The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 22 desperate situation

The situation on the field is changing rapidly, and the formation in the two directions of the old man in red and the bamboo leaf is chaotic. The bound god guard took the opportunity to occupy the flat ground by the pit. As a result, the formation of the four national divisions was broken. The bound god guard wanted to rush outward, and Hegis wanted to encircle, and the two sides instantly showed a melee situation of intertwining. Fortunately, the power of binding the divine guard on the flat ground immediately appeared. These people are all masters who stand out. Dealing with these ordinary soldiers is naturally like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

At this time, the opposite figure shook, and hundreds of Blacksmiths masters in cross-dressed clothes rushed out of the soldier' team. They had previously hid in the queue. At this time, they came out more and more people. As soon as they met with the bound guard, they were immediately killed inexcusable. I roughly calculated that after the The number is at a disadvantage. In terms of the quality of individual soldiers, the foreign army of Heggis is not bad. These people played a major role in the attack on the right army of Shidong and attacking Lizhou at the beginning. They are the masters selected by Heggis from thousands of miles of the people.

Huang Yifei made a few gestures quietly, bound the divine guard invisibly spread into a circle under his command, and waited for the other party to enter the circle. Huang Yifei shouted, "Put up!" As soon as the voice fell, the encirclement of the divine guard suddenly shrank. Among them, 20 people were divided into five four-person groups, and the rest of them fought back around these five groups. The situation was suddenly completely reversed. These five groups were like five peerless masters fighting together. Everyone listened to the endless sound of "p-p-p-puff The crowd had no power to fight back. All those who stood in front of the battle were killed with one move. The five groups gradually closed, and the rest of the enemies were like a group of mice mixed in huge gears, and were slaughtered by these five teams in an instant.

The outer Heijis soldiers looked at it all. The old man in red observed this side while fighting with bitter plums. His face was calm, and he seemed that he had been ready for it. At this time, he couldn't help praising: "There are really some ways to bind the divine guard!"

"I'm here to learn!" With the words, the old Ge shirt, who had been guarding the north among the four national masters, flew to the palm of his hand with a single knife. He was short, and this pounce was almost close to the feet of a group of guards. The knife burst out, and in a blink of an eye, he cut a knife to each of the four people to bind the guards, but the formation formed and he was confident. Two of the four people cut off the attack of the old man with a long sword, and the other two guard Fight quickly, everyone heard the sound of swords intersecting as dense as hemp. Although the divine guard is bound to advance and retreat, the old man Geshan also attacked and defended for a while. Heggis postponed the offensive and looked this way, and even the old man in red and Kumei shared some energy to pay attention to the competition.

Only then did I finally have the opportunity to come to Su Jing's side. I saw that she frowned slightly and turned pale. I couldn't help but be concerned and said, "How are you?"

Su Jing looked at Kumei and said with some regret, "Why are you here?"

I smiled and said, "I'm so beautiful and tender that the room is not even round, of course I want to come!"

My answer seemed to have been expected by Su Jing. She sighed slightly and said, "If we are completely destroyed today, you are the double sinner of the Hong Lie Empire and the Daughter Kingdom!"

I was stunned for a moment, and then understood what she meant: If I don't take the risk, then there will be at least one sword god in the federal continent, but according to the current situation, we may not be able to go back.

I pretended to be indifferent and said, "Aren't we all rushing out?"

Su Jing said, "But don't forget where we are. I'm like a useless person now. You don't have a good sword spirit. Qin Yiwu doesn't need much. You just need to send 10,000 cavalry. None of us can leave here!" She then asked, "How did you and my master find it here?"

Then I said straightly, "Someone sent a letter over there, saying that you were ambushed.

"Who? Could it be the trick of Haggis?

"I don't know yet. The letter also said that he already knew that I was not Stitch."

Su Jing shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's a trick or not. Binding the divine guard has suffered a lot of losses. It seems that we are going to die here today."

The first time I saw Su Jing so depressed, I knew that what she said was true. I couldn't help asking, "Can you still fly?"

Su Jing smiled bitterly and said, "What do you think?" Why didn't you run when you were in ambush?

Su Jing said, "I can't see death when I come with the bound god guard. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be self-defeating in the end, which makes people laugh."

