The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 22 Pit

We asked someone to prepare a horse and quietly opened the gate to approach the Gobi of Qin Yiwu's garrison. The night was gloomy, and the moonlight was tightly covered. I felt like I was riding my horse as if I was hitting a huge shady curtain.

The bitter plum looked solemn, and the sleeves of the robe hunted in the wind. I wanted to say a few words to her, but I couldn't say anything about it. In a while, we were less than a mile away from the Heggis army. The Heggis did not light the lights at night, but from a distance, I could

"Dish the horse!" Kumei whispered and jumped to the ground first. I took the reins and lowered my horse to look opposite.

"Just follow me later, don't make a sound and don't fight with others without permission. I'll deal with any situation. Do you understand, Master?"

The suffix of this sentence amused me again: "Good apprentice."

Kumei didn't mean to joke at all. She put her hand into my arm, took a breath and skimmed forward lightly. After running forward for a distance, she could clearly see the wooden fence of the Haggis camp. There were four sentries standing at the door. There were soldiers patrolling back and forth in a trance in the camp. At a glance, Kumei immediately settled still. We were probably more than meters away from each other. If it was during the day, it would be found, but the sentry just casually turned his neck and soon turned his head.

Kumei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that the eyesight of the Haggis will also be affected at night."

I intuitively floated lightly in the air, and my body was shrouded in a layer of white light. Then I remembered that Su Jing took me into Zhu Xiaofeng's palace. I asked Kumei, "You taught Su Jing this trick, didn't you?"

Kumei said lightly, "It's good, but she must use it better."

The two of us quietly avoided the sight of the sentry and jumped into the camp. Kumei stood for a moment and frowned, "Strange!"

"What's wrong?"

Kumei said, "Don't you think it's too quiet here?"

I looked around, and it was really silent in the tent where I couldn't see at a glance, except for a few teams of patrolmen crossing the edges.

Kumei said, "Qin Yiwu with 600,000 cavalry, it is impossible not to even hiss." The two of us crept to a tent outside the tent, Kumei gently picked up the tent door and looked in, and said, "It's empty!" I looked at it and saw that the bedding on several beds were in human shape, but the clumsy means showed that they obviously didn't expect to deceive us like this.

"What does this mean?" Kumei said casually, and it was the same when checking other tents. No wonder the barracks that can accommodate 600,000 horses were silent. It turned out to be an empty city plan set by Qin Yiwu.

At this time, we no longer care about anything else. We walked quickly in the camp. Several soldiers found that we were all knocked down by Kumei. More than ten minutes later, we had gone deep into the hinterland of the Heggis Army. However, at this time, no soldier was more strange than before.

Kumei stopped, leaned forward slightly, paused for a moment and said, "I have a very awkward feeling. There must be people in this camp, and they are all masters, but the sword spirit of these people looms from time to time, as if they were deliberately blocked."

I said, "Don't worry, take your time."

Kumei waved her hand and stood in place attentively. At this time, a white light suddenly flashed in the distant mid-air. The light suddenly appeared and disappeared, but Kumei and I both saw it clearly. Kumei blurted out: "It's Su Jing's sword spirit!" While she was talking, she had pulled me to sprint towards the place where the white light appeared. Soon we came to a huge pit, and then I just took a look and my blood spurted...

The huge pit is about half the size of a football field. From the edge of the pit to the bottom of the pit, it is a fan-shaped curvature of about 2 meters. Su Jing, Huang Yifei and others stood at the bottom of the pit facing out. The surrounding slopes were full of Hergis' archers. Everyone couldn't help Falling down, the outermost edge of the position has been lying down in a dense row. Su Jing's body suspended in the air robe sleeves and waved frequently to release the sword spirit. He tried his best to slow down the feather arrow. With Su Jing's ability, even if her sword spirit reached the end of the crossbow, it is difficult for ordinary bows Obviously, it was quite difficult for Su Jing to fight against these archers.

