
Chapter 178 Breaking Ice, Breaking Moonlight Ice

Under the conscious perception, she knew that her younger brother, who usually seemed to be very shameless, came overnight. The cold mood in the senior sister's question situation could not help but ease a little, but she had no effort to think about these, and then fell silent in her question.

The hurdles of the five realms are like a gutter, which is difficult to cross and insurmount. Although the senior sister is a moment of breakthrough caused by blisters, as time continues to pass, she vaguely understands that she is not yet the time to cross the five realms.

Since she knows in her heart that she can't reach the five realms, she can only hope that she can recover from entering the Tao as soon as possible, but entering the Tao is not simple, and her debut is not simple, so when the senior sister withdraws her perception from the distance, she began to try to get out of the artistic conception as soon as possible. After all, at this moment, she is **, if If my brother sees this appearance, won't he be ashamed to die in the future?

The senior sister did not experience secular emotions. Just like at the beginning, she would be very idiotic to ask Lin Yi what love was. She didn't know love, but she knew that her body was very different from that of men, and in the years after she came out of the demon cave, she learned some differences between men and women under her influence.

She is not Mr. Chang Wei. She is just the closest person to this senior sister, or she is the one who teaches the tutor sister to practice.

Lin Yi's big black horse kept approaching the snow-white horse. The white horse felt the arrival of the big dark horse and Lin Yi, and couldn't help shaking its head and tail happily. It raised its white head high, and its front-wheeled hoofs directly raised high. The muscles at the back of the buttocks and legs tightened together, and the whole burly horse Stand like people.

Lin Yi sat on the horse's back, looked at the usually arrogant moon-like thing in front of him, and looked at its flattering look. He couldn't help loosening his wrinkled mind slightly. He smiled on his beautiful face, and then looked at the white horse with deep eyes and said, "You are not except for my senior sister. Do you disdain others? I wanted to buy you at the beginning, but I didn't expect you to be loyal to my senior sister. What a stupid thing.

When the snow-white horse heard that the other party shouted at him angrily, his arrogant temper was about to explode. However, at this moment, it was really worried about its master, so it swallowed the bitter fruit in the other party's mouth very humanely, and then turned its jumping body and hissed at the place covered with ice and snow and silver.

Lin Yi heard its hissing and heard the worries in its hissing, so he also turned his eyes to the cold forest.

It was a snow-white forest, and there was cold everywhere, as if it were glaciers in the far north. Lin Yi looked solemnly at the white forest frozen by ice and snow, and then jumped off the horse's horse.

is not heavy to jump off the horse, but only a little burden for the big dark horse. However, at this moment, when Lin Yi's feet stepped on the frozen grass, he couldn't help but crush the ice and snow that was not very strong on the periphery.

His feet stepped on the grass at this moment and made a crisp sound of broken ice. Lin Yi heard this, so he lowered his head curiously to check. It was so casually that he found that the chill had swept so far. Therefore, he put down the rein of the horse holding the big dark horse in his hand and stroked it again. The horse's mane on the neck of the big black horse then said to him in a commanding tone, "Well, you stay here honestly and don't run around. This place is different from the outside world. There are as many monsters as cow feathers."

Hearing this, the big dark horse lowered his head and ate the ice-broken grass. I don't know whether it was very comfortable because it had been gently touched by Lin Yi before, or this kind of grass mixed with broken ice brought it a really unique delicious taste, so it was very enjoyable. A sound to show that you won't run around.

Lin Yi knew that the big dark horse was no different from ordinary people, and that it knew the importance of his tone of his mouth. He could understand what he was saying well, so he turned around and walked to the silvery forest.

The forest is full of silver light, as if there is a dazzling moon in it. Lin Yigang arrived here from Dam Village and did not know that there was a secluded pool in front of him that blocked the foreground like a wall. He could accurately feel that his senior sister existed in those silver lights, but he could not see through the ice with his naked eye. The existence of trees.

He staggered forward, completely ignoring the cold chills that rushed to himself. This is the chill brought by the moonlight, deep into the bone marrow, colder than minus 30 degrees in the harsh winter, but Lin Yi is comparable to mortals?

What's more, he passed through the golden fruit liquid as early as he could not step on, and he was not afraid of any cold in the world.

The senior sister's perception has been spreading throughout the forest. She knows that her brother is constantly walking towards her. However, at this moment, she can't break away from the road at all, because at this moment, she is on the edge of breaking the mirror. If she can't break through this dilemma, her opportunity will be completely invalidated, and even face it next time. When it comes to the five realms, the difficulty of breaking through will increase several times again.

It's just a small barrier in the five realms, and no one can come into contact with this step in a short five years. The senior sister is a strange person in the world of practice, so she can touch the extremely high level of the five realms in such a short time. However, she still can't completely touch the five realms after all. In addition, after all, there is a certain reason for the practice world to classify the five realms as the second threshold for the great practitioners.

This truth is not a general truth, but an endless understanding.

Lin Yi's feet stepped on the white ice and snow field, and his body kept walking towards the seemingly extremely thick ice wall. The grass under his feet before was still soft and delicate. However, as he approached the ice wall, he found that the grass under his feet was as hard as stone and could no longer be crushed by it.

The white thick ice wall was close at hand. Lin Yi quietly stared at the ice wall. After a moment, he not only found countless green trees at the bottom of the ice wall, but also felt that the chill was approaching minus 50 degrees.

This is an extremely terrible feeling of cold, but as long as Lin Yi exhales a warm breath, it will instantly condense into frost. Even if he releases his hand here, I believe that the ** he released will instantly turn into an ice column.

Lin Yi was not afraid of these extreme cold chills, so he was just curious about what his senior sister was doing in the ice wall. His beautiful face was particularly clear by silver light, but his face was difficult to cover the pale after being spread by the cold, and his red lips were also whitened by the cold, full of sick color.

So, after looking at the ice wall quietly and meditating for a long time, Lin Yi finally decided to break the wall in his heart. He didn't want to create too much vibration when breaking the ice, so he just raised his right index finger, and then spread out with a strong golden light and rushed to the ice wall.

