Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 203 The Chief's concession

Zhou Xirui walked over and bent down to help the chief. Thinking of the chief's hospitality just now, he was about to apologize, "Puff!" The chief actually knelt down for him.

It turns out that the tradition of the Yuli people is to choose the strongest warrior as the chief, and Valka may be the only man who has no obvious desire for power. He simply wants to get rid of his current life and chase monsters on the grassland to live a happy warrior life, so he did not hesitate to give up his position as a chief. Come out.

The Yuli people around also knelt down and waited for the new chief's order. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xirui respectfully helped Chief Varka up, saying that it was impossible for him to stay here. His goal was to travel all over the continent to challenge powerful boxers, obtain the final qualification and participate in the competition for the boxing champion.

As soon as he heard the boxing competition, it was every man's dream. Chief Valka's eyes lit up. He took out his eleventh-level boxer medal and handed it to Zhou Xirui's hand: "Ha ha, I can't participate in it. This is for your friend! I hope you can fulfill your dream. I will definitely cheer for you at that time. Brother, work hard!" Chief Valka put his hand on Zhou Xirui's shoulder, conveying a power that seemed to be a dream between men. Zhou Xirui nodded firmly.

Zhou Xirui and his party left Sosotho Castle and entered the Korya area where the Nuer people live a week later. There is a strange custom where women can marry "women" in a strange way, which aroused the curiosity of the group and decided to see such a local wedding.

After they gave a lot of gifts to the locals, an alpha man told them that there was such a wedding in the village today. He also told the guests that the traditional concept of the Nuer people is that a family with prosperous people and children and grandchildren is the symbol of the strength of the family.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, in addition to normal marriages, women are also allowed to "marry wives". However, not all women are eligible to marry.

The family rules strictly stipulate that she must have special conditions to enjoy this right: that is, she must be an infertile and divorced person; or become the only survivor in the family due to various accidents.

In this way, everyone regards her as a "man" and can "marry a wife". In addition to the gender that is different from men, this kind of "husband" has the same responsibilities and obligations at home as the real husband.

The purpose of her "marrying a wife" is also to reproduce in order to have a successor. But how can such a "same-sex" family achieve this goal? In terms of fertility, the Nuer people don't care about blood relationship

Therefore, she wants to invite a male relative to have children with her wife. That is to say, she is a "name husband" and the children born to her wife are the crystallization of "extramarital affairs".

Although she is an illegitimate child, the children all take her surname and call her "Dad". In this way, future generations are rightly included in the "patriline" family to continue the "flavor". Children also respect her as much as they respect male fathers, because she is the master of this growing family.

As he was talking, men, women and children in the village were in high spirits. Under the accompaniment of percussion instruments such as Darm drums and other percussion instruments unique to Africa, Alpha said excitedly, "The wedding has begun!"

It is lively and jubilant to kill sheep and slaughter cattle. Zhou Xirui gathered around to see the fun. The two gorgeously dressed "newcomers" were wrapped in bright wedding dresses and covered with gorgeous veils. Sure enough, they were all women sitting sideways (not riding) on the two donkeys.

The donkey was dressed in red and green, and the bells on his neck sounded crisply. Surrounded by many relatives and friends, he walked to the "groom"'s house.

Zhou Xirui and others were also invited to attend the wedding. The atmosphere at the wedding was very warm. Several of them were invited to join the dance. They danced with the drums. Tana dances very well and can learn it, but Acuo is like a twisted skin snake. In contrast, it twists and looks ugly. Everyone looks at them and smiles. They are simply a lively beauty and beast.

As foreigners, Zhou Xirui and others received good treatment and were allowed to stay in the couple's house for a night. The Nuer people's houses are small buildings made of two floors of stones, which are covered with wool blankets and pendants made of cowhide, which are very exotic.

The men were arranged to live downstairs. After dinner, when everyone was about to rest, the hostess dressed in Sally knocked on the men's door with her new wife. The hostess invited a man who was willing to have sex with her wife to another room. Everyone immediately blushed and said that they already had a wife. Used. Only Dimo scratched his ears and cheeks, but he was directly ignored because he was a monkey.

As soon as the hostess and her wife left, everyone immediately became excited. "Haha, Liu Peng! Why don't you go? This bride is much better than that man-eating black girl."

Liu Peng smiled and said, "Oh, it's just that you don't dare to go! Be careful and I'll tell Tana to go later, haha."

Listening to Liu Peng's joke, A Cuo quickly waved his hand. Tana asked him to show his loyalty N times when he had nothing to do. If he heard a little wind blowing, he would be strictly interrogated. If he was "snified", he would not die! He quickly begged for mercy and said, "I was wrong! Just now, it was my crow who talked nonsense. I slapped my own mouth, Pengpeng! Pengpeng, just forgive me once!" He begged with a ruffian face.

Zhou Xirui smiled and said, "Haha, Acuo, you are still dead!" Acuo kicked him: "Damn, you are a good boy? Hey, tomorrow I will tell Xiaopei to go and say that you are pestering the bride, "You boy, look for a fight!" Zhou Xirui immediately rushed over, and the two of them wrestled into a mess. Liu Peng and Zhong Yueming also took the opportunity to scratch Acuo's armpit, making him laugh breathlessly and begging for mercy.

The "two dogs" knew that they were used to playing and didn't care. They lay on the ground and slept next to the Samoyin beast. Dimo sat on the window sill and looked out of the window at the bright moon hanging in mid-air and sighed! I feel very unbalanced. Why has everyone been reincarnated as a human, but I have become a monkey?

PS: I hope you can read the newly opened book "The Ruffian Life"