His last sentence happened to be heard by Huang Yifei. Huang Yifei said solemnly, "Su Jian's words are heavy. Let's bind Shenwei forever feel grandiful!"

I looked back at the big pit and sighed, "Then you don't have to jump into the pit by yourself, do you?"

Huang Yifei said, "I'm ashamed that this is a trap deliberately set by Heijis. We spies all the way. We thought this was Ma Jiming's temporary palace, but we didn't expect the surface to suddenly collapse. It seems that Heggis also made a lot of effort to set up this organ." I suddenly thought of a question: "I asked your source before, and you said it was absolutely reliable. It's still a question for anyone to fall into our hands."

Huang Yifei said sadly, "It's too late to say anything now." He took a look at the four men who were fighting with the old Ge Shan and said, "At present, the only wish is to get rid of one of them, which is a good thing to die."

At this time, my intuition warmed my palm. It turned out that Su Jing grabbed my palm, and there was a soft voice in my ear: "Xiaolong..."

My heart moved and said, "What's wrong?"

Su Jing whispered, "In the end, I still implicated you."

I wanted to play haha, but Su Jing stopped me: "In the past, I always used to use the people of the federal continent to move you. In fact, I know that I am the only one in the whole federal continent who owes you. If it weren't for me, you don't have to..."

I pinched her hand and said, "Don't say that. If it hadn't been for you and opened an inn by the railway station, I wouldn't have seen my mother."

Su Jing bowed his head and said, "I owe you mother and son. I'm afraid it's not clear in this life. If there is an afterlife, I'd rather." Speaking of this, her voice was getting lower and lower. I was listening attentively, but the next second someone shouted: "Brother Cang, don't panic However, Wei Wuji saw that the old man Ge Shan couldn't fight for a long time and came to join the regiment. I didn't hear what Su Jing said later and asked her again. She was silent.

I stared at Wei Wuji and said with hatred, "We surnamed Wei are dead enemies!"

Wei Wuji is known as a helper in the battle, but in fact it is like a sneak attack. The old man Ge Shan and the four bound god guards fought in two directions. Wei Wuji's ghost generally rushed behind one of the stick-bound god guards. While he shouted, his left foot had already stolen the man's lower plate. The man turned sideways and flirted with Wei Wuji's shoulder with his stick, but in this way, the original extremely tacit four-person formation was suddenly messy. At this time, the old Ge Shan was wearing a single knife on the sword of the first person on the far right, and the other two bound guards should step back. If the person who made the stick Inserting a bar, the man was flawless, and the old man's knife of Ge Shan cut on the opponent's chest. Wei Wuji was originally a master of the swordsman. At this time, he also pressed his palm on the lower abdomen of the stick with his personal cultivation, and the bound guard was disintegrated in an instant. Wei Wuji was cheap Then he turned his palm into a finger and inserted five holes in the top of another guard's head, which was as vicious as what he had done in the palace in the past.

The old man of Nage shirt felt that he had lost light and only cut the skin of the other two divine guards with the tip of the knife. He stopped the knife and said to Wei Wuji with an unhappy face, "Why are you like this? I don't need you to relieve the siege yet." Then he held a single knife against the remaining two divine guards and said, "Let the two of you laugh. If there is a chance, let's try again." Wei Wuji asked for something boring and said, "What kind of martial arts morality do you talk about on the battlefield, either you die or I die?" The old man of Ge Shan said awe-inspiringly, "How can the swordsman fall into his identity?" Wei Wuji sneered and disdained. In fact, with the ability to bind the gods and guards, it will be a little difficult for a four-person array to fight against two sword masters, but it will never be defeated in a moment. If it hadn't been for Wei Wuji's sneak attack, he would have a very tricky opportunity to fight with the old man Ge Shan. Of course, it has to

Huang Yifei was heartbroken by the loss of the two guards. As we all know, only a group of four people can exert his power. The more than 100 people he brought this time were originally more than 20 groups, but more than half of them have been lost under the ambush of Hage. However, [true] real strength still needs to be given If only one person is injured or died, then this group has been reduced from the original level of enough to compete with the sword god and the sword saint to three ordinary masters. In the end, there are only five groups left to be well-established. Wei Wuji did so, and the strength of binding the god guard has been reduced by another fifth. Now only four groups are barely able Tired and tired...

