure and releasing water. Water and blood should be about the same! But no matter what, Zhong Cheng can no longer care what will happen to his pistol.

He skillfully took out his pistol and fired a shot at the blood python. With a bang, the bullet hit the blood python and bounced away very naturally. This did not disappoint Zhong Cheng. Sure enough, it didn't work at all. Even if the blood python has become thinner now, its skin still has the ability to ignore Zhong Cheng's attack. But what Zhong Cheng didn't expect was that the python didn't even dump himself and continued to pounce on the little beads!

"Stinky snake! I'm here!" Zhong Cheng shouted nervously to attract the blood python. He didn't know where he came from, as if Zhong Cheng's life had become less important than protecting the little red bead.

But Zhong Cheng's voice failed, and the giant snake still ignored Zhong Cheng and still rushed straight towards the little red bead.

"Uh..." Zhong Cheng gritted his teeth and looked at the action of the blood python, but he had no choice but to stare with big eyes and worry.

However, the expected picture did not occur. The scarlet mouth of the blood python failed to touch the little red bead, but was fixed in the outer light mass of the little red bead. The blood python tried its best to tear through the seemingly weak light mass in front of him and rushed in and swallowed the beads. But no matter how the aggressive snake head arches up, it can't break in. The strange thing is that the blood python's body did not slip into the blood pool because of the attack, but was nailed in mid-air.

Zhong Cheng's second monk was confused. When he took a closer look, he realized that it was the blood column on the blood python's body that was constantly losing blood outward.

The rapid loss of blood forced the blood python to loosen its mouth, and its body twisted painfully again. Its blood is decreasing little by little, and its pain is increasing little by little.

Zhong Cheng watched the blood red outside the skin of the blood python gradually fade, replaced by a lifeless dead gray. The python twisted its slowly shrinking body painfully in mid-air, sometimes bending, sometimes rotating, irregularly. That looks extremely amiable and miserable. This cruel blood-sucking scene made Zhong Cheng a little overwhelmed. He took a deep look at the red beads suspended in mid-air and frowned.

What a terrible effect that is - sucking blood! If he has such a dangerous* around him, unless Zhong Cheng is a fool, he doesn't know how to manipulate anything other than this scientific theory. Instead of carrying it with fear all the time, it's better not to have it!

Zhong Cheng, who came to this conclusion, didn't want to stay in the blood pool for too long and turned to swim to the other side. After going ashore, Zhong Cheng was covered with blood. His tense nerves were finally relaxed after going ashore, and his body was as soft as nerves on the ground. At this time, Zhong Chengcheng had no extra strength to open the door and leave. As a last resort, Zhong Cheng had to rest while continuing to watch the tragic experience of the python.

Now the blood python in mid-air has given up resistance, and its body hanging straight in mid-air has dried up like a dead wood, and its skin has completely turned into dead gray. I guess it is dead. Looking at the blood column, it was getting smaller and smaller. Under Zhong Cheng's gaze, the blood column gradually became thinner until it completely disappeared.

The little red bead after absorbing the blood of the python seems to be more red. This redness makes Zhong Cheng seep. He doesn't want to call the little red bead a red bead, but directly called it "blood bead". What is a blood-sucking thing that is not a blood bead? The guy in the computer actually wants to take this by himself. Does he want him to die so badly?

Zhong Cheng thought of this and couldn't help swearing a few words. Looking at the blood beads in the air, it has gradually slowly collected the halo around it, and then it rotated a few times in the air, completely absorbing the red light into the interior. Then he flew to Zhong Cheng quickly!

"Damn!" The sudden flying blood beads frightened Zhong Cheng so much that he bounced up. When he touched it, he was going to be sucked blood! Look how miserable the blood python died just now. How dare Zhong Cheng touch this blood bead? He stood up and didn't care about the backpack on the ground, and was ready to grab the door immediately.

But how can he walk faster than flying? Just as Zhong Cheng turned around, the blood bead had already flown close to him. Zhong Cheng was so scared that he turned around and was ready to jump into the blood pool, but he still took another step slower. Only when he took two steps, the blood bead had fallen into his hand.

"Ah!" Zhong Cheng shouted sadly and was immediately ready to throw out the blood beads in his hand. However, he still stopped moving, because the blood that fell on the palm of his hand did not suck his blood as he expected, but lay quietly in the palm of his left hand. Zhong Cheng was surprised, but he still kept calm. After careful thinking about it, it was the same just now. I got the blood beads and was not absorbed by it.

"What's going on?" Zhong Cheng stared at the small bead in his palm and really couldn't understand the reason. Why is the blood python sucking blood but it's okay? There is no reason to be stronger than a blood python!

At the same time, the beads in Zhong Cheng's hand began to glow brightly again. Zhong Cheng was shocked and was ready to throw it out. But the next second, he found that the shining blood beads were not absorbing the blood in his body. Instead, he is absorbing blood from the surface of his body.

Zhong Cheng stared at the uncomfortable blood on his body flying towards the blood beads little by little. It was not until all the blood outside Zhong Cheng's body was absorbed that the blood beads put away its strange red light and calmed down again.

"This...it's better than making a movie..." Zhong Cheng has nothing to say. Now let's think that this blood bead is harmless to him. He took the blood beads back into his waist bag and sat on the ground to rest for a moment before carrying his backpack and leaving the frightening blood-red hall from the iron gate.

Whish the blood beads or everything so far, Zhong Cheng believes that as long as he sees the same man as himself in the computer, these things will be clear.