The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 18 Prince of You

Volume 6 Goodbye, Sword God Chapter 18 Prince of You

I didn't expect Su Jing to be worried that he would really come soon.

Heijis Palace, on the morning of the seventh day when Su Jing and I checked in, although Xiuxinyuan was in the deepest part of the palace, I still heard the riots from outside the imperial city. The eunuchs of the palace were like ants who could receive special signals, inexplicably panicked. Su Jing and I were sitting in Tasting tea in the clean room, although the sound outside was not loud, Su Jing still stood up: "Pian'er, what's going on outside?"

Lian'er and Ruoxi ran in in a panic. As soon as Lian'er entered the door, she said, "No, the palace is surrounded!"

Su Jing and I looked at each other, and Su Jing asked calmly, "Is it Ma Jiyue who came back?"

Lian'er said, "No, it's Prince You. He took 30,000 garrison soldiers outside the imperial city into the palace!"

Su Jing said, "What's going on? Tell me slowly."

Lian'er said, "Prince You said that he wanted to avenge His Majesty the Emperor, which is the difficulty of Yasukuni."

Su Jing said, "But Ma Jiyue is not dead yet."

Ruoxi said, "Obviously, Prince You mobilized the garrison camp under the banner of revenge for ten thousand years, and the purpose is to establish himself as the king."

Su Jing nodded and said, "That makes sense, but it doesn't make sense. Ma Jiyue's escape from the palace is known all over the world, and the soldiers of the garributary camp are so easy to be deceived?"

Ruoxi said, "Suzhou Jianshen doesn't know that the garrison camp has always been the direct force of the royal family. In the past, it was General Qin Yiwu, the emperor's favorite, who was in charge of the army. After the Eastern Expedition of General Qin, the military power was rotated by the four national divisions. Shi shook his arms and shouted, and these people naturally wanted to follow him to take risks. In case of success, this is an immortality. As for the emperor's death, it doesn't matter whether he lives or not.

I accidentally said, "Why are you so clear about the inside story of the royal family?"

Ruoxi said, "It's all obvious. Just think about it a little."

Su Jing said, "Prince You rebelled against Ma Jiyue and us. Why are you panicking?"

Lian'er said, "Sister, I don't know. Prince You claimed that someone in the palace conspired with you to kill the emperor. How guilty is this? Once he is called in, our lives will be in poor, and I'm afraid we will have to join the nine clans.

Ruoxi said, "He said this to make the people's trust seem justified, but his casual words will kill countless of us."

I said as if nothing had happened, "Then don't let him in."

Lian'er covered her mouth and said, "He has 30,000 soldiers!"

Su Jing smiled and said, "If 30,000 soldiers and horses can scare us off, we don't have to come to Heggis."

I'm very Su Jing said, "This Prince You is bound to be in chaos. This should be a good thing for our federal continent, right?"

Su Jing said, "The most important thing now is who has the military power. It would be best if Prince You can control the military power and agree to withdraw, but I'm afraid the situation will not be so simple. Anyway, we will meet him first."

Su Jing and I came to the outside of the Jianji Hall. It was in chaos. The eunuchs were running back and forth. The maids of honor were crying and shouting. The bodyguards were still calm under the command of the captain. Some of them stood on the city wall and stared nervously under the scabbard.

The captain shouted to the eunuchs with a straight face, "Why are you crying? It's the men who pick up weapons for me and prepare to fight!"

His words poked the pain of the eunuchs, and a man said with a bitter face, "We are no longer men..."

I watched it interestingly: "Do you need to fight so much?"

The captain stretched out his hand to the head of the city and said, "You'd better take a look by yourself."

Su Jing and I looked down at the city, and we saw that the army was densely packed below. We had crossed the moat and lined up under the gate. At first glance, it was not powerful, but compared with the situation on the border of the Black Forest, it was obviously a small witch.

I curled my lips and said, "It doesn't seem to be enough for 30,000 people."

The captain said, "The others are scattered in the other three doors of the palace. This is Prince You's own troops and 15,000 garrison soldiers. We only have less than 2,000 people here. Once the other party takes action, the imperial city can be broken in an instant. The reason why Prince You doesn't order immediately is probably because he is concerned about the Be able to ascend the throne with decent face.

I said, "In this case, why do you fight? Why don't you just let them in?"

The captain said angrily, "Our duty is to defend the imperial city. No one can get involved except the emperor!"

At this time, an eunuch said in a shrill voice, "The imperial concubine is here--"

The captain was shocked at first sight. In addition to the bodyguards guarding at the top of the city, he knelt down with the rest of the people. The captain said, "I kowtowed to the imperial concubine. It's dangerous here. Please ask the imperial concubine to avoid it for the time being."

The eunuchs flashed to both sides and gave up an old woman with a sharp face. She looked down and said arrogantly, "I have nothing to avoid for the time being. Who can you block?"

The captain blushed and said, "I'm scared!"

The imperial concubine said, "As I said, if Ma Jiyue is dead, you should open the gate to welcome the new emperor."

The captain was moved and said, "The imperial concubine said something bad. Long live, he is just a private visit. I must not let others desecrate the holy place before he returns to the palace!"

The imperial concubine said angrily, "Do you dare to contradict me?"

The captain of "slave death penalty" buried his head on the ground, but obviously refused to give in.

