Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 187 Scary Castle

"Great! Let's go, Brother Acuo!" Tana suddenly became excited, "Ah? Go now?" Atso originally wanted to call Xiaorui together, "Of course, otherwise if my brother knew, we wouldn't be able to go!" Tana said anxiously.

Acuo thought that if he called Xirui last week, he might be robbed of the limelight by this boy. This guy already has Xiaopei and is still single. It's better not to let him get involved again. He thought about it and said, "Wait a minute, Tana, I'll call the second dog, and we'll sit on it." Is the second dog the big pig? Tana couldn't help laughing when she remembered the big pig, "Well, it's my second dog. It's very good!" Acuo nodded and smiled.

They rode the "two dogs" to the wooden bridge connecting the ancient castle on the island, turned down to the ground, and looked up at the towering castle. The windows were dark, and the crows stopped at the top of the building, and they kept quacking loudly.

Acuo beat his heart and let the two dogs wait at the bridge. In case something happened to them, Zhou Xirui and the others knew that they had gone to the ancient castle on the island when they saw the two dogs. He took Tana's hand and walked slowly. His hand trembled a little and was perceived by Tana. Tana looked up and asked him, "Brother Azo, what's wrong with you? Is it a little cold? You have to wear more clothes in the morning."

Acuo quickly straightened his chest and took a deep breath and said, "Well, it's a little cold. I will remember to wear more in the future." Hearing his words like this, Tana was very satisfied and happily snuggled up to him to the castle gate.

Through the low wall gate and entered the courtyard, the road had been submerged by barren grass. Although the dark vines around were full of gorgeous red flowers, they were inexplicably depressing. Soon they walked outside the gate of the castle. The door was black and open, and the wooden shutters on both sides were closed. A crow flew out of the doorway and scared them both.

Seeing these two crows, Atso was at ease. There were crows flying out inside, indicating that it was safe. But he didn't notice that the crow's eyes were blood-red, and countless pairs of greedy eyes hidden in the dead vines were staring at them closely.

Acuo took out the machete specially made for him by Dimo from his waist and led Tana in. As soon as they walked in, the door suddenly closed with a loud "cry" sound. They quickly went to pull the door. As soon as their hands were released, Tana disappeared inexplicably.

At this time, Acuo immediately had a headache in his scalp, sweating profusely, and shouted loudly, "Tana! Tana!" But where can there be a shadow of Tana? Only his voice echoed empty in the castle, which made people a little shudder.

At this time, he suddenly heard Tana's laughter from the stairs, which immediately stimulated him to climb up the castle. He saw Tana's figure shaking at the front of the front stairs and chasing him desperately. At this time, Tana suddenly stopped and stood still. He ran over in surprise and wanted to take her hand and take her down the stairs.

Tana suddenly turned her head with a wild smile, but her body did not move, and the laughter turned into a man's hoarse and terrible giggle. Turning over, it was a ferocious face. His eyes stared like copper bells, and his big mouth cracked to the roots of his ears, revealing terrible fangs. His face was blue, and he stretched out his claws and rushed over.

Acuo was so scared that he immediately cut his claws with a machete. In an instant, his claws were cut to the ground. He turned his hand and cut at the monster's neck without stopping. The monster's head fell to the ground and his body immediately fell to the ground, but did not die, but tried to move to the head.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this!" Acuo stretched out his foot and kicked the monster's head, but was just bitten by the monster's mouth and immediately bit him and screamed. He cut the head in half with a knife, and then brushed downstairs with a knife, "bang" down.

At this time, he suddenly heard a call for help from the air. He looked up and found that Tana was locked in a cage, hanging on the top of the hall. A rope was tied, and the other end of the rope was tied to the stair railing on the upper floor. He quickly climbed up.

He ran to the edge of the rope above, but he couldn't untie it. He had to pull the rope in one hand, cut it with a knife in the other, and slowly put it down. However, as soon as the cage touched the ground of the hall, the ground immediately cracked a big mouth, jumped out of a group of black ghosts, and dragged the cage into the cracks of the ground. Tana was so scared with a loud voice. He shouted, "Help me! Brother Acuo... save me!!", Acuo ran down anxiously, and his heart was as painful as a tear. Tana was dragged into the hole, and the crack was closed. Acuo rushed down and pulled the ground hard, kneeling on the ground in pain and despair with tears.

Suddenly, he jumped up and chopped the tables and chairs around him like crazy with a knife. Unexpectedly, he accidentally cut off the monster. Those tables and chairs actually flowed blood, and a hole appeared on the ground with a "bang". Acuo jumped down with a knife without hesitation.

appeared in front of some people who were worn on the wire. Their brains were smeared white along the wire and blood flowed all over the ground. Some people's eyes were blown through, and the flesh and blood in their eyes were blurred. They stretched out their bloody hands and asked him for help to save me.

He walked over to help them remove the wire. Who knew that as soon as he moved the wire, these people were immediately cut into several pieces of the wire and fell to the ground. The whole scene looked miserable.

He continued to walk inside, and a brightly lit hall appeared in front of him. Many nobles were talking to each other. Some people kept dancing to the music, and many people were drinking wine elegantly with a high-foot glass in their hands! No! Not wine! A Cuo found that the red ** was not wine at all. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be blood. Suddenly, he felt that his stomach was a little rolling and he was very frightened.

