
Chapter 280 Changing Scene

What he got in his hand turned into a roll of smoke, and then was blown away by a breeze, leaving no sign of it. As a result, people's beautiful eyes were very fsterified.

Her surprised eyes looked at the young man who was penetrated by the fishing rod in front of her. Looking at his dead face, she suddenly rose a trace of surprise. And in addition to this surprise, she couldn't help but bring a bad feeling, as if the young man in front of her suddenly became extremely mysterious.

Jun Wen's fishing rod still stayed in the young man's body. He did not intend to pull out the fishing rod again. He looked solemnly at the other party's penetrated body, looked at his transparent wound, and did not find a trace of blood overflowing.

So, the man took a gentle breath and asked Jun cowardly and fearily, "You killed him!"

Jun Wen shook his head and said, "What you see are all hidden images!"

People seriously asked, "What is hidden image?"

You took a look at the few charred trees with only Xu green leaves around him and took a look at this black-brown dry mountain at this moment. He had understood a lot of things in his heart. He explained, "Hidden images are a phenomenon hidden behind your eyes."

Hearing this, people's hearts began to be confused. She blushed with some shame and whispered, "I don't understand."

Jun Wen said seriously, "Don't worry, I think you should understand!"

After saying this, Jun asked that the fishing rod clenched in his right hand suddenly shook, which was just a slight shake, but the fishing rod that became a long gun restored to a soft fishing rod, a fishing rod.

The fishing rod kept shaking, fully showing the flexibility of the bamboo. Jun Wen looked at his fishing rod trembling in the air, and people looked at the other party's fishing rod shaking in the young man's body, but the next moment, both of them saw that the young man, who had been silent, suddenly began to break.

A roll of smoke and dust slowly dispersed from the young man's broken body. Looking at the smoke, people suddenly remembered that what they took back in their hands also turned into smoke, but this smoke was much stronger and more choking than the original smoke.

The showman gently incited in front of himself and stirred away the choking smoke.

Junwen ignored the wandering smoke, but when it approached him, it involuntarily dispersed, as if the smoke was afraid of him.

The smoke lasted for less than a moment, and the whole young man's body seemed to have turned into flying ash, and the flying ash disappeared in front of Junwen, and even the young man's life disappeared in front of them. Therefore, the person began to calm down from the slight choking of the smoke and from all kinds of wonderful senior sisters. She Looking at the man holding a fishing rod but constantly looking at the bamboo hat around her, she looked at the other party's eyes, which had been calm, were also a little tight at this moment, and endless questions appeared in her heart.

She asked curiously, "Is he completely dead? There is no dust left!"

Hearing this, he did not directly answer people's words. He raised the fishing rod in his hand, then gathered the air of heaven and earth in his body to the fishing rod and kept shaking it in the air. At this moment, the wooden barrel he was holding in his left hand suddenly began to shake, as if the little red fish in the bucket was about to jump out.

The little red fish does not jump out and will die if it leaves the water. Although it has always been proud, it is not proud enough to leave the water.

It just looks extremely anxious.

The anxiety kept swimming in the bucket that didn't have much water at this moment, and couldn't help splashing a few drops of water.

Junwen did not take into account the irritability of the little red fish. He still kept holding the fishing rod in his right hand and rowed in mid-air. The air of heaven and earth in his body was input into the fishing rod like a stream. His eyebrows were locked, and then he drew several extremely complicated runes in this smoke-filled mid-air.

The rune floating in the air attracts people's attention.

People looked curiously at some runes that emitted a little light silk, and found that the patterns drawn by these runes were like a huge fish, and these moving fish, like the small red fish swimming in the wooden barrel, it kept swimming on the fishing rod in Junwen's hand, and it was swimming full of this piece at this moment. In the desolate dry mountains, it seems to be out of the control of Junwen, and then swim to the larger, higher and wider Haotian sky.

If you draw a rune, you will naturally not let it wander away, and these rune texts will move with him.

If he stops swinging the fishing rod in his right hand, the fish in the air will no longer swim, and the small red fish in the wooden barrel will no longer swim.

People stared at the fish in the air and found that it was swimming faster and faster, but no matter how fast it was, it seemed to be inseparable from the shackles of the king's question; it was a rule, wandering under the control of the king's question. Everything in the world has a way, and the Taoism is even more compatible with each other. Everyone, every thing , there are restraints and cages that trap him.

