God's Deacon

Chapter 266 Longyin Mountain

Longyin Mountain is a forbidden place for theological seminary and the back mountain of theological seminary. Because the sound of dragon singing is often heard in the mountains, it is called Longyin Mountain.

The Tongshen University is located in the center of the Tongshen Continent and borders with neighboring countries. It is not affiliated to any country and is an independent zone.

At this moment, on a quiet waterfall in Longyin Mountain, a naked and heroic young man is standing on a wooden stake. The stake was placed in the torrent at the top of the waterfall and suffered the beat of the torrent, as if it could fall at any time.

However, the man standing on the stake, with his own strength, pressed the stake under his feet in place to prevent it from moving with the waves.

This is a way to fight against torrents with strength. Although it consumes extremely physical strength, it is a quite effective way to practice. It can not only exercise the body of the practitioner, but also exercise the will of the practitioner, and at the same time enhance the miracles in the practitioner's body. And in addition, sometimes, this cultivation method can also help practitioners understand the cultivation path of a certain divine method.

It can be said that it is beneficial and harmless

Of course, there is no absolute advantage in this world. Although this practice method is effective, it is not difficult.

No, the man standing on the stake has begun to tremble slightly, and it seems that he can't hold on any longer.

"Damn it!"

Sure enough, after making such a gangster scream, the young man fell into the water with a flutter. Then, under the impact of a waterfall, Zhong Cheng's body was quickly swept into the vertically falling torrent and steadily fell into the lake at the bottom of the waterfall.

"No, it's too tender, it's too tender!" A beautiful woman in a pleated dress on the shore immediately expressed her dissatisfaction and roared at the man whose head had just emerged from the water. It is worth mentioning that several wooden stakes are piled up beside this beautiful woman.

"Well, I've been drinking water all morning. Let me have a rest!" The man wiped the drops of water on his face and complained to the woman on the shore.

"No! Who said he wanted to be stronger? Since you want to become stronger, what else do you rest? Hurry back to the top of the waterfall and continue to practice!" The woman shook her head decisively.

"Isn't it just practicing a magic method? Is it necessary to work so hard?" Listening to the woman's unreasonable words, the man couldn't help squeaking his mouth and muttering his dissatisfaction.

However, the man's practice is obviously a failure. Because he ignored how horrible the woman sitting on the shore to supervise him was. Even if you whisper, you will be heard clearly.

"What does it mean to practice a divine method? I will let you do this, but it's not just as simple as letting you practice a water sword! Instead, you should make your physique stronger and stronger! You should know that in addition to the divine method and divine source, the most important thing in the same level is the physique. Whoever is strong and can withstand the opponent's attack will gain an advantage in the battle! In the case of comparable strength, even if it is only a little advantage, it is worth fighting for!"

Sure enough, the man's words were indeed heard by the woman. After listening, the woman also preached mercilessly.

"Okay, okay, I know, can't I continue to practice?"

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, the man smiled bitterly and swam towards the shore. In front of this woman, his human rights have always been very weak.

This man is naturally Zhong Cheng. And that woman is Bauhinia.

After saying goodbye to Aruna that day, Zhong Cheng did not stop at Saiwai and returned directly to the Central Plains. Before returning to the Central Plains, Zhong Cheng learned something from Bauhinia that is still incredible.

This is - Bauhinia has a body!

Considering the situation of Bauhinia at that time, this is definitely a shocking thing. You know, Bauhinia's body and soul are still in the underworld (chaotic world), and she is just a consciousness who came to this world. And consciousness should be impossible to have a body. However, Bauhinia proved to Zhong Cheng with facts that what seemed impossible was actually possible.

According to her, the reason why she has a body is all because the ghost beads have ingested a large number of souls during the previous journey. Because there is a lot of soul power inside the Nether Pearl, she can borrow power from the inside of Nether Pearl to make a body. However, although she can make a body, her strength is far less than her.

But even so, her strength is already quite amazing. Among other things, it is absolutely impossible for Zhong Cheng to sneak into this Longyin Mountain without the assistance of Bauhinia.

Longyin Mountain, as the back mountain of Tongtheological College, is also a forbidden place for the college. Naturally, there are many people guarding this mountain. Several roads up the mountain have been blocked by people, and the guards are quite strict. Therefore, it is absolutely not easy to enter the mountains unconsciously.

However, this seemingly difficult thing is particularly easy under a divine method of Bauhinia.

