The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 12 Men's Misfortune

Everyone listened to me say that. They comforted one after another, "If it hadn't been for Brother Long's leadership, we would not have escaped in our life." That is. Thanks to Brother Long.

I was in a good mood and shouted, "I don't talk about guest art. My brothers have a home and go home. If they don't have a home, they run away. Just don't forget today's fate when you meet in the future.

Wu Ying and Yu Manli are naturally motionless. Yan and more than a dozen of his companions also refused to leave. The others looked at each other in consterence. After waiting for a long time, no one left. Someone said carefully, "Brother Long, are you going to drive us away?"

I was stunned and said, "Why do you say that? It's not easy to get out. Don't you want to marry a family group?"

People said one after another, "How can we have a home?

Yan Xiao said, "Brother Long. Most of the brothers are poor people. If they have a family and a career, who can fall into this place? Anyway, I have thought about it. We will follow you wherever you go in the future. If Brother Long drives us away. We have no choice but to die.

Everyone else said, "Brother Long, you can't leave us alone.

I scratched my head and said, "If you are willing to follow me, I will naturally not object." Aren't the general escape prisoners all heroes from all sides? They ran out and even wanted to follow me, which made me somewhat surprised. It seems that there is really no place to go. I discussed it with Geng Ling. So we still run as planned?

Geng Ling said categorically, "No!

"What's wrong?"

Geng Ling said crazily on his forehead, "After we fight against the prison, the division camp will definitely send people to the Jingzai garrison camp for help. From here to there, it will take a moth of time at most, and at most half an hour. The cavalry of the Jingzai camp will be dispatched, and so many of us have too many goals. No matter where you run, you will be blocked and killed.

I nodded and said, "That's right."

Humane: "Then why don't we run quickly? It's better to start early than to wait here for death.

Geng Ling asked loudly, "How soon can you get over the horse?"

The man was silent.

Wu Ying said in frustration, "I knew it would have been like this. We might as well tie up those jailers before leaving. More than 1,000 people were chased out in panic by less than 100 people. There is no way to go. It's really cowardly."

I blinked and said, "Maybe it's not too late now."

Wu Ying sighed, "It's too late. I'm afraid the people in the camp for such a long time are already halfway.

I smiled and said, "Have you ever heard the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place?

Wu Ying said, "All I know is that we are dangerous enough now.

I inspired him and said, "Then you speak? The cavalry of the garriguard battalion couldn't think of where we would go?

Wu Ying said inexplicably, "How do I know?,

Geng Ling's eyes lit up and said, "Are you talking?

Wu Ying said in a daze, "Go back? Where to go back?

Geng Ling waved his hand and said, "Male prison camp!

I laughed and said, "Those who know me. Geng Lingye.

Wu Ying was shocked and said, "It's not easy to escape, and then go back?"

I said, "Of course, it's not going back now. When will the people from the camp in Beijing go out? We should go back..

Liu Silao suddenly said, "You mean that the speakers are waiting here. Let's watch the pursuers go away and then kill a horse gun?"

I stared at Wu Ying and said, "Look, you are not even as good as a woman!

Wu Ying said aggrievedly, "Men are not as good as women."

Geng Ling said, "This lifter seems to be the most risky. In fact, the chance of success is also the highest. Let's do it.

As soon as I announced my idea, the prisoners suddenly became in an uproar and said, "Is that all right?" What if we throw ourselves into the trap?" "That's right, let's try our best to run out and send it to the door by ourselves?

I waved my hand and said, "Brothers. I still say that. I firmly welcome you to find your own way out, but if you want to follow me, I have this ability. There are risks in doing so, and I can't guarantee that I will succeed. But this is also the only way out for traitors. I won't stop those who want to run with Marseille. I just want to say that if any of you have been arrested, please don't betray everyone for the sake of brothers.

Geng Ling shouted, "I support Xiaolong's idea..

I asked, "Is there anything you want to leave?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you. Obviously, no one has the courage to act alone, but they are reluctant to take such a big risk. In the end, I had to say again and again, "What are you talking about?" Even if you are caught back together, it's better than being scared by one person.

Seeing this, Geng Ling shouted, "That's good. Since Dayu has trusted Xiaolong, we will follow the arrangement during the escape period and be banned today. We welcome you to separate families when you are safe. I will still be a brother in the future.

Everyone responded in a chaotic manner, "Okay.

Geng Ling then asked me, "So where are we going now? I said, "Forgive me.