I knew it was wrong, and soon found that the key was around the pit. There was an old man in brocade standing on each side. These four people guarded in all directions, and their arms couldn't help pushing forward. Every time the arrows left the string, they immediately used the sword spirit of the four old men to suddenly increase in speed, just like The power of the bullet is infinite, and Su Jing's palm is difficult to sing. For a while, he can only take care of one direction, and the other three-sided bound guards are killed and injured.

At a glance, I recognized that the old man in brocade standing opposite us was Wei Wuji. I suddenly became clear: with his cultivation, he betrayed Hong Lie and joined Hejis, which was bound to be reused. The so-called four national masters must have his place. So it goes without saying that the other three old men are the other three national With the use of four top masters in China, there is no doubt that there has been a conspiracy for a long time.

These four national masters were also floating in the air. The old men on both sides of Wei Wuji waved their arms and sneered, and their momentum was no less than Wei Wuji. The old man closest to us was extremely tall. He wore a red robe and turned his back to me and Kumei. The power of each move was particularly amazing. I was led over by him, and I was still at a disadvantage in this air-to-air confrontation. I was about to crack my eyes and shouted, "Ku Mei, what are you still stunned for?"

Kumei Ben was also a person of fire. At this time, she also forgot her personal safety. She roared and slapped the old man in red on the back. While dealing with Su Jing, the old man in red noticed that there was someone behind him. He did not turn around, and his right palm went around the left rib. He firmly slapped Kumei. Kumei's body trembled and took a big step back. The old man in red did not move at all, and he still had the time to slap Su Jing. Then he shrugged his shoulders slightly and said with some surprise: "I heard that Kumei of her daughter's country has retired to the world for many

" This man did not look back. He saw through the identity of Kumei with just one palm, and he did not fall behind. Obviously, he was also a sword saint.

Kumei shouted, "Then you won't die?" She pointed her two fingers to the back of the old man in red. The old man turned around calmly and couldn't help but say that he greeted him. This move seemed to be using brute force, but it was undoubtedly a wonderful move to turn defense into attack. Kumei turned her fingers into a palm and wrapped it along the old man's pulse. In an instant When the people met the snake, they hit it with a plow head. Kumei withdrew her hand and leaned over, and her toes had kicked the other party. The old man jumped up and leaned forward, and his thick palms slapped Kumei in the air. After Kumei turned sideways, a deep pit was cut out in place.

Both of them are not young, but all of them use both offensive and defensive moves, old and spicy. The old man in red knows the bitter plum's nose, and naturally he will not underestimate the enemy. The moves are rolling incessantly. The bitter plum responds calmly. The two of them have passed a few lightning and Ten moves, an aura formed around me in an instant, and the tangible texture expanded outward. I stood dozens of steps away from them and felt very cramped.

With the old man in red withdrawing from the encirclement, Su Jing seemed to be a long sigh of relief, but it was only a moment of relaxation. This encirclement was obviously a mysterious array. Although the old man in red was temporarily entangled by bitter plums, the other three hosts of the array could still form a balance against the bondage of the Seeing that there was a opening in the front, he rushed up regardless of his body, but was restrained by the bows and arrows on both sides and turned into elbows and armpits. Suddenly, a few people fell to the ground, and four bound guards could block Su Jing. At this moment, he could not be taken off in this big array.

Kumei and the old man in red passed 50 moves in a blink of an eye. Kumei is Su Jingye, and the kung fu theory of the two is the same. When they turn to undertake, they often expect the enemy to take the lead, with precision and ingenuity as the purpose. The old man in red has opened and closed the routine, Unexpectedly, it is not inferior, and the sword spirit is bulging. Obviously, it is deeper than the bitter plum in terms of internal skills. The bitter plum gradually falls into bitter struggle. The two masters fought duel. At this moment, my sword spirit was not good. I inadvertently touched the Qingxuan sword in my waist. I drew my sword and threw it over: "Amei, take the sword!"

Kumei returned to pick up the sword, brushed the ground and stabbed the old man in red. The sword helped the sword spirit, and let out a sneer. The old man in red didn't care. He turned his palms and was about to grab the sword. He saw that the tip of the sword was still three or four inches away He said, "Qing Xuanjian?" I couldn't help taking a deep look at me.

