God's Deacon

Chapter 265 End of Dance Song Different from each other

The blood beads are still sucking the blood in Junlang's body! That's the blood of the God King!

The ghost beads are still capturing the wisp of soul after wisps. Countless souls were stripped out of Junlang's body and floated in the air, and then pulled into the ghost beads by an invisible force. As the soul was captured one by one, the sad screams were endless!

Although they are only souls, they have consciousness and know fear.

Because Junlang is dead, at this moment, even if he is being captured by the ghost beads and blood-thirsty, Junlang's face still does not show any pain. On the contrary, today's Junlang looks particularly calm.

There is no unwillingness or regret.

Unfortunately, under the crazy sucking of blood, Junlang's skin is getting dryer and his face is getting more blurred. I believe that it won't be long before the once domineering Junlang will directly turn into a mummified corpse because his blood is sucked dry!

"What are these two beads?"

Temporarily restrained the surprise and uneasiness in her heart, and Arona cast an inquiring look at Zhong Cheng. And when she saw that Zhong Cheng's face was not good at this moment, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Because she clearly saw that Zhong Cheng's face suddenly felt a little more guilty!

Look at the rare guilt on Zhong Cheng's face, and then look at the two red and white beads suspended in mid-air. Aruna has vaguely guessed something. However, she is not sure yet, nor is she unwilling to be sure. Therefore, with a worried mood, Aruna looked at Zhong Cheng, paused, and asked slowly, "Are the two beads floating in the air yours?"

Zhong Cheng did not reply and lowered his head in silence. He really didn't know how to answer, and he really didn't know how to face Aruna's sharp and uneasy look. If he can choose, Zhong Cheng doesn't want this to happen.

The dementor is bloodthirsty, and it is enough to be creepy just thinking about it, let alone witness it with your own eyes!

However, reality is often cruel. For Zhong Cheng, he has no choice! Because he is just a pawn and can only follow the track planned by others.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's sudden silence, Aruna's uneasiness was even higher. She seemed to be anxious. She couldn't help but walk forward, grabbed the corner of Zhong Cheng's clothes, looked directly at him and opened her mouth again.

"Is it yours?"

Her eyes are aggressive! It left Zhong Cheng no chance to breathe.

Zhong Cheng, who was helpless, had to sigh gently and wanted to say something. But at this moment, there was a crisp sound in the air that was different from before, as if talking about the joy in his heart. Then, the blood beads shining with blood red light slowly floated in front of Zhong Cheng and entered the ring on Zhong Cheng's fingers with the strange red light.

As for the Nether Pearl, it is still floating in the air and continues to capture the soul. As Bauhinia said before, for the Nether Pearl, the harvest of this trip is indeed a little too abundant!

When she saw the blood bead firmly inside the ring, Aruna's face was instantly filled with disappointment.

no longer needs to answer. This scene just now is the best answer!

Yes, the blood beads and the ghost beads do belong to Zhong Cheng!

Arona couldn't believe her eyes. Until the strange red light dissipated, she still stared at Zhong Cheng's ring with her beautiful sea-blue eyes, which she didn't want to believe.

However, no matter how unwilling you are to believe it, when the facts are in front of you, you can't help believing it! You can deceive yourself, but you can never deceive yourself!

And Aruna is not the kind of woman who will blindly deceive herself and believe in beautiful ideals. Although she is unwilling, she is more willing to choose to admit it silently than deceiving herself.

"Why do you do such a thing? Why use that kind of thing to suck other people's blood and capture other people's souls? It's okay to suck blood, even take away your soul! Do you know? Seizing other people's souls is equivalent to killing other people's future! Don't you think it's cruel for you to do this?"

Arona looked up slightly, stared at Zhong Cheng coldly, and said in an extremely indifferent tone. That tone is like talking to a stranger who has nothing to do with him. No wonder, after all, in her eyes, Zhong Cheng's current behavior can really be called heinous. You know, what a cruel and cold-blooded thing it is to take away the future of others!

However, behind his cold eyes, there is disappointment and sadness!

Yes, even at this moment, Aruna still doesn't want to believe the facts in front of her.

She doesn't want to believe that Zhong Cheng, the nation who has saved herself, her own people and funds, and Zhong Cheng, who is deeply admired by herself, would do such cruel things! This feeling, as if betrayed by the person closest to you, is so painful and sad. And the most helpless thing is that I must get rid of the pain and sadness in my heart and show a connection of anger and indifference, so as to show how much I hate this practice.

