The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 17 Attractions

Volume 6 Goodbye, Sword God Chapter 17 Attractions

At dinner, Grandpa Jin set up a large table as usual. When I was hesitating whether to eat or not, Su Jing picked up his chopsticks and casually said to me, "Eat it."

I whispered, "Aren't you afraid that they will spit in your dishes?"

Su Jing whispered to me, "I kept secretly watching them outside when they were cooking."

Me: "'re more bored than me."

Su Jing smiled mischievously: "We don't know how long we are going to stay here. We can't go out to eat every day - come and taste the royal banquet of Hegis."

I picked up a steamed fish that had just been served with chopsticks and said casually, "Why isn't it sweet and sour?" Grandpa Jin said respectfully, "Let's write down the small one and let the imperial dining room do it."

I couldn't help sighing, "Actually, if I just say it casually, you don't have to treat me as your emperor."

Grandpa Jin smiled and said, "Yes, yes."

Before going to bed at night, Ruoxi still made the bed for me and hung the tea. Everything was properly arranged. I lay in the newly bought big **, and my heart was full of ups and downs. I'm afraid Ma Jiyue's treatment was just the same. It's funny to say. Since I came to the federal mainland, Not only did he reach out to open his mouth, but he also relaxed a lot. As long as Ma Jiyue did not return to the palace, I believe that the army of Hegyz could not be mobilized. The federal continent solved the urgent need, and the rest of us was to wait, and the initiative was completely in the hands of Su Jing and me.

After breakfast the next day, I was hanging out in the yard. I saw the captain of the bodyguard coming in hesitantly. It seemed that he wanted to talk but didn't know how to say it. I asked, "Are you looking for me?"

The team said for a long time: "Thousands of people have gathered at the gate of the palace..."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"They all clamored for you and Su Jing, and said that they would never leave if they didn't see anyone."

I wondered, "Are you coming to us to do martial arts again?"

The captain said, "It doesn't seem to be all, but the leader is still the beard yesterday."

I laughed and said, "Why do you bodyguards can't even handle this little thing? Usually, if there are ordinary people who want to see Ma Jiyue, you also let them do it?

The captain was speechless. I smiled and said, "I understand. No one dared to be so bold in the past. Now the situation is special. It's all your own people. You can't bear to be cruel. You feel that you have lost your responsibilities, and you can't stand the usual prestige."

The captain sighed, "I thank you for saying that."

I said to Su Jing, "Then let's go out and have a look."

When we came to the door of the palace, a row of bodyguards stood in line to guard the gate. Wuyang Wuyang was full of people under the steps. Yesterday, the big man really argued with the bodyguards. At ordinary times, if someone dared to break into the palace, the guards would have drawn their knives against each other, but now if I'm so worried.

I walked to the big man and said, "Didn't I ask you to come back in 10 years?"

The big man ignored me and came to Su Jing and said, "I thought about it all day yesterday. Even if the famous teacher in the world is willing to teach me for another 10 years, I will not be your opponent. The best way is to learn from you from now on!"

I laughed and said, "How can you think about such a simple question for a whole day? With your intelligence, you'd better do something else..."

Su Jing was quite surprised and said, "How did that happen? I don't accept apprentices."

The big man said cautiously, "Is it because I'm a Heggis?"

Su Jing said, "That's not true. I never wanted to accept an apprentice."

"Everything has a beginning, why don't you start with me?"

Su Jing laughed and said, "No."

The big man said persistently, "Then what do you want me to accept me? I'm talking about this. If you don't accept me, I won't leave.

Su Jing thought for a moment and said, "Well, if you promise me that you will never join the army in the future, I will give you a few tricks, but we are not masters and apprentices."

The man was overjoyed and said, "I promise me not to join the army, even if you tell me not to eat meat for the rest of my life!"

I asked the others around the gate of the palace, "So what can I do for you?"

Before I finished speaking, a dirty old man knelt in front of me and kowtowed like pounding rice. I was shocked and said, "You still want to worship your teacher when you are so old?"

The old man said with tears in his eyes, "The little old man has fled to this point. He is frozen and hungry and has no way out. He begged the two sword gods to give a way to live." When he said this, he gathered around a group of begs and said one after another, "Be merciful."

I was speechless, "Why do you still need money?" I accidentally glanced at the captain, and the captain immediately said alertly, "Don't look at me, I've given you all my money!"

I asked a fat man in a satin gown next to me, "Are you here to ask for money too?"

The fat man smiled and said, "My daughter-in-law is 7 months pregnant. I want to ask the two sword gods to calculate whether they are male or female."

I broke down and said, "Our sword god and Bodhisattva are not the same thing!"

The people behind don't care what I say. They talk to themselves in a mess. Some people ask for food for money, some ask for divination, and more join the fun. I heard that the emperor does not live in the palace. I hope to enter the palace to have a look...

