
Chapter 179 Fire Burns the Ice

Golden light is the strong spirit of Jinguo, which is as hot as the hot sun in the day. This is also the first time that Lin Yi has used this power after leaving the impossible place, because he knows that only this power can break through this ice wall.

The golden melon fell on the white wall, making a rustling sound, like a sharp drill drilling through the thick ice. As this sound continued to spread, the ice wall in front of us had obviously begun to melt.

A small cave appeared from the ice wall, and countless ice water began to flow out of this small hole. However, a long time later, the cave on the ice wall suddenly intensified, revealing the green and delicate shadows of the trees in the ice. The bush is an unknown tree. This big tree is not very tall, but after Lin Yi used the power of the golden fruit in his body to break through the ice, he found that there was still a tree behind it, and he could not see through it.

"What should I do? If this ice wall is too thick and melts close to the little golden fruit in my body, it can't last for a long time."

Lin Yi looked at the head-sized hole in the ice wall on the first layer, watched the ice water in the hole keep flowing out, and then looked at the endless green leaves in the ice, so he reached out and took it out.

This digging was still the bitter coldness, but he was not afraid of this coldness, so when he roared into the ice wall with a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth, a trembling leaves suddenly sounded.


The leaves in the ice were shaken and trembling by the air of heaven and earth rising from his body. Lin Yi's right hand swept the ice layer directly. However, after he went a little deeper again, his right fist was resisted by a persistent tree pole.

Under normal circumstances, a big tree can't withstand Lin Yi's punch at all. After all, he also has the cultivation of the bow knot period at this moment. Although the bow knot period is nothing in the practice world, it is by no means an ordinary ancient tree that can resist, but the tree pole at this moment really blocks his attack. Hit.

Lin Yi did not do his best to attack the ice. First, he thought that since he had broken the first layer of ice, the second layer should not be so difficult. Second, he thought that although there were trees in the ice, he obviously felt that the tree was extremely young and did not even have a sense of age.

Isn't it funny if he wants to attack such a delicate tree with all his strength?

Lin Yi would not let his spirit of heaven and earth be too wasted in the process of hitting big and small trees at this time, so when he saw that his spacious palm was blocked by the tree pole, his heart burst into a five-finger force and pulled the small tree as thick as his arm.

The little tree was pulled by the other party's five fingers and suddenly dried up, as if it had been crushed by an iron hand, leaving five extremely eye-catching fingerprints.

With a click!

Lin Yi's five-finger power suddenly intensified again, and immediately tore off the delicate little tree pole that had just grown. The tree after being torn off did not collapse. It was attached to the cold and white ice at this moment and could not break free.

Holding the small tree pole that was torn by himself, he wanted to pull its tails directly out of the hole, but the tails of the trees seemed to be glued to the ice, extremely tough, and no matter how Lin Yi pulled it, it had never been faintly pulled away from the ice.

Unable to pull the tail of the tree, Lin Yi frowned his sword-like eyebrows. He slightly sank his pale face and suddenly smiled at the corners of his mouth after meditating and silent. No one can understand his smile at this moment, but he is indeed smiling. Although he looks somewhat bleak under his pale face, it is at least much more beautiful than crying.

"If I can make this little tree burn with the golden light, can I use the power of the fire to melt the whole ice wall surrounded by ice?"

Just a whimsical idea flashed in his heart, which was difficult to realize, but Lin Yi put his right hand into the cave melted by his golden fruit; his right hand reached into this cold hole again, which was still enough to make all creatures freeze and numb, but at this moment, Lin Yi's hands also exuded countless pure atmosphere of heaven and earth.

The green light surged like a spring, gushing out in the heart of Lin Yi's hand coiled like a spider silk. The blue light dispersed in the cold, and then began to spread everywhere. This scene is easy to imagine. The blue light is like a cup of tea in the teapot, and the teapot began to droop from the wooden table with the accidental collision of people. Fall down.

Lin Yi deliberately scattered the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and the teapot fell carelessly. The two looked completely opposite, but the green light scattered in the cold and the tea after the teapot was broken splashed everywhere, because they were uncontrollably scattered everywhere, occupying the small space that was originally bound.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Yi emitted countless blue light, which are the pure spirit that exists in his body and accepts his continuous refinement. They are full of vitality, like sea and rivers, and like mountains and rivers.

The blue light brushed the dark trees inside and covered the countless ice flowers wrapped in the ice, but they still could not leak from the thick to seamless ice. Lin Yi did not want his air of heaven and earth to leak in the ice, so he was very satisfied that the blue light wandered in the ice.

After a long time, the air of heaven and earth in his body began to dry up. Lin Yi's consciousness had been locked in the air of heaven and earth like clouds. He felt that the air of heaven and earth in his body was about to be completely lost. He felt that the clouds were shuttling around countless bush leaves and ice flowers at this moment, so He began to stop the output of the spirit of heaven and earth.

Stopping the output of the qi of heaven and earth in his body means that he will start burning these ice layers, but what can he rely on to ignite these qi of heaven and earth?

A familiar golden light lit up from the cave, shining from Lin Yi's white and slender index finger. His pale face, and then gritted his teeth to make the golden light in his hand gradually thicken. Until after a breath, the golden light on his index finger had gathered like countless sun rays. , extremely dazzling and dazzling.

Lin Yiman looked painfully at the golden light between his fingers and did not feel half a trace of scorching heat, but it was indeed full of heat. At the next moment, the golden light suddenly condensed and scattered from his fingers, like the sun hanging high in the blue sky suddenly burst and turned into a firelight all over the sky.

