Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 17 Strange Eyes in the Lake

Zhang Yongkui looked at the lake in front of him, shining in the sun, and the wind blew golden ripples. All this looked so beautiful. No one expected that such a calm and beautiful lake was murderous.

He noticed that when all birds flew over the lake, they would not be close to the lake, but tried to pass up to the top of the mountain, as if they were very afraid of the lake. Zhang Yongkui blamed himself for not noticing this detail. If he had found out earlier, there would not have been so many brothers missing.

He climbed to a higher place on the edge of the cliff, which is also relatively close to the lake, about ten meters. He stared wide to see what was in the lake? The lake is not very clear and you can't see very deep. After standing for a while, when he wanted to leave. Suddenly, I felt that there were two eyes staring at me in the water. When I looked carefully, I did see a pair of huge blue pupil-like "eyes" looking at me in the depths of the water. Those eyes were very focused. These eyes were very familiar, right! Zhang Yongkui remembered such a look before the two-headed beast predation. This made him dare not look at it anymore and went back to the cabin away from the lake.

Returning to the house, he asked the rest of the people to gather *. He thought of a way to kill the thing in the lake, but this plan was also very risky because he wanted to make his own bait.

When Zhou Xirui saw that Li Wen didn't go on, he asked her, "Has Zhang Yongkui succeeded?" Li Wen shook his head and said that he didn't know. The diary was only written here, and there was no specific method he used, but I guess he didn't succeed, because there was no veteran here, and everything in the room was still there, indicating that they did not leave.

Li Wen continued to say that whether he succeeded or not, the lake must be strange. We should still be careful. After saying that, I looked at the lake and was shocked. In the dark, I saw a few blue lights on the other side of the lake, and it was moving. The moving position seemed to be around the house. Zhou Xirui also saw it, and his first reaction was to leave quickly. Because if the smell of the things in the lake is very sensitive, it may be found. It's definitely not easy to eat so many people. Hurry up and slip away before it is found!

He and Li Wen quickly went outside from the already prepared rope, took out the shining stone to shine on the road and climbed to the mountain. The more steep it went up, the shrubs became more and more dense, which made them suffer, and it was even more painful for Li Wen to walk with a limping. But they found that the glowing stone had some strange effects. In addition to shining, the insects in the dark and the animals in the grass were illuminated and fled one after another. Originally, I was worried that I would step on the snake, but it was safe because of this stone. But Li Wen did not dare to hold the stone. If he held it, he would feel weak and dizzy. But Zhou Xirui felt very energetic when holding it. As long as he put the stone in his pocket, it seemed to be infinable. Li Wen said whether this stone has radiation or not! However, Zhou Xirui said that he could keep the lighting and resolutely refused to throw it away. Li Wen saw that he didn't say anything like this. It's dangerous not to see in this deep mountains and forests. It's also a bad thing to have this stone.

It's getting brighter, but the more you climb to the top of the mountain, the steeper the cliff becomes. In the end, you can only rely on Zhou Xirui to tie the climbing tools to climb a distance first. Li Wen tied the rope to his waist and slowly followed. Several times, Li Wen almost fell down. Fortunately, there was a rope tied around his waist. The most difficult thing is Zhou Xirui in front of him. In some places, the angle is very difficult, and he may lose confidence when he sees it at ordinary times. But because there was no way out, there was still a man behind him. The boy didn't know where the courage came from and climbed up with his bare hands.

After all the hardships, I finally reached the top. Looking at the deep valley below, people will feel a dizzy with fear. Li Wen stopped in the most difficult part, and it seemed that she couldn't come up by herself. Zhou Xirui tied one end of the rope to a big tree on the top of the mountain. The tree stood staggered on the top of the cliff. How many wind and rain it would have to experience. I guess its roots should have drilled to a deep place, so it should be able to withstand the tension. Then Zhou Xirui tried his best to mention Li Wen, because the most difficult place was recessed, which was easier to mention people directly. With the help of nine cows and two tigers, Li Wen was finally pulled up. Standing at this highest point, Li Wen saw a large triangular stone wall next to them. According to this feature, this should be Jinzi Tower Mountain. I was overjoyed, but I couldn't be happy when I looked back. On the map, you can see the black bamboo ditch not far from the gold tower. But there are still countless jungles and endless mountains here. The dense vegetation makes you unable to find a way to travel. What's more terrible is the terrible creatures in these jungles.

The two sat on the top of the mountain and looked blankly at the distant mountain. He was thinking about how to cross the vast mountains in front of him. He couldn't go wrong this time. Li Wen had reached the limit of psychology and physical strength and was close to the edge of collapse. Now there is nothing to point in the direction. I can only intuitively go behind the gold tower and move forward in a straight direction, thinking that if you can go around when you encounter a mountain, you can turn around. Anyway, you have to go out anyway. After made up their minds, they packed up and walked down the mountain. The two tied each other's waists with ropes, so that even if one person stepped on the air, the other could pull up.

It's much easier to go down than to go up the mountain. The back is a slope with some shrubs and some bamboo forests. At the foot of the mountain is a large bamboo forest with no end. The bamboo is very thin and dense. I barely found a small gap and set up a tent to rest here, because I didn't sleep all night last night, and both of them were tired.

At this time, I heard that suddenly there was something coming from the bamboo forest in the distance. The two were so scared that they quickly took out their machetes and hid in the bamboo forest next to the tent. At this time, I saw a white animal coming out of the bamboo forest. It turned out to be a giant panda. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and came out. When the panda heard someone, he looked this way and suddenly rushed to him.

The panda suddenly rushed to the front, and the two were caught off guard. Before he figured out what was going on, this cute-looking guy jumped up fiercely and bit Zhou Xirui's arm. At the critical moment, Li Wen picked up the machete next to the tent and cut off the panda's head. Suddenly, a big mouth was cut off on the panda's head, and the blood stained its white hair red. It seemed that it was not seriously injured. It loosened its mouth and quickly penetrated into the bamboo forest.

It took them to come back to their senses for a long time. They didn't expect that the pandas here would attack people so fiercely that they dared not sleep in the tent. He found some thick branches and cut them down, climbed up a thick tree next to the tent, and set up a small platform between the branches of the trees. They took down the tent and put it on it, and then took out the cassava and ate it at ease. Li Wen opened Zhou Xirui's sleeve and looked at his wound. Good boy! The panda almost tore off a piece of his meat, and the blood penetrated all his clothes. After taking out the disinfectant spray to poison him, she tore a piece of cloth and tied the wound together as much as possible.

After treating the wound, they were already sleepy. The two snuggled and fell asleep. It was the next morning when he woke up. The sun was very dazzling on his face. Li Wen wiped his eyes and heard a movement under the tree. Looking down, the cut panda was bending bamboo branches by the bamboo forest not far from under the tree. After waiting for a long time, it had no intention of leaving at all, which embarrassed the two people on the tree. If you go down, you will be afraid that the pandas will attack them. If you don't go down, the time will pass for a long time.

After waiting patiently for two hours, the panda was full of bamboo and swaying to the depths of the bamboo forest. The two carried their luggage and hurried down the tree. With the Jinzi Tower Mountain as the coordinates, they also walked to the depths of the bamboo forest.