The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 14 Men's Disaster

I didn't expect such a situation. In my daughter's country, there are female emperors, female generals, female bodyguards, and female jailers. Although it is normal for female bandits to appear according to this reasoning, I didn't expect them to come so soon...

After a long time, the men came out of the dragon pool and entered the tiger's den. They couldn't help but look at each other with bitter faces.

The female bandit showed her waist immediately and said lazily, "Can the person opposite hear me clearly? We only want money, not life. If there is anything valuable on us, let's take it all out. She didn't wear armor, only cowhide tied her waist, and when she straightened her waist, she looked exquisite and concave, which was very charming.

Some of her men are riding horses and walking, and they have all kinds of weapons in their hands. Although they are a group of women, they are also murderous.

I'll look back at the waste wood behind me. They are all tired. Not to mention being right with others, they can't run away.

I sighed and stepped forward to hold the female bandit: "Good for you, aunt."

The female bandit looked at me with great interest and said, "Are you the head of these people?"

I sighed, "That's it."

"Good, you understand what I said. Keep the money. Sister, I'm not interested today, so I don't want it."

It seems that we still met a group of bandits with strong professional quality, who robbed money. I sighed, "Sister, are you optimistic? Do we look like rich people?"

The female bandit craned her neck and looked at our team and said impatiently, "Auntie is not a fortune-telling woman. Are you fortune-telling?"

I said sincerely, "Can't you see it from the clothes? We are prisoners who have just escaped from prison.


The female bandit was stunned for a moment and suddenly became interested: "Isn't it a male prison camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

I said, "Exactly."

"Interesting, I heard that there is such a place. I wanted to visit it in my spare time, but I didn't expect you all run out."

The female bandit said curiously, "Tay about how you ran?"

I said happily, "What's there to say? More than a thousand men are under the control of less than a hundred female jailers. They bullied me so hard that I rushed out with my brothers."

"Haha, there is such an interesting thing." The female bandit turned his head and smiled at his men and said, "A group of men actually escaped from prison. It can be seen that the sentence is right - rabbits are in a hurry to bite people." The girls laughed loudly. I was so depressed that I wanted to give each of them a big mouth. What's so ridiculous? Women are really unreasonable. No wonder they cry a lot when they watch that kind of brain-damaged drama.

After laughing for a long time, the female bandit waved her hand and said, "Okay, we are bandits. You are fugitives. Speaking of which, everyone is also half a colleague. I don't embarrass you, but when I see you, I remember one thing. Our cottage has been missing a batch of uniforms recently I dare not take it. Since you are from the male prison camp, spinning and weaving should not be a problem. If you can do it, I will give you this job. I don't know what to do?"

I was confused and said inexplicably, "Do you want us to make clothes for you?"

The female bandit said, "Exactly."

I touched my chin and said, "Can I not go?"

The female bandit said Feiranly, "I, Mei Lihong admire most about the courageous people. I admire you for your dare to escape from prison. I made it clear that you will never do your work in vain. Everyone will be paid for a daily salary, and you don't want to do it or force it."

She sneered and said, "Actually, if it hadn't been for the fact that you had nowhere to go, I wouldn't have taken you in."

I asked Geng Ling, "What do you think?"

Geng Ling said, "What she said is not unreasonable. The brothers are hungry and tired. In case they meet the officers and soldiers in this wilderness, the whole army will be destroyed. It's better to rectify them here."

Xiao Yan whispered, "She won't ** us, right?"

I waved my hand and said, "Don't worry about this. More than a thousand of us are just two shoulders and a head. At worst, it's just to do some work for her."

Geng Ling said, "Take the opportunity to avoid the limelight of the government."

I said to Mei Lihong, "We've done it!"

Mei Lihong smiled and said, "That's right. It's better for me to make some money and go to the future than your violent corpse wilderness." I said, "But you have to care about our food and accommodation."

Mei Lihong said, "Bullshit, will my Aunt Mei only ask you to work and not feed you?"

In this way, we immediately went to the mountain with Mei Lihong's people. Although the men who followed me were all thieves, they were also afraid when they met the bandits. Fortunately, they also learned to be at ease along the way.

The mountain in front of us is called Shenfeng Mountain, and Mei Lihong's cottage is naturally called Shenfeng Village. The village is built halfway up the mountain. When we came up, we saw that the terrain here is vast and covered with clouds and fog. There are more than 300 people under Mei Lihong's men. It looks like a small town on the Zi, the blacksmith's ready-to-wear shop is all available, and several mu of terraces have been reclaimed on the mountain. Although it is a group of bandits, the houses are neat and beautiful, like a paradise. Even if women become bandits, their life still remains unchanged.

Mei Lihong is really interesting. That night, we had a big banquet to entertain our uninvited guests. I thought that the men who were used to the hard life had to have a good time to have a big bowl of drinking and eating meat. Unexpectedly, this group of goods ate a lot of meat, but they rarely drank wine. When asked, they couldn' Like a big girl, don't mention my disappointing. On the contrary, when Mei Lihong saw me drinking, she frequently raised her glass to me. Although it was under the help of others, it was finally the first day of my comfortable life after I arrived in my daughter's country. The wine at the banquet was not good, so the wine was dry. In the end, He leaned around, put his arm around my shoulder and smiled, "Long Yang, you are the only one in this group of men who are angry with me."

