Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 27 Deep Rock Corpse Cave

"Where have you been? Without saying a word, Xiaopei's voice came from the front. She adjusted her breath in the tent for a long time and didn't see them come back. She came out to find them for fear of danger. Looking at the edge of the cliff, I heard the sound of them climbing up.

"I just rolled down the cliff, but fortunately I didn't get hurt!" Zhou Xirui said, "How did you fall to the cliff? Don't you know it's dangerous here?" See it clearly in the future," Xiaopei was shocked. She knew that the cliff was very high and said angrily. I feel that these two people are really troublesome. Isn't it looking for death to run up here knowing that there is a cliff?

They followed Xiaopei back to the tent. The fox-faced girl and Zhou Xirui found some dead branches by the bamboo forest, and A Cuo lit the fire. Only then did Xiaopei find that there were more people. The man's face looked very strange under the firelight. He instinctively took out the bamboo flute. Zhou Xirui waved his hand to her and said, "No, she is not a monster. I met it under the cliff. Because of the strange appearance, the family moved to live in this old forest. The fox-faced woman huddled next to Zhou Xirui and whispered, "Well, my parents have been taken to the deep rock cave for two weeks. Please look for it with me. I dare not go alone."

"Deep Rock Cave!" Xiaopei shook her head in surprise and said, and the fox-faced woman cried sadly when she shook her head. Why are you shaking your head? You can't be saved, can you?" Zhou Xirui said angrily, "You don't go, let's go!" Acuo also echoed that the two boys were the masters who saw the road and drew knives to help each other.

"What do you know!" Xiaopei stared at them and shouted at them. Since she came to the deep mountains to pick herbs alone, her grandfather has repeatedly told her not to go near the Dragon Cliff, saying that there are man-eating monsters and must not go there. Even if their family has witchcraft passed down from generation to generation, they may not be able to fight against the things there.

But Xiaopei pondered for a moment and finally decided to save people with them. Although she always spoke meanly, her body was also as chivalrous as the two boys. She said coldly, "Go tomorrow morning. You have to listen to my command. Don't break in. Don't blame me if something happens!" After saying that, he walked into the tent and crossed his legs to adjust his breath. Zhou Xirui said happily, "You promised to go with us!" Xiaopei didn't agree to him either. Zhou Xirui knew that she was just like this and didn't care. When the fox-faced girl heard Xiaopei say that she would go tomorrow, she didn't cry. She wiped her tears and smiled at Zhou Xirui. Oh my God! It's better for her not to laugh. This smile really looks particularly weird.

Zhou Xirui didn't dare to look at her anymore. He went in and took her clothes and trousers and hid in the bamboo forest next to her. Acuo was a little hungry. He took out a few pieces of sweet potatoes from his bag and roasted them on the fire for a while, and threw one to the fox-faced girl. But the fox-faced woman didn't answer. She looked at the sweet potato and shook her head and said, "I don't want to eat it. I'm not hungry!" Zhou Xirui changed his clothes and trousers, picked up the sweet potatoes and handed them over, "Eat it quickly!" If you don't eat anything, you will wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Zhou Xirui felt that climbing up from below consumed a lot of physical strength. He was starving and didn't believe that she was not hungry. He thought it was just that the mountain people were shy and embarrassed to eat. However, the fox-faced woman resolutely refused, and Zhou Xirui no longer forced her to sit down and devour her. Acuo threw another sweet potato to the cat lying by the fire. The guy was also hungry. He bit it twice with his mouth and swallowed it. Zhou Xirui ate for a while, took one in and handed it to Xiaopei. Xiaopei opened his eyes slightly and shook his head.

When he slept until midnight, Zhou Xirui woke up with urine, got up and went out to relieve it. He walked out of the tent in a daze and heard the chewing sound of some animals in the bamboo forest next to him. He went in and woke up Acuo, put his fingers on his mouth, and motioned him not to be born. The two took a flashlight and gently took a light to shine there. Zhou Xirui was so scared that he couldn't hold his urine and wet his trousers, and A Cuo was also scared to shout.

