God's Deacon

Chapter 11 Sword God

Zhong Cheng can't predict what's going on in the depths of the earth. He could only move forward as much as he could. The "no way back" written on the stone still stimulated his brain nerves, forcing him to set a clear goal and desperately challenge the unknown front. Secrets and gloomy can destroy Zhong Cheng, but they can't overwhelm Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng's footsteps came to the hall behind the blood pool. This hall is still a circular building like the first one, and there are still several shining candle lights around it. As usual, the four walls are some characters and patterns that Zhong Cheng can't understand at all, and there are still four iron gates with different patterns directly in front of them. If it weren't for the human-shaped statue in the middle of the hall, Zhong Cheng would have no doubt that he had returned to the place just now.

"Ha..." Zhong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and thought it was lucky not to go back, otherwise he would really cry without tears. This time, he did not have the last panic. Last time, it was because Zhong Cheng followed a lion that jumped out of the iron gate closely behind him. Of course, he had no concern about this this time, so Zhong Cheng could stay here as he wanted.

Zhong Cheng thought, "I just left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to have a good look. You have to take a closer look at what you said this time. In this way, Zhong Cheng came to a candlestick, stared at the candlelight that emitted a faint light, and thought, "What's wrong with the candle here? Why can it be..." His thoughts were suddenly torn off, because he saw the candlelight on the candlestick. There was no candle, only candlelight!

Like a star lit up in the dark night, the fire without candles suspended on the candlestick, just a finger-sized flame! Just flames!

"This...this...this fucking is too evil!" Zhong Cheng took a mouthful of saliva and his heart beat fast. Sure enough, nothing in this place can be explained by common sense. The suspended candlelight made Zhong Cheng's slightly relaxed nerves tense again. He tightened the gun in his hand and thought to himself, "You can't be careless here!" Although there is no danger in this place on the surface, who can guarantee that the danger will not suddenly fall from the sky?

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng immediately raised his head and looked at the ceiling above. There were only strange characters and strange patterns on the ceiling as the four walls. But there is no monster that climbs to the top in Zhong Cheng's fantasy. Zhong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax his hand holding the pistol. He cleverly looked around and made sure that there were no other strange creatures hidden in the dark before he dared to relax a little. But it's just a little relaxation.

"In a word, let's see what these walls are written first!" Zhong Cheng made up his mind, clenched his pistol and came to a wall with characters and patterns, and began to appreciate this ancient object of unknown age.

Zhong Cheng, the character in front of him, has a headache than foreign languages. He has never passed English when he was a child, and he is inherently immune to those foreign characters. What's more, the characters in front of you are indeed strange, crooked and crooked, and irregular. Zhong Cheng can't understand it at all. However, looking at the posture of those characters, it is very similar to Oracle, but not all. Zhong Cheng looked from left to right and found that some were like Oracle, but some were like hieroglyphs, and some were like small seals of the State of Qin! And...

"I..." A text is enough to make Zhong Cheng dizzy. Now there are N words, and Zhong Cheng has given up the idea of finding something on these strange characters. Instead, I looked at the pattern.

Looking at the pattern is indeed not as painful as when looking at the characters, but Zhong Cheng frowned for a long time and still didn't see why.

Still looking from left to right, the first pattern is drawn by a person who Zhong Cheng finally tried his best to distinguish a person! This man seems to be standing on the clouds, overlooking the world!

That's about it...

After reading a painting, Zhong Cheng was already out of breath, and the content of the painting was still imaginative...

"Alas... the future is so hard!" Zhong Cheng cheered up his morale and began to observe the second pattern. This is! Zhong Cheng was dumbfounded. The pattern in front of him was a standard mess, just like a primary school student doodle, with no style, no lines, depth and connotation. ( Generally, the doodle is not graffiti, which must be depth + connotation.) This should not be the legendary Picasso's abstract painting!

Zhong Cheng's art cells are not much. If the painting in front of him wants to understand, there are not many art cells needed. After two struggles, artistic idiots like Zhong Cheng finally gave up the stupid idea of continuing to study the painting and focused on the third painting.

This third painting is relatively gentle. Although it is still so "artistic", Zhong Cheng can still see clearly that the picture is a figure with a long sword and a feather crown. This person stands on a cliff with his hands on his back, still overlooking everything in the world.

After reading this painting, Zhong Cheng was almost moved to tears. I finally understand! And the content has also been translated. It's a miracle!!

But he can't be satisfied with a little achievement. Zhong Cheng calmly turned his eyes to the fourth painting, and he was stunned!

"This... This is fucking cheating! What did you draw, a... a hornet's nest!" Zhong Cheng almost didn't say that it was a pile of rice * Tian Gong. Indeed, this painting is really drunken and graffiti, and the whole pattern is depicted by countless lines. Zhong Cheng is not Master Bi. He doesn't have that talent. The gold content of this picture is too high for Zhong Cheng to gnaw.

Then the next picture, turning his eyes, Zhong Cheng's expression was surprised and occupied again. This painting is also the king of lines... Look at the next one, I don't understand...

