Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 28 Zhenhun Yuque

They walked in for half an hour, and the more they walked, the more creepy they became. The hole was full of bones, some animals and some people, and the bones jumped with phosphorus in the dark. The dark cave caused a great sense of oppression, making people feel breathless, as if they were walking through a nightmare.

There was a small dark hole in a corner. The cat seemed to find something and kept sniffing at the hole, and then shouted inside. Atso took a torch to shine there. It seemed that there was a big hole. He asked Zhou Xirui to hand him the flashlight in his backpack. He wanted to get in and have a look. Just as he wanted to drill inside, Zhou Xirui grabbed him and took out the climbing rope and tied it to his waist. He was a little worried: "Be careful, drill over and look and shrink back. The hole is too small in case something happens and you don't have time to escape."

Acuo answered and took the flashlight and drilled inside. He didn't drill twice. Half of his body had come out of the hole. Looking down, there were many pairs of phosphorus fires, which seemed to be peeping, which looked a little strange. He took a flashlight and looked around and found that the cave was very large. He was shocked when he looked down. The countless "people" below were moving below him. Some of these "people" only had skeletons, some rotten meat and clothes hung on the bones, and some rotten places were wrapped around snakes and maggots. These "people" There was a "fire" flashing in his eyes. The "fire" was blue and faint like a phosphorus fire, but the fire seemed to be conscious, as if it were the souls of these dead people.

They didn't know how they felt the breath of living people, and all gathered under Acuo. Acuo was horrified and quickly wanted to shrink back, because his upper body had come out. When he pulled back hard on the stone wall, the stone wall was covered with moss and dripping water, wet and slippery. As a result, it suddenly fell down and was tied around his waist. With the rope, with his exclamation, Zhou Xirui had already pulled the rope.

Ah fell into the air by mistake. Although it was still several meters away from below, his hands were all stretched out, and his eyes were looking at his dead with ghost fire, which was really horrible and embarrassing. Fortunately, the rope was very strong. Several people outside dragged him to the small hole above. He put his foot into the small hole and was dragged out.

Seeing the frightened Acuo, Zhou Xirui asked, "What happened just now?" Dead man!" Acuo gasped, "It's all dead, dead people who can move!" The moving dead, several people heard this, a chill from head to toe. Atso continued, "There is a ghost fire in his eyes!"

There was a ghost fire in his eyes. Xiaopei suddenly remembered something and then asked, "Is there a big boat-shaped iron and wood coffin in it?" Acuo shook his head and said, "It seems that I haven't seen it. There are only a large number of black dead people!"

"Lock the soul hole!" Xiaopei exclaimed the name. When the other three heard her say the name, they asked her curiously what was going on. She seemed nervous and excited, which made the other three people not understand what she knew.

"You must follow me closely. As long as the ghost fire does not extinguish, the dead in the cave will have the desire to devour fresh flesh and blood. This is a place cursed by the Miao family's witchcraft." After saying that, she took out several Miao's sachets and sent one by one. She said that it was corpse powder, which has a special smell, which can cover up the smell of strangers. .

Although it is a little cautious to wear dead people's powder on their bodies, looking at Xiaopei's serious expression, the three people know that this can't be careless. Xiaopei bent down and put one on the cat, and then waved to everyone to follow her inside.

As he walked in, Zhou Xirui curiously asked Xiaopei what the lock soul hole he just said meant? Xiaopei said, "This is a wizard with a high status and spell in the Miao family. Before his death, in order not to let his body turn into a corpse demon, he will be buried with many people, and then seal the souls of these people with his own mana before death, which is equivalent to dispersing his mana. The more people are buried, the higher the level of the wizard.

"That's because the dead in the soul hole are actually alive?" Zhou Xirui felt very strange. That's not watching yourself rot. It's so horrible!" Acuo remembered the scene he had just seen, and his body trembled a little. In fact, their consciousness as human beings is basically gone, leaving only the instinct of animals and their desire for food!" Xiaopei said.

"Why don't you burn the wizard's body?" The fox-faced woman asked, "You can't burn it, because it is highly respected as a wizard in our Miao family. Burning a corpse is tantamount to blasphemy. And the corpse with magic protection will not burn, but will cause the corpse to change!" Xiaopei frowned and replied that she didn't like others to treat wizards as demons, because she was a witch herself.

"Wow! In this case, isn't the living dead everywhere? Zhou Xirui said this, which made several people feel like the end of the world. As you said, I remember Grandpa said that only when witchcraft reaches its peak can the body change after death. The ancient books handed down by our witch doctor only recorded that the corpse demon appeared more than 300 years ago, and hundreds of miles were harmed into a no man's land. Later, a young descendant who learned witchcraft found the soul jade and destroyed the corpse demon.