The cage of the rune was given by Junwen, and it was given by the fishing rod in Junwen's hand. The water in the bucket of the small red fish's cage was determined, and the cage of water was given by this seemingly old but not leaking wooden barrel.

If the runes are separated from the fishing rod, the little red fish will die, and if the water is separated from the barrel, it will be scattered on the ground, but people don't know that these things are separated from the king's question, and then they will no longer exist.

It is impossible for you to give up these things. He needs a fishing rod to help him play a great role in his practice. He needs the small red fish that came voluntarily hooked with him to practice. He also needs the bucket on his left hand to help him raise the little red fish. The little red fish is proud, but only a few people know that the little red fish is also Junwen's practice. The original thing.

The so-called life is a naturally suitable thing.

The merchant's destiny is silver, the royal destiny is power, the people's destiny is grain, and the practitioner's destiny is the tool needed for all kinds of practice.

The original thing does not have to exist in the form of a physical object. It can be a belief or a goal. It is just something that urges people to strive to achieve. It just follows what can't be abandoned by different people. The way of practice is the way of fish, so this little red fish is something he can't give up. It is also his destiny.

At this moment, the destiny keeps swimming, to be precise, swimming with the runes in the sky.

The little red fish swims faster and faster in the old wooden barrels.

The runes simulated into fish in the air are also swimming faster and faster.

Countless drops of water came out of the barrel, scattered outside the barrel, and then fell ruthlessly to the ground.

The little red fish kept swimming in the round wooden barrel, rapidly and shrugging, as if to fly out with his body with the splashing water droplets, but Jun asked not to see the water in his barrel less and less, nor did he see the little red fish swimming to an extremely terrible level. Where you see it, there are still the runes condensed by themselves in the air, and those runes shining into a bright like the sun.

The runes are getting brighter and brighter, as if the whole space is beginning to shine.

People's beautiful eyes looked directly at these light runes, looked at them as if they were about to get out of Jun Wen's control, and then felt that they really saw the runes were out of Jun Wen's control.

The runes in the air kept drifting into the distance, to the only few remaining dead trees on the dry mountain. At this time, the little red fish swimming in the barrel suddenly flew out of the barrel. It took off the shackles of the barrel, but it did not know that it had fallen into the bondage of air. If it fell into the forest, then it It is likely to suffocate.

People did not find that the little red fish flew out of Junwen's barrel, but Junwen, the owner of the little red fish, found that the little red fish flew out, so he threw out the old bucket in his hand and threw it at the little red fish that was falling in the air.

The small red fish did not fall on the dry land of the dry mountain.

The wooden barrel cleverly put it back into the water in the air.

Junwen even shook his hand and took back the wooden barrel through the control of heaven and earth.

For Junwen, everything sent can be taken back, but only the runes condensed by himself can't be taken back, so he can only watch the runes fly to the charred trees, watch it bring countless lights to hit the tree, and then burst out countless lights again.


The light burst from the dead trees, and the runes suddenly emitted countless forces at this moment. People looked at the shining light, and then felt that their eyes were getting more and more painful, as if they were about to lose their light, as if the gorgeous light in front of them was left with endless darkness.

A sudden darkness in front of people's eyes.

She was shocked to find that she couldn't see.

But she is not blind. She is not blind, but in front of her eyes, a huge palm covered her eyes.

I don't know when Junwen came to her side quietly, and then covered her frightened eyes with his own hands. She felt the temperature from her palm and felt very warm, as if she had diluted the pain in her eyes.

At this time, Jun asked softly, "Don't look at those lights. It will make you unable to see everything in the future."

When people heard this, they answered softly, "How long will it take for me to open my eyes?" |

After listening to this, he thought silently for a moment, but his eyes couldn't help looking at the dazzling light. He replied seriously, "When your eyes don't hurt, you can open your eyes."

The man was quiet for a long time, and then said, "I don't hurt now."

Junwen let go of the big hand in front of her eyes and didn't say anything; he saw everything outside his vision, but there was no previous dazzling light that hurt her, and even this dark brown dry mountain disappeared.

Her feet are still mountains, but the mountains are full of green trees.