I also forgot about it. Seeing a warbler and a swallow in front of me, I unconsciously regarded this as a nightclub. I kept holding different girls and flirting with this and that: "Come on, I'll sing a song for you." The girls giggled, surrounded me like a horse lantern, and their eyes flowed and smiled.

Yu Manli blushed and sighed: "It's too lost, Brother Long is too lost..." A girl asked him to drink. Yu Manli looked at her nose and mouth, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes.

Mei Lihong, who was so sweet, suddenly grabbed me and said with a smile, "How about sleeping with me tonight?" Her words were not right, and they all walked away with a smile.

As soon as I heard that MM took the initiative to make such a request, I was so happy that my nose came out, but I turned my face and looked at Geng Ling and others looking at me with concern. The eyes were vaguely worried that their leading brother begged to sell himself for glory. Fortunately, there was still an empty space in my spiritual platform. He sighed and said, "It's not good."

Mei Lihong was quite surprised and laughed and said, "What's wrong? Do you think I'm not good-looking? Tell me who do you like?"

I glanced at her and hurriedly said, "In short, it's not good."

This female bandit has a beautiful figure and charming face, which can be regarded as a best beauty. But even if she is a fairy in her daughter's country, she can't sleep casually. Especially now, if she sleeps, she will become a wife. She also goes to bed. I still mind sleeping and being slept...

I muttered to Mei Lihong, "When your daughter's man becomes the emperor, I will sleep with you again."

Mei Lihong was stunned and then laughed and said, "You are really confused. Well, if you don't sleep, don't sleep. I never force men."

The next day, we began to work on the mountain. Spinning and embroidery are familiar to them. I don't know how to do it and don't want to do it. As a big brother, I just have the cheek to walk around the mountain. In front of the blacksmith's shop, I met Geng Ling. He can't work because With the iron, the wall was full of weapons. A woman clamped a piece of red-hot pig iron with a splint, and another woman smashed it. Geng Ling looked at it distractedly. I came up and asked him, "Does it look good?"

Geng Ling was obviously a little distracted and casually said, "It looks good..."

Then I glanced at the woman who hit the iron. The shop was hot. She only wore a thin shirt, and a pair of meat balls on her chest fluttered up and down with the hammer. I said tremly, "It's really beautiful. I didn't expect Brother Geng to have this interest."

Geng Ling came to his senses and said, "Ah, what's the interest?"

I stabbed him and said, "It's all men. Don't pretend."

Geng Ling said, "I'm thinking that if we want to join the army, we must have the weapons to take advantage of it, and we need to learn this skill."

I was ashamed and hurriedly said, "This job should have been done by a man."

Geng Ling came forward and said to the woman who smashed the iron, "How can I help you?"

The woman laughed and said, "How can a man strike iron?" But if someone helped her, she was naturally very willing, so she gave the hammer to Geng Ling. Geng Ling took it with one hand and smashed the red iron into a thin piece in just a few strokes. The woman unexpectedly said, "Well, it's really good."

Geng Ling asked her a few more questions about how to stack the fire, and returned the hammer to her. In addition to Tiepu, she said to me, "It seems that there are still a lot of things to learn to do if I want to leave my daughter's country. I still have an idea to ask you for your opinion."

"You say"

"I want to teach the tips of cultivation to those brothers who have been brought out. I don't know if you agree or disagree?"

I said, "This is a good thing, but you can teach whatever you want to learn."

"Thank you very much." Geng Ling said, "We can't delay our own affairs. We men are inferior in our daughter's country, and we are inferior to others in our daughter's country, so strength is the most important thing. I'm thinking that if more than 1,000 of us can reach the level of sword boys and join the army, any country will welcome us? With the mystery of the sword, it should be about 10 days for ordinary people to reach this level.

"Then how about gathering them to work during the day and study with you at night?"

Geng Ling nodded and said, "It's better to learn some martial arts moves, not only to practice qi, but also to build a house with iron, and you have to learn to sow these things in arable land."

I laughed and said, "Aren't so many bandits on the mountain ready-made teachers? I'll talk to Mei Lihong later.

As a result, I told Mei Lihong that Mei Lihong raised her hands in favor. After we went up the mountain, the house was supposed to be repaired and newly built. She was worried that she had no hands. When I heard that we were willing to help, I naturally asked for it. I also proposed to send someone to help her men build weapons to cultivate farmland I was happy to be idle, and even asked me to send some people to study with her. After that, she would be the shopkeeper.

So Geng Ling and I held a private company-level cadre meeting. Each battalion sent a platoon to study alone. In the evening, each platoon of the platoons opened a training class in his room and went back to teach the people below.

In this way, we started a lively study life in Shenfeng Village. During the day, most of them went to make clothes for the bandits, and a small number went to learn all kinds of crafts from the people on the mountain. As for the collective practice at night, as for the kung fu moves, the bandits are all good at it. I told them not to be so desperate. Are you afraid that no one will teach you? It's like a female apprentice learning craftsmanship from a male master. As long as you pay attention to it, the other party will not have a chance to hide it at all, but I dare not say it on a larger scale...