The imperial concubine changed her expression and said leisurely, "Even if your emperor is not dead, Prince You is also a royal suzerain. If you let him in, what's the family say? What kind of style is this huge imperial city controlled by two Fanbang aliens? Prince You also has good intentions to lead heavy troops for the national calm.

The captain knelt down and said, "It's a big deal. I don't dare to make a decision!"

Grandpa Jin came in a panic. Seeing this posture, he didn't dare to come out and quietly hid behind me. I asked him, "Why didn't this imperial concubine help her grandson but help others?" Isn't she afraid of being connected after the city is broken?"

Grandpa Jin said, "The grandson is not her own grandson, but this Prince You is her own son."

I suddenly became clear and sighed, "The royal struggle is really chaotic."

Su Jing said, "I'm afraid it's still the letter secretly sent by this old lady in the war of Prince You."

I nodded and said, "It's probably like this."

Seeing that the captain refused to submit, the imperial concubine said with an old face, "Zhang Benchu, I ask you, who has the final say in the palace now?"

The captain said, "Long live your absence. Naturally, you have the final say."

"Well, then I order you to open the gate. Do you listen?"

The captain did not hesitate to say, "I dare not obey my duty!"

The imperial concubine said angrily, "Then are you openly resisting the order? It was negligent for you to let Su and Shi invade the palace, and now you are disobeying my order. What's the use of asking you to be such an unfaithful slave?

The captain shook his head and said, "Is it unfaithful?"

The imperial concubine said sternly, "Isn't it?"

The captain smiled bitterly and said, "You said, I first had a loss of duty, and then violated my order. It is indeed unfaithful and unrighteous. Since the imperial concubine insisted on opening the gate of the city, I can only be determined by death!" With that, he drew the knife and wiped it on his neck. Suddenly, the guards exclaimed together, but no one had time to stop it. Su Jing flashed behind the captain. A little on his elbow with the knife, the captain's knife fell to the ground. I walked over and laughed and said, "We have seen you wiped your neck twice in five Suicide professional?"

The captain glared at me: "Anyway, my life has not been mine for a long time. What does it matter if I die early or die late?"

"Then you don't want to think about what to do with the other people in the palace when you die?"

"This..." The captain was speechless. Of course, he understood what the result of Prince You would be after entering the city, but the situation was pressing him step by step.

I came to the imperial concubine with a smile and said slowly, "Old lady, you have something wrong. Now it's not you who has the final say here, but me!"

The imperial concubine said angrily, "Who are you?"

A eunuch whispered in her ear, "This is the sword god of the Honglie Empire, and the woman next to her is Su Jing!"

The imperial concubine turned to the captain and said, "The enemy is right in front of you. Why don't you kill them?"

The captain simply stood up and said coldly, "There's nothing I can do."

"You..." The imperial concubine was angry for a moment and turned to my nose and said, "My son's 30,000 elite soldiers are outside the city. I'll ask him to break your body in a while!"

I couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm so afraid of your 30,000 elite soldiers. Aren't the 2 million horses of your Haggis been driven out like pigs by me?"

The imperial concubine said, "You are stubborn now, and it will make you look good!"

I said, "Don't do it for a while. We're going to reunite your mother and son." Su Jing and I boarded the top of the city again. I looked down at the city and shouted, "Who is Prince You? Come out and talk!"

Under a big banner, a man in a black robe rode out, and the halberd pointed to the city and said, "Are you Stitch? I count to the third limit, and you will break it by yourself, otherwise I will definitely kill you..." I wink at Su Jing. Su Jing's body moved down from the head of the city. She waved her palm to repel Prince You's own soldiers, held his neck in mid-air and took him to the head of the city. This time, the rabbit He was also thrown into the city by Su Jing...

I looked at Prince You and shook his head repeatedly and said, "Inexperienced, inexperienced. Xing Tailang and Qin Yiwu have millions of soldiers and are still afraid of exposing their deeds. Do you dare to play with 30,000 people?"

Su Jing laughed and said, "This is the difference between the field army and the young master soldier."

Prince You stared at us with wide eyes and couldn't even say a word.

I waved to the city and said, "It's all over."

Prince You looked at each other in constere face and didn't know what to do. It seemed that he still wanted to do the last fight.

I said to Prince You, "I'm not threatening them with you. We don't want to kill more. If you don't believe me, I'll put you back. Let's fight again, but we don't care whether you are dead or alive."

Prince You thought for a moment, lowered his head and said dejectedly, "That's all, I'm defeated." He shouted to the city, "Listen to my order, you should retreat outside the city immediately. No one is allowed to enter the city without an order."

Third thousand people retreated.

Prince You came to the Empress Dowager with weak legs and said in frustration, "Mother, the child is incompetent..."

The princess's face was piled up with wrinkles on her chin like a sponge of water, and asked in a trembling voice, "You... What are you going to do with our mother and son?"

I smiled and said, "According to the logic that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, we should be allies. In fact, we are not opposed to your claim to the throne, but you have to do one thing to claim the throne."

Prince You said, "Please say it."

"Withdraw your Heggis's soldiers and horses and promise not to violate the federal continent again in the future."

Prince You can't believe: "That's it?"

"Yes, that's it. As long as you can do it, we will let you go."

Prince You immediately agreed without a mouth: "I will do it!" RO