the first house in history

Chapter 29 Anecdotes of moving the capital

I got to know Emperor Xian of Han and became friends again and again. While I continued to search for good things in Luoyang City, I came to comfort Liu Xie and make him something delicious.

McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Qianlixiang, hot dry noodles have been tasted enough for Liu Xie. Because life was relatively moist, Emperor Xian of Han began to be a little fat. I stopped as soon as I saw something was wrong and told him that in the near future, there would be a big hero on a white horse to pick him up from the city.

"You mean Lv Bu?" Liu Xie is still thinking about the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms.

I shook my head: "Lv Bu rides a red rabbit."

"Is it Yuan Shao, the third prince of the fourth generation, who is also a loyal minister of the Great Han Dynasty." Emperor Xian of Han thought of another one.

"He is not so conscious." When it comes to Yuan Shao, I'm sorry for this comrade. Lang's concubine didn't mean to eat the fat he got, so he had to sweep Liu Xie's pleasure. "Your Majesty, you don't have to guess who it will come."

"It's just that the emperor should think clearly about whether to accept it or not." I think the future history is too cruel, and I can't help saying a few more words, "He will bring you delicious food and provide a magnificent palace, but he will restrain your freedom and trap you like a caged bird and beast."

Emperor Xian of Han was very worried when he heard this. I don't know if this is a change of history, but a few days later, news came from outside the city that Xu Chang and Cao Cao Cao came to welcome Emperor Xian.

Several old ministers around Liu Xie discussed for a long time. First, they wanted to confirm whether Cao Cao had any intention or not, and then it took a long time to put Cao Ayi into the city.

At that time, I stayed on the wall and saw a short and capable middle-aged man riding a tall horse, holding a hot broth, and hurried into the city.

This tube must be the legendary white-faced treacherous minister Cao Cao. I think he is still very heroic, that is, the short point.

Cao Cao came here very piously and personally went to see Emperor Xian with broth. He probably also wanted to touch the little emperor who was not full of food.

Liu Xie was not his brother Liu Wei. When he saw Cao Cao's meeting, he was moved by it, and he did not lose the courtesy of the emperor and minister.

"Cao Aiqing is flat." While making Cao stand up and reply, he sighed like an adult, "I really didn't expect that Cao Aiqing would be the first to come."

"My emperor is relieved, and Weichen is only dedicated to the big man. I have to hear that the emperor has returned to Luoyang. He came to meet him on a starry night. The road is far away, and it is inevitable to neglect. I hope the emperor will be relieved."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, a little boy, knew Cao Cao's polite words, and really regarded him as a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. He immediately waved his hand: "Cao Aiqing's words are serious, that... are you holding broth, right?"

Cao Cao smiled and held him forward: "Your Majesty, this is the fresh and fat broth."

Liu Xie's expression at that time was complicated, and he was abused in Dong Zhuo's hands. Not to mention what it was like holding the hot broth, he was speechless for a long time.

Cao Cao's eyes showed cunning eyes at this time, but I really saw it clearly. You are a dark old thief, it's time to use a three-inch tongue to lobby Liu Xie to move the capital.

Sure enough, after Cao sent delicious food to Liu Xie and this class of ministers, he began to change the topic: "Your Majesty, Luoyang has been burned to pieces by Dong Thieves. It is really difficult to be the capital again. Weichen boldly proposed to move to Xuchang."

"Xu Chang!" Someone immediately objected. Cao Cao's intention was too obvious. To move to his territory was obviously to blackmail the emperor to order the princes.

Unfortunately, the strong Ma Zhuang of the family had been prepared for a long time. Immediately, the old and weak soldiers guarding the city came to report that there were cavalry pressure from the city gate, which was suspected to be Cao Cao's Qingzhou soldiers.

The ministers who relaxed their vigilance were dumbfounded. Cao Cao saluted first and then soldiers. After saying the polite words, it was time to force the palace.

An old minister who was about to enter the ground angrily pointed to Cao Ahi and said, "Cao Mengde, you are very rebellious. You are committing chaos." Before he finished speaking, he was pushed to the corner of the wall to eat mud by his cronies brought by Cao Cao.

Other people were originally passionate, but they were so scared that they didn't dare to say much. Someone pulled the young Liu Xie and began to persuade him to move the capital. Liu Xie had no choice but to look left and right in the crowd. He was probably looking for me. By the way, he missed McDonald's and Han Coke, which he could no longer eat in the future.

I saw the aggrieved appearance of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and said that this did not bully people. I waved my hand and sent the thousands of soldiers and horses outside Cao Cao City to another world.

Cao comforted Liu Xie hypocritically: "I am worried about your majesty's safety and specially sent heavy troops to protect your majesty. Your majesty must not think too much." Unexpectedly, before a smiling face appeared, his subordinates came to inform him that his Qingzhou soldiers had disappeared.

"What did you say is missing? Did God blow them away?" Old Cao took the man's neck and couldn't wait to give him two mouths.

I took the opportunity to rush to Emperor Xian and told him, "The opportunity has come. You have to negotiate quickly."

"What are the terms?" Liu Xie looked confused and looked at the bowl of soup just now.

I lay in his ear and whispered, "You just want Cao Cao to build a palace for you, which is bigger than Luoyang's, and you are also responsible for all expenses, including those ministers around you, and recruit a royal army for you, which I will train you personally, otherwise you won't live in the palace, live in Cao's house, and harass his underage daughter every day. "

"This?" Liu Xie has a difficult face. After all, he is a knowledgeable and reasonable person. "It's not suitable."

I had to sigh: "The opportunity is in front of me, otherwise no one will regret it."

At this time, Cao Cao had already reacted. Seeing someone pestering Liu Xie whispering, he quickly ordered someone to pull me away. Unfortunately, my Yue's family did not practice for nothing and directly threw the man out two feet away.

"Oh!" Cao Cao rolled his eyes and didn't expect that there would be such a master around Emperor Xian.

I pulled Liu Xie to embolden him. I said to myself that you are also tough today. Liu Xie is a gentleman after all. He didn't dare to tell the truth. He only said, "Cao Aiqing, I have entrusted everything to you here. My ministers have suffered a lot. I hope you don't live up to me."

Cao Cao frowned and had to agree: "Your Highness, don't worry. I'm here to relieve your worries."

I saw that Liu Xie was powerless and simply came on the stage by himself: "I said Meng De, you can't talk big. I know how you fooled your uncle when you were a child."

"Oh!" Cao Cao rolled his eyes again and probably wanted to stride me to death. "What is this little brother's position? Forgive Cao's clumsy eyes, how can he never see him?"

Of course, you can't have seen me, unless you also traveled through time. I casually made up a name: "I'm the emperor's new imperial guard with a knife, and I'm the one who gave me the nickname of the little white dragon in the wave."

Cao Cao opened his eyes and looked me up and down. He probably felt that I was really not like a "white dragon". I ignored him and only said, "The emperor's relocation is a big deal. General Cao must be careful." I mean, if you give more benefits, a few bowls of soup and a few cakes, you want to buy the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. How can it be such a cheap thing?

Cao Cao laughed: "Brother, what you said is very good. Meng De must be a grand thing." So he respectfully bowed to Liu Xie.

Liu Xie looked at me and waved slowly to Cao Cao: "Aiqing is flat."

I looked at the two people's eyebrows and couldn't stop them, so I shouted at the top of my voice, "Get up!"