"Examp with me?

I pointed to the wall of the male prison camp from afar: "We used to stay inside the wall. Now I also feel the feeling of forgiveness outside the wall.

Geng Ling said, "Good idea!,

I said, "Lead our people around and don't let the guards find out. This is the most critical step.

Geng Ling said, "I think it's convenient for us to take a team. I suggest that we divide it into three teams according to the previous three. If you have anything to say in the future, you can talk directly to the captain. How do they convey it? Just let them help the cell out of the team.

I nodded and smiled and said, "I think it's okay. Our 1,000 people happen to be a team system. The district chief of the three districts you talk about is called the battalion commander, and one battalion commander is divided into three companies and nine platoons. In the past, the cell was called a class... Each class has a monitor.

Geng Ling said, "This system sounds fresh.

I said, "You can be our leader in the future."

Geng Ling hurriedly said, "I can't do it. Naturally, you are the leader.

"I'll just be the political commissar. At worst, I'll be a staff officer. I'll give you some advice.

Geng Ling still wanted to let it again. I said, "Now is not the time to share the fruits of victory. If you want to listen to me, just do it." I found that Geng Ling's leadership ability is very strong. No matter how much I talk, I don't plan to stay in this shabby place for a long time. Don't talk, just give me a commander of the army group. I don't care...

Geng Ling no longer refused and conveyed the order in a few words. After a while, each of the three districts elected a district chief... that is, the company commander came. Wu Ying and Yan Xiao were among them, and the other district quarreled. Finally, they unanimously agreed to let Liu Silao temporarily replace him. It can be seen that this girl is quite popular. The so-called district head is actually the former prison bully of the three districts. Wu Ying and Yanquan are "everyone's hope". The name of the salt otter is Xiao Yan. Just come over and read it, which is also convenient.

For a while, I took my newly formed exile group back and forth. It took a lot of effort to unconsciously return to the men's camp and quietly under the root of the southern wall of the prison. The men deeply felt that the road ahead was slim. How could they not lose their ambition? There is no one to speak.

Listen to the sound of the hooves in the north soon. Thousands of cavalrymen rushed the torch to the torch fiercely, and the leader of the soldiers did not dise, but came to say harshly outside the dilapidated western wall, "Where is your battalion.

She got out of here to see me!"

In a moment, I heard someone rolling and crawling and crying, "General. Help..."

The leader is naturally also a female general. He didn't even leave a little affection for him. He covered his head and said, "How can you let the person run away?

I heard Si Ying cry and said: The group of killers rioted at the intend of a prisoner named Long Yang. He crashed into the prison wall and ran away.

"What do you eat?,

"General's information. Although the villains fought to the death, the group of people were really numerous and extremely vicious. Several of the villains and their subordinates were seriously injured...

The leader shouted, "Don't talk nonsense. Where did they go?


"rice bucket!" The commander scolded again. Turning the horse's head and shouting, "The army obeys the order, I will seize the fugitive, drive!" He led people straight to the west and chased after him. I made a rough estimate with the roar of the horses' hoofs. At least there were more people on the other side, and they came and went quickly. The army is as fast as the wind and the army is like a mountain, and the regular army of the daughter's country is not inferior to men.

We huddled under the wall, and the dialogue on both sides was heard clearly. As long as the words were exposed, the whole army would inevitably be destroyed. Even I felt worried until the pursuers went away, and I couldn't even see the firelight. The people around him breathed a sigh of relief, and someone said happily, "Brother Long is finally wise. Let's escape." They also saw that if they had just run away. Sooner or later, he will be exhausted and killed by others.

Wu Ying rubbed his numb feet and said with lingering fear, "Brother Long, can we go now?"

I said with a smile, "You must leave, but you can't just leave like this."

Liu Silao said, "What else do you want to do?"

I said, "Didn't you listen to Lord Si Ying? We are a group of vicious killers. Let's just leave like this. Aren't you sorry for her evaluation?"

Yu Manli said timidly, "Brother Long. I'm not in a hurry to get revenge. I think we'd better run away!"

I said, "We have no food and no money now. How far do you think you can run?

Geng Ling suddenly said, "Yes, we have to borrow some plates from Lord Keying before we leave."

I laughed. He swaggered out of the corner of the wall, and Wu Ying, Xiao Yan and others followed me.