I had a plan to discuss with the captain: "I'll help you get some extra money. Since the people want to enter the palace, let's give them a one-day trip to the palace, and each person's ticket is one or two taels of silver..."

Before I could say that the captain's face had turned red to white, he said categorically, "Are you kidding? Is the forbidden place of the palace the place where you do business?

I curled my lips and said, "I don't want the money. I'm looking at your hard work to help you earn some overtime pay. You let them go in and see what they are afraid of?"

"No way!"

I pointed to the more than 1,000 people and said, "Then it's up to you. I can't control them if they don't leave."


I discussed and said, "If not, you can let them turn around outside the Jianji Hall, and other places will not be open for the time being, or the money will be given appropriately."

The captain's face changed from white to black again. He stamped his feet and said, "What have I done in my last life!"

I stood on the steps and waved my hands and said, "Guys, great good news. Today, the palace is open as an exception. Each person has one or two taels of silver. If you want to enter, you can queue up."

As soon as people heard that there was such a good thing, no matter what they came to do, they lined up under the steps for a moment. I commanded a few bodyguards to collect money, and the rest went inside to guard the paths. So far, the bodyguards of the Hergis Palace have completely turned into security guards...

The person who paid the money went inside, and I told them one by one at the door: "Only the Jianji Hall is open. Don't spit anywhere, and take your garbage away by yourself."

The bodyguards were not happy at first, but their faces were rosy after collecting hundreds of taels of silver... I said, "You can't eat alone. It seems that today's tickets are expected to be more than 10,000. Don't forget to share them with your father-in-law and maids."

When the common people first entered the palace, they were fresh and a little cautious. They looked at the square in front of the hall in twos and threes. There were several bodyguards guarding at the door of the Jianji Hall. There were no way in it. Several scholar-like scholars stood at the door, took out pens, ink, paper and "For those, there is an extra charge for taking photos!"

The news spread from ten to another, and the people nearby poured in. In the end, the queue was longer than those who bought tickets during the Spring Festival. I made a temporary idea to ask the bodyguards to draw an aisle outside the Jianji Hall with a rope. After people came in, they could only walk along the rope and could no longer stay...

When the sun was slanting to the west, the ticket revenue really exceeded 10,000. But there is a problem that the beggars who are dozens of miles away have come to the wind, probably with the heart of splitting the stolen money. I stood behind a pile of silver, opened my arms and said, "This money can't be given to you. Who knows whether you are really poor or fake poor?"

Su Jing said, "It's easy to do." She said to the man, "I have to entrust you to do something."

The man quickly said, "Master, as you can tell me. The disciple's name is Hu Dazhuang."

Su Jing smiled and said, "I didn't promise to take you as an apprentice - you take 500 taels of silver and open a porridge shed nearby. This money is special, but it can't be given to others."

Hu Dazhuang said, "Don't worry, Master."

I sighed, "I didn't expect that a visit to Hegis could do something good for the local people."

Su Jing smiled and said, "Who let people treat us as bodhisattvas?"

Hu Dazhuang flattered and said, "Master is the heart of the Bodhisattva. It seems that the study of martial arts also has something to do with character. I have to remember this."

Su Jing said lightly, "A good character is certainly related to the future martial arts, but it has nothing to do with learning martial arts. There are only a few masters of bad moral character among the people I know."

Hu Dazhuang said, "Master's words are profound!"

I glanced at him and said, "Well, I said I forgot to ask you. We are both sword gods. Why do you only worship her and not me?"

Hu Dazhuang said to me with blank eyes, "My master was not as good as you when he became famous. Seeing that you look out of tune, you probably have no ability in vain."

I sighed, "There are really people who only recognize old brands." I stabbed Su Jing and said, "If you don't accept apprentices, does it have something to do with Kumei's disappeknowledge?"

Su Jing suddenly covered his mouth and said with a smile, "Hu Dazhuang is really right. You are really out of tune."

I was stunned and said, "Why can't I adjust it?"

"If you make the palace into a scenic spot, I don't know if Ma Jiyue will be angry if she knows it?"

"It's best to be angry, so that we don't have to do it."

Su Jing stood behind his hand and said, "Now I'm only worried about one thing. Now the emperor of Haggis is missing, and all the officials have also hid. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the society will."

I said, "It's none of our business. Heggis is not a daughter country."

Su Jing shook his head slightly and said, "That's not to say that. Once it's chaotic, it's all the people who suffer."

I was shocked, "Have you really become the heart of a Bodhisattva?"

Su Jing said seriously, "We are fighting not to eliminate anyone, but to eliminate the war. You have also seen the people of Heggis. They are also ordinary people with joys and sorrows, which are no different from the people of the daughter country and the Honglie Empire."

I also said very seriously, "If I didn't know that your person had to lift your face with a brick - this is too pretious!"


Well, occupying the palace is more fun than fighting. RO