
Chapter 41 Ten Thousand Years Old Tree

Look at the freshness and elegance of the spring morning on the roadside. The flowers and plants along the way are quiet and peaceful. From time to time, several bees and butterflies fly from afar. They danced their wings, floating on different flowers and absorbing the sweet juice in the hearts of the flowers.

Lin Yi walked a little fast. Looking at the beautiful morning on the edge of the road, he couldn't help sighing in his heart that he missed such a beautiful scenery yesterday because of the dark moonlight and panic.

He blamed himself for missing such an opportunity to appreciate the beauty last night, but Fortunately, on the way back, he could still take this opportunity to browse it again without regret for the loss in his heart.

After a long time, Zili from the rear gradually came up.

The demonic spirit has gradually restrained from his body. He has regained his previous simple and honest face, upright national face, standard and resolute facial features, which does not look like the killer who kills ghosts with a big knife at night. The murderous intention wrapped around him was still strong, and the rune reappeared on his chest, casually took care of his messy black hair, and flicked away the dirt left on his body.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the tall and burly Zi Li. In fact, there were not too many negative emotions in his heart. He would not be angry because of Li's previous back cut. He would only be happy that he knew how to be on guard.

Lin Yi enjoyed the scenery all the way, saying that it was actually a hike. He said leisurely, "You still look more comfortable when you recover. Although the black-faced appearance is not enough to scare me, I'm really not used to it."

It seemed that he didn't expect that the young camel would dislike his black face. Zili was a little disappointed and said, "Do you also think my black face is ugly?"

"Is there anyone else besides me who has seen your previous appearance?" Lin Yi asked.

"Nalan has seen it." Zili replied. Thinking back to Nalan's stunned face after he became a demon, and her staggering footsteps, he thought that no one would accept his appearance again, but when he thought of Nalan's words later, he couldn't help smiling and then said, "She first feared my ugliness, and then said that I was majestic. In fact, I knew that she just wanted to comfort me. After all, I was really angry at that time, and she didn't want me to be a little angry, so she said a panic that she didn't even believe in herself.

"I don't think she lied, because you are indeed a little majestic, just like the legend... but you are too murderous. By the way, what happened to you on the other side? I seem to see a lot of hill-like things approaching you. Are they monsters? Lin Yi doubted.

"It's a small matter. Even if there are hundreds more rams, it's not enough for me to kill with a big knife." Zili replied.

In order to reduce the unnecessary worries of the other party, Zi Li said something casually. In fact, only he knew how terrible those barbarians were, and they almost made him fall into the corpse and bloody battlefield. If Lin Yi's green vine comes later, it will be clear what the consequences will be.

The breath that attracted him in his heart was getting closer and closer. Zili looked at the young camel leading the way in front of him. It was always difficult to believe that this was his once familiar brother, but the other party was extremely close to the level and understanding he was familiar with in terms of personality, so even if he didn't want to believe it, he was bound to try in the end. Believe it.

The road in the distance is gradually flat, and there is no clear road under their feet. There is only an endless green grassland with hundreds of different flowers and spiritual grass. The sun falls on the flowers and leaves, awakening their sleepiness overnight.

The atmosphere of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, as strong as spring rain, making them gradually feel the magic of this land.

"If you can practice here for five years, it will definitely be better than practicing on Cangming Mountain for ten years. Unfortunately, practice is not only enough to rely on the qi of heaven and earth. Perhaps earthly hardships are the best way to practice." Lin Yi said. He is full of open-mindedness, and his whole body is penetrated by the strong atmosphere of heaven and earth, which is extremely comfortable.

"Yes, it's a pity that you and I all have hatred in our hearts." Zili replied.

"I will ask Lu Xiaoyu's broken bone hatred to pay him at double the price." Lin Yi suddenly said gloomyly.

The sample of the teenager model should be very immature and innocent, but when he said this, it seemed that the spirit of heaven and earth around him had stopped. There was a murderous intention in his deep eyes, an unforgettable murderous intention. At his feet, the trampled green grass was directly decadent and withered, and the flowers infected by the murderous intention withered in an instant and died.

"I will accompany you up the mountain and kill them!" Zili is a simple person, just as simple as what he said.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at him seriously and found that he was still so determined. He nodded slightly and changed the topic and said, "It's almost time. There is a courtyard under the strong ancient tree in front of me, and I was resurrected from there."

Zili looked away, and what fell into his eyes was an ancient tree. The ancient tree looked very huge, reaching a height of 1,000 meters. The tip of the tree reached the sky and stood between the earth like a sharp sword. It was by no means comparable to the forest tree when he first walked out of the mountain road.

"What a strange tree that can grow so high." Zi Li was shocked.

