The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 29 Go Home

Listening to my mother's words, I feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong.

I said, "How can I explain the queen?"

Mom said, "If you don't come back, you don't have to tell her."

"Isn't this treachery? The queen is good to me."

Mom said, "Queen, you can't say that she invites people to buy people, but her words and deeds in her position must have her political purpose. Do you think she would care so much about you if you were not the sword god?"

I was stunned and said, "If she wants to hear you say that about her, will she die of grief?"

My mother said, "She and I are kings and ministers. You know best what my mother is. In fact, I don't have much loyalty to the king in my heart. The queen treats me well. I will spare no effort to help her within my ability, but have you heard of anyone who picked up her son for his boss?"

I said, "What about the people of the daughter country?"

Mom sighed and said, "This is what I'm most depressed about. Since ancient times, only the people have been the most unlucky in the war. As their general, I only have the words 'do my best and die', but you are different. You don't belong here, and you have no obligation to help them."

I lowered my head and said, "Actually, the queen and the people are not important to me. The most important thing is - Mom, what about you? If I don't come back, won't I ever see you again?

My mother's eyes turned red, and she was silent for a moment. Then she said, "Yangyang, my mother has lived for two lifetimes. I only have one son in these two lifetimes. The child is a mother's day. If something happens to you, what's the point of living? As long as you live safely and happily, even if I can't see you, my mother will be satisfied.

I also said sadly, "Mom, don't say that."

Mom said, "When you go back, live a good life, get married and have children, and find a proper job. Your father is not young, so you should be filial to him. As for your stepmother surnamed Meng... It is said that she treats you well, and you should also treat others well."

I laughed and said, "You think far. Isn't the last sentence insincere?"

Mom stared at me and said, "Don't be hippie and smiling. Don't tell anyone about me. After all, we have met. I have nothing to regret about. In the future, it's just that it's just inconvenient to live in the two places, which is no different from those children who work abroad."

I said, "Then who will support you when you are old?"

Mom smiled and said, "Do you want me to raise it?"

I said, "Then who will protect you?"

"Forget it, you can't even take care of yourself. If it hadn't been for the shit luck just now..." Speaking of this, my mother was also afraid, and she didn't say the following words again.

I suddenly thought of a question and said, "Mom, don't forget that even if I go back, I'm not alone. I also have Su Jing. If I say I can't come back, do you think she can agree?"

Mom held her cheek with her hand and said, "I really forgot this." She thought for a moment and said, "Well, you can tell her that this is what I mean. When you can't do it, you can tell her our relationship, and you can tell her directly that the daughter's country and I, the general, can't involve others."

I doubt: "Can she listen to you?"

"Su Jing is my goddaughter, and I still respect her very much."

"I know this, but I don't think she has the posture of not to give up in the Yellow River, and she is unconvinced by a few words."

Mom said, "Actually, you didn't find that Su Jing and her master Kumei are equally proud people, but Kumei is a little more lonely, and Su Jing is a little out of the world. I'm afraid that there is no one she is really convinced of in the world. She is forced to ask Su Jing to be reluctant, if Lu and the people of his daughter's country, she will never be agglerant. As long as you talk to her, I don't think she will force others.

I said, "I can see this as well."

Mom said, "You have to take good care of her when you go back. Su Jing is a little arrogant, but at a young age, she can work hard for the people, and even put down her body to do what she doesn't want to do. I am ashamed of this awareness. Unfortunately, she is from the daughter's country and the queen' If you hadn't stayed there and lived a peaceful life, it would have been the best destination.

After listening to this sentence, I suddenly realized that something was wrong - there was a bleak mood in my mother's words, and it seemed that I was not optimistic about the future of my daughter's country.

I said carefully, "Mom, are you not sure about this battle?"

Mom said, "There are some things I can only say to you alone. Over the years, I have been trembling and struggling. Finally, I haven't let my daughter's country lose an inch of land. Only I know the hardships. The phrase 'win or defeat is a common thing for soldiers' is effective for the generals of other After defeating the war, the daughter's country is innately insufficient. There is a powerful Honglie Empire in the north, an alliance of 18 countries at both ends of the rat in the west, and fierce gangs in the south. Today's situation is maintained by me carefully and carefully calculated. It is not difficult to win one or two battles. What I am most Let's go."

