God's Deacon

Chapter 264 Silent

Under the bright moon, in the dark night, the forest has returned to its usual calm. With the disappearance of the monster gate, the strange dark red light has also receded.

For a while, the calm of the past returned to this world.

However, the calm is just the appearance.

The four people by the lake are not calm!

Although Aya and Junlang are silent now, and Zhong Cheng and Aruna are silent, there is always a strong breath in the air, which makes everyone breathless.

"What's going on?"

When Aruna saw that Aya in her arms suddenly lost her voice, she couldn't help but panic and subconsciously looked at Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng didn't know what was going on, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know..." With that, Zhong Cheng put his eyes on Aya. After looking at it for a while, he turned his eyes to Junlang not far away.

Then, Zhong Cheng found that whether it was Aya or Junlang, his chest was still undulating, which also proved that the two had not died. Although the black air still haunted their faces, they no longer moan as painfully as at the beginning.

As for why this happened, Zhong Cheng really doesn't know. It's not enough. Even if he doesn't know, Zhong Cheng is not in a hurry. At this time, just ask Bauhinia. This time, Bauhinia was relatively straightforward and did not say much ridiculative words, which directly explained the reason.

According to Bauhinia, the reason why Junlang and the two suddenly lost their sound is that the evil spirit has eroded their minds and made them lose their self-consciousness. If nothing unexpected happens, the two of them should have died peacefully.

Zhong Cheng told Ajuna what Bauhinia said.


Arona lost her mind and looked sad. She lowered her head, stared at Aya's face, and then stretched out her hand and gently stroked Aya's white and flawless cheek. In response, Aya just whispered a few times. Because of the loss of self-awareness, Aya at this time, not to mention speaking, I'm afraid she can't even open her eyes!

However, at this moment, a slight smile suddenly appeared on Aya's face!

She actually laughed!

Zhong Cheng couldn't believe his eyes and stared at Aya. What he saw was not a face sad because of pain, but a face smiling because of satisfaction!

Yes, Aya is smiling at this moment, looking so calm and satisfied, as if she is enjoying an extremely happy thing. Under this inexplicable happiness, Aya looks so dazzling and beautiful. It seems that what awaits her is not death, but rebirth!

"You must be very happy!" Aruna still stroked Aya's face. Although she still retained the sad color that was hard to sweep away, a smile had been outlined on the corners of her mouth, "You can die with the person you like..."

Zhong Cheng was slightly stunned and lowered his head to think about the meaning of Aruna's words.


Suddenly, a small sound of footsteps interrupted Zhong Cheng's thinking. Zhong Cheng was shocked and immediately looked at the source of the sound. Then he was stunned and couldn't help exclaiming, "Junlang!"

Yes, what Zhong Cheng saw is not someone else, it's Junlang!

Junlang is still the same Junlang, with a cold look and a straight body. The only difference is that on his already accustomed to ruthless cheek, there is a little more blackness that cannot be ignored at this moment.

Junlang did not care about Zhong Cheng or respond to Zhong Cheng's surprise, but silently moved in one direction.

And the person lying at the end of that direction is Aya!

The situation is getting more and more strange, and the doubts in Zhong Cheng's heart are getting stronger and stronger.

According to theory, Junlang should have lost consciousness because of the evil spirit entered the body.

But the fact is that Junlang did not lose consciousness. Although his pupils were a little dim, his eyes were still bright.


Zhong Cheng hesitated whether he should meet and stop Junlang. As usual, Zhong Cheng would naturally rush forward without frowning. But at this moment, somehow, Zhong Cheng just couldn't get forward, as if he was stopped by an unknown force.

Just as Zhong Cheng was struggling with what to do, a snow-like jade hand gently fell on his shoulder. As soon as Zhong Cheng turned around, he saw Aluna, who was staring at Junlang passing in front of him.

"Why don't you stay with your sister?" Zhong Cheng looked at Aruna and wondered.

Arona shook her head slowly and smiled, "Because my sister hopes that it's not me, but him." When she said this, Aruna's eyes were on Junlang. Her face looked a little lonely, but in the loneliness, there was a trace of relief.

"Although I don't know what the so-called 'love' is like, I think I will be happy when Junlang goes to my sister's side! Is it?" As he said, Aruna turned her head and looked directly at Zhong Cheng.

Hearing this, a light suddenly flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind, and he finally realized.

So that's it. No wonder I always feel that Aya's eyes looking at Junlang are strange. It turns out that those eyes are full of admiration!

That's right. After all, for Aya, Junlang is the man who saved her from her desperate life and her hero!

So, she has been admiring him since then. So much so that now, love has finally turned into love.

I have to say that this love is really plain!

Simple and silent.

However, no one in the world is qualified to laugh at this plainness.

Because love is great!

And most of love is silent.

When you find its existence, you will also find that you have reached the point where you can't help yourself.

