Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 290 Collapse

Just as Zhou Xirui was still in shock, the whole Devil City suddenly trembled strongly and began to collapse. He was so bumped that he could no longer walk normally. He wanted to fly away from here, but he was always pulled back to the ground by a force.

He had to hold the stone wall pillar beside him and jump to the edge of the Devil's City. When the falling stones flashed and ran to the edge, there was a huge crack around the Devil City.

Zhou Xirui was surprised to see the crack that was going to trap himself here and said, "Isn't it an earthquake..." Before the words fell, the earth seemed to be suddenly lifted, and the ground rumbling. He couldn't help falling to the ground, and the slope of the ground gradually became larger. I can't stand up, I can only lie on the ground.

At this time, it was like shaking, and the ground was full of rumble and muffled noise. He crawled to the ground and climbed desperately to the middle of the Devil City. He finally grabbed a solid stone wall and would not fall into the crack for the time being.

Zhou Xirui scolded in his heart, "Damn it, why is there only an earthquake in this devil city? What is it that will make me sleepy to death?"

At this time, the slope of the ground was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a special sound in the rock wall, and the deafening trembled almost one after another, which made people's ears and drums almost break, and the sound of speech was completely swallowed. There were continuous gravel and broken wall debris rolling past Zhou Xirui, among which there were many beautifully carved pillars.

He was suddenly shocked. The tilt of the city bound the house to collapse. If he was still here, he would be buried by the debris pouring down the terrain. Just now, he suddenly thought of hiding in the strong palace and turned to see that although the palace was tilted, it did not fall.

He is a little desperate. If there is indeed a fate destined by heaven in the world, Zhou Xirui seems to have felt the gravity that dominates fate in the dark. No matter who takes any action consciously or unconsciously, it is impossible to prevent the eventual disaster.

Invisibly, there is a mysterious force that can't be seen to control everything, and he is just a grain of sand in the desert storm, and like a drop of water in the vast sea. No matter how hard he struggles, he will always be helpless.

But looking at this situation, the devil city was about to be buried deep in the ground. He could no longer care about horror and climbed to the door of the palace. At this moment, the stone door had opened, and he rushed in without hesitation. The door suddenly closed with a "bang". At this time, the ground shook violently, and Zhou Xirui seemed to follow the soul in his body. The earthquake trembled.

The tilt and vibration of the ground disappeared for a long time, and everything recovered as before. Zhou Xirui slowly got up from the ground and wanted to open the stone door, but he couldn't open it.

Suddenly, the previous huge footsteps sounded in the darkness. From far to near, he opened his eyes and looked, and a "man" came from the other side of the palace. With a pair of fist-sized bright green eyes in the dark, he was slowly walking towards him.

The survival could have made Zhou Xirui punch him. The "man" fell to the ground and then struggled to get up. His eyes stared at Zhou Xirui, and his whole chest was undulating, and he kept roaring silently.

Zhou Xirui was shocked by him and watched him try his best to get up in an extremely strange posture. Zhou Xirui punched him again. He kept struggling, and the sunken places on his body were broken several places, and the fluorescent green thick ** kept flowing out.

When Zhou Xirui watched him stand up and roar in front of him, he was stunned.

What he saw was a strange posture. His body seemed to have completely melted. Six arms hung on both sides of his body, and the sunken places on his body were broken. The fluorescent green thick ** flowed all over his body. At this time, these fluorescents lit up the surroundings, and finally he fell to the ground and turned into a pool of fluorescence. .

"What the fuck is this creature?" Zhou Xirui was surprised.