Zhong Cheng did not know what Aruna was thinking, but with his natural sharp insight, Zhong Cheng still noticed that there was such a strangeness in Aruna's attitude. However, now, Zhong Cheng's heart has been filled with guilt, and he has no time to worry about the strangeness in Aruna's attitude.

With a slight sigh, Zhong Cheng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Yes, I don't know why I witnessed this cruel thing..."

The meaning of the words is to admit it!

Arona's face showed a little disappointment again, but the disappointment just flashed by. The reason why this is not because her heart does not hurt, but because she has long been used to burying sadness in her heart and facing others with a resolute attitude.

Because she is the head of a family, she must learn to be strong for her own nation! No matter what happens and what blow she suffers, she must be strong!

Strong! Endure the tears in your eyes, endure the pain in your heart, and be desperate to be strong!

Arona gritted her teeth and still looked directly at Zhong Cheng, and the resoluteness on her face was extremely obvious! And it was because of the obvious perseverance that her face did not look as natural as before.

Strange, obviously you are used to being strong, but why do you feel the corners of your eyes moist and why do you feel tingling in your heart? This feeling is so unforgettable and difficult to let go...

"In that case, why are you like this?"

Arona knows that if she keeps staring at Zhong Cheng, she may not be able to suppress her emotions, maintain that strength, and finally shed tears of disappointment! Therefore, she opened her mouth decisively and took advantage of this gap to turn her eyes to the ghost pearl that floated in mid-air and still ingested the soul.

Zhong Cheng, who was full of guilt and powerlessness, did not have as keenly insight into Aruna's unusualness as before, and he also turned his eyes to the underworld bead. The Nether Pearl is still the same as just now, emitting a not dazzling milky white light, capturing one soul after another.

The scream of the soul has never stopped! As for Junlang, because the blood was sucked dry, he has really become a shockingly-looking mummified corpse.

What a cruel and disgusting picture this is!

And this picture naturally aroused the anger in Aruna's heart. She bit her lips, stared at Zhong Cheng again, and said coldly, "Aren't you going to explain why you are like this?"

"Hmm?" Zhong Cheng was stunned and looked at Arona blankly. Because when Aruna said this, Zhong Cheng was painfully entangled in the guilt in his heart, so he would seem a little distracted at this time.

However, as soon as he saw Aruna's anger mixed with an inexplicable sad look, Zhong Cheng knew what she had said. However, it's a pity that Zhong Cheng's response to this can only shrug his shoulders helplessly and said helplessly, "It's not that I don't want to explain, but some things are really inconvenient to say. Anyway, I have a reason to do this..."

"Reason? For the reason you say, don't you even hesitate to deprive others of their future? Aruna stared at Zhong Cheng and was even more disappointed. She was unwilling to believe that Zhong Cheng, whom she admired, was a person who would say such irresponsible words. However, she did not lose her mind.

"Maybe that's indeed a convincing reason."

Thinking so, Aruna took a deep breath and continued to ask, "In this case, can you tell me the reason why you have to do this so that I can be convinced?"

Zhong Cheng's face stiffened, nodded slightly and said, "Sorry, there are some things that are really inconvenient to say."

"Is it inconvenient to say?" Aruna stared at Zhong Cheng and asked word by word, "Even if the partner is me, isn't it convenient for you to say it?"

After a short and long silence, Zhong Cheng finally nodded.

"I'm sorry..."

Ah? Sorry? Ha ha..." Aruna first looked stunned, and then raised the corners of her mouth, outlined a lonely smile, and said slowly, "In your opinion, am I just an untrustworthy person? Yes, I think so. You and I are not of the same race, and it is impossible to trust each other at all. Even if I treat you as a friend..." At this point, Aruna sighed, closed her mouth, and made up the unfinished words in her heart.

"Even if I admire you and want to believe you, you won't trust me, won't!"

"That's not because I don't trust you, it's just that I don't want to..." Zhong Cheng originally wanted to say, "I don't want to involve you", but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back. Because he suddenly found that if he said so, wouldn't it be equivalent to saying that he was involved in a troublesome incident? If Aruna asks about this, it will be difficult to answer. Therefore, Zhong Cheng finally chose to shut up.