A handsome young man appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed like a prince. He politely walked to the middle of the hall and shouted, "Please be quiet. I announce that my Prince William will marry my new princess Tana tonight. Please come out!" As soon as his words fell, Tana appeared on the stairs, wearing a white wedding dress and walking down like a fairy, but her eyes were a little dull and lost her usual bright brilliance.

As soon as Tana came down, the man who claimed to be Prince William walked over, gently led Tana to the middle of the crowd and said loudly to the guests, "Let's dance! Dance to your heart's content!" After saying that, he took Tana to take the lead and danced, and Tana mechanically accompanied his dance steps.

Damn, grab the old woman! Atso was so angry that he rushed over with a knife, pulled Tana behind his back, took the knife and said to Prince William, "He is my wife. You can't marry her!" The man suddenly laughed and said, "Your wife, ask her if she is?"

Acuo turned his head to look at Tana. Tana looked at him blankly and shook her head mechanically, trying to retract the hand he held. A Cuo was anxious and pulled his beloved woman into his arms and kissed it. Tana felt Acuo's wet lips sucking herself hard, felt his love conveyed in the kiss, smelled the smell that belonged to him lying in his arms, and woke up in her mind.

Prince William didn't expect that Acuo woke up Tana and immediately waved his hand. Acuo looked around and was still in the dilapidated hall of the castle. There were no nobles around him. They were all terrible monsters with greedy tongues and shining in their eyes. Prince William also showed his true appearance. He was a blood-sucking monster more than three meters tall with a huge bathead and long wings.

Acuo protected Tana behind him, waved his machete, and calmly waited for the monster to rush towards him. The monster roared, flew into the air and rushed towards him. Acuo cut him with a knife and was waving his arm by the monster, and the machete was immediately knocked out of his hand.

Acuo felt that the monster's power was not very strong. He reached out and pinched Acuo's neck and picked him up. Acuo grabbed his hand desperately and struggled. Tana cried to save Acuo, but was caught by the monster's other hand and couldn't move.

Suddenly, the door of the castle made a loud "bang" and was punched. The monster threw Acuo and Tana on the ground and looked directly at the intruder in front of the door.

It turned out that Zhou Xirui and Nicole were standing at the door. When they got up in the morning, they didn't see Acuo. They didn't care about anyone, because Acuo likes to sleep in.

It was not until Tana's godmother couldn't find her anywhere, and even Nicole was anxious, which reminded Zhou Xirui of Acuo and knew that the boy was thinking of Tana. Everyone went to his room to look for her and found that he and the "two dogs" were missing.

Everyone found the top of the castle and looked around. From afar, they saw the "two dogs" lying on the bridge beside the castle on the island. Thinking of the horrible things in the castle that Nicole said, they were shocked everyone and immediately came here. Sure enough, they were almost strangled to death by monsters.

The bat monster waved his hand, and the people around him immediately rushed to Zhou Xirui and others with their teeth and claws, but these were ghosts, just spiritual bodies. They were thrown out by Xiaopei and suspended Yuque in the air, and were immediately turned into a blue spiritual force. After Xiaopei took back Yuque, Inhale spiritual power into your own body.

The bat monster was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, they easily accepted so many ghosts. Their eyes suddenly turned blood red and rushed to everyone with a long roar. Nicole first greeted him, punched him, and turned into a heavy bat shadow, but the monster was the Bat King, and his power of Neidan could not help this monster at all. Zhou Xirui has also punched out, and the fierce fist wind went straight to the heart of the monster like a sharp knife. The monster has obviously felt the suffocating oppression transmitted by Zhou Xirui's powerful breath.

He jumped into the air to avoid the attack of this punch. Zhou Xirui's punch hit the wall of the granite castle and actually "boom!" With a sound, a big hole was made. The monster was shocked and flew into the air and disappeared suddenly.

Everyone didn't care about searching for monsters. They quickly helped Acuo and Tana out of the castle. "Two Dogs" were waiting for Acuo stupidly at the bridge. Seeing Acuo coming back, they quickly squinted their little eyes and shook their heads and arched their heads. Everyone helped them into Nicole's carriage and hurriedly left here to return to the castle. .

After returning to the castle, Azo and Tana rested for two days before recovering. Nicole asked his sister angrily, "Why did you run to that castle with Azo? Don't you know that there are monsters in there?" Sorry, brother, we just want to see what monsters and ghosts are like? I didn't expect it to be so terrible!" Tana knew that her brother was also worried that she would be in danger, so her tone was so heavy that she knew that she had done something wrong and replied in a low voice.

But in fact, she actually doesn't regret her exploration of the castle with Atso. At least she knows that Atso cares about herself. She carefully copes with her brother's question. When her brother leaves, she quickly slips out of bed and runs to Atso's room. She hasn't seen him for two days. She is eager to see him.

At this moment, everyone also surrounded Acuo and asked him, "Why don't you tell everyone and sneak to such a dangerous castle? This is really reckless. You are not allowed to act without authorization in the future." Zhou Xirui said angrily. Acuo pretended to be asleep and deliberately snored, looking like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Zhou Xirui waved his hand: "Let's do this. Let's see if he still sleep." Several boys jumped up and scratched his armpit one after another. He immediately laughed and struggled desperately to raise his hand and surrendered, "I heard, haha! I promise! Haha! I promise not to act alone in the future," the crowd smiled and let him go.