"How do you say that?"

My mother said worriedly, "Now in the daughter country, the emperor's wise generals and soldiers are brave and the people are rich, but they can only maintain an invincible situation. Think about it, if there is a problem in any link of the dynasty, how can the daughter country face all kinds of external and internal troubles?"

I said, "It's like a hero in his prime. Now he can barely make a living by carrying a bag for others, but it's hard to wait for a few more years."

My mother nodded and said, "Your metaphor is very appropriate. The last time the war between the two continents was fought for 10 years. This time, it is impossible to have a result without seven or eight years. I am confident that one soldier of Hegis can't touch the daughter's country within three years. As for whether it will be dragged down later It's not good."

I said, "Actually, the key problem is still men. When a male soldier comes up, you have to use three female soldiers to resist. No matter how fierce the Feifeng Army is, it is not a conventional method. In the next ten decades, no one can guarantee that the staffing of the Feifeng Army will remain unchanged. Even if the establishment is

Mom said, "You're right, but none of this can be changed."

Mom couldn't help it, and I was even more helpless. Then I said, "Mom, why don't you go back with me? Even if you don't want to see my father, I'll buy a house for you outside. Our mother and son's wife live in peace. There must be a lot However, there will be people who will lead troops to war.

Mom shook her head and said, "I'm leaving now, which is equivalent to treason. 200,000 Feifeng Army has become a motherless child. No matter how selfish my mother is, she can't do such a thing."

"Then let me come back and help you!"

Mom said categorically, "Don't say any more. You must go, and don't come back!"

"What if I have the ability to help you? As long as I can cultivate the sword spirit, I can get back the previous power. In addition to Su Jing, the two sword gods will always use it, right?

"No, whether you are a sword god or not is not important to your mother. The important thing is that you live well. You don't understand the war. How can one or two people change the war situation? The queen sent someone to find you. The political significance is greater than the practical significance. Don't you understand?

Su Jing also made it clear to me that she didn't expect me to really help at all. She just wanted me to come to the show, hot field, and mobilize the soy sauce party...

I said, "But I can't bear to part with you."

Mom pressed my shoulder and said, "Mom can't bear to part with you, but you have to live. I'm used to being alone, but you still have your life there."

I said sadly, "I feel even more uncomfortable when you say this."

Mom said, "Tomorrow I'm going to the school yard to order soldiers. I may not be able to see you off, but if you want to remember Mom, don't come back again!"

At this point, I had to say, "I know." I waved and called a guard, and my mother said, "What are you doing?"

"Let me do something for you at the end." I said to the guard, "Thank you for your hard work to go to Mei'an and invite the bitter plum master to me."

"Ah?" The guard thought he had heard it wrong. When was Master Kumei, who had always been above the top, been so "invited"? So he didn't have much confidence in this task and whispered, "Are you going like this?"

I said, "You have to be embarrassed to buy 2 catties of snacks on the way."

I mean, should I ask the general to write a handwritten letter? It also looks a little grand?"

I smiled and said, "The general doesn't work well. Just say that I asked her to come."

Yes. The guard hesitated to go.

My mother asked me, "Why did you invite Kumei?"

I said, "I can't hand over your safety to a group of girls anymore. Kumei is a swordsman anyway. I want to ask her to be your personal bodyguard."

My mother was surprised and said, "You really dare to let a sword saint be my bodyguard, and the queen doesn't have the same treatment."

I said, "The queen is not the son of the swordsman. Who is special if we are not special?"

Mom laughed and said, "Vulity!"

Sure enough, Kumei heard that I was looking for her and rushed here. I told her that my mother was almost assassinated today, and Kumei said angrily, "

These thieves are too rampant!" She put her hands up and down, and slapped a stone lion next to her hand into an Egyptian cat. I was busy hitting the railway while it was hot: "There is actually a sword saint among those people on the other side. I thought about it again and again. If you want to protect the general, you have to come forward."

Kumei said, "Master, you don't have to think about it. Now I'm the only one in the whole daughter country who is sure to deal with him."