Anyway, after tonight, there should be no more intersection between myself and Aruna. In this case, just let the other party misunderstand and distrust him.

I have to say that Zhong Cheng did succeed.

When he said "not because he didn't trust you", Aruna's eyes obviously had a little more Xiyi in his eyes. However, when Zhong Cheng closed his mouth, the only trace of Xiyi dissipated in an instant!

And Aruna seemed to be pushed from the clouds to the bottom in an instant, and there was no smile!

"I see, I see..."

As Aruna spoke, she retreated. It was not until she opened a short distance with Zhong Cheng that she stopped. Then, she suddenly waved her hands and danced, which turned out to be dancing!

Her dance posture is still so dazzling and gorgeous, so graceful and light, like a nine-day mysterious girl down to the earth, dancing in the city!

As if to cater to this unparalleled dance posture, the screams of resentment and the sad sound suddenly reached the extreme at this moment, as if they were playing music for Aruna's beautiful dance!

The beautiful dance, sad music, this incompatible two actually formed a wonderful match at this moment! It looks so natural and shocking!

I don't know how long it lasted, and the sad music finally came to an end. After the music stopped, Aruna's dance also stopped.

At this moment, the earth once again regained calm.

However, it is only this world that is calm!

At this moment, both Zhong Cheng and Aruna are full of peace.

In peace, the ghost bead that captured countless souls still emitted its unique milky white light and slowly flew into Zhong Cheng's ring.

"It's over!"

Arona looked at Zhong Cheng with a calm face. Although her heart still hurts, after a dance, Aruna still chooses to be strong. Obviously, he and Zhong Cheng do not belong to the same road.

"Ah, yes! It's over..." Zhong Cheng nodded, then turned his head, first took a look at Junlang, who had become a mummified corpse, and then looked at Aya in his sleep. "I think it's better not to let her see Junlang's body for the good of your sister."

"Don't worry, I know these things." Aruna also nodded.

"Oh, that's good." Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and finally said, "It's been a while since I came outside. It seems that I should leave!"

With a pain in her chest, Aruna raised her head slightly, showed a slightly lonely smile, and said, "Yes, it's time to leave. After all, you don't belong here, so it's not good to delay too long. So, when are you going to leave?

I don't know why, looking at Arona's slightly lonely smile, Zhong Cheng suddenly seemed to understand something, and suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart. However, at this point, he can no longer turn back.

Since you have lost it, it's better to lose it. Anyway, there must be other things to fill today's loss in the future life.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Zhong Cheng looked at Aruna and asked.

Arona was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "I used to have it, but now I don't have it. Don't worry, I will deal with the matter here. I will take care of my sister and bury Junlang. He is a man worthy of burial.

"Well, I agree." Zhong Cheng paused and slowly exhaled. Finally, he made up his mind and arched his hand and said, "Since there is nothing I need for my help, I will leave. I'm really sorry for bothering you for many days.

"Where, without the help of Mr. Zhong, I'm afraid there would be no British people in the world. Great kindness, there is no return!" After saying that, Aruna bowed to Zhong Cheng. At this moment, her tone suddenly seemed extremely cold, and her expression was extremely polite, which made people feel indifferent!

Mr. Zhong? When did it become this name again? Does this mean that everything done before has been in vain?

"It doesn't matter. I'll say goodbye."

In desperation, Zhong Cheng said this very simple farewell with a wry smile, turned his back to Aruna and walked towards the dense forest ahead.

For Zhong Cheng, this is just a station in his life journey, not the end.

After this trip outside the plug, there is a harder road to become stronger in front of him! If there is no mistake, Zhong Cheng will enter the famous Theological Seminary in the whole continent and start a new life.

As for Aruna, after Zhong Cheng leaves, she will definitely return to her previous life. Although Zhong Cheng's departure is an unforgettable pain for her, she believes that the pain will eventually be weakened to the minimum! Moreover, from now on, there will be a sister who has been separated for many years in her life. Because she doesn't need to decide who the heir is as before, she believes that with her own efforts, her relationship with her sister will eventually get better.

Although since then, the lives of the two of them will no longer intersect!

But now, looking at Zhong Cheng's fading back, let Aruna cry because of sadness!

Tears burst out of the embankment.