Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 204 Forest Dwarf

The group passed through the Coria region and began to enter a tropical rainforest. At this time, it was the rainy season. The rainy season entered the tropical rainforest of the Inca Empire, which can be said to be a challenge. The climate is humid, mosquitoes, bacteria multiply very fast, and tropical diseases are rampant. Fortunately, when Xiaopei stayed in the Rocky Mountains for a year, he and Aunt Arya learned how many therapeutic plants there were. Along the way, he always picked these plants and made soup for everyone to drink, so fortunately no one was sick.

But there is nothing we can do about mosquitoes. Tana attracts mosquitoes the most. Her white and tender skin is stung everywhere, which makes Acuo very distressed. She turned over the nearby grass and found a plant called mosquito repellent grass. After igniting, it has a strange fragrance and can repel mosquitoes. As soon as the rain stopped, Acuo lit the mosquito repellent and took it in his hand to smoke Tana all the way.

However, the primitive forest in the rain is very romantic. The tall and clumsy elephant leisurely walks in the depths of the forest. Far away, a dark and strong man, ** with shiny and strong skin, staring blood-red eyes, running wildly in the dense forest, chasing prey, colliding with leaves, and making a "chirp" echo. All of this It feels fresh and exciting.

These strong men are called forest dwarfs by other ethnic groups in the Inca Empire. They have tan skin, very curly hair, more body hair but underdeveloped beards, high noses, short stature, short lower limbs, and an average height of less than 1.5 meters. The weight of these people is only 40 to 50 kilograms. They are all very strong, and their hands are particularly long compared with their height. People think that it may be the result of a long-term climbing and hunting life.

Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming came forward to talk to them and took out gifts such as lighters and small mirrors. Finally, these people agreed to their request to stay in the dwarf village.

Along the way, everyone asked a lot about their people because they were curious. The young chief Mimig, led by the dwarves, told Zhou Xirui that their people had lived in the depths of the primitive forest for a long time and made a living by collecting and hunting. They are residents of the forest and are very familiar with the plants and animals in the forest. They usually live by hunting antelopes, wild boars, monkeys and fishing, collecting wild fruits and honey.

Mige is also very proud to tell everyone that although their people are short, they are strong and tenacious, and they are warriors in the forest.

The dwarves took Zhou Xirui and several people on a big wooden boat. Usually, they used small boats. Because the chief also came to hunt, they used a big boat, which happened to carry the "two dogs" and the Samoyed beast together.

The boat rowed into the forest. The dense forest on both sides was towering with ancient trees and silence around it. From time to time, you could hear the crisp sound of birds.

Chief Mimig said that his home is in this dense forest, and the dwarves do not have a fixed place to live. They usually find a relatively empty land in the primeval forest and build a shack. Men go out to hunt and like to kill elephants. Women pick wild fruits, build houses, raise children, take charge of housekeepers, and enjoy absolute rights in the family.

Chief Mimig also said that a dwarf man can only marry one woman, but their marriage conditions are people. When a man wants to marry this woman, he must marry a woman from his extended family to the other party's brother in exchange. They also buy and sell things for things.

Sure enough, after more than ten miles of waterway, they stopped in a village. The houses here are all simple huts built with branches. Because the chief lives here, there are more than a dozen families living near his shed. In fact, these residents have more or less a certain amount with him. Blood relationship.

Seeing the chief come back with the guests, the women began to prepare for dinner. They can't make a fire, so they need to keep the fire. Some of them put grass or leaves on a shelf made of branches and save the fire in it.

Zhou Xirui saw that the chief's wife used rosin to preserve the fire. When using it, she blew the rosin with the fire and then ignited it with branches.

The dinner was placed on the big leaves. The chief took the stitch and asked them to sit on a stitch. The staple food was cassava wrapped in the leaves of zongzi leaves, but it seemed that because it was too hot, the food was broken and smelled a sour smell. Everyone tasted it hard to swallow, but in front of the chief, they couldn't After vomiting, I had to swallow it. The smell was so uncomfortable that no one dared to eat it again later.

At this time, the chief lady brought a pot of soup. When she lifted the lid of the pot, everyone took a breath of cold air and obviously saw a hand, which turned out to be a monkey. Dimo rushed to Zhou Xirui's shoulder in horror, holding his hair and trembling.

Zhou Xirui quickly took out the bread, beef jerky and other food in the bag and enjoyed it with these dwarfs. They seemed to love these foods very much. Xiaopei looked at the dwarf children sitting on the ground with long runny noses. The living conditions were really too miserable. However, the smile on their faces makes people feel that they live a happy life.

PS: I hope you can read the newly opened book "The Ruffian Life"