Now Zhong Cheng knows why he can't stop Junlang. Because he has noticed that Junlang seems to be planning to respond to Aya's love. Junlang doesn't want to leave regrets before he dies!

Thinking about this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but look up slightly and look at the two ghost beads and blood beads floating in the air, and there was no tolerance and guilt in his heart.

If nothing happens, after Junlang's death, his future will be secretly sighed by these two: "Sorry, I'm not a person who can dominate my life!"

In silence, Junlang has come to Aya's side. Although his face is still cold, he can't hide the warmth in his eyes.

Junlang leaned over and looked at the woman lying quietly on the ground in front of him, and his heart ached inexplicably. And when I think of the "sleeping" person in front of me who has spent many years with me, the pain in Junlang's heart is also deeper.

It is true that I will save him at the beginning just to get information and benefits from her. However, it is undeniable that Aya is indeed a smart and lovely woman. Even if she is dedicated to pursuing strength, she can't deny her intelligence and beauty. Is it possible to say it without moving?

With a slight sigh, Junlang smiled bitterly, and then he frowned and coughed. He could feel that the breath in his body was completely disordered, and the violent evil spirit was ravaging his body and destroying his will. I'm afraid that soon, like this group of evil spirits that turned into monsters, will always sink into the boundless sea of karma and never be born!

Is this the price of pursuing power? It's really serious! It will not only destroy people's present life, but also cut off people's future.

However, Junlang can no longer care about what will happen to him. The most important thing is that Aruna will not do anything.

Taking a deep breath, Junlang slowly bent down, stretched out his palm and put it flat in front of Aya, and then closed his eyes silently, forcing the miracle in his body to run again.

At this moment, Junlang is still strong! However, both Zhong Cheng and Aruna know that strength is not his strength, but his will.

With the operation of the miracle, a faint layer of dark red energy gradually appeared in Junlang's palm. Under the attraction of that energy, those evil spirits that were eroding Aya's body began to rush towards Junlang's body coincidentally! Several groups of black gas escaped from Aya's body and attached to Junlang's body.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Cheng sighed slightly.

The method used by Junlang is exactly what Zhong Cheng just mentioned - to save others at the cost of himself. It seems that even an advanced strong man like Junlang can't rely on his strength to subdue this group of ferocious evil spirits. And the ferocity of this group of evil spirits can also be imagined.

Of course, what impressed Zhong Cheng most was that the person who finally used this method to save Aya would be Junlang who was already used to indifference!

So, life is full of variables.

Compaed with Zhong Cheng's emotion, Aruna's face looked very calm. Perhaps because she is a woman, Aruna faintly sensed the inexplicable emotion between Aya and Junlang a long time ago.

A man and a woman have been together for a long time. If they don't get tired of each other, so many half will like each other.

And Junlang and Aya belong to the latter!

Because there were not many evil spirits attached to Aya's body, Junlang's movements did not last long. After the black gas attached to his body, Junlang breathed a long sigh of relief, calmly withdrew his palm, and slowly straightened his body.

At this moment, the black gas on Junlang's face has aggravated a little.

Although Aya is still in a deep sleep, there is no trace of blackness on her white jade-like cheeks. The evil spirit in her body has been expelled, but because of a rush and destruction, she temporarily fell into a state of sleep.

"Is it because you are too tired?" Junlang lowered his head and looked at the cheek he was familiar with lovingly. A gentle smile gradually appeared on his face and said softly, "Then have a good rest. You have worked hard for so many years." With that, Junlang squatted down again, gently stroked the beautiful cheek, and felt the smooth skin.

After a slight stroke for a while, Junlang stood up and faced Zhong Cheng, restoring his previous indifference. But in this indifference, what can't hide is a severe pain!

It is a miracle that the evil spirit is encroaching on Junlang's body and soul. It is a miracle that he can maintain consciousness and stand up straight! Junlang obviously didn't want to be limited to this miracle. He looked directly at Junlang, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I don't think you will be embarrassed by her, will you?"

"No." Zhong Cheng nodded. Facing the gentleman who only relied on willpower to support his physical activities, he could only nod!

"She is an Intel. Will you take care of her?" When he said this, Junlang's eyes had already turned to Aruna.

Facing Junlang's eyes, Aruna nodded heavily and replied in a positive tone, "Of course! She is my sister!"


Zhong Cheng raised a difficult smile on the corners of his mouth, and then, as if he could no longer support it, his body finally fell to the ground with a plop! I fell to the ground so heavily!

It's over, it's all over...

At the moment when Junlang's body fell down, the blood beads and ghost beads in mid-air almost at the same time floated to the upper end of Junlang's body, followed by a scene that made Aruna unforgettable forever!

The blood-red blood bead began to ruthlessly extract the blood from Junlang's body! With the injection of blood, the red light on the blood beads is getting brighter and brighter!

The milky ghost beads began to absorb the soul ruthlessly! Not only the souls of Junlang, but also the souls of those evil spirits have not been let go of! With the injection of the soul, the milky white light seems to be more strange!