The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 26 Daughter Country

Zhao Dan was still dizzy until he returned to the audience, as if he didn't even know what he had just done. Several spectators got up and applauded at him. Zhao Dan asked me confusedly, "Did I really win just now?"

I shouted to him, "You not only won, but also won very evil - you beat your idol 21-5!"

Zhao Dan just returned to reality. He scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment, "How did I do it?"

Su Jing said, "You are lucky."

Zhao Dan obviously misunderstood her meaning and said shyly, "I think so." He could never believe that he had defeated Sun Ning. It seemed that this idol still had a great position in his mind.

I asked him, "How do you feel when you play? How did you come up with that kind of playing method?

Zhao Dan looked at Su Jing sincerely and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law Xiaolong. When she said that just now, I didn't feel anything when I was on the court, but I couldn't help thinking of her words as soon as I caught the ball, and it was strange that there was no matter how to play. The net rope

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you really want to join the national team, you have to thank me."

Zhao Dan didn't notice that I had replaced Su Jing with me. He said cheerfully, "Okay, I'll invite you and Xiaolong's sister-in-law to dinner in our canteen at noon."

Su Jing didn't deliberately correct the "little dragon sister-in-law" in his words. He turned his head and said to me, "Let's go and find the next one."

Zhao Dan said curiously, "What's next?"

I said, "Nothing - by the way, where's Lin Hexiang?" I know that he and Lin Hexiang are good friends, and Lin Hexiang also took that bus with me, which is also suspected.

Zhao Dan said, "He has training today. Why don't I take you to him?"

I told Su Jing that Su Jing naturally agreed.

At this time, the training of the national team was not over, and the people of the provincial team sat upright one by one. Zhao Dan found their coach and said that he had something to leave early. The fat coach pinched Zhao Dan's arm and said, "Did you hide your hand from me during training?" Although it was a question, his tone was full of intimacy. Although the fat coach was a little submissive, I had a good impression of this person. What he did was to improve his students. He had no ability, but his heart was warm.

Zhao Dan dodged and smiled and said, "How can I hide? Isn't the usual training always under your eyes?"

The coach thought about it, and Yin Yin told him, "You can report to my place before the afternoon training. Go." He also saw that it was very cramped for Zhao Dan to stay here and gave him a small vacation. If others asked for leave at this moment, he would probably be scolded as a dog. Today, he was extremely indulgent to Zhao Dan, and even his eyes became like looking at his son-in-law. From the indifference just now to the current indulgence, There is a world of difference.

Zhao Dan led us to find Lin Hexiang. We happened to meet him halfway. Lin Hexiang was carrying running shoes and sportswear. He was sweaty. He also immediately thought of me and greeted me with a smile, and then asked Zhao Dan, "Aren't you training in the national team? Why did you run out when you have time? It' He is well aware of Zhao Dan's strength.

Zhao Dan exaggerated: "I not only played, but also won Li Rui and Sun Ning!"

Lin Hexiang smiled and said, "Did you dream about it?"

"Really!" Zhao Dan said seriously, and I also testified to him in a hurry. When Lin Hexiang knew that all this was not that we were joking with him, he exclaimed, "You are so awesome! Robles is coming to our school. I'm not going to beat him. I'm satisfied if I draw with him.

I asked Su Jing quietly, "Can you feel my strength in this?"

Su Jing shook his head.

I regretted to say to Lin Hexiang, "You have no chance."


To achieve our goal, we found an excuse to say goodbye to Zhao Dan and Lin Hexiang.

On the way out, I asked Su Jing, "What's wrong with the skill you mentioned?"

Su Jing said, "The power of another attribute in the sword god. As a sword god, it is impossible to have a strong sword spirit, and you have to have the skills to control them. If I'm right, Zhao Dan has your part of your power."

"Then why didn't you see it at first?"

Su Jing said, "That's because this power can only be shown at special moments. When he doesn't play, he is like ordinary people." Speaking of this, Su Jing said sadly, "In this way, our task will be more difficult. Zhao Dan's example shows that some power may only be revealed in a special environment. Even if you can find those people, it is difficult for me to judge who has them or not."

I said with a smile, "So Lin Hexiang can't rule out suspicion?"

"Yes." Su Jing looked at me and said, "You seem to be very happy?"

I said solemnly, "I'm very gratified to do something good for the people with my own meager efforts."

Su Jing also said solemnly, "First of all, no matter who takes your power, I will definitely help you get it back. Secondly, those forces are not only yours, but also the federal continent."

I'm not happy to say, "I don't like to hear what you say. Since it's my strength, I'll give it to whoever I love."

Su Jing was not annoyed and said, "I'm afraid no, don't forget that your strength is the hard work of our mainland to find and give it to you. You have no right to arbitrarily."

I said, "That's not right. It should be said that although you help me find the power, those forces are all mine in the end, so the logical order is right. You help me find it not because you don't want it, but because you can't want it. Although I in the last life and I in this life are not inherited, they are almost the same. Yes, I am the second generation of swords!" In addition to the black second generation, I have a new identity.

