Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 16 Missing Soldier

The time on the tree was like sitting on needles and felt. Finally, until midnight, the monster's snoring resounded through the valley, and Zhang Yongkui quietly slipped down the tree and climbed to the top of the slope with the faint moonlight. He shouted a few words in a low voice, but there was no response from the soldier who stayed on it. He thought that he should have heard the monster's cry. Maybe he had been scared to go back to the team and walked forward in the dark.

He took a few steps forward and didn't want to mix a man under his feet, which scared him. The man shouted in surprise, "Commion commander, you are back!" It turned out that the child fell asleep on the ground. He just called him, but he didn't hear it. Zhang Yongkui didn't answer but just ordered, "Let's go, you can't stay here!" The child was already timid, and he accelerated his pace to follow the company commander.

At dawn, they returned to the team. Zhang Yongkui gathered the team and counted the number of people; when he came in, he counted with the guide, and there were 33 people in total. Now there are only 24 people left, and the people who take another route have not come back yet. Although they don't know what the situation is like there, it seems that there is more or less good luck. You can't wait any longer. The monster has a very sensitive sense of smell. If the two-headed beast finds here, the lives of so many people will be worried.

Zhou Xirui asked his serviceman Xiao Wei to engrave a few words in a prominent place on the next tree with a knife. If the hunters on another route can come back, they can find the team along the stream when they see the message.

The team walked along the stream for a day and camped by the stream at night. Later, someone has been missing, maybe since that night. Zhang Yongkui used to have about 100 people in the company, and there are 30 people in a row below, with a total of three platoons, and the soldiers are under the control of the platoon leader. Therefore, Zhang Yongkui was not very clear about the names of these soldiers and was not familiar with their appearance. After two days of walking, he found that there seemed to be fewer and fewer personnel. At a glance, there were only about a dozen people left.

Ask the rest of the people where the soldiers have gone? It is said that it is deserted! It is said that when I heard a strange scream at night, I found that the person sleeping next to me was missing in the morning! Zhang Yongkui asked the man angrily, "Since you found someone missing, why didn't you report it?" The man replied, "Report to the company commander, he and I are not in the same class and are not very familiar with each other. I thought you sent him to hunt!"

Zhang Yongkui realized the seriousness of the matter. He was afraid of causing panic. He did not tell everyone what he saw on the mountain. Now he felt that he had to explain it to them clearly. So they talked about their experience of looking for hunters, and the soldiers were so scared that they didn't say anything. Zhang Yongkui looked at a high gold tower-shaped mountain behind him and said, "We climbed to the mountain today and find a place to rest on it. It's too dangerous to walk on the edge of the water." Next, he asked the soldiers to know the people around him, remember their names, and report what was wrong.

When they climbed halfway up the mountain, they accidentally found that there was a large valley behind the cracks in the stone wall, and there was a lake in the middle. The lake was full of cassava vines, and there were cliffs on all sides. Zhang Yongkui thought that if a fortification was built in the middle of the gap and the entrance was blocked, it would be very safe inside. He thought that this black bamboo ditch was so dangerous that he didn't know if he could go out? What's more, even if you go out now, there is no way out. It's better for everyone to live here.

He told everyone this idea and asked everyone what they meant. Unexpectedly, they all agreed. In fact, everyone has been tired of fighting for a long time, and it is very satisfying to have a peaceful life. So that day, about a dozen of them cut back some fir trees on the hillside outside the gap and cut some bamboo in the valley. Under the guidance of the only remaining engineer, a strong wooden wall was built. Zhang Yongkui designed it as a platform on the wall, which is convenient for people inside to safely check the situation outside. If they want to go out, use bamboo ladders to go up and down, and when they come back, they will pull up the ladder up.

In the next few days, I built a hut by the lake, and I thought I could live in peace. But contrary to expectations, several soldiers felt that they ate cassava every day without any panic. They wanted to improve their lives and wondered if they could get a few big fish in a deeper place, so they made a raft, bent them into several hooks with sewing needles, and rowed to the lake for fishing.

At the beginning, people on the shore could still hear their laughter on the raft. Everyone was busy covering the bark of the wooden house, and some were digging casca to prepare lunch. No one paid attention to the situation on the raft. When eating, Zhang Yongkui went to call them back, but only saw that there was no one on the raft in the middle of the lake. Those people didn't know where they had gone? Panic spreads in the rest of the people...