"In this way, this hole is actually the wizard's tomb. Just now, I saw that the soul hole was full of dead people. The wizard's magic power should be super powerful?" Acuo shivered and said, and Xiaopei nodded and agreed, "Well, let's go inside quickly."

Xiaopei's tone was very excited. She quickly walked forward, and everyone had to follow her and walked to a very large cave for more than half an hour. In the middle, there was a very strange thing hanging in the air with an iron chain. There was an altar against the stone wall, which was filled with a layer of black grease. Xiaopei put his hand The two bundles of spare torches were lit and thrown in. Suddenly, the flames rose high and lit up the whole cave.

Only then did they see clearly that there seemed to be two boats hanging in the air. The two boats were tightly tied together, and the hull was dark and bright, reflecting the luster of metal under the light of fire. Xiaopei said that this is called a boat coffin, which seems to be made of the best iron wood. As long as the non-stick gas can protect the body from decay, it should be a very high-ranking wizard to enjoy such treatment. We Miao people think that our ancestors came from the falling hole and have to take a boat back when we go back, so the coffin is made into the shape of a boat.

As she said, she twisted her waist and jumped into the coffin with a very fast body. In the middle of the coffin, she saw a circular purple jade that was extremely moist. This should be the most dream thing for as a wizard, the soul-suppressing jade, which was embedded in the middle of the coffin. She was overjoyed. This jade was mentioned in the record of the corpse demon. Hearing what Acuo said, the living dead judged that it was a soul hole. She had already been full of expectations in her heart, and it was as expected.

Xiao Pei sat cross-legged on the coffin and said, "You stand next to the altar and put on the sachet. The corpse can't smell your breath. Don't move!" "What? Zhou Xirui exclaimed, and the three of them were shocked.

Xiao Pei took out a sharp knife, pried up the Zhenhun Yuque, and turned around and jumped down. As soon as the jade square left the coffin, the spiritual power everywhere in the cave was sucked into the ship's coffin. Those spiritual power was the ghost fire in the eyes of the dead that Acuo saw. This scene was very spectacular. The faint blue flame-like light poured into the hole from all directions, forming countless light bands.

The coffin trembled violently. When all the blue light was sucked in, the coffin did not move, and the whole hole suddenly became quiet and scary. Bang!" The lid of the coffin was torn apart, and a "man" flew out of the coffin. The man's face grinned, and there were two ghost fires and two "hands" burning in his eyes. To be precise, he had two claws, sharp and slender, and his pale skin without a trace of blood color. This was clearly a dead man. It seemed terrible. The thing is a corpse.

As soon as it came out, it hung in the air, wrapped in a blue light belt. The cat roared at the corpse demon, which scared Zhou Xirui to quickly cover its mouth. The thing had quietly flown straight in the direction of the cat. Xiaopei quickly blocked in front of them, took out a small gourd from his body, pulled off the sealing wax on it, and raised his hand to the eyes of the corpse demon.

The ghost fire in the devil's eyes was extinguished in an instant. As soon as the ghost fire was extinguished, it could not be seen, but it just came forward. This thing is a dead object with no sense of pain. It is only instinctive after being injected into the spiritual power, so it still mechanically grasps in the direction that can satisfy its desire to eat flesh and blood.

The people behind spread to both sides, and the corpse suddenly pinched Xiaopei. She did not dodge or dodge. At the moment when she was about to pinch her neck, she pressed Yuque on the forehead of the corpse demon. The moment she pressed it down, the thing stopped moving.

Yuque began to absorb quickly and attach its spiritual power to the body. The blue and secluded light belt flowed in the Yuque, which looked very bright. Anyone who sees it will feel that this is a priceless treasure. As soon as the spiritual power was inhaled, the body rushed forward. Xiaopei quickly dodged away. The moment the body fell to the ground, it shrank from bloodless white to dark.

Xiaopei was so happy that he found a purple ribbon from his small bag and penetrated it into the small hole of Yuque and tied it to his neck. As soon as Yuque approached the human body, the spiritual power inside began to slowly enter the body. Xiaopei immediately sat on the ground, inhaled to guide the spiritual power into the internal organs, and finally condensed into a force stored in the qi vein.

Zhou Xirui ridiculed, "What are you doing wearing this thing? Aren't you afraid of becoming a corpse?" Bullshit, I'm not a corpse!" Xiaopei opened his eyes, and there was a blue luster in his eyes, which added some strange charm to Xiaopei. Acuo teased her and said, "You still said it's not a corpse. Look in the mirror by yourself and scare people to death!" This made Xiaopei surprised. She quickly took out a small mirror and looked at it, afraid that she would become a corpse demon, but when she saw that everything was normal except for a little blue light in her eyes, she glanced at the two people blankly: "I hate it!" Then he smiled and said to the fox-faced girl, "Let's go to your parents. There is no danger now."