
Chapter 157 When the moon is full, people are like demons

The stone platform is simple and impossible. At a glance, it looks ordinary, but at the moment when the golden scepter of sacrificing adults fell, the whole stone platform began to move.

With a crash, a dazzling golden light lit up from the black-brown stone platform, and at the moment of its rotation, it was full of golden light as if it had become a sun.

Lin Yi looked closely at the stone platform turning, and his mind was suddenly shocked.

The reason why he was shocked was that this place looked simple and rich in rural atmosphere, which was obviously a treasure without the spirit of secular world. However, in such a small village and tribe where everything seemed to be the most primitive, he met two mysterious formations one after another.

One is the white flower transmission array, and the other is the guard array of the ancestral hall in front of you.

The practitioners in the world have not decreased at any time, and even become more and more. However, there are not many runes. After all, except for the senior sister briefly talking about the runes, Lin Yi has never been exposed to the world of runes, so he can also see from these simple phenomena that there are runes in the world. It is very rare.

Moreover, the senior sister has also stressed that it is very difficult to become a rune teacher.

"What kind of secrets are hidden in this place? Why do you even have to break through the formation when entering the village? No wonder it is isolated from the world. Without such a powerful practitioner as the senior sister, who would know that there is a white eye at the bottom of the pool? It's a pity that this white flower made this village unable to appear after countless ups and downs. If it hadn't been for the master of everything in the world, I wouldn't have been able to come here with my senior sister anyway!"

"Is it a rune master? When I break through the five realms, I must ask my husband for advice.

Naturally, Sister didn't know what Lin Yi was thinking at this moment. Her cold eyes looked at the stone platform in front of her and slowly turned, and her consciousness gushed out more like a tide. However, no matter how she felt this time, she could never perceive the laws and changes of this array.

This mysterious array is far from comparable to the white flower array, and the senior sister can only vaguely guess that this is outside a defensive array, and then there is no more information.

"The moon is about to be empty, only one breath away!"

The sacrificial adult's turbid eyes were generous. His left hand still held the golden scepter, his head raised high, and his eyes looked solemnly at the only valley-like cave that went straight to Haotian. Then he saw full moonlight and shrouded on Run Xiaoqing lying in the golden ocean.


Silverhui is like a bright pillar of light, falling straight down and blending with the leap Xiaoqing on the stone platform.

Run Xiaoqing's face hidden under the ice was expressionless, but under the silver light, the ice condensed on her appearance slowly melted, and spider-like cracks were illuminated by the moonlight. As if in an instant, these indestructible ice became fragile and quietly dispersed into pieces.

click click!

The thick ice is still broken, and those cracks spread like broken bamboo. They have no resistance under the moonlight and cover all the ice in an instant.

Lin Yi looked carefully at the moonlight covering the ice and the crystal-like ice fragments. He couldn't help but be shocked, and under his gaze, the ice spread by tens of millions of cracks finally completely collapsed and scattered on the ground.

The ice was completely cracked, so Run Xiaoqing under the moonlight was completely ** on the stone platform. Run'an saw his daughter again, and he was excited and wanted to come forward to check.

Lin Yi beside him felt Run'an's intention and did not stop him from going, but his eyes at this moment were on the golden light of the stone platform, and his eyebrows were locked, as if he were thinking about something.

The golden light was dazzling, and the gentle moonlight must be much more hot. Run'an was full of anxiety. He looked at Run Xiaoqing on the golden stone platform and fell asleep. Looking at her frozen white face and white lips frozen by the ice, his heart could not calm down.

"Don't get close to this place, run'an retreat quickly!"

When Run'an was about to walk into the stone platform, the only sacrificial master who stood in the array and kept his eyes solemnly opened his mouth. His eyes were faintly full of light and firmly looked at Run'an from a distance. His light was instantly more like the pure color in the hot sun, which made people afraid.

Runan ran very fast, and his body was only a short distance away from Run Xiaoqing, so he did not stop at the command of the sacrificial adults, but still kept rushing forward.


Run'an's body touched the rich gold, and an iron-like golden wall appeared in an instant, and just as they came into contact with each other, the golden light burst out all over the sky, making the simple stone platform at this moment become colorful and bright.

The golden light burst like a scorching sun, throwing away with Run'an's body, and a large mouth of dark blood spewed out of his mouth, like a round of blood moon opposed to Haotian.


Run'an's trembling mountain was shaking. He landed directly on the rocky cliff in the distance, falling down with falling stones, and then fell on the uneven ground and fainted directly.

Adult Sacrifice looked at Run'an in a coma with turbid eyes and looked at his mouth full of blood, so he shook his head helplessly and said to himself, "What's wrong with you?"

Run'an was not seriously injured, and the coma must have been in a short time; Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at him slightly and did nothing, because at the moment he looked back, he saw the cold eyes of his senior sister turning her head.

At a glance, he can understand.

The two were like the wind and ran directly towards the leap Xiaoqing under the golden light. And just as the two approached the golden light, the golden light curtain seemed to appear two gates, allowing each other to break in without hindrance.

The moonlight in the middle is about to move away, and time seems to be a little urgent, so they also have to revive the vitality of Run Xiaoqing before the moonlight is removed. Run Xiaoqing's petite body was lonely and quiet. She lay quietly on the stone platform, and her round face was as pale as paper with no blood color.

She was frozen by the ice for a day, and lost all her vitality, but she did not die, because she just sealed the vitality and was desperate.

Therefore, Lin Yi and her sister came to her and looked at her comfortable face under the silver moonlight, and then the air of heaven and earth surged out and rushed to Run Xiaoqing's whole body.

"Hmm?" Leun Xiaoqing was irrigated by the qi of heaven and earth of Lin Yi, and the meridians in her body began to remove the frozen qi. She gave a soft voice, and her extremely young and beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly, and there were faint signs of recovery.

Lin Yi clearly heard her soft voice, and there was a touch of excitement on her beautiful face. Then he turned his head and looked at the senior sister next to her. After signaling her, he rushed up with a greater atmosphere of heaven and earth and transmitted it all to Run Xiaoqing's body. .

Run Xiaoqing's body is constantly nurtured by the qi of heaven and earth, and the chill in the internal organs begins to retreat, and the upper and lower body of the person have returned to ordinary people. Moreover, the moonlight's caressing has intensified her speed of removing the cold, so as long as the consciousness sealed in her mind is activated, she can regenerate herself in the world.

Lin Yi and his senior sister felt the changes in Xiaoqing's body, but they still did not relax at all. They smoothly exported the extremely pure air of heaven and earth in their bodies, and then kept sending them to Run Xiaoqing's body.

So, time slowly passed in the transportation, and the moonlight in the night began to move away. Fortunately, at this moment, Leung Xiaoqing saw that the vitality had already been restored. Lin Yi looked up at the moonlight on the top of the valley and watched it keep driving far away without any emotional fluctuations in his heart.

But when the last ray of moonlight was about to move away from Xiaoqing, Leu Xiaoqing's pure big eyes finally opened violently, and after opening her eyes, her blood eyes were like lanterns, extremely enchanting, with a strong demonic spirit.

