Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 282 Black Hole Exploration of the Strange Planet

When night came, Nia and Xiaopei lay in the shell bathtub. Nia reached out and waved her hand in the air to simulate the universe.

A huge hot planet several times larger than the sun, emitting dazzling light, and there is a blue planet next to it that is also several times larger than the earth.

Nia looked at the blue planet: "This is the terrestrial planet we live on now. Let's take a look at the nearest living planet you will go to next."

Xiaopei looked curiously and excitedly at the planet in the simulated universe, which became clearer and clearer with the perspective. Slowly, a little red land that was changed by the heat appeared in front of him. There were strange bellies like giraffes and countless root canals at the bottom. Strange plants with roots deep into the strata...

"What is this?" Xiaopei asked in surprise.

"This is a strange planet with a temperature of about 70 degrees, full of this hollow gourd tree," Nia said.

"The temperature is 70 degrees. Can we earthlings live on that planet?" Xiaopei asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, hehe, I'll give you a machine to adjust your body temperature, which can protect you from passing freely at any temperature," Nia said with a smile.

A huge Yami spacecraft appeared in the endless darkness of the universe, which was exactly the Pioneer Zhou Xirui and others were on.

The spacecraft is divided into three floors and stores sufficient food and energy. Under the artificial light source at the top, there is a fairly large forest and artificial swamp.

This is a fruit forest, in which birds and flowers are fragrant, the branches are full of sweet fruits, the swamp is full of emerald fragrant rice, and there is even a blue and clear artificial lake, which is a personal paradise.

The second floor is a storage room, which stores abundant food, a large number of weapons, and an ion reactor. The energy generated by this ion reactor supports the operation of the whole spacecraft, which is equivalent to the heart of the whole spacecraft.

There are ten spare small spacecraft and various scientific experimental instruments on the bottom floor. At the same time, the control room that controls the operation of the whole spacecraft is also on this floor. The spacecraft is automatically controlled by supercomputer programs. Zhou Xirui and others have also learned manual operation in case of system errors, everyone can respond.

Their spacecraft came to the red planet on the tenth Earth Day. The sky here looks very similar to the earth, with the same stars twinkling, but the animals and plants on the ground are another strange scene.

Strictly speaking, these alien visitors are aggressors to this planet. Their spacecraft hovered in the air, and everyone boarded a small spacecraft, put on a body temperature regulator, and the spacecraft was released and gliding to the ground. The surface temperature showed 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fortunately, everyone wears a temperature regulator, and the surface of the body forms a natural transparent protective gas layer, isoling this heat.

Everyone got out of the car. This is a compatible geographical environment. It is full of giant gourd trees. They are as high as 15 stories, empty in the middle, and the edges are spongy.

Suddenly, Zhou Xirui's scanning radar on their wrist suddenly found a movement. They decided to see what was going on. Before they could take a few steps, they strode in front of them, which was about the size of Tyrannosaurus Rex. His head was flat and a bit like a fly head, with slender tongues, two feet, two toes, and wings like airplane wings on his back. Strange creatures with the same protruding structure.

It keeps roaring. In fact, it is not roaring but emitting a single-wave sonar. What this giant monster eats is the smallest algae. The way to eat is to keep licking the nutritious single-celled algae with its slender tongue, which are all over the red rock seams. Gap.

This creature is actually very timid, and he didn't want to attack Zhou Xirui and other aliens. This guy just wanted to drive them out of his territory, which made Zhou Xirui and others have to board the spaceship again and fly far away.