It turned out that the fox-faced woman didn't know where to catch a snake and was chewing it with relish. The blood of the snake on her mouth, coupled with her strange face, was illuminated by the flashlight, and her eyes were bright, so it was good not to scare people to death. The cat heard the owner's scream and ran out. It didn't feel the behavior of the fox-faced girl and ran over to sniff her head. I guess this guy had looked at the fox-faced girl at his group.

The fox-faced girl stood up and saw that she was found. She threw away the snake and looked at the two people. She lowered her head and whispered like a child who did something wrong, "I'm sorry, I didn't dare to tell you that our family moved into the mountains, not only because of those reasons I told you, but also because I ate snakes since I was a child, and I would vomit when I ate other food. There are many snakes in the deep mountains, so my parents have been living here for the convenience of catching snakes.

"How do you eat raw snakes?" Atso said that he used to catch snakes and take them home to eat them, but they must be stewed with beans. Zhou Xirui looked at the blood stains on her strange face and said disgustingly, "You eat it, just don't let me see it next time, disgusting!" After saying that, he called the cat and Acuo into the tent, huddled in the sleeping bag and changed his trousers, thinking, damn it! What the fuck monster is this! Xiaopei opened his eyes and asked, "What's going on outside?" Zhou Xirui replied, "Nothing!" He didn't want Xiaopei to know, for fear that she would not agree to save people. After all, although the fox-faced village girl was strange, she was a poor person after all. The fox-faced woman saw them go in and sleep, so she slowly squatted down to pick up the snake and continued to nibble.

The next day, they packed their bags and went down from the other side to the bottom of the valley. When they passed by the pool, they saw the big "toad" in the water yesterday. Zhou Xirui turned around and asked the fox-faced woman what monster was in the water? The fox-faced woman said that she didn't know that the locals call this kind of thing a toad essence. They like to live in a deep pool with sparsely populated and flowing water. When they see someone wave their front paws to scare people, but in fact, this thing is not dangerous and timid.

They turned around a pass and saw a large slope full of crops. There is a dilapidated house by the pond below. There are not many tiles left on it, and the holes on it are covered with plastic cloth. The fox-faced woman pointed there and said, "That's my home!" She walked in front and said, "Because there is no road here, the bricks and tiles for building the house were built by my parents with their backs and their own feet. It has been about to collapse for more than ten years, so my father wants to repair the house, but he has no money. If it hadn't been for the repair of this house, I wouldn't have come back yet!" After saying that, he cried sadly. Zhou Xirui felt sad when he heard what she said. The money for repairing the house was just a meal or a day's expense. However, the father of the fox-faced woman may have lost his life for this little money, and suddenly felt ashamed.

Several people entered the house. It was wet and dark, with a big musty smell and even a little rotten smell. Xiao Pei Ai was clean and quickly covered his nose and retreated. Zhou Xirui looked up and saw that there were still many pieces of bacon hanging on the beam, which looked like it had been newly pickled. Acuo asked the fox-faced girl, "Did you kill the pig?" The fox-faced woman smiled and said, "Yes! Do you want to eat? How many pieces do you want to take away? Zhou Xirui shook his head and said, "No, there is still a lot of bacon in the backpack." After saying that, he quickly retreated with Acuo. The smell in this room really smells bad.

The fox-faced woman also followed, pointed to a mountain behind the house and said, first, and then you have to turn several ditches to get there. You can't walk around. It's easy to get lost. She said that there is no road there, and there are thorns, which is very difficult to walk.

Next, as the fox-faced woman said, they walked for two days before they came to the dragon cliff. The fox-faced woman pointed to the towering mountain and said, "The top is the dragon top." Atso asked, "Where is the deep rock cave?" Xiaopei also looked around. Because of Grandpa's warning, she had never been to this area and was not familiar with the terrain here. I don't know why as soon as everyone entered here, they began to feel that it was very uncomfortable. It seemed to be shrouded in a strange atmosphere. Maybe it was the psychological pressure caused by the horror legends all the time!