My heart was bad. It's so easy that Su Jing was not here. I missed such a good opportunity to flatter, so I turned around and said, "I'm mainly worried that you don't want to."

Kumei said, "Since it's the master who spoke, what can Mei not want?" She said to her mother, "From now on, I will be inseparable from the general."

My mother hurriedly said, "How dare you let Master Kumei do such a thing?"

Kumei said, "Gumei used to be a little arrogant, and after being taught by the master, she has repented. The most valuable thing I can do for my daughter's country now is to protect the general. How can I talk about surrendering the dignity?"

Mom said, "Then thank you, Master."

In this way, the day passed quickly. The next morning, the generals at all levels of the Feifeng Army gathered in the martial arts arena. When I got up, my mother was already standing on the platform. I didn't have much time to lead the team to pick me up in person. I lingered and deliberately delayed the time, but I still couldn When she got to the door of the general's mansion, my mother finally hurried out of it. The mother and son were opposite each other and regretted that it was far away, but she couldn't say too much considering the people present. The mother stood on the steps with tears in her eyes, and she reluctantly said a few words: "Remember what I said when I

I nodded and choked, "Take care of yourself."

Kumei said, "Master, don't worry. I will guarantee the safety of the general with my life."

I told her: "You should also take care of yourself. There is no need to stay away. You should eat, eat and sleep. It's reasonable that you are not young." My trip was terrible for the old lady. I couldn't pretend to be a high profile, and my identity was reduced from a master to an apprentice. Before I left, I lied to others to pick up a long-term worker. When I came to my daughter's country this time, I felt the most sorry for the two people. One was Wu Ying. I knocked out It's Kumei. The old nun obviously has a deep affection for my previous life. It's an emotional kidnapping, and I feel very unkind.

On the horse prepared for me by Prince Yun, I turned around and left the general's mansion step by step. Seeing that my mother's figure was getting smaller and smaller, I finally disappeared, so I wiped my eyes hard.

Prince Yun smiled and said, "It's hard to part in just two days. You are popular."

I forced a smile and said, "You are also popular. The general praised you a lot." Through my mother's introduction, I have also changed my outlook on Prince Yun. I know that the daughter in front of me gave up the throne for the peace of the country. She is a little lustful, but the men don't rob, so the prince is not bad.

Prince Yun smiled and said, "I don't care about the praise of the princes and ministers."

I said, "Then you don't like that kind of praise?"

"Ha ha, I don't like the man I like to praise me for 'good work'."

Looking at her charming eyes, I said depressedly, "Don't tease me anymore. I'm leaving. Do you want me to go back and think of my daughter's country in the future?"

Prince Yun said, "Aren't you coming back?"

I knew I had lost my words and quickly said, "Where are we going now?"

Prince Yun said, "Go to my palace, and the transmission location is there."

"Where is the emperor?"

"She's already waiting for you there."


All the way to Prince Yun's palace, we arrived at Prince Yun's palace. Someone hurried to tell the queen. Prince Yun took me into the gate of the royal palace. There are two places I have been to in my daughter's country. The general's mansion is strict and rugged, and the palace is towering and solemn, but this is the most Langhua Pavilion, this ideal woman who has been the king of peace for 30 years, is really good at enjoying it.

As I walked, I asked her, "Should we start directly in a moment?"

Prince Yun said, "Yes, why are you asking this?"

I covered my stomach and said, "I have to go to the bathroom."

Prince Yun said, "Why do you go to the toilet everywhere?"

"Don't talk nonsense. The emperor is still waiting."

Prince Yun said helplessly, "The toilet is far away from here."

I broke down and said, "Why don't you cover the toilet?"

Prince Yun glanced left and right, pointed to a rockery in front of him and said, "Do you think that's okay?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I can't pee if there is no fake mountain in the future."

"Go ahead, you think you're a dog?" Prince Yun pushed me and said, "The old rule, I'll help you look after people."

Do you have such a friend around you? When you pee somewhere, he said he would help you see people? Then when you untie your trousers, he will suddenly shout, "Come and see!"

I'm that kind of friend... M