Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 291 Claustrophobia

After the creature turned into a pool of fluorescence, there was a dead silence around it, and the stone door could not be pushed open. He wanted to jump up to see if there was a hole in the top of the palace, but after being pulled back to the ground by strange gravity in vain, he was frustrated to find that it could not fly up, and even if it flew up, it was sealed.

He punched the door, and the door did not move. He didn't know what kind of stone it was. It seemed to be harder than a diamond. He groped around and couldn't find a mechanism that might open the door.

Now he is firmly locked in an empty room like an iron bucket. What's more terrible is that this is the devil city where five people dare to come, and no one will come to save him. There is no electricity, no heat, no clothes to keep out the cold, and no friends who live and die together, and there are only cold despair...< /P>

When he was a child, he went to a business negotiation with his father. Because he was naughty, he was accidentally trapped in the hotel elevator for an hour. When the rescuers finally rescued him, he fainted because of excessive tension and panic. From then on, he suffered from claustrophobia. On the way to the expedition, he He tried his best to overcome his weakness, and no one knew his problem.

In this isolated and empty palace, Zhou Xirui knew that even if he shouted in a hoarse voice, no one would come to save him. Except for a pool of fluorescence on the ground, the palace was dark, and the surrounding walls pressed towards him like a hill. He trembled and sweated... He knew that his claustrophobia broke out again. He kept warning himself, "Calm down, calm down, you have to go back to find your friends." Finally, his heartbeat returned to normal.

He suddenly sounded the ring that could shorten the distance space, and he was happy to look at it. He didn't know when the ring was lost. He sat on the ground decadently, with his back against the door and was at a loss...

The night receded, the dawn came vigorously, and the bright light penetrated into the palace through the cracks. The arrival of the day meant hope for Zhou Xirui. He stood up and listened against the four walls, hoping that someone could come to this devil city to save himself.

However, until the light passing through the cracks slowly darkened until it disappeared, no one came to this desolate devil city. He sat on the ground in despair and sobbed in horror. At this moment, he began to feel his heart beat faster, trembling all over his body, and claustrophobia once again surrounded him...

He began to recall the past, Heizhugou, Shenlongjia, Kanas, Li Wen, Yangzong, Queen... These people and things kept replaying in his mind, which seemed to bring him strength. He finally calmed himself down and found that his mouth was dry. She had not eaten for a day and a night.

He groped along the wall and touched a wet stone in a corner with a familiar smell of stool. At this moment, the smell of stool did not disgust him. On the contrary, he was surprised. At that time, single-celled algae were the food of people on the planet.

He lay on the ground and licked on the wet stone, resisting the turning of the river and the sea in his stomach. If he wants to make himself alive, there is hope to live, and he can see his friends.

Another day and night have passed. With this little food, Zhou Xirui's heart is a little more secure. Anyway, he can rely on these things to let himself survive temporarily.

However, as time went by, Zhou Xirui almost began to despair. The wet place had been licked by him many times. He began to realize that this lost city may be the burial of his grave, and his life will slowly be isolated. Exhausted until death.

In order to save his strength, he sat next to the wet stone, quietly pricked up his ears and listened to the movement outside. As long as he felt someone outside, he would call loudly, but this seemed to be an extravagant hope that no one would come here.

In addition to hunger, loneliness has become his number one enemy. People are social animals. People are naturally eager to live in groups and need to communicate with their companions.

However, in such a closed world where there is no grass and even mice can't get involved, Zhou Xirui can only talk to himself. In order to avoid being defeated by himself, he tries his best to miss his parents, recalls every place he has been, and misses his companions. For a long time, as long as his eyes close their eyes, He will appear vividly in front of him and accompany him to spend his lonely time.

Finally one day, he began to fall into a illusory state of coma. He saw heaven. In the white light, a woman stood in front of him familiar...