"Ha ha, there are still many surprises, and I think it will surprise you enough." After Lin Yi finished speaking, as he accelerated his steps, Zi Li raised his legs and followed, and the two small figures gradually drove to the distance and approached the ancient tree.



The courtyard under the shade is not large and is surrounded by several old and dilapidated houses.

The ancient house does not look like a house of this era. It looks like a temple and a temple that is somewhat close to the world of practice. The only thing they have in common is that they are all ancient, and no matter how devastated they are, they always stand, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

After the two approached the courtyard, they immediately found that there were famous underworld soldiers in black robes standing in the distance around the courtyard. Lin Yi didn't think so. After all, he had seen it yesterday, so it was not surprising, but Zi Li's face suddenly changed.

"It turns out that there are still stinky things like you, and I will slaughter you today." Zi Li shouted to kill, directly took the bloody knife, and wanted to rush forward to kill the underworld soldiers. Fortunately, the next moment, an old voice came from the ancient tree and said, "Young master, don't do it. Those are all puppets refined by the old sacrifice. They are not ghosts. Please leave people under the knife."

Gu Shu hurriedly opened his mouth, but this sudden voice couldn't help but make Zi Li with a knife very alert. He looked around, just like Lin Yi at that time. But there was nothing around, except that Lin Yi looked at him lightly with a smile on his face.

"Who, please show up quickly, otherwise the big knife in my hand will be difficult to talk." Zi Li said indifferently, as if there was a trace of anger between the raised eyebrows because the smile on Lin Yi's face was too shameless.

"Don't be impatient, the ancient tree you see in front of you is old." Gu Shu did not make fun of Zili as he used to make fun of Lin Yi before. Gu Shu knew the character of the owner ten thousand years ago, so when he heard that Zi Li raised his knife and was about to kill him, he naturally felt that although the young master in front of him did not have the same ability as the master, his personality and essence must still be similar.

"What, can you talk?" Zili was shocked. He looked at the ancient tree with stunned eyes and then said, "It turns out that you are a demon tree. Who did you call the young master before? How can I be your young master?"

"Hahaha, I have been practicing for ten thousand years, and I can naturally speak out. As for the matter of the young master, you will know in the future. Since you are the son of the master, whether you believe it or not, these are doomed!" The ancient tree said lightly. The master entrusted the old man to wait here for the arrival of the young master ten thousand years ago. With his magic calculation, it must be impossible to be wrong, and I felt the master's breath in the young master, and the old man thought he would not be wrong.

"What, you have survived for ten thousand years?" Zi Li was undoubtedly surprised. His mouth opened wide, and his eyes completely became stunned when he intersected with Lin Yi, and even Lin Yi began to creep. What creature can live for tens of thousands of years? This is simply impossible for human beings. Therefore, both of them began to feel that it was difficult to believe what they heard in their ears, but since the ancient tree said so, they also felt that there was no reason for the other party to deceive them, and could such an absurd lie bring any benefits to the ancient tree?

"Yes, time flies like water. I didn't expect that a wait will last ten thousand years." The ancient tree sighed, and his tone inevitably sighed, and even showed a sense of vicissitudes. It continued: "The master asked me to wait for ten thousand years, that is, to let the old man hand over a few things to the young master, and by the way, he also let the old man practice by himself. Unfortunately, the old man was stupid and dull, and he could not experience it for a long time, which made the young master laugh."

After the ancient tree finished speaking, his tone seemed a little ashamed. However, how could it know that Zi Li had a ghost's mood to care about his personal affairs at this moment.

"After ten thousand years of practice, this ancient tree has been practicing for ten thousand years. What kind of species can it have such tenacious vitality? If this kind of strange thing is introduced into the practice world, it will inevitably cause the boiling of the whole practice world, and even if an ancient tree that has been practicing for ten thousand years has not yet turned into a human body, how strong will his cultivation be?

Zi Li kept muttering in his heart, which was extremely shocked. The eyes of looking at the ancient tree couldn't help changing from shock to full fear and fear.

"No wonder its breath is so powerful. No wonder that after I got out of the mountain road, I felt its call before I walked far in the forest. It turned out that it has been practicing for ten thousand years, an ancient tree that has been practicing for ten thousand years, so what else can it not do? It's really unbelievable."

Since Zili got the ancient tree's answer, he suddenly understood many things that he did not understand before. Although he was still extremely shocked, at least this answer was much more than he had guessed. But the only thing he didn't understand was why the underworld soldiers sacrificed by ancient trees had to take Lin Yi away in the forest, and then prevented him from cutting down iron trees and going to the swamp.

After all, the killing intention of those underworld soldiers before is not fake. It is a real murderous intention, which is enough to let ordinary people die under the sickle.