Zhong Cheng continuously scanned all the patterns that he could see, and the whole army was destroyed, and none of them could understand. Zhong Cheng sighed depointily. I don't know how many times he sighed today.

There is no clue from the characters and patterns, and Zhong Cheng's spirit is very depressed. He walked slowly to choose one of the four iron gates opposite. However, when he inquired about the center, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but stop in front of the human-shaped statue of the same size as a human.

This statue is carved by a handsome man with long hair holding a long sword. The man was wearing a wide robe, and his slightly raised corners and the man's sad eyes were so lifelike. There was an exquisite jade pendant on the man's belt. Zhong Cheng looked at the jade pendant carefully and found that the jade pendant was not carved, but a real product! The jade pendant is green and the material is superior. The jade body is full moon-shaped, dotted with a beautiful Bauhinia flower, which looks extremely beautiful. The handsome man and the beautiful jasper seem to be a perfect match.

Zhong Cheng looked at this lifeless and lifelike sword-wielding man, the word "sword god" inexplicably appeared in his mind.

The man in front of him is not a living person, but the powerful aura emanating from his body can't help but sincerely read the sword-wielding man bowed deeply.

Zhong Cheng bowed and said sincerely, "Senior, I didn't mean to disturb your rest. If there is any offense, please forgive me." After salute, Zhong Cheng continued to observe the adult-like laughing statue. He not only became interested in the jade pendant on the man's waist, but also thought, "What kind of story is contained in this jade pendant?" Although he really wanted to take off the jade pendant to find out, he still gave up the idea of disrespect for the sword in front of him.

Zhong Cheng took a deep look at the elegant and sad man, saluted respectfully again and said, "Senior, Zhong Cheng, I can't stay here for a long time. I'm very sorry to disturb Qingjing. I'll leave now." After saying that, Zhong Cheng wanted to leave. But his eyes suddenly fell on the stone sword about three feet long in the hand of the sword god and could not move away for a long time.

The stone sword did not have too many decorations, but an inconspicuous stone sword, but Zhong Cheng was deeply attracted by this seemingly inconspicuous sword. Zhong Cheng's body slowly and uncontrollably moved closer to the statue and towards the stone sword.

The stone sword was close at hand. Zhong Cheng carefully watched the sword god holding the right hand of the stone sword and took a closer look. Zhong Cheng was indeed not dazzlery just now. He found that the hand of the man holding the sword was not combined with the stone sword, and there were a few gaps in the middle indicating that the man and the stone sword were not carved from the same stone. It should be after carving the man, and then put the carved stone sword in the man's hand. The man's hand holding the sword was not completely clenched in the shape of a fist, leaving a gap between his four fingers and his index finger. I think the stone sword was put into the man's hand from this gap.

If this is the only reason, Zhong Cheng does not need to turn his head to approach the stone sword. But somehow Zhong Cheng seemed to have a voice in his mind that he didn't know repeatedly reminding him that he must pick up the stone sword. It feels the same as the unsigned letter I received.

Zhong Cheng's spirit was in a trance and involuntarily took out the stone sword from the hand of the statue. There is no difficulty in taking it out along the gap. And when the sword was held in his hand, Zhong Cheng did not feel very heavy. The feeling of holding the sword in his hand was the same as holding a gun. It was just right, neither light nor heavy.

After taking down the stone sword, Zhong Cheng's mind also woke up. He stared at the three-foot-long stone sword in his hand and couldn't speak for a long time. What on earth is he doing!?

Zhong Cheng suspected that he was probably a ghost. He looked around and found that there was nothing unusual, and his eyes fell on the stone sword. To be honest, this stone sword was not carved successfully. There were no patterns or characters on the stone sword, but only the sword body and hilt.

Zhong Cheng sighed and felt that the man with the image comparable to the sword body was too talented to hold such a failed carving sword. After sighing, Zhong Cheng respectfully bowed to the statue and apologized: "The action just now is completely involuntarily. The senior's eyes are bright, and I don't think it will be clear. It's my fault to take off my predecessor's sword without authorization. Now I will return the sword to my predecessor. I hope you won't be angry. With that, Zhong Cheng was ready to send the stone sword back to its original position, but at this moment, a strange scene happened.

The stone sword in Zhong Cheng's hand suddenly burst out a dazzling white light from the depths of the stone, and the strong light made Zhong Cheng close his eyes tightly and unable to move. In the dark, Zhong Cheng clearly heard two broken sounds from his hand, clicked, and Zhong Cheng's hand felt a chill at the same time.

Until the strong stimulation gradually reced, Zhong Cheng could reluctantly open his eyes and restore his vision. The first thing to do was to look at the three-foot-long stone sword in his hand. After all, the sound just now came from here.

At a glance, Zhong Cheng's hands trembled, and the originally ordinary stone sword in front of him has now become shining and shining! The white and cold silver-white blade, the gorgeous sword handle carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the awe-inspiring momentum made Zhong Cheng's heart unable to calm down for a long time.