
Chapter 40 Transformation

The suddenly reversed knife light drew an arc in the air, and the cold light seemed to break through the space. A knife spirit that was enough to make Lin Yi feel the crisis of life and death suddenly came.


The knife light is invincible and ruthlessly cut down, a deep gully extends on the ground, and the smoke and dust spreads away. Zili, who held a big knife, had infinite murderous intent on his face, and his expression was cold, and the dark demonic spirit kept exuding on him, which made Lin Yi very surprised and stunned.

Lin Yi dodged far away when the big knife fell, so the knife spirit did not cut him, and he would not let the knife spirit cut him.

Behind Zili, he looked awe-inspiring, but Lin Yi knew that this was not the other party's life-and-death move, and the other party also gave himself enough space to escape. Obviously, his appearance was just a certain degree of temptation.

After turning his head, Zili waved a big knife and did not move. His dark face looked like a black bread man, with infinite majesty, but he was not as elegant as Bao Gong.

Lin Yi knows that Lord Bao Qingtian's skin color in that world is like carbon, the moon rises in front of his forehead, and the case is like a god. Moreover, when he dominates his officialdom, he is even more selfless, and he achieved true justice and integrity in the Song Dynasty. The majesty of a civil officer in the public court is completely different from the majesty of Zi Li when he took the knife, because Zi Li on the battlefield is demonic and his face is cold, which shows the absolute between life and death. He seems to use the big knife in his hand to cut all the filth.

Lin Yi and Zil have had a good relationship for more than ten years, but it was also the first time he saw Zili's appearance at this moment, so he seemed to be dumbfounded in an instant and looked at each other with extremely surprised and frightening eyes. After a long silence, he said incredulously, "You...are you Zili?"

"What if it is." Zili looked at Lin Yi opposite and said coldly.

The man in front of him is petite, and his face is childish, with his back arched like a bow. Obviously, he is an ugly young tuo, and it is difficult to associate with his well-known brother. He continued, "No matter who you are, as long as you pretend to be my dead brother today, you must die!!"

"Zi, it's really you. How can you become like this?" Lin Yi was surprised.

He can see Zili's essential face through the cover of the demon body. Although the other party looks dark, his facial features have not changed, and his face is still the same face, but under the rendering of demon spirit, he seems to have lost his previous simpleness and a sense of justice to eliminate the filth of the world.

Such a sense of justice will not be recognized by the world, but Zi Li's simple thought.

The demon is full of darkness, and the recognition of the practitioners is unreasonable and stubborn. The practitioners of the whole world are afraid of the demons in the northern region, and all the practitioners who practice hard also have killing all the creatures on the demon field. They can't wait to kill those dark things under the sword, because they think they think it is light. If you want to do it for a long time, you have to get rid of the darkness.

Zi is a demon, so it is darkness, and it is the object of everyone's death.

"Did you tear something on your chest?" Lin Yijian, who had been thinking for a long time, disdained to answer himself and continued to ask.

Zili heard what the other party said, and his expression became a little surprised from cold. In fact, few people knew the existence of the rune seal. Except for himself, Lin Yi, mother, and Tianqingfeng's master and uncle, no one in the world really knew about it.

"Why can the young camel in front of you know? Is he really Lin Yi, but how can Lin Yi in front of him be so different from the brothers he knows? Zi Li kept asking himself in his heart, and his eyes still stared at each other coldly.

The sky above the head is getting brighter and brighter, and the dark color turns to light blue. You can see that countless clouds on it have begun to float, and the ghosts on the other side of the swamp have begun to become quiet. They are afraid of the dawn. Every ghost is afraid of masculinity, and naturally the same is true for ghosts, big and small.

When the roar and screams on the other side stopped, there was a vibrant orange-red fireball in the sky. The fireball, with a gentle light, bathed in their green faces and pulled up two long shadows.

"I was saved by an ancient tree, and you were also asked to be saved by it." Lin Yi said.

He knew that his appearance at this moment had changed greatly and could not be connected with the former Lin Yi at all. Not to mention the number of years he returned to his youth, even his arched back could not be compared with before. Believe me or not, I am Lin Yi, who came back from the dead and a brother you know well. Let me go to a place first. That ancient tree will prove all this. In fact, I don't even know how to resurrect. After all, I have never heard that people can be resurrected after death.

After saying that, Lin Yi was no longer in a hurry to prove himself and walked slowly to the west.

Since you want the other party to believe in yourself, there must be complete evidence. At this moment, Lin Yi can't produce any strong evidence except a mouth that can speak and sing. Zi Li is not a fool, which he knows very well.

Zi put away the knife, and the injured left arm still could not move, as if he had lost all consciousness, no pain, only endless numbness.

He watched the thin back in front of him fade away. Although it was still arched, he began to believe the other party's words from the bottom of his heart, because Zili was very familiar with Lin Yi's personality and character.

He always thought that Lin Yi was so special that no one could imitate him, especially that he didn't like to explain since he was a child, especially when he was young, but his mind was as calm as a middle-aged man who had been dozens of years old. Lin Yi's personality is like the previous teenage camel. After just a few short words, he began to lead the long journey, as if to take him to find an affirmative answer.

The figure gradually became smaller, and Zi Li finally made up his mind. He decided to follow up. When he left, he did not forget to shout to the camel in front of him, "Slow down, I can't find where the ancient tree is."

Lin Yi in the distance heard the other party's shouts and naturally slowed down.



Three days have passed, and there has still been no major changes in the whole world.

It's nothing more than the peaceful passage of time. People are still living, the empire is resting, and practitioners are practicing hard everywhere. However, on Cangming Mountain, which countless practitioners yearn for, some small changes have taken place in the ancient sect.

First of all, the craziest rumor is that the two peak owners of Tianqingfeng were removed from their positions. It is said that they had disrupted the rules and order in the freshman competition, and the two joined hands to fight against the senior elder Tianlingzi of the main peak, and finally almost killed the highly valued Tianlingzi elder.

The patriarch of Cangming was so angry that he ordered Feng Chang to punish them. He not only seized the position of the two of them, but also changed them to protect the elders of the sect, and both recalled the main peak. And everyone felt a little unnormal for Feng Chang, and did not know that the suzerain of Cangming had handed over the two Cangming orders in his hand to Feng Yuanzhi and Chang Gusheng.

Secondly, Lu Xiaoyu, the disciple of the main peak, was imprisoned in Wanghai Cliff for three years of hard work. It is said that he accidentally caused human life in the comparison, so he was punished by the suzerain, but the Ming order in the punishment hall did not spread.

In the end, an elder of the main peak took over Tianqingfeng, but the two most talented chief disciples of Tianqingfeng died and disappeared, and there was no news.

Therefore, in addition to the main peak, Tianqing Peak's strongest strength in the other four peaks has completely dropped to the worst level, which can't help but make countless disciples creepy. Fortunately, after this big game, several disciples of Tianqingfeng still successfully went through three big games and entered the opportunity of internal cultivation.

They are the most honest big brother of Tianqingfeng, Nalan of Ao Xue Rulan, and the other three ordinary disciples.

The eldest brother still looks very honest. He has just emerged from the crisis of life and death and is heading for recovery.

Nalan's face was silent, and her beautiful face showed a little vicissitudes. She has always been extremely silent for three days. Even if the best seniors and seniors come to ask, she always looks like she has lost her heart, which makes people feel pity. No one knows what she is thinking. After all, she has successfully obtained the qualification to enter the internal practice.

In the eyes of outsiders, this arrogant woman has completed her initial mission of practice and should be extremely happy.

It's just that who can think that in fact, her heart has already been tied to the missing Zili.