The nose flew and said with a frustrated face, "The famous bound guard in the world didn't expect that once it was destroyed by my hand like this, I would no longer have the face to see the Holy Master and the Water Ink Master... The four captains of Huang Luo and Liu Jiang would obey the order!"

Four people stood up in the series of bondage guards and bowed and said, "Yes!"

Huang Yifei said astringently, "I order you to try your best to protect the two sword gods from breaking through. There must be no mistake!"

The four captains looked at each other and said together, "What about you, deputy commander?"

Huang Yifei smiled bitterly and said, "What else do I have to do in the world? I can only ask to die in battle to thank the emperor for his kindness."

It seems that these four captains are the last four groups of people bound to the divine guard. Huang Yifei's words are indeed as dead. The four captains were shocked when they heard the words and knelt down together: "Deputy commander!"

Huang Yifei said angrily, "Don't be mother-in-law. If you can keep the two sword gods, it's your first skill. If you can't..." Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and said, "If you can't, don't blame you. Let's see you again

When I heard this, I was angry and funny. I pointed to the camp of Haggis opposite and said, "Lao Huang, do you think the people of Haggis are all paper? They have worked so hard to attract us so easily to let you break through again?

At this time, Kumei and the old man in red were still struggling. The soldiers of Haggis stood opposite us. Although they no longer set off arrows, it was obvious that they did not want to fight with us anymore. At this moment, we suddenly felt the sound of horses' hoofs from all directions at the same time. I don't know how many soldiers and horses were marching this way, and the ground shook slightly. In a short time, a flag of Hegis appeared directly opposite us in the darkness. With a slight stroke, there were no less than 10,000 cavalry, and then they What Su Jing was worried about finally happened. When we were exhausted, Qin Yiwu's cavalry arrived!

I smiled weakly and said to Huang Yifei, "It seems that even if it's paper, we can't kill it." Everyone is a veteran of leading soldiers for a long time. It can be judged at a glance that there are no less than 10,000 enemies in each direction, and less than 50 wounded soldiers are against 40,000 to 50,000 cavalry. Although we have two sword gods and one sword saint, two sword gods are bloodless and blue sword god, and one sword saint is a sword saint who relies on equipment to carry The result is self-evident.

The old man in red waved his palm to force the bitter plum and shouted, "Let's stop!"

Kumei also knew that it was meaningless to fight again. She retreated to Su Jing and me. Her nose was full of sweat and the ups and downs of her chest, and her eyes came out. There was a sign of fighting for a long time, but she stood still and cursed in a low voice. The old nun's fierceness was all

The old man in red stood with his hands on his back as if nothing had happened. He looked at us coldly and said in a low voice, "The victory or defeat has been decided. You'd better accept your fate."

Fwent thousand Black Regis cavalry surrounded us in the middle, but no one spoke. Only the occasional Mas sound returned to the Gobi. The atmosphere condensed for a moment. We all knew that as long as the other party launched an attack, we would be trampled into meat mud in an instant. The old man in red said that the victory or defeat was not

Huang Yifei's eyes were congested, and he pointed to the old man in red and said, "If you have the ability to fight alone, will Heggis only win with more people?" He saw that the bondage guard that Hong Lie worked hard to create was about to be destroyed. Each of his subordinates was an elite who had been selected and trained for many years. At this time, he was afraid that the dragon trapped shallows could only die in the hands of unknown people in the end. These two words were extremely unwilling.

The old man in red said indifferently, "You bumped into it yourself. Will the Hong Lie Empire treat the assassins with courtesy? What's more, if you fight alone, it's not necessarily glorious to bind the divine guard.

Huang Yifei's speech was stagnant.

The old man in red turned to me and said, "Shi Jianshen, do you have anything to say?"

I secretly tightened Su Jing's little hand and said with a smile, "What do you want me to say? You can't wait to write down my practice, can you? Besides, I don't have any mind."

The old man in red nodded and said, "It's a sigh that a generation of sword gods died. Although it is the blessing of my Hegis, it is a regret for us martial arts people."

Wei Wuji stood beside Zhu Ye and couldn't help whispering. At this time, he said coldly, "He may not be surnamed Shi!" division............

At the beginning of the month, I still ask for a monthly ticket. Attitude determines everything.