Zhong Cheng can't remember the name of the divine method, but Zhong Cheng still remembers the effect of the divine method clearly - invisibility and hiding breath at the same time.

With this method, Zhong Cheng successfully escaped the strict guards at the foot of the mountain and entered the Longyin Mountain, which is famous for the sound of dragons. After entering this Longyin Mountain, Zhong Cheng found that, as described by Bauhinia, Longyin Mountain is indeed a quiet place, and there is a faint auspicious atmosphere in the mountain, which is very suitable for cultivation. However, it is strange that Zhong Cheng did not encounter other practitioners in this mountain.

However, this is not surprising. After all, only a few talented students recognized by the college are qualified to come to this Longyin Mountain to practice. In addition, it is normal for no one to enter the mountain to practice during the college holiday.

And in the final analysis, the reason why Bauhinia chose this place for Zhong Cheng to practice is not only because this Longyin Mountain is conducive to cultivation, but also to help the dragon find the dragon soul.

According to what the dragon himself said, after the creation god designed to kill himself, he divided the dragon soul in his body into four remnant souls. Because the four remnant souls gathered together will resurrect the dragon, he kept one of the four remnant souls, and then threw the remaining three souls into three different places on the Tongshen continent.

One of them was put into Tianji China and picked up by the losers. But now, the remnant soul of the public loser has fallen into Zhong Cheng's hands. As for the other two souls, Zhong Cheng is looking for them.

After that, under the speculation of Bauhinia, Zhong Cheng knew that one of the remnant souls should be hidden in a corner of this Longyin Mountain. Therefore, it is precisely because he wanted to find the dragon soul that Bauhinia deliberately led Zhong Cheng to this place to practice.

I have to say that today's Bauhinia is no longer the Bauhinia that used to say and do nothing. Because of the Bauhinia with a body, its power is indeed frighteningly powerful. That strong aura is by no means the possession of any ordinary strong man. I believe that on this continent, with the strength of Bauhinia today, I'm afraid it has the ability to become a first-class master!

This is the strength of the god! Even without a soul or a body, she can still maximize her strength.

However, it is regrettable that although they have been here in Longyin Mountain for more than a month, Zhong Cheng still failed to find the remnant soul of the dragon hidden in Longyin Mountain, which also made them a little discouraged. Of course, even so, it does not affect the mood of Zhong Cheng and Bauhinia. Anyway, there is still a period of time before the college starts, and the two of them can take advantage of this gap to carefully look for the area. As long as you don't meet other practitioners in this mountain, there will be no problem.

Even if you happen to meet other practitioners, you don't have to worry. Although it's a little troublesome, it's not impossible to kill people. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng and Bauhinia are bound to leave Longyin Mountain early to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Of course, as long as you know that the remnant soul of the dragon is in this dragon mountain, I believe that there is always a chance to take away the dragon soul.

After getting on the shore, Zhong Cheng silently walked to Bauhinia, picked up a wooden stake, and prepared to follow the path to the upper end of the waterfall. Although he has been practicing all morning, and although he has been quite tired and almost exhausted, under the violent coercion of Bauhinia, the only way to compromise is always be in front of Zhong Cheng.

However, this is very strange!

Bear has regained some strength, but it is still thinking about how to make Zhong Cheng stronger. If she wants to collect souls and blood and connect the breath between the underworld (chaotic world) and the divine continent, won't she do it with her own strength?

Zhong Cheng has asked Bauhinia this question before, but the answer given by Bauhinia is also very straightforward.

First, because the body is completed with the help of the power of the Nether Pearl, it is not stable. If it is used blindly, it is likely to suffer unexpected risks. Second, Bauhinia does not want to become the focus of everyone, nor does it want to disturb the order of the divine continent because of its existence. , because this may attract the Creator to pay attention to himself.

The above two points are the answer of Bauhinia.

This also made Zhong Cheng understand that he, as a chess piece, still has utilization value. And judging from the fact that Bauhinia urged himself to practice so hard, there is still a long time left, and you can't abandon this chess piece. This also means that Zhong Cheng still has time to find a way to get rid of his pawn-like fate. Although Zhong Cheng knows how difficult it is to get rid of this fate, he still has not given up the idea of changing the same fate as chess pieces.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng has been clenching his teeth and practicing hard! All time, he is eager to become stronger, because he knows very well that only the strong in the world can influence the fate of himself or others!