Su Jing said, "But if you don't go back, our mainland will be very dangerous."

I said, "This is another thing. For example, your mainland is a company. I used to be a major shareholder of your company. Now I'm not willing to continue to invest. It's my freedom to withdraw my capital. Besides, if I continue to control, you may not be able to survive the financial storm." Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered a very serious problem:

"If you go back, will it be dangerous?"

Su Jing said honestly, "Yes, and it's very dangerous. Although there is no sword god in the Haggis Empire, there are at least 10 holy masters."

I hurriedly asked, "How many sword saints can that sword god fight?"

Su Jing laughed and said, "The Sword God is the supreme and most honorable legend in people's eyes. In your mouth, it seems to be a ruffian in a group fight. It's like a scoundrel."

I still didn't give up and said, "How many can I hit?"

Su Jing had to say, "The real sacred battle has never happened on the mainland, but I also came from the sword saint level. According to my experience, the sword god sword saint is the difference between a tiger and a wolf."

I shrank my neck: there is a tiger here and ten wolves over there. I can't win or lose! I said, "Isn't it that you asked me to die for such a dangerous thing?"

Su Jing said, "I know you're afraid. I suspect that the part of your strength with courage has also been lost. Don't worry, I'll find it for you."

I said, "I don't want to go when I get it back!"

Su Jing sighed and said, "I really don't understand where the sword god who used to help the crisis and declare righteousness go?"

I said, "There must be a part of my strength that is self-intentioned. It's better to lose it."

Su Jing said, "Are you talking about conscience? I'll get it back to you."

"Oh, why do you curse?"


Since she met Zhao Dan, Su Jing looked a little worried. After getting into the car, she said to me, "Do you have a quiet place here? I need to think about what to do next.

I drove into the traffic and swept both sides of the road aimlessly. Suddenly, my eyes lit up: in front of me was the People's Park.

I asked her, "Is the garden okay?"

Su Jing said absent-mindedly, "Whatever."

The People's Park is the first park in our city. It is said to be the private garden of a large family before liberation. Later, it was revised and partially rebuilt and opened to the public. In the past, there were large animals such as poodles and bears, which were merged with zoos and botanical gardens. Later, after being opened for free, these I went down to Monkey Mountain.

Su Jing and I walked side by side on the boulee path in the park. I asked her, "How's it going here?"

Su Jing said honestly, "It's not good, not to mention the imperial garden, not even the back garden of some people's, which is very vulgar."

I curled my lips. There are not many things in our world that can get into her eyes. I said, "Have you still been in the imperial garden?"

"Yes, I'll go in and play if I have nothing to do."

I was shocked and said, "You won't be the emperor's concubine, will you?"

Su Jing said, "Even so, it has to be a man. How can I be a concubine?"

"Ah?" I was shocked: "Male concubine, is your emperor a woman?"

Su Jing said casually, "In the so-called daughter country, the emperor is naturally a woman."

I was shocked. I always thought that the daughter's country was just a strange name, but I didn't expect that they were the queen in power.

"Wait, you said male concubine - so there are still men in your country?" It seems that this daughter's country is not her country. If Tang Monk goes there, he may not be favored by the queen.

Su Jing said, "Foolish, where did you come from without men and children?"

"...Are all your children born to men? I mean, a man is pregnant for ten months?

"It's stupid again. It's a woman's business to be pregnant."

"Then why do you women are in power?"

Su Jing glanced at me: "Why can't women be in power? The daughter country has been a woman in power since ancient times. Today, Her Majesty is rich, powerful, brave and courageous, and respected by all people.

"I see." I was a little depressed and said, "You are a female-respecting country, and men have no status at all."

Su Jing said: "The status is also earned by himself. In the previous dynasty, there was also a loyal family. All the women in this family died in the war. The man inherited the woman's will and continued to serve the country. The old man of his family took command at the age of 80 and led a male generals to fight on the battlefield, which

I pull my hair: What does it mean to inherit the woman's ambition...

I suddenly raised my head and asked her, "You said you were Su Chongwei's daughter, so Su Chongwei is..."

"My mother."

"What's your father's name?"

Su Jing said hesitantly, "How can you ask a man's name casually? I can only tell you that my father Su Wang's name is unsayable."



First of all, today's division has to say a lot of things. One is: Xiaohua wishes everyone a happy New Year, which is the most important thing! By the way, I have to pay New Year's greetings to my elders and have dinner with my friends in the past few days. There are a lot of trivial things. In these days, I can only guarantee one update every day, but if I have time, I will strive for two updates (I really have speaking skills). Second, many readers add Xiaohua friends on QQ. If you have something to do, you can leave me directly in the group. It's not arrogant. Xiaohua QQ friends have been full for a long time, and most of them are readers. Sometimes the editor has to temporarily delete one after adding it. My heart is like a knife! The third is spoilers: Liu Laoliu is haunted near the park, please pay attention to safety. D