In addition to Xiaopei, who walks lightly, Zhou Xirui and A Cuo's clothes have long been hung with thorns, and the cat's body has also been scratched with blood. But the fox-faced woman is also magical, her clothes are intact, and she walks freely in the thorn bushes, and seems to often go in and out of such places. The fox-faced woman said, "I know where the deep rock cave is. Just follow me closely!"

They followed the fox-faced girl to the hinterland of the mountain. There were dense plants along the way. From time to time, some animals heard noises fleeing in the grass and bushes. Even if it is daytime, the light is not very good when walking in this forest. From time to time, there are strange calls of birds and beasts, which makes the atmosphere more tense.

After walking for more than two hours, they finally came under an upward slope, a ten-meter-high slope leading to a huge dark hole on the cliff wall, and some trees and shrubs outside covered two-thirds of the hole. The fox-faced woman pointed to the hole and whispered that it was there. It seemed that she was very afraid of the hole above, and even her voice trembled a little.

Xiaopei asked, "What do you bring to illuminate?" Zhou Xirui said, "We brought two flashlights!" It is estimated that it can be taken for more than an hour," Xiaopei shook his head and said, "This is not enough. We still have to calculate the time. We can't see it in the hole and it's not far from death." Acuo said, "We also brought a bottle of kerosene, which is ready to ignite the beast!" Xiaopei nodded happily: "Well, this can be used to make torches. The flashlight can't be used as much as possible when it is not dangerous, but if there are many fork roads in the hole, there must be a rope to pull all the way through the hole to avoid getting lost."

Hearing Xiaopei talk about the rope, Zhou Xirui thought of his climbing rope, but it was only about 100 meters. What if it exceeds this length? The name of this hole is Deep Rock Cave. I'm afraid I don't know how deep it is. At this time, the fox-faced village girl took out a small bag sewn with cloth and handed it to Xiaopei with a smile, "No rope, I have this!" Xiaopei avoided her cautious smile, took the cloth bag and opened it, "Fedeboard beans! That's great," Xiaopei said happily. It turned out that the fox-faced village girl handed over a unique local tree, the seeds of the footboard tree. Its seeds are very similar to the doll's footboard. The brown one looks very exquisite and cute, and it will emit fluorescence in the dark. Locals also call it fluorescent beans and throw it all the way into the hole, so they can't find a way out.

Acuo and Zhou Xirui went to cut down a dry tree, dragged it over, cut it open and cut it into strips. Zhou Xirui took out a dress and tore it into long strips. Atso took the cloth strip and prepared to wrap it through the kerosene to make a torch. Xiaopei also squatted down to help them wrap the cloth strips.

The fox-faced woman was a little distressed when she saw that she tore a good dress: "Alas! Why did you tear your clothes? What a pity. Her family is in the deep mountains and has no money to buy clothes for several years. It's a little uncomfortable to see this. Hey, you know that I sacrificed this dress to save your parents!" Zhou Xirui is not happy. He doesn't understand the feelings of the fox-faced woman, and he can't stand others criticizing him for his luxury. Hearing Zhou Xirui say this, the fox-faced woman didn't say anything, and what he said was indeed reasonable.

In this way, each of them held two torches in their hands. Zhou Xirui took out the waterproof lighter in his bag. This time, he went out to explore the most prepared thing and filled a small pocket of his backpack. After taking them out and sending each of them two, he decided to go into the hole. Xiaope asked Acuo to light only one torch, and keep the others for later use.

Acuo walked in front, and the others followed him and entered the hole to find that it was very slippery and wet. The wall of the cave was covered with moss, and from time to time water came out of the cracks and dripping on the ground. The hole is covered with moss and can't be seen whether it is natural or artificially chiseled. The entrance is very large. If you walk not far in, you will find that there are many fork roads. Xiaopei chose a middle route to move forward. Throw a foot bean every two meters, and it is as bright as a firefly in the dark.