
Chapter 281 Abandoned

"Why did it become like this?"

Looking at the green trees all over the mountains, I feel the continuous fragrance of flowers around me. A primitive smell comes from all around me. Looking at the huge difference between closing my eyes and opening my eyes, my heart becomes as crazy as if I am possessed.

She turned her head and looked at the unmoved gentleman and asked, "Why did it become like this? Has my things turned into ashes?"

Junwen looked solemnly at this real dense forest, felt the breath of youth that had long been far away, and sighed helplessly and said to himself, "He is really strong and even deceived me!"

People looked at him and muttered, and continued to ask, "Can you tell me why?"

Junwen turned his head and looked at her and explained in detail, "After we left the city, what we saw in front of us was a fake thing. Since then, we have fallen into the young man's formation, and your things were taken away at that time."

People asked in awe, "What is the formation?"

"The array is just a fighting method for runes, which can make you unable to see the truth of the facts, and can also make you trapped in the array forever, and even kill you directly by latent means."

"Is the formation so powerful?"

"Very awesome!"

"Then can you help me get something back?"

"There is no way, but when the time comes, it will naturally come back to you."

Jun asked the fishing rod in his hand, and then took a look at the wooden barrel with one-third of the water left. The small red fish in the barrel seemed to be a little weak, as if it was because the previous swimming was too exhaustive. However, Jun asked that it was not because of too much energy and weak, it just consumed too much in the inherent power in the body. So it becomes like that even the simplest tour can't be done, and there is even a phenomenon of having to turn over the belly.

So, Jun asked if he had something in his mind, turned his head to look at the faintly frightening people around him, and said, "Let's go!"

The man nodded and went further and further with you with a helpless mood.

"There is such a young rune in this world. It seems that the world is really impermanent!"

A word hidden in Junwen's heart, but he didn't say it.



In the distance of the green mountains, a young man walked freely. The young man's walking speed is not very fast, but he is in a very good mood. On the young man's face, there was a smile like a spring breeze, while in the young man's hand, he held a white scroll.

The young man looked at the green scenery along the way and couldn't help thinking about his many things. The more he thought about it, the happier he became, and then condensed his eyes on the white paper scroll in his hand.

The picture scroll is not his own picture scroll. For young people, he will draw with a pen, but he can't draw any beautiful works of art.

He can draw a lot of complicated lines, but he can't draw what's in the scroll in his hand at the moment.

The young man had seen the painting in the scroll, but he wanted to see the painting in it, so shortly after he walked, he couldn't help opening the white paper scroll in his hand.

There is a person in the picture scroll.

A woman is very beautiful. Three thousand green silk is like a waterfall, her skin is as white as jade, her red lips are bright and her teeth are bright as blood, and her slightly opened lips are as bright as blood. She looks very beautiful and touching.

The young man looked at the woman in the painting, and his eyes became brighter.

The person in the painting is very real. Whether it is her ink pupils or her beautiful skin, it gives people an extremely real feeling, as if she is the person living in the painting. Therefore, the young man's eyes are inseparable from this painting, and he can't take his eyes off her eyes after opening the scroll.

A handsome young man walks between mountains and rivers, holding a white picture scroll with a beautiful woman in it.

Young people are attentive, and women are like living people.

The scroll is more beautiful than the book that has been followed him for more than ten years, and the young man began to be infatuated with the scroll.

He said, "If there is really such a beautiful woman in the world, should I pursue her? Yes, I should be the only person in the world who deserves her."



In the northern region of the world, the blood on the demon field fell into a silence after the man in black was dizzy. The man in black did not die in the hands of the tiger, but at that time he had reached a narrow cut.

Xinghu is the leader of monsters. He has long turned into a human. He has a far-reaching influence on the vast demon field, but his influence is only famous, not that he can rule any territory.

In a white bone hall, a majestic man sat there.

The man quietly looked at the gorgeous blanket in the bone hall, and his whole body looked extremely calm and silent. He did not withdraw his eyes from meditation, but became more and more confused and hesitant; Xing Hu sat on the side of the hall, but his eyes had been fixed on the man sitting on meditation.