Kumei, with the help of Qing Xuan's sword, reluctantly tied with the old man in red. I knew that if I wanted to break this battle, I had to start from the other three people and ran around the pit to the old man in brocade on the left. Su Jing looked at it and said loudly, "Xiaolong, go back, it'

The people who have been aware of the changes after the Heggis array have been aware of it for a long time, but except for the old man in red to deal with Kumei, others have no time to take care of me. Obviously, this array has been carefully calculated. Everyone must stick to their position to exert their power. I think this is even faster. My In the west, there are about 300 archers, arranged in three rows to shoot arrows into the pit. Seeing me coming, the people on the side had to draw their knives to meet me. These people's martial arts skills are not high, but a lot of them are really a headache for me at this moment. Just when I was at a loss, I heard someone under the Throw it all down to me!" I looked down and saw my nose flying and looking here with burning eyes.

Even in this situation, I couldn't help but feel happy. It seemed that Huang Yifei had nowhere to come out after suffering from the bird's spirit all night, and he was about to vent with these archers.

I faced these Haggis soldiers, neither fighting back nor dodging, but pushed them into the pit one by one. Although Huang Yifei and others could not rush up, they were comfortable with these soldiers. For a moment, they launched like a big meat grinder. The two sides launched a battle against Huang Yifei's archer. His own people hesitated and immediately caused a riot.

I'm a little happy. According to this column, a gap will soon be opened. As long as the people who bind the divine guard come up, ordinary soldiers will be dealt with by them. Su Jing and Kumei dare not say the victory or defeat to the four national divisions, and it seems not difficult to get out.

Just as I was hitting Xiao Jiujiu, a yellow figure quickly passed through the gap in the middle of the soldiers. I felt a stagnation in my chest. The man's palm had already attacked him unbearably. I didn't even have time to see his face. The fierce sword spirit had broken through the air. With the experience of me and Compared with Wei Wuji, he seems to be stronger. It can almost be concluded that he is a master of the swordsman level. The color of his clothes is exactly the one of the four national divisions who guards this side.

I flashed aside and took the opportunity to take the opportunity to pull it under his ribs. The man saw that my shoulders shrugged slightly and expected my intention. He didn't wait for the move to twist his old body in mid-air, so that my fist was pulled towards my lower abdomen. I followed the change of his sword spirit and pressed his ten fingers The distance has changed again. The two of us can't help but change our moves. In an instant, we fight with dozens of moves, and we didn't even touch each other's skin. When it settled, the corners of the yellow robe and sleeves were also condensed. At this time, the evening wind blew, and everyone's clothes were hunting with the wind, but the old man in yellow was like a portrait of a figure stuck in the night. It can be seen that his control of the sword spirit has reached the point of doing whatever he wants from the inside out He was thin and in his seventies. His cold eyes were full of surprise at this moment. It seemed a little incredible and a little confused: "I didn't expect that you could walk ten rounds under me at a young age... Wait, I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

Wei Wuji, who was opposite, said with a harp: "Brother Zhuye is out of sight this time. Although this man is young, he is Hong Lie's new sword god, the fifth son of the historian, and he has been in the limelight recently."

The old man in yellow, known as bamboo leaves, said with a moving face, "Sword God?"

When he said, "Where have I seen you?", I was still wondering that since I came to the Federal Continent, I didn't have much contact with the masters of Heggis, not to mention the national teacher. If I had seen him, I should have an impression, but I couldn't remember it at all, but when he shouted the word " When I was still in my daughter's country, Heijis sent a killer to assassinate his mother. In the end, the killer was wearing a mask, but he was a sword saint. This man was about to win. Fortunately, I went out to block him. He didn't know the depth, so he retreated timidly. Before leaving, he also called How many saints are there? Two boxes and one verification, there is no doubt that the man must have been a bamboo leaf at the beginning!

