
Chapter 156 When the moon is full, people are like demons

The inexplicable arrival of sacrificing adults did not stir up much wildness in Lin Yi's heart. However, at this moment, the tearful Run'an did not dare to be careless when he saw this, so he hurriedly said respectfully, "Sacrifice Lord."

The sacrificial adult nodded slightly when he heard the words. His turbid eyes were like dark candlelight, and there was a trace of yellow in his pupils, looking straight at the frozen girl on the bed.

After a while, the sacrificial adult sighed heavily and said, "What a miserable child."

"Is the sacrifice here to save my daughter?" Luan said anxiously.

He saw the arrival of the sacrificial adults, just like seeing a bright hope. Although the latter was only an old man, for the whole village tribe, sacrificing adults was the only belief for all people.

Run'an is the only one who has walked out of the dam village, and he is also the only one who has seen practitioners, but even so, when he returned to the village and saw the sacrificial adults in the village for the first time, he still couldn't help but regard it as an all-knowing and highly regarded faith.

When the sacrificial adult heard Run'an's question, he did not answer him directly. He just sighed helplessly: "The old man should do his best to participate in the treatment. As for whether he can save Xiao Qinger in the end, it depends on the little brother and the girl outside the courtyard!"

"Thank you for your kindness."

Outside the dark house, the senior sister in white stepped forward. She walked slowly, and her footsteps were quiet without a sound. Lin Yi felt the breath of her senior sister, which was her unique cold and indifferent breath. No second person could find this breath in the world, so he was sure that it was his sister.

The senior sister walked into the house, then took a look at Lin Yi standing in the house and asked, "How's the recovery?"

When Lin Yi heard this, his beautiful face smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern. I have recovered nine times out of ten."

"That's good. As long as the moonlight rises, we will move her to the village ancestral hall for treatment, otherwise I'm afraid it will affect the villagers here."

"The ancestral hall? How did the senior sister know where the ancestral hall was in the village? Lin Yi couldn't help asking curiously when he heard about the ancestral hall.

"Naturally, it is the sacrificial lord to lead us. This is his idea."

"So that's it. That's what my sister said."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, the movement in the room began to calm down. Several people stared at Run Xiaoqing's body and looked at her surrounded by thick ice, and their hearts were full of a sense of pressure.

Is she alive or dead after tonight?

No one can know this answer before, because at this moment, Leu Xiaoqing has already lost her breath. She was covered by ice, and her whole body seemed impenetrable. Everyone could not hear her breathing, could not see his petite face hidden in the ice, and as the sky gradually became dark, her body The white ice outside the body also began to become dim, but there were bursts of ice and coldness.

"It's almost time to go." A silent sacrificial adult suddenly said.

He turned his thin head and looked outside the mud window. His muddy eyes looked at the mountain where the light was about to rise, and he knew in his heart that the moonlight would rise soon.

When Lin Yi and his sister heard the words, they looked at each other and did not say anything, but Lin Yi punched the sacrificial adults beside them a moment later and said, "Please lead the way. I will transport Xiaoqing's body."

"Are teenagers sure it's feasible?"

"Don't worry, old gentleman, I have felt the chill of the ice this morning, and I know it."

The sacrificial adult turned his head and looked at Lin Yi, looking at his serious and beautiful face. Suddenly, a light appeared in his eyes, and then nodded and said, "Even so, you can go to the ancestral hall with the old man!"



In the quiet night of Dam Village, today we ushered in the scene of four people walking together on the cobblestone path.

The leader is the sacrificial adult of Dam Village. Although he is walking slowly with a scepter, Lin Yi and the senior sister behind him do not feel that the other party is really slow, because they all know that it is a speed that can be achieved by understanding the rules of heaven and earth, which is not as good as the practitioner's use of cultivation to rushing the road.

Run'an followed behind the crowd, and his anxious face was still full of urgency. He looked at the three people in front of him walking with a carriage and the cold man in the carriage. The speed under his feet somehow became faster and faster, and no matter how fast he accelerated he was, it seemed that he could not catch up with the speed of the three people in front of him. Until the end, his body began to sweat.

The ancestral hall is a small building located in the north of the dam village. According to the worshippers, it is an ancestral ancestral hall. It is located in a narrow valley in the north and cannot be entered by villagers at will.

The sacrificial adults took Lin Yi and others to the ancestral hall, not intentionally, because only there is a place that is isolated and does not affect the normal life of the villagers.

So after the four of them walked for a long time, they went further and further.

They walked out of the cobblestone path in the village and stepped on a bumpy yellow mud path. There were countless shredded paper weeds on the path, so the carriage trembled.

The big black horse pulled the carriage in front, and only Run Xiaoqing's frozen body was stored in the carriage. Lin Yi followed the carriage, and his figure slowly walked towards a dense mountain to the north.

A dark valley suddenly appeared from the mountains and appeared in front of Lin Yi and others.

Sacrificing adults is the only belief in the village, and the ancestral hall is the holy place he wants to protect, so he has already set foot on this road thousands of times, so he is not surprised, but Lin Yi and others are surprised. After all, this kind of ancestral hall hidden in the mountains is the first time, and the strangest thing is in this mountain. In the valley, they found that the night did not completely swallow it up into endless darkness.

This is a small valley with a faint candlelight. There are only rocky cliffs on both sides of the valley, and there is no messy vegetation. Under the rock, a candle lamp will appear at a distance of only a few tens of meters. It was only when Lin Yi walked in to watch that he found that this candle lamp was not a secular candle lamp, because its formation was like a formation without adding wax oil.

"What kind of secrets are hidden here? Why did I come here from Laocheng and see two large arrays in less than three days?"

Shitai is simple and old-fashioned, but no matter how terrible the cold is, it seems that it can't be infected at all, because until the moonlight in the air is about to move to the middle, it is also as dusty as it used to be, without traces of cold.

"The moon is empty, and the light is about to fall on the stone platform. Is the old gentleman ready?"

"The old man can turn the scepter."

With a bang!

A beautiful silver light curtain finally fell on Run Xiaoqing, which was full of white ice. Lin Yi opened his eyes and saw the moonlight shining, and then saw that the light melted into a layer of ice.

The ice was broken, and the sound of clicks was crisp and pleasant. At this time, the sacrificial adult with a face like dead old bark turned the golden scepter inserted into the cave of the stone platform with his hand.

