Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 188 Prince William

Tana hurried to open the door. When she saw the companions sitting around Acuo, her face immediately turned red. She suddenly felt very embarrassed and came in.

She felt that she ran out in a nightdress. Although the nightdress was very wide and covered her body tightly, the education she had always received made her consciousness feel that it was extremely rude to run out like this. Especially when she secretly came to see her heartfelt, she felt very embarrassed to be seen by so many people, but since everyone had seen it, she could only bravely come in and say hello to everyone.

As soon as Acuo saw Tana, his eyes were shining, and he grabbed her hand regardless of everyone watching. Zhou Xirui quickly smiled and said, "Tana is here, so we won't be a light bulb. Let's go!" Everyone whistled and went out. When Xiaopei left, he carefully closed the door for them, leaving only the "two dogs" lying under the bed and taking a nap.

At this time, Nicole sent someone to invite Zhou Xirui. They went down to the wine cellar together to see the process of making wine by hand. The workers pounded the whole bucket of purple and black grapes and sealed them. Zhou Xirui stood on the side with interest and watched the interesting work of the workers. Nicole took out a bottle of nearly 100 treasures. A glass of wine was poured into Zhou Xirui's hand.

Zhou Xirui put his nose close to the wine glass and was immediately attracted by a strong aroma of wine. He squeezed it a little. A series of wonderful chemical changes immediately occurred on the tip of his tongue. The strong fragrance of the wine slowly faded, and there was a faint fragrance, tasting the smell of years. Zhou Xirui was a little intoxicated here. In a feeling.

Isn't it delicious? This wine was brewed by Prince William himself, but it's a pity..." Nicole stopped talking. This was a royal secret and seemed inconvenient to tell it to someone outside the family. But Zhou Xirui wanted to know, "What's a pity?" Nicole thought for a moment and said, "I can tell you, but this is a secret involving the royal family. I hope you can keep this secret!"

"Don't worry! I won't tell anyone else!" Zhou Xirui said affirmatively, "Let's go up there!" Zhou Xirui nodded and drank all the wine in his hand.

In the garden near the castle, deer gnaw on the turf under the big trees. Swans fly to the fountain in the garden from time to time to look for food. Squirrels jump around the trees. They come under a secluded rose shelf and sit on a bench, surrounded by the sweet fragrance of roses. This is really a dream place.

Nicole looked up at the blue sky, put his hand behind his head and leaned against the chair: "Prince William was the illegitimate son of King Amgad a hundred years ago. Her mother was originally a humble maid of honor. Later, after the king fell in love with her, he made her Duke Mandela, the first female duke of the Boltan Empire. , and the only female duke.

Nichol pointed to her castle and continued: "In the past, this castle and the castle on the island were given to the ducheses by the king. The king and he spent a lot of happy and romantic times here. The queen was very jealous of this woman. She used the family power behind her to try to force the king to kill the woman, but the king If you don't love the country and love the beauty, you'd rather give up the throne than kill your beloved woman."

Nichol smiled and said, "Of course, it is impossible for the queen to force her husband to abdicATE. After all, her husband does not abdicize, and she is still a righteous queen. Since then, she has been cultivating her own power, but the king has not noticed it at all. He loves Prince William, born to him and Mandela, and even wants to promote the child to crown prince.

Of course, this touched the interests of the queen. She sent someone to poison her husband and let her son inherit the throne. And sent people to kill Duchess Mandela and Prince William in an extremely cruel way in the castle on the island. It is said that they also put their bodies on wire and hang them on the castle for crows to peck.

She was too cruel in such a way. Mandela and Prince William died in extreme pain. Their resentment turned into a curse. A few days later, when the queen went to the castle to proudly see the body of her rival, she was inexplicably torn to pieces. Since then, the castle has become a ghost city, and no one can come back.

Once my father invited the wizard to see it. The wizard just stood on the bridge and trembled. He said that the whole castle was occupied by evil spirits. He couldn't defeat the monsters inside at all. It was too powerful. No one should enter there in the future, otherwise the people who entered would die inside.

After listening to Nicole's words, Zhou Xirui frowned and said, "So what Acuo met was Prince William? Why is the power of ghosts so powerful? To put it bluntly, they are just spiritual bodies, not physical creatures. They can only interfere with people's brain waves and make people hallucinate, but it is impossible to fight with them. However, when we fought with him that day, we could feel that the monster was physical. But the strange thing is that it suddenly disappeared, which can only be done by the spiritual body? This knowledge was told by Xiaopei. Of course, it is true, so Zhou Xirui's heart is full of doubts.

"Ha, you know a lot, which is really confusing. I have always sympathized with Prince William and his son and wanted them to settle down, but the castle was shrouded in their anger and could not enter. I heard from my father that when the wizard left, he said that if the bones of the mother and son on the top of the castle could be buried, they would have peace and the castle would no longer be occupied by evil spirits." Nicole said the idea, and he did not want such a terrible castle near his castle.