God's Deacon

Chapter 267 Accompanying Loneliness

Zhong Cheng soon reached the upper end of the waterfall. He didn't dare to stay longer because he was worried about the Bauhinia beside him and chewing his tongue. He walked into the torrent with a wooden stake. Although the water flow was very fast, there was no depth, so Zhong Cheng calmly walked to the center of the river, put the stake in his hand into the river, followed his feet a little, and jumped onto the stake. The next thing to do is to use your own balance to control the stakes on the soles of your feet and keep them balanced.

Although it sounds simple, it is not so easy to do. Because the river is at the top of the waterfall, the water flow is unusually rapid. It is quite difficult for people to stand in this torrent to maintain balance, let alone step on wooden stakes to maintain balance! Moreover, even if the balance can be maintained, how long it can be supported is also a question. Zhong Cheng now has the longest record of 36 hours, but the standard given by Bauhinia is that he can only practice the next step after at least 48 hours.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng is still griting his teeth and working hard.

In order to become a sword of water, in order to become stronger and more painful, it doesn't matter!

Seeing Zhong Cheng go to practice obediently, Bauhinia nodded with satisfaction. At this time, she was sitting next to the lake at the bottom of the waterfall, leaning on an ancient tree, smiling and looking leisurely. Since he had a body, Bauhinia has been in a good mood. Today, she is in the same good mood.

Bauhinia looked at the lake in front of it with ripples under the vertical blow of the waterfall, then looked up at Zhong Cheng at the upper end of the waterfall and muttered, "I don't know how long it can last this time. Don't be too disappointing." With that, Bauhinia suddenly yawned. Look at the surrounding environment. There are trees, lakes, green mountains and green water, which are beautiful. Under such beautiful scenery, Bauhinia's mood was naturally very comfortable, and then he closed his eyes defenselessly, showing a childish smile on his face, leaning against the tree and taking a nap.

However, when Bauhinia enjoys life leisurely, Zhong Cheng is painfully undergoing trials.

Zhong Cheng, standing on the stake, is now constantly running the miracle in his body, turning it into an invisible energy and injecting it into the stake under his feet, so that the stake can be balanced in the torrent. Due to the violent operation of the miracle, Zhong Cheng's body temperature began to rise suddenly. However, for a long time, wisps of white smoke rose from Zhong Cheng's body. Zhong Cheng was also sweating profusely and gritted his teeth, which seemed to be quite painful.

He will be so painful not only because his body is hot, but also because he consumes a lot of mental energy when he runs miracles. This boring and boring cultivation method often ends with the depletion and exhaustion of Zhong Cheng's miracles. After that, it was repeated and resumed this boring cultivation. Therefore, this practice is not only testing Zhong Cheng's body, but also testing Zhong Cheng's will.

In this repeated practice, a few days have passed in a hurry. Although the way of cultivation has not changed, the time Zhong Cheng can stick to is indeed growing day by day.

And today, Zhong Cheng is still practicing as the author used to.

Close your eyes, calm your breath, skillfully run the miracles in your body, turn them into energy, and inject them into wooden stakes on the soles of your feet. Regardless of the rush of the river, the noise of the sound, the heat of the body, regardless of nothing, the miracle and the power.

At this moment, Zhongcheng's heart is like a calm lake without a trace of ripples, and he has settled down! For him today, cultivation is no longer a painful thing, but a calming thing.

"Very good, very good!"

A voice from the outside world suddenly came in, and Zhong Cheng's heart couldn't help but ripple. Then, a sharp wind suddenly came from Zhong Cheng's ears! The wind was getting closer and closer, and it was actually coming for himself!

A sudden change, Zhong Cheng's heart was shocked. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at the sound of the wind. He saw a thick wooden stake rushing towards him at a speed visible to the naked eye! Driven by instinct, Zhong Cheng didn't care about any practice. With his feet, his body rose in the air, and the soles of his feet rubbed the edge of the stake, narrowly avoiding the blow. And the wooden stake that was trampled on the soles of Zhong Cheng's feet was immediately washed into the waterfall by the strong rapids after Zhong Cheng left.

Rolling around in the air, Zhong Cheng fell to the shore and didn't care about the wooden stake that suddenly attacked him. He strode directly to the edge of the waterfall and shouted at the Bauhinia sitting with his back against the ancient tree under the waterfall: "Hey! Why did you suddenly attack me!"

Although Zhong Cheng just closed his eyes, judging from his voice, the speaker was obviously Bauhinia. And with her sitting here, it is impossible for others to get close, let alone a sudden attack! Therefore, the only person who attacked Zhong Cheng may be Bauhinia.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhong Cheng's questioning, Bauhinia did not deny it, but nodded calmly and smiled, "Of course it makes sense. You come down first and I'll tell you." With that, Bauhinia waved to Zhong Cheng. Although her voice is not loud, it contains miracles, so it can also be clearly heard in Zhong Cheng's ears in the sound of the roaring waterfall.