From bringing the man in black back from afar, Xing Hu knew that the man in the bone hall would definitely change a lot, but he did not think of such a big change.

The owner of the White Bone Hall doesn't know how to deal with it, and the other party doesn't know how to deal with the man in black who was carried back by him in his current identity. It's been a long time, and it seems that several years have passed. Xing Hu looked at the man who sat on the silent and finally summoned up his courage and said, "First seat , better..."

When the man with thick eyebrows saw Xing Hu wanting to speak and stop, he said, "Xing Hu, what do you think about this?"

Xing Hu was silent for a moment and frowned and said, "I do have an idea, but I don't know if I should say it!"

The man with thick eyebrows said, "Let's talk about it."

Xing Hu respectfully held his fist and then said, "Since the first one also thinks that the breath of that man and my clan is extremely close, and even the breath is purer than most people in our clan, I think the first one will definitely not kill him before he wakes up, and if we don't kill him all the time, then let him sink like this. Sleeping is not a way, so according to our subordinates, we might as well send it to the royal family and let them determine whether he has anything to do with my family.

The man with thick eyebrows did not speak, but at this moment, an old man in the White Bone Hall suddenly stood up from his seat, punched the man sitting, and then said, "First seat, I don't agree with Xing Hu's statement!"

The man heard this and said, "Oh? So what do you think should be done?

The old man said, "In my opinion, the man brought back by this Xinghu is definitely a demon similar to our clan. After all, his demon power is purer than that of the first one. Human beings will not allow our clan to enter the world, so he will rush into our field."

Xing Hu frowned and asked, "How can the elder be sure that he killed thousands of people of our clan as human beings before?"

The old man turned his head and looked at Xing Hu and said lightly, "The reason why he came to the demon field as a human must have been killed by human practitioners before, and he is by no means a person in my demon field, so I don't know that he has already entered the field of monsters."

"So what do you think is better?"

Facing the problem of the first seat, the old man cautiously said, "Retain him until he wakes up and find a way to use it for our family. Presumably, the reason why the first seat will be confused about how to stay is also to see that his potential will be infinite, right? In fact, it's strange that his strength has not reached the king's realm, but why is there a human body? I really want to know what kind of big demon he is!"

The man with thick eyebrows frowned and nodded and said, "Yes, I also see his extraordinary. His practice time is very short, which should be less than five years, but his strength is extremely solid, and he has stepped into the realm of demon generals at this moment. If he continues his strange practice, I can't think of it. You can reach the realm of the demon king in five years.

"A 25-year-old demon king, I really can't bear to give up to those guys of the royal family for nothing!"

When Xing Hu heard this, he said cautiously, "First seat, it's not time for us to keep him!"

"Sing Hu, I know what you mean. You can arrange to send him to the royal family to identify himself. If he really belongs to the demon clan, we will find a way to keep him."

"The first wise!"



In the back of the White Bone Hall, in an Accord, a man in black lay flat on the bed. Since he was defeated by Xinghu, he has been in a long coma since he was desperate to die.

The man is very comfortable and calm. He has no anger and unwillingness. The man disdains to argue about defeat. If he loses, he will be defeated, and there is nothing to say for him.

Of course, it is interesting that although the man is in a coma, his consciousness is still clear, so in these calm sleeping days, he dreams of a lot of atmosphere.

The man is still the one who knocked himself unconscious before.

The man deeply remembered that he was defeated in his hands, but he did not want to be captured, so he desperately begged him to die. However, the other party did not kill himself, at least he did not kill himself before he fell into a coma, and no matter how he scolded the other party, no matter how unpleasant he said, the other party was I never wanted to kill him.

If you don't kill, you won't kill. No matter how you scold, you won't kill.

The man in black has no choice but to respond to the constant change. He has never seen such a shameless person. He is extremely proud of being scolded and puts on a smile without saying a word after being scolded. I'm afraid that people like him are really unique in the world.

Therefore, the man in black doesn't want to see each other.

He can't see the other party, but the other party can see him.

Xing Hu slowly walked into the Accord and saw the sleeping man in black. He didn't know who he was, but he knew that he was going to take him away. He successfully took the man in black and walked to the royal family in the demon field according to the instructions of the first seat.

