The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 4 Why do men make things difficult for men

After such a disturbance, the other male prisoners in the prison also looked over. When the female guards saw that we had stopped and stopped coming, they just looked at me with great interest - with their eyes, just like the smiling look of men in our world watching women fighting.

Wu Ying was sitting on the ground and crying. Liu Sijiao pushed everyone away and came in, holding a quilt in his hand. Seeing Wu Ying with a bloody face, he shouted and asked, "What's going on here?" She pointed to Wu Ying and said, "Isn't it that you won't make trouble?" Wu Ying wiped his tears and said, "Why am I making trouble?"

I mention that if this boy sues for trouble, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it. No matter where the prison is, violent fights will definitely be severely punished.

Liu Silao kicked him in the leg and said, "What's wrong with your face?"

Wu Ying wiped her face, raised her head and said blankly, "What's wrong?"

"Your face, who beat you like this?"

Wu Ying said, "I fell by myself."

I was surprised when he said this. I couldn't help but give him a look of approval, but Wu Ying pretended that his sister saw it and stared at Liu Silao and said, "Really, I fell by myself."

"Oh?" Liu Siling glanced at me with a smile and asked others, "Is that right?"

The other male prisoners looked at each other and then answered in a mess, "Really, we saw it with our own eyes."

"Humph." Liu Silao only smiled and revealed it. She stuffed the bedding into my arms and said, "Lord Siying wants to see you. Come with me."

In this way, I left with Liu Si in a strange look. On the road, I was still wondering why this group of people covered me. I looked back frequently, and the group of people had dispersed...

Liu Silao took me to the wooden house and said, "Go in by yourself."

I walked in with unt worry, and the fierce-faced Si Ying was still sitting there, with my changed clothes and confiscated things on the table.

The female warden sat there gloomy, as if everyone in the world owed her 200 yuan. When she saw me come in, she asked, "You said you didn't make a living with dry skin, so how to explain this money?"

I couldn't scream at first sight. What she was playing with was the gold left for me by the beautiful woman before she left. She left in a hurry, fell down all the things in her purse and ran away. There were many golds, and there were also a small piles. Although I don't know how many of them, at first glance, I Facing the hot eyes of Lord Siying, I suddenly had an idea and said with a smile, "Isn't this your money?"

Si Ying looked at a moment: "Oh, how did it become my money?"

I spread out my hands and said, "I picked up the money, and it's useless to keep it for me. Just treat it as a filial piety."

The corners of Si Ying's mouth shrugged with an imperceptible smile: "What's your name?"

"Long Yang."

"Long Yang, I remember you."

I patted my thigh secretly. It seems that there is no need for a cat that doesn't cheat, especially in a place like the prison. How can the warden make a fortune if he doesn't detain the prisoner? I also have rich experience in this. When my father just entered the detention center, Aunt Meng specially called more than a dozen little brothers to pretend to fight in groups and was caught to protect him. This is just a small fight. The highlight is to send it to the director... It's not convenient to say the specific number. Anyway, I bought a house at that time (now I just bought a second-hand Xiali, and the house price has risen, tsk). It turns out that in it, a discipline is much more useful than a dozen younger brothers, so I have to learn to judge the situation at any time - in short, I have Instead of letting this money I can't get make this old woman jealous, it's better to be a favor.

Si Ying played with those gold ingots and stared at me and said, "If the person above asks about the money, what do you say?"

I said inexplicably, "What money? I haven't seen it."

"Have you really never seen it?"

"I've never seen it!"

Si Yingshou nodded the table and smiled: "I didn't expect you to be a smart person."

I said, "I'm flattered."

Si Ying said as if complaining to an acquaintance, "It's really hard for me to find a smart person like you." She put her hands behind her head and leaned against the chair. She looked at me and said, "You don't have any family, do you?"

I nodded randomly and said, "It's gone."

"Well, if there is, you won't do this - so no one will come to protect you out?"

I have a little head.

Si Ying smiled and stroked the gold ingots carefully and said, "What about your benefactor? Everyone is smart. I open the skylight and speak clearly. If you can provide her information, I can find someone to help you send a letter to her - the person who can use this kind of official money must be a powerful person in the court. If she still misses you, she will not mind spending a little money to protect you.

As soon as I heard it, they believed that I was doing that, but now any explanation is superfluous. This old woman's intention to get into the eyes of money is nothing more than to black up a little more money. I have to honestly say, "I really don't know anything. I was brought here without doing anything. "

Si Ying immediately restrained his smile and said word by word, "Then you'd better expect her to think of you soon, or I can't help you."

What else did I want to say? She waved her hand and said, "You can go."

I cursed in my heart. As soon as I got to the door, I heard Siying behind me say, "As for your gold..."

I quickly turned back and smiled, "It's your gold."


When I went back, the sun went down and the wind was over. The prisoners lined up two long teams outside a simple pergola to prepare for dinner. Liu Silao put me at the back of the queue and went to take care of himself.