Thinking of this festival, the cold sweat instantly soaked my back: When Zhu Ye saw me, I was in the general's mansion of my daughter's country. At this moment, I was the fifth historian of the Honglie Empire. Once Heggis tracked it up, I, a fake Stitch, would be able to help sooner or later.

Almost at the same time, Zhu Ye also shouted suddenly, "It's you!"

I was shocked and didn't wait for him to say anything more: "It's not me!"

Fortunately, others can't understand our unfathomable dialogue, and no one can take care of the distraction of the old man in red and the bamboo leaf. The Haggis soldiers in the south and west have fewer people to preside over the array, and the bows and arrows can no longer pose a threat to the bondage of the divine guard. One There was a frontal confrontation on the slope for the first time.

I was afraid that bamboo leaves would expose my identity. I couldn't help but say that rushing up was a fierce attack, but Buddha Guangpuzhao paid most attention to defense and post-attack. I'm afraid that my clumsy kung fu is not as good as a three-legged cat in the eyes of bamboo In the end, I had to rely on the Buddha's light to barely protect myself. I was in a hurry for a while, and even to the extreme a few times. The words of ink sounded in my mind at this moment: "Although your sword spirit is strong, there are at least 20 people on the mainland who can beat you with moves!" I don't have any sword spirit now. I believe that with Zhuye's ability, I can definitely rank among these 20 people. If he wants to kill me now, it's the best time! But after more than a dozen moves, I found that Zhu Ye seemed to be a little timid. The two of us had never confronted me for such a long time. Obviously, it was obvious that he could lock the victory with just one punch and one palm, but he seemed to treat me like a snake and never dared to touch my skin. As soon as I thought about it, I understood the truth that although the bamboo leaf martial arts were high, it was as timid as a mouse. At the beginning, I was empty of the sword god level, and I was so scared that the bamboo leaf retreated at a touch. It can be seen that he had preconceived in his heart that he thought that the challenge It's not Zhuye's fault. In the two continents, level is everything. A sword boy may never have thought of challenging a swordsman. A master like a swordsman can only bind his hands when he meets a swordsman. Unless you have the realm and strength of the sea like ink, the challenge of crossing the level is suicide. The top master of the mainland like He is worshipped high in the daytime, but after all, it is still one level worse between the sacred. Perhaps it is because the bamboo leaves are already at the top of the ivory tower that they really understand the further difficulty of this hundred-foot pole head, so his move can only be said to be a wise move.

The old man in red saw that Zhu Ye wasted opportunities again and again and again, and said, "Brother Zhuye, don't have to worry about it. When Shi Di carries the sword spirit, it doesn't work! It's a good opportunity to kill him at this moment!"

I was shocked. If he couldn't sense my sword spirit and said that I was a fake sword god, I wouldn't be so surprised, but he actually knew my biggest hidden danger. In addition to my mother Su Jing, only a few people knew this secret. How did he see through me?

"Shut up!" Kumei turned the Qingxuan sword into ten thousand points of green light and attacked the old man in red, and the other party just moved back half a step indifferently. It seems that the gap between Kumei and others is not small. Without the support of Qingxuan Sword, it may have been the winner.

After listening to the words of the old man in red, Zhu Ye was still a little hesitant. Wei Wuji said pitifully, "Brother Zhuye, it's better to be careful. This boy is the best at making scoundrel's moves, especially beware of his dirty tricks."

After listening to this, Zhu Ye's face changed even more, and Leng Dingxu shook a slanting thorn and pulled away.

Seeing this, the old man in red was angry and said, "It's not enough to fail!" I don't know whether it's Wei Wuji or bamboo leaves.

...............split... "...hey, I'm back. Some time ago, I stayed at the Erhai Lake in Dali to find inspiration (the inspiration is really depressing, and I talk about it every time). I stayed for a full month. At first, I was very puzzled. Do you think the emperors who guard the beautiful mountains of Dali have become monks? Later, I understood that although the landscape is good, it is a place of bullets after all. Moreover, this place is easy to attack and difficult to defend. If it is not appropriate, it is also worry-free, and it is easy to see. Anyway, I understand that if I don't write, I will starve to death! So ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!!!!!