Zhong Cheng came to the lake at the bottom from the top of the waterfall with doubt, walked to the Bauhinia and said, "Speak."

At this time, Bauhinia had stood up from the ground. She looked at Zhong Cheng in front of her and smiled, "Do you know how long you have been standing on that stake?"

"How long?" Zhong Cheng was slightly stunned and did not react immediately.

Bauhinia looked at Zhong Cheng's stunned appearance and smiled again and said, "Let me tell you! You have supported it for more than two days!"

"Two more days?" Zhong Cheng was stunned again and then said happily, "That is to say, the practice is over?"

Bauhinia slowly shook his head and smiled, "I can't say that, but this stage of cultivation is over. You have been tired for so long. Have a good rest today and talk about the practice tomorrow. Ha ha, the next practice is the key point! You have to be psychologically prepared. From tomorrow on, I will not only continue to supervise your cultivation, but also personally guide you to practice!" With that, there was a bad smile on Bauhinia's face, and there was a little more joke in his eyes.

Looking at Bauhinia's bad smile and joking eyes, Zhong Cheng only felt a chill coming to his face and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. With his understanding of Bauhinia, he knows very well that Bauhinia usually shows his expression here, which means that there is absolutely nothing good! It seems that tomorrow's practice will be more painful!

With a silent sigh, Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "Alas! There must be no good thing! Don't worry, I will be mentally prepared."

"Eh?" Somehow, after listening to Zhong Cheng's answer, Bauhinia was not satisfied at all, but his soft face showed a little disappointment and said, "I didn't expect you to be so calm and obedient! This is really disappointing! I'm still looking forward to your complaints!"

"Complaining?" Zhong Cheng kept smiling bitterly and shook his head, "What if I complain? Anyway, it's useless."

Who said it was useless? Very useful!" Bauhini shook his head seriously, looked at Zhong Cheng seriously, and then said to Zhong Cheng in a serious tone as much as possible, "If you don't complain, how can I tease you?"

"So, you just want to use my complaints to entertain yourself?" Zhong Cheng looked helplessly at the woman in front of him who had always enjoyed playing tricks on himself and frowned, "Are you born to like to tease people so much?"

"It's not true! You are very special to me." Bauhinia said in a soft and crisp tone, taking a step forward to make his face close to Zhong Cheng and show great charm!

The beautiful appearance of the city, the peerless glory! Undoubtedly, Bauhinia is definitely the most attractive woman Zhong Cheng has ever seen.

I don't know how many men's hearts can be taken away by her hard smile!

Zhong Cheng is also a man, so when Bauhinia approached him and smelled the intoxicating woman's body fragrance in his nose, Zhong Cheng's heart inevitably moved. However, after all, Zhong Cheng is Zhong Cheng. After a brief heartbeat, he soon regained his former calmness. Of course, this is not because of the lack of charm of Bauhinia, but because Zhong Cheng knows too much about the purpose of Bauhinia in this regard. He knew very well that as long as he showed such an unusual look, he would definitely be ridiculed by Bauhinia.

In the final analysis, Bauhinia's purpose is just to make fun of himself!

Thinking this way, Zhong Cheng calmed down. He calmly took a step back, opened the distance between the two, and said lightly, "Yes, of course I'm special to you. Because I'm the only one around you who can make fun of you.

"Ha, don't be so cold! I didn't lie to you. You are really special!" Bauhinia stared at Zhong Cheng's face, and a warm smile appeared on his face and said, "Who made your face look exactly like Lord Pluto?" As soon as I saw you, I thought of him.

As long as Pluto is mentioned, there will always be an intoxicating tenderness on Bauhinia's face, and there will be an incomparable reverence in his eyes. And the Bauhinia at this time has always been the most beautiful and touching.

"Puto?" Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly, "If it were really Pluto, would you do this to him? I don't think so!"

Bauhinia nodded and said in an unquestionable tone, "Of course not!"

"I guess so!" Zhong Cheng nodded and protested, "In this case, for the sake of the same face as Pluto, you can let me go for a moment and don't always play tricks on me, okay?"

"That won't work!" Bauhinia said in the same unquestionable tone, "It is because you have the same face as Lord Pluto that I can't help but want to tease you all the time!" Because the feeling of teasing you is like teasing Lord Pluto! It's so funny!" With this, Bauhinia suddenly laughed as if he had returned to his own world.

If you guess correctly, she should be fantasizing about Pluto being teased!

No wonder she is so happy and happy to play tricks on Zhong Cheng. After all, Pluto gives people the feeling that he is the hegemon of the world, unparalleled and domineering! At a glance, I knew that he was a hero.

And heroes are usually lonely.

Even the people around the hero are almost lonely.

So, whether it is Pluto or Bauhinia, they are actually accompanied by loneliness.

Therefore, the Bauhinia, which will smile without hesitation at this moment, is actually quite cute.