From the real world to this unlucky place, I didn't brush my teeth for hours. At this time, the smell of food came, and I couldn't help tiptoe and inadvertently asked, "What are you eating?" When the two rows of prisoners looked back and saw me together, they couldn't help but be stunned. I was so hungry that I raised my neck and looked at the long queue in front of me. I couldn't help urging, "Hurry up ahead." Unexpectedly, as soon as I spoke, the two prisoners in my head immediately walked silently to side to make way for me, and then as if they were infected. They quietly circled behind me one by one. In the front were Wu Ying and the big man. As soon as Wu Ying saw me, he immediately gave way aside and was responsible for fighting in the shed. The meal was also a prisoner. Seeing me coming over, he smiled at me flatteringly first. I looked left and right and said, "Where is there a bowl?" The prisoner hurriedly took a bowl and a pair of chopsticks from the table next to him and handed it to me. Then he slowly scooped me a bowl of vegetables with a rice spoon, and finally put two golden tortillas on the tip of the dish.

I looked at the bowl of food and was quite surprised. I laughed and said, "The food is good." I thought that what I ate in prison was the kind of bran nest that could tear people's throats. Looking at the dish, there were still a few shredded meat floating in the middle of the cabbage and eggplant. He moved his fingers without fasting. The prisoner who was eating laughed and said, "Brother, take your time." I nodded to him and took a big bite. The second turn was Wu Ying. The person in charge of cooking also gave him two pieces of cake, but the dishes didn't give me so much. There was only a flat bowl. When it came to the big man, even the cake became a piece.

After seeing it, I understood a little. Although it is a meal, it is also divided into superiority and inferiority. The first one can often be taken extra care of and has the highest status. The later, the worse the quality is. When it comes to the last few people, you can only get some clear soup and water, and The rice cook tilted the rice bowl and poured some residues to them. Those people seemed to recognize it. They hid far away with the bowl and ate it with a sigh.

During the meal, Wu Ying and the big man were close to me intentionally or unintentionally. I still don't understand why Wu Ying took the lead in helping me with my lie just now. I hit him and almost everyone saw it. If he wants to expose me, I must be enough to drink a pot, but as long as there is not a big basket He didn't complain, and those female guards were too lazy to look for trouble. So I accepted his affection and waved chopsticks at him, and Wu Ying quickly trotted over with the bowl.

"I'm sorry just now, brother, it's a little heavy."

Wu Ying smiled and said, "Nothing, I just lost two teeth."

"Let me have a look."

Wu Ying opened his mouth to show me. I comforted him and said, "It's okay. It's all wisdom teeth, which won't affect your eating."

Wu Ying smiled and said, "That's right, and I deserve it."

I smiled and said, "Why didn't you sue me just now?"

Wu Ying said, "Our rule is who has a hard fist and who is the boss. I admit it when I fall into your hands."

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's the same end of the world. Why bother?"

Wu Ying didn't understand and nodded randomly, "What you said."

I said, "My name is Long Yang, and you are also old."

Wu Ying hurriedly said, "Then I'll call you Brother Long in the future."

I looked behind him. The big man was dodging behind Wu Ying. Wu Ying pulled him over and said, "Why don't you call Brother Long?"

The big man said angrily, "Brother Long."

I asked him, "What's your name?"

The big man said, "My name is Yu Manli."

As soon as I heard it, I spit out all the dishes I had just eaten: "Damn it, what's your name?" Such a guy who looks like King Kong is actually called Yu Manli...

As soon as Yu Manli saw me coughing, she immediately hid behind Wu Ying.

Wu Ying smiled at me and said, "I've never seen the world. I'm afraid of everyone, which makes Brother Long laugh."

When I saw that the cake in his bowl was bitten by him, it would drop four-fifths, and then I asked, "Are you so big enough to eat?"

Before Yu Manli could speak, Wu Ying said helplessly, "There is no way. Everything is counted. If we eat one more, someone will eat one less. Didn't you see the last few people who didn't even have a mouthful?"

I nodded. When I was having dinner just now, the last two people in the team really didn't even take a bite. I divided a piece of cake in the bowl into two and pointed to them and said, "Come here." The two hurried over, but Wu Ying had already seen what I meant and said in surprise, "Brother Long, this can't be done. This is the treatment that the eldest brother should have."

I spat, "Bullshit, I'm here and I'm still a hairy big brother." With that, he put half a piece of cake and put it in one of the bowls. Wu Ying was shocked and quickly gave half of his leftovers to another person. Those two people are very grateful. The look at us is full of gratitude.

Wu Ying sighed, "Don't look at Brother Long's cruel hands, but his heart is soft."

I said, "It's also a kind of fate for everyone to meet in such a damn place, especially..."

Wu Ying said, "Especially what?"

I don't need to say the following words. What else can I do? In such a perverted place as the daughter's country, it is difficult to be an old man. What's the fun of fighting with each other?

I patted Wu Ying on the shoulder and said sadly, "Man, why bother a man?"