A week later, I was chatting with Mei Lihong and Geng Ling that day. Qi Xiaohuan suddenly ran into the hall out of breath and said to me breathlessly, "Long, Brother Long."

I said, "What's so urgent?"

Qi Xiaohuan said, "I have a major discovery to tell you and the owner of Meizhai."

Mei Lihong said, "What's the discovery?"

Qi Xiaohuan's eyes turned a few times and said, "I found a team of carriages at the foot of the mountain, about 200, which are full of good things..."

I laughed and scolded, "Buck, it's none of your business. Do you really regard yourself as a bandit?"

Mei Lihong stared at me and said, "How do you speak? What's wrong with the bandits?

I laughed and said, "Isn't the emperor in a hurry, the eunuch?"

Mei Lihong glanced at Qi Xiaohuan and said, "Yes, my people didn't find it, but let you take the lead. Tell me, what did you say in the car?"

Qi Xiaohuan said mysteriously, "Look at the rut marks. At least 50 cars in front are loaded with white silver!"

Mei Lihong stood up excitedly: "What did you say? Silver?"?

Qi Xiaohuan continued, "The cars in the back have all kinds of food, and there is no army escort. It's the horse gang." It seems that this boy has really learned a lot from Mei Lihong's men these days, and his tricks are even more blue.

When Mei Lihong heard that it was a horse gang, she became dignified and asked, "Do you know whose carriage you are walking?"

Qi Xiaohuan said, "The word 'Su' is written on the flag."

Mei Lihong then sat down and said angrily, "What else did the Su family say? Let them go."

I was curious: "What's wrong with the Su family?"

Mei Lihong said angrily, "You don't know Su Chongwei, do you?"

I jumped up and said, "Is it their goods?"

Mei Lihong said, "It's good to know."

I smashed the table with my fist: "Why don't you take it?"

Mei Lihong squinted at me and said, "Since you know Su Chongwei, don't you know who her daughter is?"

I jumped and said, "Isn't that the girl Su Jing?"

Mei Lihong smiled and said, "Oh, do you still know?" I said, "Just because of this?"

Mei Lihong said, "What do you think? Su Jing, don't say that I can't afford to provoke him. Even if the bandits in the whole federal mainland are tied up into a group, he can't stand a finger.

"Do you know that Su Jing is not in the mainland at present?"

Mei Lihong waved her hand and said, "Whether she is here or not, it's right to give face to the Sword God. This business can't be done."

I blushed and said, "If it's better than others, it's okay. If this thing is theirs, I have to vote for him!"

Geng Ling said, "Xiaolong, think twice, and don't you have an old one with Su Jianshen?"

I shouted, "Is there an old one? I have a grudge against her! How miserable she has done for me. Is it wrong to take a few cars of things from her for compensation?

I'm so angry when I hear the word Su Jing. Without her, how could I fall into this sad place? If it hadn't been for her, why would I have been almost prostituted by a woman? Why do you stay in prison and play jailbreak and watch more than 300 girls can't sleep... Now we are poor and drowned here and are raised by a group of women. They cannibalize people with short mouths and short hands. If we want to fly far away, how important these materials are to us? Even if her mother gives these hands to me, it is not enough to make up for one-tenth of my psychological trauma!

Mei Lihong looked at me with a smile and said, "Who else do you have a grudge against?" That's obvious. It's a joke that I don't deserve it.

I shouted, "No matter what, I'm going to order this batch of goods."

Mei Lihong played with her fingers and said indifferently, "Anyway, I won't participate in this matter. I'll take it to you."

I sneered and said, "Do you think you are the only one? I also have a lot of brothers!"

Mei Lihong got up angrily and said, "Hey, are you still angry?"

I waved to Qi Xiaohuan and said, "Go, find all our brothers and do something with me!"

For a while, those brothers and sisters who were still working everywhere were summoned by me to the open space. They didn't know what was wrong with me, and they all looked confused.

I stood on a stone, waved my arm and said, "Someone at the foot of the mountain has sent us a lot of good things. Do you want to see if you have the courage - Qi Xiaohuan, tell the brothers what's in those cars?"

Qi Xiaohuan said, "I didn't see anything else clearly. Anyway, the silver of 50 cars is certain."

Everyone immediately made a big deal: "We want it!"

I laughed and said, "If you want, come with me, but you understand that this is not a robbery, but someone should be with us."

Some people have been red-eyed for a long time. What's more, they have long regarded themselves as Mei Lihong's companions when they live in the bandit's nest these days. They shake their arms and shout together: "Let's go!"

Liu Jing said, "I don't agree. In this way, don't we really become bandits?"

I said, "If you don't agree, you can reserve your opinion, but this is a personal grudge." Mei Lihong said carefully, "You're not really going to do it, are you?"

I said straight, "Do you think I'm kidding?"

Mei Lihong was stunned and suddenly gave me a thumbs-up and said, "Owesome, you really look like a bitch!"

Is this a compliment to me...