In the male prison camp. Si Ying was sitting on a pile of waste bricks and sighing. After this battle, her future was still the second. After being investigated by the above, the black yarn basically became a floating cloud. When she saw us appearing together, she thought she was dazzled. After rubbing her eyes, she dared to believe it. I couldn't help but get up and said with joy, "Have you all been caught so soon?" Then she found out. Although we came back, it didn't seem to be captured at all. "It appeared in front of her. It's just us.

Those guards began to be at a loss. After coming to his senses, he waved the sticks in his hand one by one and shouted, "Squat down!"

I pouted to the side and said, "A battalion commander, clear the field!" The first battalion commander is Xiao Yan. I divided the three battalions into the second battalion of Liu Silao, the first battalion of Xiao Yan according to their geographical orientation. The northernmost Wuying is the third battalion.

Out of subconscious habits, people are more or less afraid to see the guards. Several people flashed back unconsciously. Xiao Yan stared and said, "What are you still doing? Didn't you hear Brother Long's words... Take it down!"

The dozen brothers behind him immediately rushed together. These people made a living with their heads pinned to their trouser pockets. They were also the most bold. In the blink of an eye, they tripped and turned over the guards in front of the blink of an eye. See the others. He shouted loudly and tied up the rest of the guards. Hundreds of men dealt with dozens of women, but they didn't say anything. Although men in their daughter's country are afraid of women. But the men behind me are, after all, the most fierce and naughty group of guys in the country, and they made up their minds. Men's blood and tyranny are all stimulated.

The female prisoners led by the peace camp were thrown in front of me in a row. I waved my hand and said, "Second battalion commander, you are most familiar with this place. Take a few people to search. Take all the food here!" Liu Silao answered. Take someone with you.

I also said, "The commander of the third battalion. Go and see what's good in Lord Siying's residence. Bring it all.

Wu Ying laughed and said, "I'm the best at this." He led Yu Manli to take a class of people.

It won't be long before Liu Silao's people came back. They collected all the rice, flour, rice, bowls and scoops from the whole prison. I was satisfied and said, "Don't panic if you have food in your hand. Now we have the bottom.

At this time, Wu Ying shouted excitedly, "Brother Long, what did I find?" With the words, he and Yu Manli and others each came to the playground with a big burden on their backs. Pour out the things in the bag. We suddenly felt the golden light dazzling. Those bags are full of gold, silver and jewelry. A big hero fell to the ground. The light man will feel his heart beating faster at a glance. Everyone gathered around and exclaimed. Someone unconsciously wanted to reach out his hand. Geng Ling shouted loudly, "No one is allowed to move. Put it back as it is. When it comes to the whole place, it will be registered one by one for our escape funds."

Si Ying's face changed miserably and said, "That's mine!" After talking, he rushed forward to protect the gold and silver with his body, and Geng Ling pushed her to the ground. He said righteously, "You are greedy and ask for a gamble everywhere. It's ours to deduct food and talk about the money. Now it's natural to use up everything!"

The camp was paralyzed on the ground. He shouted crazily, "You can't do this. That's my savings for half of my life.

I ignored her. Ask Wu Ying, "Is there anything else?"

Mrs. Wu opened another burden and said, "Yes, it's all broken head.

Those are probably the things that put people in the trip. I saw my mobile phone and wallet at a glance. And Su Jing's bracelet. I checked it all and said, "These are not tatters." I ventured back. A large part of the reason is for the bracelet, which is an important thing about whether you can go back or not!

After everything was done, Geng Ling asked me, "Xiao Long. What do you think these people should do?

Someone suddenly said, "Kill it clean!,

I looked back at him and said, "Bullshit! Do you also kill women? I told Geng Ling. Just throw it here. They are also miserable enough.

Someone said again, "Then we used to be even more angry in vain?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "You are still thinking about revenge by being caught and stroked by a woman. Are you a man?

"But they are our enemies!.

I immediately waved my hand and said, "Remember, our enemies are never women. It's ourselves!

"Our own?, I sighed and knew that it was not the time to study such a profound proposition with them. I lit a cigarette and inspected the female guards like a review army, when I saw the female jailer named in the cell. I stopped and said with concern, "Are you all right?" She was knocked unconscious by Geng Ling. There is still a mark on the back of the neck.

The female guard was startled and shrank back and said, "You...what are you going to do?.

I spit a cigarette on her face and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't hit women.

"That...that..." The female guard suddenly blushed and stammered, "Are you going to be strong? **?"

Before I could speak, Wu Ying stepped forward angrily and scolded, "Boh! At this time, do you think about good things?